DAY331 [渡英306日] 2021年2月25日(木):博士課程の証明書類,Port Meadow散歩,The AnchorのHamburger復活 (original) (raw)


疲れていたため5:30に起床。前日に提出できなかった小学校の活動記録をアップしてFacebookのコメントを書いたところで息子が起きて終了。息子をchildminderに送り出した後は,博士課程時代の大学院の証明書を取り寄せる手続きで四苦八苦。併せてLet Allianceから電話で来て書類が届いていないということで,VISAや諸々の書類のコピーの再提出を求められる。恐らく添付ファイルで10GBを超えるので,会社側か私のサーバーで弾かれたのだと思う。この2つの仕事で午前中が終了。特に今日は学校のteamsで友達たちと会う日なので,車でお迎え。


春の気配を感じるPort Meadow


port meadow in winter@Oxford


幻想的な風景@Port Meadow



夕方,我らの貴重な食事の戦力のThe Anchorが木曜日もtake awayを始めたので,オーダーしてみる。


The Anchor's takeaway on Thursday


The Anchor's takeaway hamburger編。美味しい。


I was tired and get up at 5:30. When I uploaded the primary school activity record that I could not submit the day before and wrote a comment on Facebook, my son got up and ended. After sending my son to the childminder, I struggled with the procedure to obtain certificates from my doctoral graduate school. At the same time, the Let Alliance have not received the documents from me yet, so I am required to resubmit a copy of the VISA and various documents. The attached file probably exceeds 10GB, so I think it was banned on the company side or my server sending my email. These two jobs end in the morning. Especially today is the day to meet my son's friends and the teacher at school via teams, so we will pick you up by car.

In the afternoon, we took a walk in Port Meadow. The wind is cold, but I feel the signs of spring little by little. The Anchor, our precious pub, started taking away on Thursday, so I ordered it. This time, we ordered a BBQ set and two Hamburgers. The hamburger has returned to the fragrant scent of the past, and I am delighted. The BBQ set feels like Mexico, probably because of beans.

If you think about it, the peer review deadline is next week. I have to hurry! !!