Search Results: Pub_Type equal to 'Manuscript Map' or Type equal to 'Manuscript Map' (original) (raw)


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[Map of Europe.] Ce 8 8bre 1856 ; A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing Europe. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with hachure lines and shading. Indexed to indicate the names of mountain ranges. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Indexed to indicate locations such as the Tyrolean Alps and Saint-Gotthard Massif. Map is 24 x 30 cm, on sheet 24 x 32 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[Map of Europe.] Ce 15 8bre 1856 ; A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing Europe. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Features watershed areas, which are differentiated by color. Indexed to indicate the names of mountains and lakes. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 24 x 30 cm, on sheet 24 x 32 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Mer Blanche. Ce 23 8bre 1856 ; A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing the White Sea. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 24 x 30 cm, on sheet 24 x 32 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Rhin Suisse. Ce 18 Fevrier 1857 ; A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing the watershed of the Rhine River in Switzerland. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, and bodies of water. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 22 x 28 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[France.] A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing France. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 23 x 29 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[Armorican Massif, France.] Ce 98 Mai 1857 ; A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing the Armorican Massif in France. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 21 x 29 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[Loire River.] A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing the Loire River basin in France. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 23 x 30 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[Loire River.] A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing the Loire River basin in France. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 23 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 30 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Asie mineure. A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing Asia Minor. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 21 x 27 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Afrique. A. Logerot ; Ce 8 Janvier 1856.


Manuscript map representing Africa. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, deserts, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 22 x 28 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm. (Page number written as “43” for page 44 in volume.)


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Amerique du Noro. A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing North America. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, coastlines, and islands. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 30 x 23 cm, on sheet 30 x 23 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Amérique Septentrionale. A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing North America. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, drainage, bodies of water, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 27 x 23 cm, on sheet 31 x 23 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[North and South America.] A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing North and South America. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, drainage, bodies of water, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 31 x 23 cm, on sheet 31 x 23 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

[South America.] A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing South America. Shows select regions, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 22 x 28 cm, on sheet 30 x 23 cm.


Logerot, A. (Auguste)

Full Title

Océanie. A. Logerot.


Manuscript map representing Oceania. Shows select regions, cities, mountain ranges, drainage, coastlines, and islands. Relief shown with shading. Ink, pencil, and watercolor on paper. Map is 22 x 28 cm, on sheet 24 x 30 cm.

Full Title

Manuscript Map


"On the verso is an unfinished manuscript map that depicts a locality, with all details unlabelled, with sub-jurisdictions outlined in the own bright hues, and a river running through it, while a legend, upper-right, defines unused symbols. We have not been able to identify the subject of the map, and even whether it pertains in any way to Taiwan. However, the note in the lower right, seems to refer to “Nagai Village”, which if true might refer to a town in the Yamagata Prefecture of north-central Japan. This is perhaps a matter for further research." (See Pub note)


Manuscript map of Alexandria, Egypt. Shows streets and drainage. Drawn in graphite and colored blue pencil, with a penciled grid beneath drawing. Lettering in cursive. Map is 17 x 21 cm, on sheet 20 x 25 cm.


Two manuscript maps of the Nile River Delta, Egypt. Maps show cities, railways, topography, lakes, drainage and coastline. Relief shown in hachures. Drawn in graphite, with a penciled grid beneath drawing. Descriptive text in lower margin. Lettering in cursive. Together, maps are 36 x 21 cm, on facing sheets, together 40 x 25 cm.


Two manuscript maps of Cairo, Egypt (top), and Haizer, Algeria (bottom). Maps show railways, streets, topography, lakes and drainage. Relief shown in hachures. Drawn in graphite, ink and watercolor. Descriptive text in lower margin of top map. Lettering in cursive. Together, maps are 39 x 25 cm, on facing sheets, together 40 x 25 cm.

Full Title

[Nile River Delta].


Two manuscript maps of the Nile River Delta, Egypt. Maps show cities, railways, lakes, drainage and coastline. Drawn in ink and watercolor. Lettering in cursive. Together, maps are 37 x 24 cm, on facing sheets, together 40 x 25 cm.

Full Title

[Nile River, to Lake Victoria]. Alexandrien, den 22/3/1900. E. F.


Manuscript map of the Nile River to Lake Victoria, Egypt. Shows cities, topography, lakes, drainage and coastlines. Relief shown in hachures. Drawn in ink and watercolor. Lettering in cursive. Map is 30 x 18 cm, on facing sheets, together 40 x 25 cm.

Full Title

Nil (bis Assouan).


Manuscript map of the Nile River to Aswan, Egypt. Shows cities, seas, lakes, drainage and coastlines. Drawn in ink and watercolor. Lettering in cursive. Map is 16 x 21 cm, on sheet 20 x 25 cm.


[Sydow, Emil von., 1812-1873, Wagner, Hermann, 1840-1929]

Full Title

Polen. Sydow-Wagners methodischer Schul-Atlas.


Manuscript supplemental map of Poland, with Insets: Estland. Lettland. Litauen.

Full Title

[Untitled Map of the Red River (Song Hồng) Basin, extending from Hanoi Area to Lao Cai Province, Vietnam].


[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Leuzinger, Heinz]

Full Title

Graubünden (SW) and Ticino


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Leuzinger, Heinz]

Full Title

Graubünden (NW)


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Leuzinger, Heinz, Spiess, Ernst, Speiser, Bruno]

Full Title

Schaffhausen, Switzerland


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986

Full Title

Northeast Switzerland - South Sheet


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986

Full Title

Northeast Switzerland - North Sheet


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Ficker, Kurt]

Full Title

Zurich, Switzerland


Date estimated. Image downloaded from


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

(Map of the Ancient World)


Appears to be a printed map with annotations in ms below.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

حرم شرفين حدوديله مقياصي Harem-i Şerif'in hududuyla mikyası. The Distances of the Border of the Haram esh-Sharif [Mecca]


The five maps represent the earliest period of the Islam. The central map showcases the ancient borders of the city of Mecca and the roads leading to it. The three smaller in-set maps of the Arabian Peninsula in margins illustrate the spreading of the Islam in the years 9, 10 and 11 after the Hijra, with the year 11 marking the year of Muhammad’s death. The last years of the life of Muhammad were crucial for the development of the religion. In 622, or in the first year of the Hijra, Muhammed moved to Medina, making it with the constitution (Constitution of Medina) the 1st Islamic state and the religious center under his leadership. After the prophet died in the 11th year of Hijra and the Islam spread in the neighboring areas, the leadership was divided between four men: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. The four leaders are also known as the Patriarchal Caliphs and the period as the Rashidun Caliphate (الخلافة الرّاشدة). This part of the history is only acknowledged by the Sunni Islam, as the Shia Islam only recognizes Ali as a legitimate successor of Muhammad. The three in-set maps of the Arabian Peninsula on this sheet mark the last years of the life of Muhammad, before the division into the Rashidun Caliphate. The golden dots on our in-set maps represent the Islamic States or Groups (Daulat-i-Islamia or here marked as: دولت يسلاميه) in the last three years of Mohammad’s life and the red lines their migrations to the other parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The first map in the upper right corner represents the migration of the Islamic groups from Medina in the year 9 AH (630 AD), the picture below the distribution of the groups in the following year. The last image (in the upper left corner) shows the locations of the Islamic Groups in the year of Muhammad’s death. The drawing in the lower left shows the graves of Muhammad (marked with gold dots), Umar and Abu Bakr in Medina, housed in the The Prophet's Mosque in Medina (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, المسجد النبوي). The original mosque was built in 622 by Muhammad and it measured 30.5 m × 35.62 m (100.1 ft × 116.9 ft). Today the graves are covered with a Green Dome, built in the 13th century.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

مكة مكرمه ده كي حاترَ شريفه. كءبَمءزامه مسجيدآاهرام Mekke-i Mükerreme'deki hatıra-i şerife. Kabe-i Muazzama, Mescidü’l-haram. The Great Mosque inside Mecca. Kabaa, The Great Mosque


The sheet is composed of a hand drawing with original colour and gilt highlights, representing the city of Mecca, a hand coloured engraving, three photo-reproductions on cards and two black and white lithographs. The central image represents as many other images in this collection the navel of the narrative and the other images should be read from right to left. The central image showcases Mecca with its surroundings, as the city looked like in 1883 (1261 AH). Marked are 32 parts of the city including the suburbs and the camping areas for pilgrims. The other images represent the history of Mecca and showcase the following scenes: - Black and write lithograph on the right (قصى ابن كلاب دورنده مكه معظمه شهر. بك حصوله كلان هيئشدر. دار الندوه ابنيه سندر): The image represents an important moment in the history of Mecca, when Qusai ibn Kilab ibn Murrah (circa 400–480), a King of Mecca, a trustee and guardian of the Kaaba and an ancestor of Islamic Prophet Muhammad reconstructed the Kaaba from a state of decay and encouraged the Arab people to make a settlement around it. He is also known to be the first one to build the central office, what would be today close to the town hall in the Arabian Peninsula. - Engraving in the upper right (مكه مكرمه نك منظره عموميه سى): View of Mecca. - Black and white photograph in the lower right (مكه مكرمه حرمشريغك داخلا كورونشى): Mecca as the location of the Sacred Shrine. - Black and white photograph in the upper left (جبل عرفاتك منظرهء عموميه سى): Mount Arafat on the outskirts of Mecca. The hill is visited as a part of the Hajj and is the is believed by some, that Mohammad delivered the Farewell Sermon from that location. - Black and white photograph in the lower left (مينانك منظره عموميه سى): View of Mina (or Muna), a tent city on the outskirts of Mecca. The location can host up to three million pilgrims. - Black and write lithograph on the left(مسجد الحرامك جهات ثلاثه سى كوستر يله رك باب النعوش طرفندن آلنان رسميدر): View of the Kaaba in Masjid al-Haram. This image and the accompanying lithograph on the right-hand side come from the work Mir'atü'l-Haremeyn, a 5 volume work In Ottoman language on Mecca, Medina and the Arabic Peninsula. It was authored by Eyüb Sabri Paşa and published in Istanbul in 1884.


[Bey, Abdürrahim Hilmi, Anonymous]

Full Title

احوال عالم ٣٠٠ ٤٠٠. دردنجى عصرده ظهور ايدن حكومات اسلاميه. سكال Ahval-i Âlem 300-400. Dördüncü asırda zuhur eden hükümet-i İslamiye. Sikkeler. [Title under the central map:] Map of the World 300-400 [AH]. Islamic states in the Fourth Century. Coins.


The plate, combining manuscript maps and a collage of printed images, represents the territories governed by the Islamic dynasties in the 4th, 5th and the beginning of the 6th century of the Hijra calendar (10th, 11th and a part of the 12th century of the Christian calendar), expanding from Spain and North Africa on the west, Sicily on the north of the Mediterranean Basement to Pakistan and parts of India on the east. The image is composed of a large central map, four maps on its left and right side and mounted images of coins in the left and right panel. The central map represents the Islamic world and the neighboring territories between 300-400 AH, which would mark the time of the late 10th and early 11th century in the Christian calendar. The key in the lower left part lists the Islamic rulers of the time with their names, time of their reign and the locations of their seats. The Islamic cities are heightened in gold, as the non-Muslim capitals and larger cities are marked with red. The accompanying maps show in detail four important areas, riled by the Muslim dynasties: - Map on the upper right (ال بويه دولتى ٣٢١ ٤٤٧) showcases the Persian Gulf with what is today Kuwait, parts of Saudi Arabia with Qatar in the southeast, parts of Iran and embraces the area of today’s Iraq and Syria with Aleppo on the West. The map represents the areas ruled by the Shia Iranian Buyid dynasty (also called the Buyids or Āl-e Būya) from 934 to 1062. In the 10th and 11th century the Buyids were the most powerful and influential dynasty in the Middle East with their territory expanding from large parts of the Arabic Peninsula in the south, to the parts of today's Turkey in the north and all the way to Pakistan on the east. - Map in the lower right (غزنويه دولتى) embraces the territory ruled by the Ghaznavid dynasty with larger parts of today’s Iran, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, on the north and Pakistan with western parts of India in the east. The Ghaznavid dynasty governed larger parts of this territory between 977 and 1186. - The map on the upper left (افريقيا و مغربده) represents North Afrika and Maghreb in the time of various rulers the time from 4th to 6th century AH (from late 9th to mid 12th century of the Christian calendar). - The map on the lower left (بن اخشيد دولتى (٣٢٠ ٣٥٧) بلادا اسلاميه) showcases the territory under the Ikhshidid dynasty. The dynasty under the leadership of a Turkish mamluk soldier Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid was ruling the area of today’s Egypt, Levant and parts of the Arabian Peninsula between 935 and 969. The map marks the center in Levant with a large purple dot. The mounted images in the left and right panel illustrated coins from the time and territories, illustrated on the five maps.

Full Title

Haikou Quantu 海口全圖 [Complete Map of Sea Ports]. Wanguo tu & Wukou Yanhai Shuilu Quantu 萬國圖 & 五口沿海水路全圖 [Map of 10,000 Countries & Complete Map of the Five Coastal Estuaries].

Full Title

(Covers to) Haikou Quantu 海口全圖 [Complete Map of Sea Ports]. Wanguo tu & Wukou Yanhai Shuilu Quantu 萬國圖 & 五口沿海水路全圖 [Map of 10,000 Countries & Complete Map of the Five Coastal Estuaries].

Full Title

(Title page to) Haikou Quantu 海口全圖 [Complete Map of Sea Ports]. Wanguo tu & Wukou Yanhai Shuilu Quantu 萬國圖 & 五口沿海水路全圖 [Map of 10,000 Countries & Complete Map of the Five Coastal Estuaries].


R. Crumb (Robert Dennis Crumb)

Full Title

Map to Eric’s Place in Muir Beach.


[Mackay, Donald, Barnard, Charles H. (1781- c.1840)]

Full Title

A Chart of Liar’s harbor; or Yanky har.[bo]r from actual survey, by Capt C Barnerd & Do[nald] Mackay ... Lat 62 31’ S. Lon. 60 W.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

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(Rivers of Europe)


Dimensions are sheet size.


شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Political map of Europe)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(European Russia with railroads)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title



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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Great Britain and Ireland)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Italy with railroads)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Luxemburg with railroads)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(The Caucasus with railroads)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(Afghanistan and Pakistan)


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]


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شكوفه مقبل [Şukufe Mukbil]

Full Title

(China and Korea)


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Engineering Service Company

Full Title

One of the Suggested Plans of Proposed Development of 92 Acre Tract North of Windsor Square.

Full Title

(Covers to) 21me. Conservation. Department de la Meuse. Inspection de Bar-sur-Ornain. -- Plan Geometrique des Bois Royaux de Jandeures . . .

Full Title

21me. Conservation. Department de la Meuse. Inspection de Bar-sur-Ornain. -- Plan Geometrique des Bois Royaux de Jandeures . . .


Manuscript map of France in ink and watercolor. Title translates to: France. Shows international boundary, topography, drainage and coastline. Relief shown with hachures. Includes latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Map is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page; title taken from text. First map appearing in the first part of atlas, France : Ses montagnes -- Ses eaux [= France : Its mountains -- Its waters].

Full Title

Montagnes de France.


Manuscript map of France in ink and watercolor. Title translates to: Mountains of France. Shows international boundary, topography, drainage and coastline. Features specific mountain ranges, including the Pyrenees, Alps and Jura. Relief shown with hachures. Map is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page and following four pages; title taken from text. Second map appearing in the first part of atlas, France : Ses montagnes -- Ses eaux [= France : Its mountains -- Its waters].

Full Title

Carte des vessants.


Manuscript map of France in ink and watercolor. Title translates to: Map of vessants. Shows international boundary, topography, drainage and coastline. Features major physical divisions based upon mountain ranges. Relief shown with hachures. Map is 17 x 23 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page. Third map appearing in the first part of atlas, France : Ses montagnes -- Ses eaux [= France : Its mountains -- Its waters].

Full Title

Carte des bassina.


Manuscript map of France ink and watercolor. Title translates to: Map of bassins. Shows international boundary, topography, drainage and coastline. Features France's major basins formed by rivers, such as the Rhine and Seine. Relief shown with hachures. Map is 18 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page. Fourth map appearing in the first part of atlas, France : Ses montagnes -- Ses eaux [= France : Its mountains -- Its waters].

Full Title

France minérale (1). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 1er devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features mineral resources, including grains, slates, asphalt, millstone, clay and plastic clay. Map is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. First map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 1st part. Includes sections: Grains -- Ardoises -- Bitume -- Piere meuliére -- Argile -- Argile plastique [= Grains -- Slates -- Asphalt -- Millstone -- Clay -- Plastic clay]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France minérale (2). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 2e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features mineral resources, including marble and cut stone. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Second map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 2nd part. Includes sections: Marbre -- Pierre de taille [= Marble -- Cut stone]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France minérale (3). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 3e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features mineral resources, including chalk, lithographic stone, sandstone, plaster, cement, alabaster and china clay. Map is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Third map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 3rd part. Includes sections: Craie -- Pierre lithographique -- Grès -- Plâtze -- Cimens -- Albâtre -- Kaolin [= Chalk -- Lithographic stone -- Sandstone -- Plaster -- Cement - Alabaster - China clay]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France minérale (4). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 4e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features mineral resources, including coal, anthracite, lignite, graphite and saline matter. Map is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Fourth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 4th part. Includes sections: Houille -- Anthracite -- Lignite-- Courbe -- Graphite -- Matières salines [= Coal -- Anthracite -- Lignite -- Curve -- Graphite -- Saline matter]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France minérale (5). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 5e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features mineral resources, including iron, lead, copper and antimony. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Fifth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 5th part. Includes sections: Fer -- Plomb -- Cuivre -- Antimoine [= Iron -- Lead -- Copper -- Antimony]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France minérale (6). (with) (Text Page to) France minérale : 6e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Minerals of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features the main sources of mineral water. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Sixth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France minérale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Minerals of France : 6th part. Includes section: Principales sources d'eaux minérales [= Main sources of mineral water]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France végétale (1). (with) (Text Page to) France végétale : 1er devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Vegetables of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features agricultural products - with pictorial representation - including wheat, rye, corn and buckwheat. Map is 17 x 23 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Seventh map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France végétale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Vegetable of France : 1st part. Includes sections: Froment -- Seigle -- Maïs -- Sarrasin [= Wheat -- Rye -- Corn -- Buckwheat]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France végétale (2). (with) (Text Page to) France végétale : 2e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Vegetables of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features agricultural products - with pictorial representation - including barley, oats, potatoes, beet roots and hemp. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Eighth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France végétale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Vegetable of France : 2nd part. Includes sections: Orge -- Avoine -- Pomme de terre -- Betterave -- Chanvre [= Barley -- Oats -- Potato -- Beet root - Hemp]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France végétale (3). (with) (Text Page to) France végétale : 3e devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Vegetables of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features agricultural products - with pictorial representation - including flax, saffron and rapeseed. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page. Ninth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France végétale, on facing page. Text title translates to: Vegetable of France : 3rd part. Includes sections: Lin ... Safran ... Colza [= Flax ... Saffron ... Rapeseed]. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].

Full Title

France végétale (4). (with) (Text Page to) France végétale : Vignobles : 4me devoir.


Manuscript map of France, in ink and colored pencil. Title translates to: Vegetables of France. Shows international and administrative boundaries, and coastline. Features vineyards - with pictorial representation - including in the regions of Bourgogne [Burgundy], Champagne, Bordelais and Rhône. Map is 17 x 25 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. Accompanied by descriptive text and a legend on facing page; title taken from text. Tenth map appearing in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general]. (with) Descriptive text for map, France végétale, on facing page. Title translates to: Vegetable of France : Vineyards : 4th part. Includes sections on the regions of Bourgogne [Burgundy], Champagne, Bordelais and Rhône. Appears in the second part of atlas, Principale production de la France en général [= Main production of France in general].


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

Map of Los Angeles Historical and Recreational.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the Los Angeles map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version and uncolored. See our printed color copy at 8540.000 and 8541.000. .Dedicated to his friend Charles F. Lummis, noted Los Angeles industrialist, Mora's map of Los Angeles is one of his most "painterly" cartes, with strong colors and shapes spread throughout the map. The map shows early Los Angeles, with the first movie studios and road network. Two versions of the map were printed, one without a title (this copy) and another with the title (see our 8540.000) For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

City of San Diego.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the San Diego map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version and uncolored. See our printed color copy at 8505.000. Jo Mora's wonderful combination of fun, historical knowledge and sense of color are highlighted in this detailed bird's eye view style map of San Diego - what there was of it, since most of the map is green (agriculture and the country) or blue for the sea. However an indication of the future is seen in a pictograph marked SUBDIVISION with a salesman expansively gesticulating to a couple with a bag marked IOWA. At sea a lookout on the ship Cabrillo exclaims "Caramba! You'd never know the old place now." The border depicts historical events. At lower left are images of six buildings and fantastical beasts who are to be seen at Balboa Park. For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

Grand Canyon. (Drawn by) Jo Mora. Copyright 1931. The Jo Mora Maps, Carmel California.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the Grand Canyon map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version. See our printed copy at 8077.000. Uncolored pictorial map of Grand Canyon. Shows many humorous scenes and the activities common at the time in Grand Canyon and vicinity. Many landmarks are shown in an amusing way with historical notes. Includes illustrations in the border of Scenes and activities, with Scenic Airways, Inc. airplane on the upper center of the map. Artist Joseph "Jo" Jacinto Mora was born in Uruguay in 1876 and became an illustrator after moving to the Untied States in the early 1900s. For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the smaller California map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version and uncolored. See our printed color copy at 6380.000. Comic pictorial map with vignettes and text. Mission pictures. Full color. This is the second and smaller California map made by Jo Mora. For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

Carmel-by-the-Sea : Past and present. Made by Jo Mora. Copyrighted 1942 by Jo Mora Publications, Monterey - California. City of Carmel by the sea California, Incorporated 1916.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the Carmel map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version and uncolored. See our printed color copy at 6776.000. Color pictographic map, with decorative border. Jo Mora created this map for the people of Carmel including its general history and current events, activities and local people, streets, city blocks, etc. He was also quite a dog lover and he included some of the town dogs, gifted with personality, including his own dog Mike Mora who "could climb a rung ladder like a chimney sweep." For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

Ye Olde Spanish Main. Designed and executed by Jo Mora. Copyrighted 1933 by Grace Line.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the Spanish Main map. It is about 25% larger than the printed version and uncolored. See our printed color copy at 8592.000. Mora wrote "A Log of the Spanish Main" for the Grace Line Company and this map was issued in conjunction with the book. The map shows the areas of North, Central and South America that were visited by the Grace Line cruises. The carte was also called the Map of South America although that name does not appear on the map. For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Mora, Jo (1876-1947)

Full Title

Santa Catalina.


This is the original drawing made by Jo Mora for the Santa Catalina map. It is about 20% larger than the printed version. See our printed copy at 8562.000. This carte was found in the papers of Jo Mora's son and printed by the Jo Mora Trust in a limited edition of 40 in 2007. It provides a rare look at Jo Mora's artistic process in that the carte was likely unfinished, even though it is very fine in its current state. For more information on Jo Mora's life and works, see


Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration

Full Title

(Composite map of) San Francisco Scale Model, Scale 1 inch 100 ft. Constructed by Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration. Sponsored by City Planning Commission. 1940.


Composite of all pieces of the San Francisco Model. This model is a 42 by 38 foot detailed wooden replica of the city of San Francisco as it was in 1940 in 158 pieces at a scale of 1 inch to 100 feet. The pieces contain about 6,000 removable city blocks. The model was built by The Works Progress Administration in the late 1930s, under the New Deal. It was first displayed in sections in the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay in 1939. In 1940-1942 it was displayed in San Francisco City Hall. The model was used as an urban planning tool by San Francisco city agencies and departments through the 1960's. In 1968, the downtown portion of the model became a research and planning tool in the Environmental Simulation Laboratory in the College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley. The model has not been on public view, in its entirety, since 1942. UC Berkeley is the current owner of the model. The intent of the makers of the model was to have it updated as the city changed over time. The condition of the model is generally good except for the downtown and south of market portion which needs restoration - many blocks have been removed and lost, probably from the time it was used and updated as a planning tool. In 2018 and 2019 the model was cleaned and made available for public viewing both physically and digitally as part of the joint program of SFMOMA and the San Francisco Public Library called Public Knowledge: Take Part, with these participants: Artist Team: Bik Van der Pol; Project Manager: Stella Lochman; Project Director: Tomoko Kanamitsu; Curatorial Lead: Deena Chalabi. The model pieces were individually photographed by Beth LaBerge. David Rumsey created the large Composite image of the 158 pieces, as well as the image and metadata database of all the images, which he hosts. Visit the web site for Public Knowledge: Take Part at


Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration

Full Title

Map of the City and County of San Francisco. Key to the WPA Sectional Model. San Francisco City Planning Comm.


The names of the model pieces and their boundaries are drawn on the map in black pen. The six pieces that fall below the southern boundary of the city are not shown - pieces AA4, AA5, Y3, Y4, Z5, and V7. The Yerba Buena Island piece and the Title piece are not shown.


Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration

Full Title

San Francisco Scale Model AA1


Geneva Avenue, baseball diamonds. Amazon Reservoir site.


Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration

Full Title

San Francisco Scale Model AA2


Visitacion Valley. Shows San Francisco San Mateo County border.


Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration

Full Title

San Francisco Scale Model AA3


Visitacion Valley area. Shows San Francisco San Mateo County border.


Pirî Reis, d. 1554?

Full Title

fol. 24b Western hemisphere within a wind rose with the Atlantic Ocean in the center


Author's name given on fol. 376b as Raʾīs al-Baḥr Pīrī ibn Muḥammad; author dates preferred by (Walters) cataloger: d. 962 AH / 1555 CE


Pirî Reis, d. 1554?

Full Title

fol. 41a Oval world map with the Atlantic Ocean in the center


Author's name given on fol. 376b as Raʾīs al-Baḥr Pīrī ibn Muḥammad; author dates preferred by (Walters) cataloger: d. 962 AH / 1555 CE


Pirî Reis, d. 1554?

Full Title

fol. 44b Islands of Semendrek and Imroz in the Aegean Sea


Author's name given on fol. 376b as Raʾīs al-Baḥr Pīrī ibn Muḥammad; author dates preferred by (Walters) cataloger: d. 962 AH / 1555 CE


[Uren, Charles Edward, Bradley & Co.]

Full Title

Map of Bradley & Co's ditch property near Alta Station after the slide. E.C. Uren.


Hand colored manuscript map of two heavy slides of earth that obstructed the tracks of the Central Pacific Railway near Alta California. From historical records it appears that the map may detail two slides that occurred along the railroad. The largest slide occurred in the Spring of 1866 during construction of the railroad and is shown in the center of the map with damages and repairs to the various ditches that ran through the area. The April 21, 1866 edition of the Dutch Flat Enquirer mentions "LAND SLIDE.—A huge land slide occurred a few days since near Buckley's ranch, just above this place, on the line of the C. P. Railroad, damaging the ditches of the Dutch Flat Water Company to the amount of several thousand dollars, and rendering a change of the railroad bed necessary, which will also cost an immense sum. Nearly a quarter section, extending along a heavy fill of the railroad several hundred yards, suddenly gave way and moved off in a solid body, taking with it ditches, flumes and everything else that obstructed its course, and making a change from the original survey of the railroad at that point imperative. The material that gave way, it seems, was of a soapy or pipe clay formation, and the pressure from the railroad fill is assigned as the cause." We estimate the map was drawn by Uren in 1880, looking back at that 1866 slide and also showing the recent 1880 slide that blocked the tracks in the upper left part of the map. The 1880 slide was recorded in the Scientific American issue Volume 42, noting that hydraulic mining techniques were used to blast away the debris covering the tracks. The map is unusual in showing illustrations of two Chinese Camps near the railroad line. With decorative compass rose, oriented with the north to upper left margin. Map showing railroad, steam engine, two views of Chinese camps, slide areas and views of Flume and water ditches. Date estimated. Uren writes his name on the map as E.C. Uren while we believe he is Charles Edward Uren.

Full Title

Kleinasien handyeicherung Herrn Professor Dr. Heinrich Kiepert ... Geschenk des prof. H. Kiepert. (Cover title) Kleinasien handyeicherung 1895. No. 36.


Colored manuscript map of Asia Minor 41.5x50, dissected into 4 sections, backed with linen. Presumably drawn by Henry Kiepert. Sheet No. 36. Shows boundaries, cities, towns, rivers and mountains. Relief shown by shadings and spot heights. "The text written on the lower right sheet of the map says: "Handzeichnung des Herrn Professor Dr. Heinrich Kiepert, die Gegend zwischen Kirscheher [sic] und Angora darstellend. Geschenk des h. Prof. H. Kiepert." in English: Hand drawing by Professor Dr Heinrich Kiepert, representing the area between Kirscheher and Angora. A present of Professor H. Kiepert. On the map itself the place of "Kirscheher" is written more correct as "Kirschehir", today Kırşehir." (with thanks to Matthias Uthicke for adding this information)

Full Title

(Composite of) Sections I-V. (Map of Western Addition, San Francisco, Land Claims.)


The three Van Ness Ordinances of 1856 to 1858 resulted in the creation and mapping of the Western Addition neighborhood of San Francisco. These five manuscript maps were likely made to show the existing land claims in relation to the newly platted streets, parks, and other public spaces. They may have been used in the subsequent resolution of the various land claims. They show many interesting artifacts of the early settlement of the area before it was officially made a part of the city in the mid 1850's. The 1858 date of the five maps is estimated, based on the creation of the Van Ness map in the same year. Part of the Mission district is also covered.

Full Title

Manuṣyaloka (मनुष्यलोक) (Cosmological Diagram - The World of Mortals.)


1850 date estimated. Cornell, below, dates their copy 18th century. LOC dates their copy 189? From a description of a similar Jain painting at the Johnson Museum at Cornell University: "This large painting consists of a map-like rendering of the middle world, one of three worlds that comprise the Jain universe. Located between the celestial realm and the lower world of the damned, this middle world is where mortals and all sentient beings live and is the place from which liberation becomes possible. The composition takes the form of a series of concentric circles representing continents and oceans. In the center lies the continent of Jambudvipa, location of India and Mount Meru, surrounded by two oceans and two-and-a-half more continents. The oceans are filled with various aquatic creatures, while the continents contain humans, animals, rivers, and land features, including the five cosmic mountains, shown along the horizontal axis of the painting as yellow disks with pairs of multicolored, arch-like forms. Enshrined Jinas occupy the vertical axis of the continents and also appear in the four corners of the painting." Our Jain map is similar, it also depicts Jambudvipa with the region of Mahavideha, bounded north and south by mountain ranges with Mount Meru at its center and "elephant tusk" shaped mountains encompassing the regions of Uttarakuru to the north and Devakuru to the south. At the lower part of the map is the bow-shaped region of Bharata, representing India itself. For the Cornell painting, see "Jainism is an Indian religion, which was founded by Vardhamana Mahavira, a spiritual leader called the Jina (conqueror), in the sixth century B.C. Jainism teaches nonviolence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice rely mainly on the effort of advancing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine consciousness in a universe that has no beginning or end. Jainism has its own version of geography and cosmology, in which the universe is divided into three kingdoms: the upper is the realm of the heavens and the celestials; the middle is the domain of humans, animals, and plants; and the lower, which belongs to the damned and the disorderly. This 19th-century cosmological diagram of the manuṣyaloka (the human world), comes from western Rajasthan, a state in India with one of the largest Jain populations. The chart shows the Adhai-dvipa, or the two and a half continents inhabited by mortals. The continents are shown as concentric circles surrounded by ring-shaped oceans filled with swimmers and fish, complex networks of rivers and lakes, and mountain ranges. The continent Jambudvipa (rose-apple tree island) is shown in the center of the chart, encircled by a blue ring that represents the Lavana Samudra (Salt Ocean). The next ring corresponds to the continent Dhatakikanda bounded by Kalodadhi (Black-Water Ocean). The outermost band represents half of the third continent, Pushkaradvipa (lotus island).This final band is surrounded by the multi-colored peaks of the mountain range that delimits mortal space, while the pavilions at the corners of the chart represent celestial guardians of the human world." World Digital Library.


[Haverty, Helen, Adams, Katherine Payne]

Full Title

The cradle of the Republic. Map makers Helen Haverty & Katherine Adams. (Copyright) Helen Havertey & Katherine Payne Adams. (inset) Colonial Williamsburg.


Manuscript hand colored pictorial map, mounted on heavy cardboard. Date estimated. Shows rivers, buildings, landmarks, and agricultural products. Includes noted and dated historical scenes, and figures. Title cartouche in upper center decorated with flags, and compass rose on upper right corner decorated with the State Seal of Virginia. We assume this was intended for eventual publication but we can find no record of a published version. Katherine Payne Adams did produced a published map in 1955 titled "Virginia, 1602-1622 : showing the most remarqueable parts thus named in the Ancient Records."

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