Search Results: Pub List No equal to '15867.000' (original) (raw)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

(Covers to) Mala vlastiveda [The Little Civics Reader]


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

(Title page to) Mala vlastiveda [The Little Civics Reader]


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Naše republika (Our Country)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Hory a Feky (Mountains and Rivers) (with) Lesy a lázne (Forests and Land)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Železnice (Railways) (with) Národnosti (Nationalities)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Minulest (The Past) (with) Naše země v 9. a 10. století (Our country in the 9th and 10th centuries)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Ríše Přemysla II. Otakara (The Empire of Přemysl II Otakara) (with) Ríše Václava lI. a Václava IIl. (The Empire of Wenceslas I. and Wenceslas III)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Riše Karlova (Karlova's Empire) (with) Rakousko-Uhersko (Austria Hungary)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Boj za svobodu (The Fight for Freedom) (with) Vznik Československé republiky (Emergence of the Czechoslovak Republic)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Přítomnost (Presence) (with) Obyvatelstvo podle národnosti (Population by Nationality)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Náboženství a vyznání (Religion and Confession) (with) Zaměstnání obyvatelstva (Employment of the population)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Co se dováží (What is Imported) (with) Co se vyváží (What is Exported)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

Domácí zvířata (Domestic Animals) (with) Uhelné pánve a oblasti textilního průmyslu (Coal basins and textile industry areas)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Vývoj automobilové dopravy( Development of automobile transport) (with) Státní rozpočet (State budget)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Města (Cities) (with) Města podie velikosti (Cities by Size)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

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Praha (Prague) (with) Počet obyvatelstva Prahy (Population of Prague) Praha asi roku 1400 (Prague around 1400) (and) Praha dnešní (Today's Prague)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

Krajané za hranicemi (Compatriots abroad) (with) Počet krajanů za hranicemi podle zemi (Number of compatriots abroad by country)


[Sutnar, Ladislav, Tschinkel, Augustin]

Full Title

Malá vlastivěda Sestavil a upravil Ladislav Sutnar (The Little Civics Reader Compiled and edited by Ladislav Sutnar)


Further states: The text was written and the historical part by Hidil Bedrich Mendl. Maps and diagrams were drawn by Augustin Tschinkel. The diagrams were created according to the statistical data of the State Statistical Office. The book, prepared on the basis of the prior approval of the Ministry of Education and National Education of January 16, 1931, No. 136/1931 pres., was approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture by Decree of December 31, 1932, No. 160.414/32-l/1, as a teaching aid for general and burgher schools.

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