DAY312 [渡英288日] 2021年2月6日(土): 査読結果,クラウン(The Crown),The Anchorのパエリア (original) (raw)



あと今更ながら英語の先生から勧められたNetflixのThe Crownを観始める。英語のサブタイトルを観ながら知らない単語や言い回しを中心に鑑賞。エリザベス女王の若いころからの話から始まり,英国君主制の様子と歴史を知るには恰好のドラマ。

早めの昼食をとった後,公園に散歩したところ息子の親友家族がおり,息子は大喜び。お互いの姿を見て駆け寄る姿とか,公園内で手をつないで遊ぶ様子は微笑ましい。相手の家族が昼食を食べていないので帰る際にも子供たちはもっと遊びたかったらしく寂しそうだった。息子が友達にcome hereと言う時の"here"が英国アクセントになっているのに驚いた。

夕方は近所の**Pub the Anchorが金曜・土曜・日曜限定でtake awayを始めた**ので,土曜日のパエリアを注文。まだ慣れていない感じはするが,分担して手際よく捌いていく。料理も店内ではなく,店外で大鍋で行い,その場で詰めている。COVID-19対策だろう。それにしてもThe Anchorの料理がだんだん多国籍になってきた。味は美味しいが,日本で食べるよりも米に火が通っている感じがするのと,油分が多い気がした。


The Anchor Paella(土のみ)写真を撮る前に取り分けてしまったのでご了承ください

I received a referee comment about my treatise. Though the result was a major revision, but judging from the contents, I thought it was a minor revision. However, as I wrote yesterday, I have two articles needed to peer review, three chapters for texts to write, and the VISA preparation, so it will be busy during February and March. Thinking of the situation, it will be better to get up at 2:30. (Today, I woke up at 2:30, but it took about 30 minutes to tidy dishes up and prepare for the breakfast).

Also, I started to watch Netflix "Crown", my English teacher recommended. Watching with English subtitles, I studied unknown words and phrases. This drama dealt with young queen Elizabeth and The British monarch, so it was good to know British history.
When we went to the park after early lunch, we found the family, their son is my son's best friend, so my son was thrilled to meet him. I was delighted to see them running up and running hand in hand. Kids seemed to be sad because they wanted to play more when they went home to eat lunch.

In the evening, the Anchor started to deliver to take away on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so we ordered a paella. Though maybe they are not used to serve, they well organized. Because of COVID-19 measures, they served dishes outside. Anyway, the Anchor has changed into various kinds of dishes. Although the taste was yummy, I felt that the rice was well done more than I ate in Japan, and I felt that it had a lot of oil.