Izabella Mária Bakos PhD | Szent István University (original) (raw)
Papers by Izabella Mária Bakos PhD
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innova... more Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innovative, opening up to digital and sustainable trends. These trends include school-based independent farms and point-of-sale systems. While not all of the 61 vocational secondary schools in the new umbrella organisation (Agricultural Training Centres) set up by the Ministry of Agriculture are farms, our sample includes three institutions that are engaged in this type of activity. In our sampling procedure, the selection of the study population was determined by the proximity of the school to the area within our reach (max. 100 km, but in a different county) and by our personal knowledge of the head of the institution, whose willing and supportive cooperation formed the basis of our research. The 210 students in our non-representative sample were from a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county institution, 114 from a Bács-Kiskun county institution and 36 from a Csongrád county institution, making a total of 360 students. In the context of multifunctionality and sustainable education, there are many educational and pedagogical goals for such a self-driven phenomenon. Based on our empirical researches, we believe that the education system has an important role and responsibility in educating our young people to become conscious and environmentally friendly consumers, and in this spirit we have developed a proposal for an action plan (Student Enterprise Project) that could complement the agricultural practice activities in a way that is sustainable and self-development-oriented, and of course in a form that can be adapted to school.
Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innova... more Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innovative, opening up to digital and sustainable trends. These trends include school-based independent farms and point-of-sale systems. While not all of the 61 vocational secondary schools in the new umbrella organisation (Agricultural Training Centres) set up by the Ministry of Agriculture are farms, our sample includes three institutions that are engaged in this type of activity. In our sampling procedure, the selection of the study population was determined by the proximity of the school to the area within our reach (max. 100 km, but in a different county) and by our personal knowledge of the head of the institution, whose willing and supportive cooperation formed the basis of our research. The 210 students in our non-representative sample were from a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county institution, 114 from a Bács-Kiskun county institution and 36 from a Csongrád county institution, making a total of 360 students. In the context of multifunctionality and sustainable education, there are many educational and pedagogical goals for such a self-driven phenomenon. Based on our empirical researches, we believe that the education system has an important role and responsibility in educating our young people to become conscious and environmentally friendly consumers, and in this spirit we have developed a proposal for an action plan (Student Enterprise Project) that could complement the agricultural practice activities in a way that is sustainable and self-development-oriented, and of course in a form that can be adapted to school.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Visitor management is a vital aspect of destination management, and several ways are used to bala... more Visitor management is a vital aspect of destination management, and several ways are used to balance conservation goals and tourist satisfaction. In this regard, nature interpretation has been used to achieve this delicate balance of conservation and tourist satisfaction. Various nature interpretation approaches have been used, with each strategy having differing expense, knowledge, and human resource requirements. Indeed, advancement and extensive usage of cellphones and the internet present new opportunities to be exploited for smart nature interpretation practicalities. Thus, this study attempted to evaluate the potential for using mobile Applications for environmental interpretation in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve. 570 people were surveyed, including 413 tourists and 157 tour guides. The study indicated that while nature (plants and animals) draws people to the reserve, other elements of the suggested Mobile Application are crucial. Correlational statistics revealed t...
Az utóbbi években a még nem felnőtt, de már nem is gyermek fiatalok bár még függnek szüleiktől, m... more Az utóbbi években a még nem felnőtt, de már nem is gyermek fiatalok bár még függnek szüleiktől, mégis számos önálló és sokszínű fogyasztói igényekkel és döntésekkel rendelkező fogyasztói csoportot képeznek. Tanulmányunkban ennek a mondhatni speciális szegmensnek a táplálkozási szokásait vettük górcső alá. Fókuszcsoportos vizsgálatunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy a román és erdélyi fiatalok étkezési kultúrája, milyen hasonlóságokat illetve különbségeket mutat, valamint hogy az erdélyi gasztronómia mennyire őrizte meg magyaros jellegét és milyen mértékben épültek be a román étkezési hagyományok. Lehet-e külön fogyasztói szegmensként kezelni az erdélyi magyarokat, vagy elegendő, ha "egy kalap alá vesszük" őket a román fogyasztókkal. Bemutatásra kerültek a fiatalok otthoni és házon kívüli étkezési szokásai, az élelmiszerfogyasztásukat befolyásoló tényezők, kedvenc élelmiszermárkáik és az egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos attitűdjeik. --------------------------------...
Magyarország és Románia számára a vidékfejlesztési programok lehetőséget adnak a vidéki térségeik... more Magyarország és Románia számára a vidékfejlesztési programok lehetőséget adnak a vidéki térségeik gazdasági, társadalmi és környezeti problémáinak a mérséklésére, melyekre csupán belső forrásokból nem lennének képesek. Felvetődik a kérdés, hogy mennyire tudtak/tudnak hatékonyan élni ezzel az eséllyel. Kutatásunkban célul tűztük ki a két szomszédos ország 2007-2013-as vidékfejlesztési programjának és a programozási időszakon belül megvalósult pályázási sajátosságainak az értékelését. Szekunder kutatásunkban pályázati aktivitásukat statisztikai módszerek segítségével elemeztük. Vizsgáltuk, hogy az egyes régiókra milyen jellegű és összegű támogatások voltak jellemzőek és hogy a pályázási kedv összefüggésben van-e a térségek gazdasági-társadalmi helyzetével. Összegezve elmondható, hogy Románia és Magyarország nem használta ki teljes mértékben az Európai Uniós vidékfejlesztési forrásokat. A romániai LEADER akciócsoprtok életében az elmúlt időszak a tanulási és tapasztalatszerzési időszak...
TAYLOR, 2016
The economic growth depend on the capital stock, on the workforce and on the productivity. The la... more The economic growth depend on the capital stock, on the workforce and on the productivity. The latter is highly influenced by human capital and by health status. The European Union recognizes that investing in human capital contributes to increased productivity and the health, such as the most important components of human capital has an impact on economic performance. Bloom and Canning (2005) estimates that one percentage point increase in the survival rate leads to a 2.8% increase in labor productivity. The international comparisons and experience have shown that among economic competitiveness, quality of health services and the labor force and the (public) health condition of the individual countries can be observed a strong correlation. In this study I examines these phenomena with primary and secondary research methods. Furthermore I examine the health effects on the economy and labor market participation based on an online small sample questionnaire results.
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019
As a result of concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade and the str... more As a result of concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade and the stronger presence of health conscious consumer behaviour, governments and groups of conscious consumers worldwide are increasingly focusing on the promotion and development of local food systems and small-scale retail chains and the production of quality local food products to promote the market. In our paper, we would like to give an overview of community-led alternative types of local food systems, with particular attention to shopping community-type consumer and consumer communities. We also describe the main results of our primary research in the population and the shopping community. During the questionnaire we revealed general consumer behaviour and the demand and attitude of local food, the popularity of the customer communities in the settlement of the respondents. In the survey conducted among members of the consumer community, we looked at the analytical areas designated as a targ...
Cukurova 9th International Scientific Researches Conference, 2022
The state of renewable energy is one of the most topical issues that affect almost everyone indir... more The state of renewable energy is one of the most topical issues that affect almost everyone indirectly. In the 21st century, humanity is returning to greater use of natural and sustainable energy sources. One of the critical questions is the level of access to and use of environmental elements and natural resources, including soil, water, air quality, and energy. Therefore, the success of energy use in a country with such natural resources as Hungary depends on its ability to replace the traditional economic model based on energy resources with an alternative economic model based on environmental elements. The circular economy and sustainability aspects are also crucial for future generations. These include energy efficiency, environmental awareness and greater use of renewable energy sources. Suppose these critical areas are integrated as a typical cross-section. In this regard, it is clear that, when integrated into a coherent economic model, they provide clear answers to questions such as how we will deal with global climate change, sustainable growth, the global energy crisis and changes in fossil fuel prices. In this study, we present the changes in the use of renewable energies in Hungary, focusing on the current solar energy and biomass situation. We also aimed to examine the renewable energy aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly relevant to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The study’s preliminary results show that the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption in Hungary increased significantly from 4.4% to 11.9% from 2005-2020. Within this share, the use of solar energy was 0.3% in 2012, rising to 44.5% in 2020. In contrast, biomass has decreased from 50.4% to 30.1% over the same period, raising several further research questions.
Cukurova 9th International Scientific Researches Conference, 2022
Local food systems based on consumer and producer cooperation have/can positively affect the loca... more Local food systems based on consumer and producer cooperation have/can positively affect the local economy and community. We aim to present some good practices in this field in our study. Several scientific studies have examined the positive effects of farming on community quality of life, but the role of communities in supporting local agriculture has received little attention. Most international and Hungarian literature thinks that the local economy's actors are the basis of sustainable development. This aspect of the problems of the 21st century was already dealt with in the document entitled "Local Agenda 21", born as a result of the Rio Conference in 1992, which outlined the aspects and concrete steps that can be taken into account to implement measures that ensure socially and environmentally sustainable development. It was based on a broad international consensus, as 179 countries indicated their agreement with the contents of the document by signing it. It defines the preparation of a local sustainability program as a general goal, which is realised with the municipality's active participation and the population's support. In our research, it was a cardinal question to examine how the interviewees relate to locally produced food and how important the consumption of these foods is to them in terms of their consumer behaviour. High-added-value products from local and nearby producers can be purchased in customer communities; therefore, from the point of view of exploring their expansion/development possibilities, it is necessary to know whether there is a demand/need for these products among consumers.
Acta Carolus Robertus, 2011
Szekunder kutatasunk kereteben a magyar es roman elelmiszerfogyasztas jelenlegi es varhato tenden... more Szekunder kutatasunk kereteben a magyar es roman elelmiszerfogyasztas jelenlegi es varhato tendenciainak a feltarasara torekedtunk. Korrelacios vizsgalatunk eredmenyei szerint az elelmiszerarak alig, a realjovedelmek viszont nagymertekben meghatarozzak az alapvető elelmiszerek keresletet mind a hazai, mind pedig a roman fogyasztok koreben. A roman elelmiszerfogyasztast a realjovedelmek mellett a tradicionalis vallasi es gasztronomiai hagyomanyok is jelentősen befolyasoljak. Trendszamitasunk eredmenyei alapjan, Magyarorszagon a gyumolcs- es burgonyafogyasztas, Romaniaban pedig a hus- es tejtermekfogyasztas mennyisegi novekedesere lehet szamitani. Osszessegeben megallapithato, hogy a magyar es roman taplalkozas nem tul egeszseges, mivel a napi tapanyagbevitel joval az ajanlott szint felett van mindket orszagban. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Within the frame of our secondary research we were pursuing to explore the actual and expected tendency of the Hungarian and Romanian food consuming. Based on our correlation analisys we determined that the food prices have less impact on the basic food demand but especially the real income influences the needs both of the Hungarian and Romanian customers. Besides the real income the Romanian food consuming is strongly affected by the religious and gastronomic traditions. As of the results of our study an increase of the fruit and potato consuming in Hungary and the meat and milk consuming in Romania is to be expected. Overall, the diet is unhealthy in Hungary as well as in Romania as the daily nutriment intake is much below of the recommended quantity in both countries.
A magyar élelmiszer-gazdaságnak számos kihívással kell szembenéznie. Megítélésünk szerint az ipar... more A magyar élelmiszer-gazdaságnak számos kihívással kell szembenéznie. Megítélésünk szerint az iparág versenyképességének egyik lehetséges módja a teljesen új vagy még részben kiaknázatlan piaci rések felkutatása és egyedi igényeik magas hozzáadott értékű kiszolgálása. Ilyen potenciális, kisméretű szegmentumoknak tekintjük a Partiumban élőket, ezért célul tűztük ki a magyar és a partiumi középiskolások élelmiszerfogyasztói magatartásának vizsgálatát. Kitértünk a táplálkozásukat befolyásoló tényezőkre, étkezéseik rendszerességére és minőségére, az egyes élelmiszerek és italok fogyasztási gyakoriságára, a házon kívüli étkezési szokásaikra és az egészséges táplálkozáshoz való viszonyulásukra. Végül annak feltárására törekedtünk, hogy az egyes demográfiai jellemzők milyen mértékben determinálják a fiatalok étkezési szokásait és hogy érdemes-e őket etnikai tulajdonságaik alapján szegmentálni. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Hungarian food industry has to f...
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual tru...
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual tru...
Romanian Review of Regional Studies, 2017
This study is focused on the necessity of the development and the formation of "net-bag"... more This study is focused on the necessity of the development and the formation of "net-bag" type local food systems and presents partial results of my surveys analyzing the consumer attitudes to local Hungarian foods, as well as the reputation of consumer communities. The enhancement of the conscious food consumer needs, simultaneously with the dilemmas of the sustainability of the current food supply systems and the fact that retailers are pushed into the background have aroused my research interest. During the survey, I conducted a questionnaire with the consumers in four towns where consumer communities had already existed, namely Kecskemét, Esztergom, Érd, and Csömör by involving 54 students (sophomores of BA in Rural Development and Agribusiness at Szent István University in Gödöllő, Hungary). The aim of the research was to demonstrate how the consumers in the urban and rural places with different territorial and demographic characteristics are related to locally made fo...
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
In our study we highlight the potential role of alternative food systems in local economic and co... more In our study we highlight the potential role of alternative food systems in local economic and community development through connecting literatures and good examples. We are focusing on a special short food supply chain form, named "buying groups". These sales channels are an alternative and innovative type of Community Supported Agriculture. Buying groups are grassroots initiatives that support local food production and sales. Farmers and their buyers are a community, so that cooperation is beneficial to both the producer and the consumer. The primary advantage of the producer is that it can build up a direct and long-term relationship with its customers, locally sell its quality products, so it can operate cost-effectively and optimally. The consumers' advantage is that they are able to acquire food from healthy and safe sources, contributing to the preservation of their health and the development of the local economy. These good practices can fundamentally reform the increasingly globalizing consumer behaviour, strengthen identity and community spirit. Buying groups are still in their infancy in our country but have latent potential for stimulating many local economies and tourism. We would like to give an overview of the main results of our primary research conducted among members of Hungarian Alternative Food Buying Groups. In order to explore the sociometrics and lifestyles of communities, we revealed general consumer behaviour, the consumer types based on food buying behaviour, the demand and attitude of local food by using questionnaire survey.
Nature interpretation has been advocated as a soft and non-obtrusive on-site visitor management s... more Nature interpretation has been advocated as a soft and non-obtrusive on-site visitor management strategy to enhance visitor knowledge and understanding of the resource, mitigate visitor impacts, encourage the conservation and improvement of attraction areas, and assist visitors in enjoying their visit. However, the way in which nature interpretation programs are implemented, and the subsequent attitudes created amongst visitors can pose a challenge to the effectiveness of nature interpretation as a visitor management strategy. The situation becomes more complicated with limited resources to implement, monitor, and evaluate nature interpretation in expansive wilderness areas like Masai Mara National Reserve (MMNR). The question therefore is, does nature interpretation in MMNR create favourable attitudes amongst wildlife tourists, consequently leading to enhanced visitor experiences and satisfaction of the support for conservations, or not? This research, therefore, sought to establis...
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
For a long time it has been a well-known and proven fact that economic growth of a country contri... more For a long time it has been a well-known and proven fact that economic growth of a country contributes to improvement of the health status of population. There is at the same time another type of opposite relationship starting from health status and pointing to the performance of economy. In our study, besides giving a general presentation of the health situation in Hungary, we examined the direction and strength of the relations between health and economic indicators and the inequalities that can be identified between the different regions with help of statistical methods. Another objective of the study was to examine the factors influencing mortality, and to develop a multiple linear regression equation to estimate the degree of mortality at a confidence interval of 95%. The results could provide a good basis to determine the intervention points necessary to alleviate and improve the economic burden of bad health status and diseases.
Columella : Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Hungary and Romania rely on rural development support programs in order to alleviate the economic... more Hungary and Romania rely on rural development support programs in order to alleviate the economic, social and environmental problems of rural areas, which would not be possible using only internal resources. It is worthwhile to analyse the results of these programs and their benefits for the recipient countries. The purpose of the study is to examine the 2007-2013 rural development programs in these two neighbouring countries, together with the application patterns relevant in this programming period. In the secondary research statistical methods are used to analyse the amount of support specific for the given regions and assess whether application activity is in line with the economic and social situation of these regions. In summary, Romania and Hungary have not exploited EU rural development resources fully. In the case of Romania, it made possible for LEADER action groups to learn and acquire experience and they have had significantly less latitude than member states with more experience with the program. The program resulted in the deepening of rural development cooperation between Romania and Hungary and the implementation of a large number of joint projects between 2007-2013.
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, 2016
It is a general socio-political objective of the mid- and long term food industry development str... more It is a general socio-political objective of the mid- and long term food industry development strategy of Hungary to promote healthy food production and consumption. The realization of the strategy of the domestic food industry increasingly promotes healthy eating, for example consuming natural, domestic, fresh ingredients, prepared foods, in order to improve the overall health of the population (EFS, 2014-2020). Our study presents the regional tendencies of staple food consumption in Hungarian regions and the changes in indicators reflecting the health status of the population. Furthermore, our hypothesis states that there is a statistically provable correlation between the annual food consumption of Hungarian households per capita and the health status, on regional level.
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual trust and mutual responsibility), a direct sales channel, in such a way that cooperation is also beneficial to the producer and the consumer. The producer is in an advantageous position as he can form a direct and long-term relationship with his consumers selling his high-quality products locally consequently he can work in a cost-effective and optimal way. However, the advantage of the consumer is that he can obtain healthy foods from reliable sources contributing to the maintenance of his health respectively to the development of local economy.
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innova... more Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innovative, opening up to digital and sustainable trends. These trends include school-based independent farms and point-of-sale systems. While not all of the 61 vocational secondary schools in the new umbrella organisation (Agricultural Training Centres) set up by the Ministry of Agriculture are farms, our sample includes three institutions that are engaged in this type of activity. In our sampling procedure, the selection of the study population was determined by the proximity of the school to the area within our reach (max. 100 km, but in a different county) and by our personal knowledge of the head of the institution, whose willing and supportive cooperation formed the basis of our research. The 210 students in our non-representative sample were from a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county institution, 114 from a Bács-Kiskun county institution and 36 from a Csongrád county institution, making a total of 360 students. In the context of multifunctionality and sustainable education, there are many educational and pedagogical goals for such a self-driven phenomenon. Based on our empirical researches, we believe that the education system has an important role and responsibility in educating our young people to become conscious and environmentally friendly consumers, and in this spirit we have developed a proposal for an action plan (Student Enterprise Project) that could complement the agricultural practice activities in a way that is sustainable and self-development-oriented, and of course in a form that can be adapted to school.
Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innova... more Hungary has a long agricultural tradition, but in recent years it has become more and more innovative, opening up to digital and sustainable trends. These trends include school-based independent farms and point-of-sale systems. While not all of the 61 vocational secondary schools in the new umbrella organisation (Agricultural Training Centres) set up by the Ministry of Agriculture are farms, our sample includes three institutions that are engaged in this type of activity. In our sampling procedure, the selection of the study population was determined by the proximity of the school to the area within our reach (max. 100 km, but in a different county) and by our personal knowledge of the head of the institution, whose willing and supportive cooperation formed the basis of our research. The 210 students in our non-representative sample were from a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county institution, 114 from a Bács-Kiskun county institution and 36 from a Csongrád county institution, making a total of 360 students. In the context of multifunctionality and sustainable education, there are many educational and pedagogical goals for such a self-driven phenomenon. Based on our empirical researches, we believe that the education system has an important role and responsibility in educating our young people to become conscious and environmentally friendly consumers, and in this spirit we have developed a proposal for an action plan (Student Enterprise Project) that could complement the agricultural practice activities in a way that is sustainable and self-development-oriented, and of course in a form that can be adapted to school.
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Visitor management is a vital aspect of destination management, and several ways are used to bala... more Visitor management is a vital aspect of destination management, and several ways are used to balance conservation goals and tourist satisfaction. In this regard, nature interpretation has been used to achieve this delicate balance of conservation and tourist satisfaction. Various nature interpretation approaches have been used, with each strategy having differing expense, knowledge, and human resource requirements. Indeed, advancement and extensive usage of cellphones and the internet present new opportunities to be exploited for smart nature interpretation practicalities. Thus, this study attempted to evaluate the potential for using mobile Applications for environmental interpretation in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve. 570 people were surveyed, including 413 tourists and 157 tour guides. The study indicated that while nature (plants and animals) draws people to the reserve, other elements of the suggested Mobile Application are crucial. Correlational statistics revealed t...
Az utóbbi években a még nem felnőtt, de már nem is gyermek fiatalok bár még függnek szüleiktől, m... more Az utóbbi években a még nem felnőtt, de már nem is gyermek fiatalok bár még függnek szüleiktől, mégis számos önálló és sokszínű fogyasztói igényekkel és döntésekkel rendelkező fogyasztói csoportot képeznek. Tanulmányunkban ennek a mondhatni speciális szegmensnek a táplálkozási szokásait vettük górcső alá. Fókuszcsoportos vizsgálatunk során arra kerestük a választ, hogy a román és erdélyi fiatalok étkezési kultúrája, milyen hasonlóságokat illetve különbségeket mutat, valamint hogy az erdélyi gasztronómia mennyire őrizte meg magyaros jellegét és milyen mértékben épültek be a román étkezési hagyományok. Lehet-e külön fogyasztói szegmensként kezelni az erdélyi magyarokat, vagy elegendő, ha "egy kalap alá vesszük" őket a román fogyasztókkal. Bemutatásra kerültek a fiatalok otthoni és házon kívüli étkezési szokásai, az élelmiszerfogyasztásukat befolyásoló tényezők, kedvenc élelmiszermárkáik és az egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos attitűdjeik. --------------------------------...
Magyarország és Románia számára a vidékfejlesztési programok lehetőséget adnak a vidéki térségeik... more Magyarország és Románia számára a vidékfejlesztési programok lehetőséget adnak a vidéki térségeik gazdasági, társadalmi és környezeti problémáinak a mérséklésére, melyekre csupán belső forrásokból nem lennének képesek. Felvetődik a kérdés, hogy mennyire tudtak/tudnak hatékonyan élni ezzel az eséllyel. Kutatásunkban célul tűztük ki a két szomszédos ország 2007-2013-as vidékfejlesztési programjának és a programozási időszakon belül megvalósult pályázási sajátosságainak az értékelését. Szekunder kutatásunkban pályázati aktivitásukat statisztikai módszerek segítségével elemeztük. Vizsgáltuk, hogy az egyes régiókra milyen jellegű és összegű támogatások voltak jellemzőek és hogy a pályázási kedv összefüggésben van-e a térségek gazdasági-társadalmi helyzetével. Összegezve elmondható, hogy Románia és Magyarország nem használta ki teljes mértékben az Európai Uniós vidékfejlesztési forrásokat. A romániai LEADER akciócsoprtok életében az elmúlt időszak a tanulási és tapasztalatszerzési időszak...
TAYLOR, 2016
The economic growth depend on the capital stock, on the workforce and on the productivity. The la... more The economic growth depend on the capital stock, on the workforce and on the productivity. The latter is highly influenced by human capital and by health status. The European Union recognizes that investing in human capital contributes to increased productivity and the health, such as the most important components of human capital has an impact on economic performance. Bloom and Canning (2005) estimates that one percentage point increase in the survival rate leads to a 2.8% increase in labor productivity. The international comparisons and experience have shown that among economic competitiveness, quality of health services and the labor force and the (public) health condition of the individual countries can be observed a strong correlation. In this study I examines these phenomena with primary and secondary research methods. Furthermore I examine the health effects on the economy and labor market participation based on an online small sample questionnaire results.
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019
As a result of concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade and the str... more As a result of concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade and the stronger presence of health conscious consumer behaviour, governments and groups of conscious consumers worldwide are increasingly focusing on the promotion and development of local food systems and small-scale retail chains and the production of quality local food products to promote the market. In our paper, we would like to give an overview of community-led alternative types of local food systems, with particular attention to shopping community-type consumer and consumer communities. We also describe the main results of our primary research in the population and the shopping community. During the questionnaire we revealed general consumer behaviour and the demand and attitude of local food, the popularity of the customer communities in the settlement of the respondents. In the survey conducted among members of the consumer community, we looked at the analytical areas designated as a targ...
Cukurova 9th International Scientific Researches Conference, 2022
The state of renewable energy is one of the most topical issues that affect almost everyone indir... more The state of renewable energy is one of the most topical issues that affect almost everyone indirectly. In the 21st century, humanity is returning to greater use of natural and sustainable energy sources. One of the critical questions is the level of access to and use of environmental elements and natural resources, including soil, water, air quality, and energy. Therefore, the success of energy use in a country with such natural resources as Hungary depends on its ability to replace the traditional economic model based on energy resources with an alternative economic model based on environmental elements. The circular economy and sustainability aspects are also crucial for future generations. These include energy efficiency, environmental awareness and greater use of renewable energy sources. Suppose these critical areas are integrated as a typical cross-section. In this regard, it is clear that, when integrated into a coherent economic model, they provide clear answers to questions such as how we will deal with global climate change, sustainable growth, the global energy crisis and changes in fossil fuel prices. In this study, we present the changes in the use of renewable energies in Hungary, focusing on the current solar energy and biomass situation. We also aimed to examine the renewable energy aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly relevant to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The study’s preliminary results show that the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption in Hungary increased significantly from 4.4% to 11.9% from 2005-2020. Within this share, the use of solar energy was 0.3% in 2012, rising to 44.5% in 2020. In contrast, biomass has decreased from 50.4% to 30.1% over the same period, raising several further research questions.
Cukurova 9th International Scientific Researches Conference, 2022
Local food systems based on consumer and producer cooperation have/can positively affect the loca... more Local food systems based on consumer and producer cooperation have/can positively affect the local economy and community. We aim to present some good practices in this field in our study. Several scientific studies have examined the positive effects of farming on community quality of life, but the role of communities in supporting local agriculture has received little attention. Most international and Hungarian literature thinks that the local economy's actors are the basis of sustainable development. This aspect of the problems of the 21st century was already dealt with in the document entitled "Local Agenda 21", born as a result of the Rio Conference in 1992, which outlined the aspects and concrete steps that can be taken into account to implement measures that ensure socially and environmentally sustainable development. It was based on a broad international consensus, as 179 countries indicated their agreement with the contents of the document by signing it. It defines the preparation of a local sustainability program as a general goal, which is realised with the municipality's active participation and the population's support. In our research, it was a cardinal question to examine how the interviewees relate to locally produced food and how important the consumption of these foods is to them in terms of their consumer behaviour. High-added-value products from local and nearby producers can be purchased in customer communities; therefore, from the point of view of exploring their expansion/development possibilities, it is necessary to know whether there is a demand/need for these products among consumers.
Acta Carolus Robertus, 2011
Szekunder kutatasunk kereteben a magyar es roman elelmiszerfogyasztas jelenlegi es varhato tenden... more Szekunder kutatasunk kereteben a magyar es roman elelmiszerfogyasztas jelenlegi es varhato tendenciainak a feltarasara torekedtunk. Korrelacios vizsgalatunk eredmenyei szerint az elelmiszerarak alig, a realjovedelmek viszont nagymertekben meghatarozzak az alapvető elelmiszerek keresletet mind a hazai, mind pedig a roman fogyasztok koreben. A roman elelmiszerfogyasztast a realjovedelmek mellett a tradicionalis vallasi es gasztronomiai hagyomanyok is jelentősen befolyasoljak. Trendszamitasunk eredmenyei alapjan, Magyarorszagon a gyumolcs- es burgonyafogyasztas, Romaniaban pedig a hus- es tejtermekfogyasztas mennyisegi novekedesere lehet szamitani. Osszessegeben megallapithato, hogy a magyar es roman taplalkozas nem tul egeszseges, mivel a napi tapanyagbevitel joval az ajanlott szint felett van mindket orszagban. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Within the frame of our secondary research we were pursuing to explore the actual and expected tendency of the Hungarian and Romanian food consuming. Based on our correlation analisys we determined that the food prices have less impact on the basic food demand but especially the real income influences the needs both of the Hungarian and Romanian customers. Besides the real income the Romanian food consuming is strongly affected by the religious and gastronomic traditions. As of the results of our study an increase of the fruit and potato consuming in Hungary and the meat and milk consuming in Romania is to be expected. Overall, the diet is unhealthy in Hungary as well as in Romania as the daily nutriment intake is much below of the recommended quantity in both countries.
A magyar élelmiszer-gazdaságnak számos kihívással kell szembenéznie. Megítélésünk szerint az ipar... more A magyar élelmiszer-gazdaságnak számos kihívással kell szembenéznie. Megítélésünk szerint az iparág versenyképességének egyik lehetséges módja a teljesen új vagy még részben kiaknázatlan piaci rések felkutatása és egyedi igényeik magas hozzáadott értékű kiszolgálása. Ilyen potenciális, kisméretű szegmentumoknak tekintjük a Partiumban élőket, ezért célul tűztük ki a magyar és a partiumi középiskolások élelmiszerfogyasztói magatartásának vizsgálatát. Kitértünk a táplálkozásukat befolyásoló tényezőkre, étkezéseik rendszerességére és minőségére, az egyes élelmiszerek és italok fogyasztási gyakoriságára, a házon kívüli étkezési szokásaikra és az egészséges táplálkozáshoz való viszonyulásukra. Végül annak feltárására törekedtünk, hogy az egyes demográfiai jellemzők milyen mértékben determinálják a fiatalok étkezési szokásait és hogy érdemes-e őket etnikai tulajdonságaik alapján szegmentálni. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Hungarian food industry has to f...
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual tru...
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual tru...
Romanian Review of Regional Studies, 2017
This study is focused on the necessity of the development and the formation of "net-bag"... more This study is focused on the necessity of the development and the formation of "net-bag" type local food systems and presents partial results of my surveys analyzing the consumer attitudes to local Hungarian foods, as well as the reputation of consumer communities. The enhancement of the conscious food consumer needs, simultaneously with the dilemmas of the sustainability of the current food supply systems and the fact that retailers are pushed into the background have aroused my research interest. During the survey, I conducted a questionnaire with the consumers in four towns where consumer communities had already existed, namely Kecskemét, Esztergom, Érd, and Csömör by involving 54 students (sophomores of BA in Rural Development and Agribusiness at Szent István University in Gödöllő, Hungary). The aim of the research was to demonstrate how the consumers in the urban and rural places with different territorial and demographic characteristics are related to locally made fo...
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
In our study we highlight the potential role of alternative food systems in local economic and co... more In our study we highlight the potential role of alternative food systems in local economic and community development through connecting literatures and good examples. We are focusing on a special short food supply chain form, named "buying groups". These sales channels are an alternative and innovative type of Community Supported Agriculture. Buying groups are grassroots initiatives that support local food production and sales. Farmers and their buyers are a community, so that cooperation is beneficial to both the producer and the consumer. The primary advantage of the producer is that it can build up a direct and long-term relationship with its customers, locally sell its quality products, so it can operate cost-effectively and optimally. The consumers' advantage is that they are able to acquire food from healthy and safe sources, contributing to the preservation of their health and the development of the local economy. These good practices can fundamentally reform the increasingly globalizing consumer behaviour, strengthen identity and community spirit. Buying groups are still in their infancy in our country but have latent potential for stimulating many local economies and tourism. We would like to give an overview of the main results of our primary research conducted among members of Hungarian Alternative Food Buying Groups. In order to explore the sociometrics and lifestyles of communities, we revealed general consumer behaviour, the consumer types based on food buying behaviour, the demand and attitude of local food by using questionnaire survey.
Nature interpretation has been advocated as a soft and non-obtrusive on-site visitor management s... more Nature interpretation has been advocated as a soft and non-obtrusive on-site visitor management strategy to enhance visitor knowledge and understanding of the resource, mitigate visitor impacts, encourage the conservation and improvement of attraction areas, and assist visitors in enjoying their visit. However, the way in which nature interpretation programs are implemented, and the subsequent attitudes created amongst visitors can pose a challenge to the effectiveness of nature interpretation as a visitor management strategy. The situation becomes more complicated with limited resources to implement, monitor, and evaluate nature interpretation in expansive wilderness areas like Masai Mara National Reserve (MMNR). The question therefore is, does nature interpretation in MMNR create favourable attitudes amongst wildlife tourists, consequently leading to enhanced visitor experiences and satisfaction of the support for conservations, or not? This research, therefore, sought to establis...
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
For a long time it has been a well-known and proven fact that economic growth of a country contri... more For a long time it has been a well-known and proven fact that economic growth of a country contributes to improvement of the health status of population. There is at the same time another type of opposite relationship starting from health status and pointing to the performance of economy. In our study, besides giving a general presentation of the health situation in Hungary, we examined the direction and strength of the relations between health and economic indicators and the inequalities that can be identified between the different regions with help of statistical methods. Another objective of the study was to examine the factors influencing mortality, and to develop a multiple linear regression equation to estimate the degree of mortality at a confidence interval of 95%. The results could provide a good basis to determine the intervention points necessary to alleviate and improve the economic burden of bad health status and diseases.
Columella : Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Hungary and Romania rely on rural development support programs in order to alleviate the economic... more Hungary and Romania rely on rural development support programs in order to alleviate the economic, social and environmental problems of rural areas, which would not be possible using only internal resources. It is worthwhile to analyse the results of these programs and their benefits for the recipient countries. The purpose of the study is to examine the 2007-2013 rural development programs in these two neighbouring countries, together with the application patterns relevant in this programming period. In the secondary research statistical methods are used to analyse the amount of support specific for the given regions and assess whether application activity is in line with the economic and social situation of these regions. In summary, Romania and Hungary have not exploited EU rural development resources fully. In the case of Romania, it made possible for LEADER action groups to learn and acquire experience and they have had significantly less latitude than member states with more experience with the program. The program resulted in the deepening of rural development cooperation between Romania and Hungary and the implementation of a large number of joint projects between 2007-2013.
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development, 2016
It is a general socio-political objective of the mid- and long term food industry development str... more It is a general socio-political objective of the mid- and long term food industry development strategy of Hungary to promote healthy food production and consumption. The realization of the strategy of the domestic food industry increasingly promotes healthy eating, for example consuming natural, domestic, fresh ingredients, prepared foods, in order to improve the overall health of the population (EFS, 2014-2020). Our study presents the regional tendencies of staple food consumption in Hungarian regions and the changes in indicators reflecting the health status of the population. Furthermore, our hypothesis states that there is a statistically provable correlation between the annual food consumption of Hungarian households per capita and the health status, on regional level.
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the ... more Due to the concerns about the long-term sustainability of globalized retail trade as well as the more and more determining health-conscious food-consuming attitude the systems of government respectively the groups of conscious consumers all over the world put emphasis on the popularization and development of local food chains and small-scale supply chains simultaneously they connect the retailers producing highquality, local foods with the direct markets. In my study, I would like to present an overview of the development and current state of community supported agricultural systems on the international and Hungarian level and on the basis of the results of my questionnaire survey. I will indicate whether there are any demand for local food in Hungary and about how much the population of the six investigated settlements are familiar with it. Within this type of alternative local food systems, farmers and their buyers form a community based on social capital (co-operation, mutual trust and mutual responsibility), a direct sales channel, in such a way that cooperation is also beneficial to the producer and the consumer. The producer is in an advantageous position as he can form a direct and long-term relationship with his consumers selling his high-quality products locally consequently he can work in a cost-effective and optimal way. However, the advantage of the consumer is that he can obtain healthy foods from reliable sources contributing to the maintenance of his health respectively to the development of local economy.