ta_n (original) (raw)

Oh... so close! [Apr. 18th, 2007|02:17 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
She is just a frog's hair away from being finished! I painted this one with regular ole spray paint. I still have to learn to use those, cuz when I put the clear-coat on the nose, it started dripping. So I had to sand it back down and do it over. Then, when I set it up to dry... it fell, making two little nicks in the gloss. Alas, I need to do it once more.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket_Click to enlarge_No, that's not the flash... the nose is silver, as is the very top of the tube, with a silver fade halfway down. I didn't stick with the exact paint scheme, mainly because this was my first time using spray paint. If I used the airbrush, I probably could have painted it exactly like it's supposed to be. Oh well, maybe next time.
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I'm working on it........ [Apr. 11th, 2007|10:37 am]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
The Executioner has been built! Well... mostly. It's built in the sense that everything is glued and the rocket is completely assembled. All that's left now is to paint her. Currently, I have put one coat of primer, and sanded it down. Gonna put another coat and sand it, then see if I need a third. Here's a picture from before the primer:The Executioner**Click to enlarge**I'm still in awe of the size of this thing. It makes the StormCaster look like a midget with Down Syndrome. It's around 2 inches in diameter, and over 3 feet tall. Money is a little tight right now, so I'm really taking my time with it. I need to get some more paint, and paint thinner, and of course, a lot of clear coat. Anywho... I'll let you know when she is 100% finished. And yes... a picture will be included.
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Happy Retirement, StormCaster! [Mar. 30th, 2007|12:24 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
Enjoy it friend. You deserve it.OK, now that StormCaster has officially retired, I needed to get some more rockets to fill the gaping hole that she left. So it's off to HobbyTown I went.Standing in the rocket isle, I decided I wanted a rocket that would fill the shoes of StormCaster in the size department. For that, I decided to go with the skill level 3, E-engine... Executioner.ExecutionerDon't let the picture fool you... this rocket is huge. It is taller than StormCaster even without the fins. I'm gonna take my time with it, and get it looking good.I also decided I wanted a rocket to push my building skills. Something a little unconventional. For that, I chose the skill level 2, C-engine.... Screaming Eagle.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIt's looks really cool in the picture... but I think it will be a royal pain to build. So I'll start with the Executioner, and take as much time as I need to finish the Screaming Eagle.
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Well... [Mar. 29th, 2007|01:34 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
I am slowly trying to get the club up and running, but since I am currently the only one IN the club... it's taking a little longer than I thought.I'm working on a simple webpage, that'll probably be hosted by Yahoo or somewhere else that's free, and it'll contain basic info. Things like where I/we go to launch and when; pictures of our rockets; and of course, contact information. But it seems, as of lately, my brain just really hasn't wanted to do much.Oh well. More soon.
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Here ya go.... [Mar. 26th, 2007|03:44 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
It's a 10 minute video, so you guys with slower internet connections, you might get annoyed. Well, if you think about it... we were out there for 4 hours, so 10 minutes is pretty good.Sorry for the shoddy camera-work. It's a bit difficult to launch the rocket & film at the same time. And it was next to impossible to track the rocket in the camera's viewfinder.OK, enough chit-chat. Enjoy!
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Well, I had fun... [Mar. 19th, 2007|11:06 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
X-posted to rocketcom Show media Loading... Too bad you couldn't watch it.
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Well...... [Mar. 7th, 2007|02:25 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
My next post is coming, but it probably won't be about parachutes. Sorry. I bought 2 new rockets and I've been working on them. They are fully assembled, and are covered in primer at the moment (I'm gonna take a different painting route). I'll try to snap some pics and post them soon.
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A little about me... with rocket pictures! [Mar. 1st, 2007|06:35 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
Well.... I got into model rocketry... out of boredom, really. The hobby I had prior to it was R/C airplanes. But after crashing a 200plane4or5times,thenhavingtopayaround200 plane 4 or 5 times, then having to pay around 200plane4or5times,thenhavingtopayaround50 each time to fix it, I decided I needed a cheaper hobby. And so, my love of model rocketry was born.**( Click here to read more and see pics along the way!Collapse )**Well, that's all for this post. My next post will be about parachutes. And I'm sure it will be MUCH shorter... unless you want to know how I make them.
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Welcome fellow Astro-nots! [Feb. 28th, 2007|04:28 pm]Tallahassee Astro-Nots
I made this community to, hopefully, join other model rocketry enthusiasts from around the North Florida/South Georgia area.Regardless of experience level, we want to talk with everyone. If you have a question, ask! We'll do our best to find an answer for you. And you more experienced modelers, hand out some pointers for the beginners. Model rocketry is not not a race to be won, but a hobby to continue learning.A couple times a month, a few friends and myself spend an afternoon at a field, blasting our rockets towards the clouds. If anyone near the Tallahassee area would like to join, or watch, let me know and I'll get directions to you.
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