O.N.U.T (original) (raw)
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inO.N.U.T.'s LiveJournal:
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Friday, September 23rd, 2005 | |
_12:23 am_[necromimesis] | I just read about the $10 taco bell challenge in a community I'm a member of. It's AWESOME, and we need to do this with local Mexican restaurants (but with more money - stupid expensive foods):"a bunch of friends from stanford u and i did the taco bell challenge which involves:you must purchase at least one taco and one 40 oz...then with the remaining money divide between said malt liquor and any item less than 99 cents on the menu (taco, soft taco, burrito...)i went with 3 tacos and 3 40's of mickey's for extra gusto."Maybe we could do it with Corona's..... (Comment on this) |
Friday, February 11th, 2005 | |
_7:46 pm_[necromimesis] | LOL On Simpsons Homer fed their horse Duncan a taco.If I hadn't spent yesterday vomitting, I'd have wanted a taco just because of that.It's been too long, people. Too, too long. (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Friday, February 4th, 2005 | |
_5:33 pm_[tacologic] | Taco Crawl 2005 I've only recently discovered this community, which does make me a newb... However, I think I have something to contribute. Know how sometimes a group of friends will get together for a bar crawl, hit up a bunch of bars, get drunk, and have a grand old time? Yeah? Well I did the same, but for tacos. It's a multimedia extravaganza, full of words, pictures, and music. Check it out: http://www.livejournal.com/users/tacologic/126022.htmlCurrent Mood: amused (5 Comments |Comment on this) |
Tuesday, January 4th, 2005 | |
_1:08 pm_[dissentient] | Statue a no no Wohoho! :)Due to my love of taco's i wanted a litle statuette of a taco for my room to look at before i sleep. Not being able to find one i decided to use a left over of the mighty foodstuff. But alas only after 3 DAYS! it start stink! I had to throw it out :( I now go to hobby shop to find a model one hopefully. Wish me luck! (Comment on this) |
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 | |
_10:38 pm_[puccasan] | Id be more comfortable talking to a taco that poops ice cream. thanks. (Comment on this) |
Saturday, October 16th, 2004 | |
_2:25 am_[kissindra] | You are Fish 'Tacos.' You might think you'reexotic and worldly-wise, but in reality you'rejust a bunch of crap on toast. Repeat afterme: 'just because you put something inquotation marks doesn't make it so.' And'taco' isn't Spanish for 'toast.' What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you? brought to you by QuizillaCurrent Mood: amused (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, September 1st, 2004 | |
_9:00 am_[psycotia] | Gretiings from NIgeria!!My name is Mahabal Sublmine Zentrifugal III, and have I recently comeinto posses of many thousand of tacos - my grandfater great died ofthe terrible virus AIDS when he bedded with housetrainer and makeseven chidlren before die. This children not be having aIDS whcih isvery lucky for our ancestries as we are capable of having his wealthfortuna of tacos. Tehere are 10,00,000,0 tacos which held in AdventureIsland by the Niggerian governments, a largre number of tacos beforenever seen!My predictament is getting hands on the taco mint; in order to accessto taco stash, Mahabal (me!!) must be able to insert 20 tacos tobegin! This is hard to coem by muney for my family and my friends ofme because of terrible axeident in 1983 involve the great stock crash- 10,000 cattle stock crashed into our homes and create air of angerand dieing. Sinse cattle are not knwon for nice workings we were leftout of home and house and force live on the gutters of Niggera.For such reson Mahabal (it is me!!!) is requesting dear friend (you!)be able to help family, but oif corse not for no rewarding! FOr yourepart in the helping you will be entiled to ten percent of tacostash,make your cut 10,02,00 tacos which is a lot of taco let you tell us!Ha ha ha!Comedics aside pplez if you able make deposit to GReat Southern Bankof Niigereh please take a/c $ 6464622-2--2----22------__2Thanking for participacing!Mustahabal Submarine Zengodofchina $2 Current Mood: amused (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Friday, August 27th, 2004 | |
_2:26 pm_[hatetank] | Taco thief Roomate I made the best friggen tacos yesterday. Black Bean and Garbanzo with jalapenos, garlic, green chilies, and onions. They were so delicious. Cept my roommate ate 12 of them. 12! I was hoping to have some for the next couple of days. Hell, no, SCREW YOU, 12 tacos, BURP! (Comment on this) |
Friday, August 13th, 2004 | |
_12:24 am_[puccasan] | Taco Face If I were a Taco i would SO not punch myself in the face. Current Mood: taco (Comment on this) |
Monday, July 26th, 2004 | |
_4:23 pm_[__lunchboxx] | love me tacos are love (& delectable).copy this code into your userinfo or journal! |