tabular_rasa - Profile (original) (raw)
3,422 place in User ratings
on 14 May 2004 (#3149654)
Since my past was experienced only by me, I might be excused if I regarded it as my property, and mine alone. And is it not natural that I should want to give this thing, which is mine, to someone before I die?
Hello, my name is Amy. I have also been called:
The Blank Slate
The Girl Who Cannot Make Her College Decision
The World's Worst Polka Dancer
The Patron Saint of Ducks
She Who Wields the Leek Which Slaps
Traumatized Orphaned Muggle Child of the 1940s
Flypaper Taped To A Doormat
The Handmaiden of Princess Tannadoonah
The Worst Player of the Game
Weltschmerz-ing It Up
About Me:
There's really more than enough on this page to give you some definition of who I am in terms of things that can be defined. I'm currently working as an English teacher in the town of Hagi in Japan. I have a degree in Japanese Language and Literatures, and Education, with a minor in Psychology. I'm an INFJ, Enneagram Type 2 or 4 (Can you be both? Am I just the sick version of one or the super-healthy version of the other?), and, as I'm a huge Harry Potter geek, if I were Sorted I'd be a Ravenpuff (probably Hufflepuff if I had to pick, though I would have been Ravenclaw at age 11). I'm kind of a Romantic with a capital R; I love writing, drawing, and music (particularly of the dramatic and emotional variety, both instrumental and lyrical). I'm very sensitive and introspective but also very empathetic. I care about a lot of social issues but I've been all but completely disillusioned by politics. I'm also a bit of a stressball and I can get really down some of the time, but I think in the end I'd prefer all that to the alternative (even if it often doesn't sound like it).
I think what lies within this journal can say most about me of all, though. I'm practically an open book. Enjoy!
"Is there not in every human soul an essential spark, an element of the divine, indestructible in this world and the next, which goodness can preserve, nourish, and fan into glorious flame, and which evil can never quite extinguish?" -Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
"I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing. I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that even though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you." -"Valerie," V for Vendetta
Being Online:
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Member of Lumos! Harry Potter Community
Adoptions: I adopted a cute lil' tempura fetus from Fetusmart! Mmm . . . yummy!
I rule two countries:
Katzenland: A compassionate, perfectly democratic (often voted World Benchmark in Political Freedoms!) personal utopia.
Vystopia: A jingoistic, fearful dystopia co-ruled with one of my friends.
Love is:
Romeo and Juliet is timeless love
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black is love
The Black Family is love
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getting Harry Potter at midnight is joyful, joyful love
I've read the novel, and Marius/Eponine is still love. Just unrequited. But that's still love.
Fun Things For You To Do:
Member of Suspicious of Whistlers
1776, 1940s, 1950s, american history, amy lee, antonin dvorak, asia, astronomy, atonement, being verbose, buddhism, chocolate, communism, corn on the cob, debate, drama, drawing, dreaming, dreams, enneagram, enya, evanescence, existentialism, fannie flagg, grave of the fireflies, greek mythology, hamlet, harry potter, henry david thoreau, hermann hesse, hiroshima, history, human nature, infj, injustice, intellectuals, internment camps, invader zim, j.k. rowling, japan, japanese, japanese history, japanese mythology, johann wolfgang von goethe, john locke, juliet, julius caesar, justice, kohlberg's stages of morality, kokoro, languages, learning, les miserables, liberalism, loreena mckennitt, ludwig van beethoven, marauders, marius, martyrdom, mbti, mccarthyism, minor keys, mulan, musicals, my neighbor totoro, myers-briggs, mythology, natsume soseki, nuclear weaponry, ocd, online quizzes, orchestra, othello, parodies, patriotism, peace, personality typing, philosophy, pink floyd, plato, politics, potpan, propaganda, psychology, quizzes, ralph vaughn williams, ralph waldo emerson, rambling, ranting, reading, religion, roleplaying, romantic music, romanticism, romeo and juliet, russian music, sailing, scholasticism, sentimentality, sergei prokofiev, shakespeare, siddhartha, simon and garfunkel, sims, singing, sociology, socrates, sorrows of young werther, sound of music, storms, swing music, the black family, the fountain, the glass menagerie, the great gatsby, the king and i, the moon, theater, theology, thinking, tornadoes, tragedies, trascendentalism, tybalt, v for vendetta, verbosity, victor hugo, violin, weather, west side story, wicked, world war two, writing