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Papers by Applied Issues in Islamic Education

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Structural Equation between Religiosity and Mental Health with a Test on the Mediating Role of Spiritual Intelligence in Students of Urmia University

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objectives: This study investigates the structural model that elucidates the relationship between... more Objectives: This study investigates the structural model that elucidates the relationship between religiosity and mental health, via the mediating role of spiritual intelligence, among the students of Urmia University.
Method: The research method was correlation of the type of structural equation model. From a pool of students at Urmia University in 2023 (N=13,567), 200 students were selected using the available sampling method, and they completed Goldberg's Mental Health Questionnaire (1979), Safdel's Religiosity Questionnaire (2013), and Farhosh et al.'s Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2018). The path analysis modelling method was employed based on the LISREL software (Version 8.8) and SPSS 27 to analyse the results.
Results: The research results showed that the direct path of between religiosity and mental health (β=0.73, T=8.07) was positive and significant (P<0.001). Additionally, the direct path between spiritual intelligence and mental health (β=0.75, T=8.32) was positive and significant (P<0.001). Furthermore, the indirect path between religiosity and mental health through spiritual intelligence (0.51) was positive and significant (P<0.005).
Conclusion: The results suggest that the proposed model based on research data exhibits a good fit, and the spiritual intelligence mediates the relationship between religiosity and mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Role of Educational Leadership in the Guidance-ability of Students with Underscoring the Holy Quran: Hadi Leadership Style

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The present study, with the aim of designing the role model of educational leadership ... more Objective: The present study, with the aim of designing the role model of educational leadership in the guidance-ability of students, has sought to outline the process of guiding students and find strategies to create that process in school.
Method: The method of this research is the grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin); Its study population, the verses of the Holy Quran and the educational activists; Its sampling method is theoretical, purposive and convenience sampling; and its research sample, sixteen people of educational activists, were the verses related to the conduct (Prophetic biography) of Prophet Noah (114 ayah) and the conduct of Prophet Ibrahim (30 ayah) and the honorable verses related to Guidance-ability (78 ayah).
Results: In this research, in the first step, the factors and obstacles of guidance-ability were extracted from the Holy Quran, which resulted in obtaining 19 factors and 40 obstacles for guidance-ability, which are divided into two sections: "External Factors and Obstacles" and "Internal Factors and Obstacles", and The second part was organized into three categories: insight factors, tendency factors and active factors In the second step of the research, by using the Holy Quran and interviews with educational activists, the core category, educational leadership strategies for enhance student’s capacity to accept guidance and context conditions was obtained, the result of which was the determination of the "Guide (Hadi) Leadership Style" as a core category, Presenting 23 general strategies - in the three axes of "Hadi's educational strategies", "Hadi's management strategies" and "Hadi's environmental strategies" - and 11 specific strategies; And drawing background conditions in three sectors of formal, semi-formal and informal institutions.
Conclusions: According to the findings of the research, it can be said that educational leadership by using the “Hadi leadership style” and implementing guidance-ability strategies will be the foundation for the creation of guidance-ability in students.

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Individual and Social Moral Training that is the Basis for the Emergence (Model of Human Excellence)

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The purpose of the current research was to present a model of individual and social et... more Objective: The purpose of the current research was to present a model of individual and social ethics education that is the basis for the emergence based on the identification of the dimensions and components of the individual and social ethics education that is the basis for the emergence.
Method: From the point of view of the nature and method of data collection, the current research is descriptive-survey and the research strategy is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The studied community were the experts of religious and cultural organizations and sampling was done in a targeted way and a total of 25 people were selected. After defining the subject and conducting exploratory, library and analytical studies of Islamic texts related to moral education, the dimensions and components of the variables were collected through the Delphi method and a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed based on qualitative statistical methods by the software (Spss 22) and finally The fit of the model reached the consensus of the experts. Further, the confirmatory factor analysis of each of the research variables was performed by software (PLS 3).
Results: According to the findings, the model of human excellence has 5 dimensions (individual ethics, social ethics, social behavior, social cognition and social feeling) with 18 components (individual piety, individual guidance, compliance with duties and mustahabbs, modesty, perseverance, raising the level of education and refinement, love among people, respect and trust among people, scientific and intellectual growth of people, unity and non-divisiveness, comprehensive justice, fighting against class privileges, confronting racial discrimination, eliminating luxury and all-round security, behavioral characteristics, cognitive characteristics and the characteristics of the sense of social ethics).
Conclusions: Since the construction of cross-validity, composite reliability and average variances extracted in the research model were at an acceptable level, a suitable model was recognized.

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigmatic Model of the Role of Azan in the Singing ofCongregational Prayers of Schools

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The purpose of the present research is to present a paradigmatic model of congregation... more Objective: The purpose of the present research is to present a paradigmatic model of congregational prayers in schools from the point of view of clerics and imams of school congregations.
Method: The research method is qualitative and based on data-based theory. The statistical population is all clerics and imams of schools in Najaf Abad city, 16 of whom were selected and studied in a purposeful manner and based on the principle of theoretical saturation. Collecting the required information through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with clerics and imams of school congregations and analyzing them through three processes; Open, central and selective coding was conceptualized and performed.
Results: Coding of information led to the formation of 114 primary concepts, 53 sub-themes and 18 main themes, and the core category of the research was created with the title "Singing the prayers of congregational schools in light of the call to prayer". The main topics include "getting ready for prayer, creating the presence of the heart in prayer and giving order to students (causal conditions), understanding the concepts of the call to prayer, establishing a connection between the call to prayer and prayer, paying attention to the function and importance of the call to prayer and modeling (contextual conditions), the quality of the call to prayer, the school staff and the call to prayer, the call to prayer of competent teachers and the recitation of the call to prayer live (interfering conditions), motivational activities, holding competitions of the call to prayer and teaching the concepts and sound of the call to prayer (strategies), increasing knowledge, Value creation, the productivity of prayer time and the purpose of the call to prayer are the slogans of Islam (consequences) and the prayer songs of the congregation of schools with regard to the call to prayer need to change the view and attitude towards the call to prayer and its explanation and enlightenment.
Conclusions: The paradigmatic model of the research is a representation of the conditions and causes, factors and necessities for enriching the prayers of congregational schools in the light of the call to prayer Provide.

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Psychological Hardiness and Emotion Regulation Based on Religious Orientation and Attachment Style in Second Year High School Students

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to predict psychological toughness and emotion regulati... more Purpose: The purpose of this research was to predict psychological toughness and emotion regulation based on students' religious orientation and attachment styles.
Method: The descriptive research method was correlation type. The statistical population of the research was made up of all second year high school students of Kashan city (8100 people) in the academic year of 2001-2001. The sample size in this research was determined as 500 people using cluster staged sampling method.
The tools used to collect information from the questionnaires were Kubasa's stubbornness scale (1979), Gross and John'semotional regulation inventory (2003), Collins and Read's (1990) attachment style questionnaire, and Allport and Ross' religious orientation questionnaire (1967). The data were collected using Smart software version 3.3. And spss version 26 was analyzed.
Findings: The findings showed that internal religious orientation, secure attachment style had a positive and significant relationship with emotion regulation and psychological toughness. External religious orientation, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles had a negative and significant effect on emotional regulation and psychological toughness. It can be said that external and internal religious orientation, secure, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles, together with anxiety have explained 67.3% of changes in psychological toughness. Extrinsic and intrinsic religious orientation, secure, avoidant and ambivalent, anxious attachment styles have together explained 36.7% of emotional regulation changes.
Conclusion: Since the type of attachment style and internal religious orientation is very important for regulating and adjusting emotions and increasing psychological toughness in teenagers, educational planners should pay more attention to this issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing a Model of Public Participation in the Policy Making Process of the Country's Official Education Based on the Knowledge System of the Holy Quran

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The field of education is one of the broadest fields of public administration in the c... more Objective: The field of education is one of the broadest fields of public administration in the country, and in recent years, many criticisms have been raised about its performance, especially in the field of policy making. However, it seems that the use of people's participation in the field of education policy can have valuable results, although this issue has received less attention so far. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to design a model of public participation in the policy making process of the country's official education based on the knowledge system of the Holy Quran.
Method: This research is developmental-applicative in terms of purpose and is considered as a mixed research. In the qualitative step, the texts of the Holy Quran and its interpretations were examined and the data were analyzed by thematic analysis method. Also, in the quantitative stage, confirmatory factor analysis method was used to validate the model. For this purpose, 115 managers and experts in the Ministry of Education were asked for their opinions with a researcher-made questionnaire. At this stage, the sample size calculation method was Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method.
Results: For the three-dimensional research model, central, process and contextual factors as well as 25 components were identified. Also, the findings of the factor analysis show the confirmation of the structure of the research model and the coefficient of determination calculated for the central, process and contextual factors are 0.679, 0.571 and 0.628, respectively, which shows that they are suitable values.
Conclusion: The knowledge system of the Holy Qur'an emphasizes people's participation in various matters, including formal education policies, and the use of its guidelines in this field can be helpful.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the educational teachings of Surah Yusuf in the six fields of education Emphasizing the view of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan stude... more Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan students by using the lived experiences of educational leaders in Shahid schools.
Method: The current research was conducted as a qualitative study using interpretive phenomenology method and interview tool. The research population included 11 educational leaders of Shahid elementary schools in Tehran in the academic year of 1400-01, who were selected using the criterion sampling method. In order to analyze the findings, Smith's interpretive phenomenological method was used.
Findings: The results of semi-structured interviews with educational leaders in the form of (5 general themes, 19 partial themes and 57 basic themes) including educational strategies (paying attention to educational principles, strengthening social-cognitive skills, paying attention to individual differences, education multi-dimensional, kindness to the orphan and Ikram the orphan), support system (all-round support for students and families), strengthening the educational performance of educational leaders (group synergy of educators, educational sensitivity of educational leaders, training of educators and attention to the importance of selecting educators and teaching staff), strengthening the communication network (strengthening the sense of belonging to the school, flexibility in relationships and strength in relationships) and the weaknesses of the support network (weakness of planning in the fields of education and training of teachers, weakness in financial support and communication network).
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the lack of attention to the issue of orphans in the upper documents of the education system and the necessity of empowering educational leaders in the amount and type of attention to the educational and educational needs of orphan students, especially in witness schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of educational bases of cultural-educational centers of mosques

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study aims to identify and analyze the educational foundations of mosque-c... more Objective: The present study aims to identify and analyze the educational foundations of mosque-centered schools, seeking to answer the following question: “Which foundations do these schools adhere to and what goals and principles do they follow?”
Method: To examine the above-mentioned questions, this research utilized a descriptive-analytical approach and employed a comparative-inductive content analysis method to have a case study of Hazrat Rouhollah Educational Complex in Mashhad.
Findings: The findings of study included educational foundations, goals, principles, and educational methods obtained through the content analysis of documents within this educational set. Educational foundations were classified into macro and micro levels. Macro-level foundations (policy-making) were presented in the field of structure (inefficiency of present educational systems) and in the field of approach (the centrality of the mosque in education, prioritizing teaching over education, the scientific-moral authority of the educator, and the priority of role of the family in education). Additionally, micro-level educational foundations (implementation) in the field of educational content (prioritizing the realm of doctrinal-worship-moral education, and the realm of various aspects of human being and the necessity of attention to them) and in the field of educational methods (observing gradual progression and adapting content to the learner, diversity in the learner’s capabilities and attention to them) were identified.
Conclusion: The findings at both macro and micro levels can be utilized in educational systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation and standardization of intellectual humility scale(CIHS)

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research is to standardize and validate the intellectual humility ... more Objective: The purpose of this research is to standardize and validate the intellectual humility scale.Intellectual humility means that a person knows and admits that he is not superior or better than others, and that he does not become arrogant in the field of thought, judgment, feeling, and special attachment to his thoughts and opinions, because it deprives him of the possibility of impartial judgment.
Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and correlational in terms of method. The statistical population of the research included all students of Urmia University in 1402-1403, of which 335 people were selected through available sampling. Data were collected online. The tools used were intellectual humility scale and communication humility scale, self-efficacy scale and gratitude scale. In order to determine validity, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity and face validity were used, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and test-retest reliability were used to check reliability. Data were also analyzed by SPSS-23 and Amos software.
Findings: The results of confirmatory factor analysis yielded an acceptable fit for the existing structure of the questionnaire for the four factors of independence of logic and self, openness to reconsidering one's point of view, respect for the point of view of others, and lack of intellectual prejudice. Also, the concurrent validity results showed that the questionnaire has good validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients also showed that the reliability of the four factors is from 0.62 to 0.86, which shows that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability, and the convergent validity of the scale showed that there is a significant correlation between the scale of intellectual humility and communication humility, self-efficacy, gratitude has it.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, the intellectual humility scale has good psychometric properties and can be used as a suitable tool to investigate intellectual humility. This tool has good validity and reliability.

Research paper thumbnail of the effectiveness of the teaching package of "Religionn and Life" based on "Choice Theory" on responsibility and practice of religious beliefs among students .

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the teaching package of ... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the teaching package of religion and life based on the Choice Theory on responsibility and practice of religious beliefs in the 10th grade female students in the academic year of 1402-1403.
Research method: The research method was semi-experimental and pre-test and post-test with a control group by gender. The statistical population was 360 10th grade female students in the 18th district of Tehran, and the statistical sample consisted of two groups of 30 people. The research tool was the educational package and questionnaire of responsibility of Kurdlo and the questionnaire of practicing the religious beliefs of the Temple. The method of analysis was analysis of variance with repeated measures.
Findings: The educational package has a significant effect on the responsibility of female students at the confidence level of 95%. (F=15.266, P<0.01) and the results reveal that the effect size of education on the responsibility of adolescent female students was equal to 35%. this education has no significant effect on the religious beliefs of adolescent female students at the 95% confidence level. (F=0.117, P>0.05) and the effect size of education on the religious beliefs of adolescent female students was less than 1%.
Conclusion: The intervention of the researcher led to an increase in the level of responsibility of students in the statistical sample, and by learning the principles of choice theory, students make responsible and effective choices. This method of education and intervention did not lead to an increase in the amount of practicing the religious beliefs of the students in the statistical sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Scenarios facing the future of Islamic republic of Iran schools in the horizon of 1420

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Abstract: Obtaining precise knowledge of the future may seem elusive in today’s complex world. Ho... more Abstract: Obtaining precise knowledge of the future may seem elusive in today’s complex world. However, the endeavor to identify potential futures remains crucial for educational decision-makers. Future research combines reasoning, choice, and action. Scenario-based analysis is a strategic method within future research. How will the future of Iranian schools unfold? What scenarios lie ahead for Iranian schools?
Method: This qualitative study engaged library research and semi-structured interviews across various disciplines to explore the future of Iranian schools. Interviews included 14 informed participants: 3 former education ministers, 4 prominent education system critics, 4 school principals and teachers, and 3 education-focused futurists. From prior research and interviews, 17 influential factors shaping the future of schools were extracted. Leveraging scenario-based software and insights from 10 educational experts, 10 key factors emerged. By examining critical uncertainties using the Scenario Wizard software, future scenarios for Iranian schools were constructed.
Finding: In the favorable scenario, educational tours visiting Iranian schools are envisioned within 20 years, contingent upon substantial prerequisites. Conversely, in an unfavorable scenario, people disengage from schools, seeking alternative methods for educating their children. The probable scenario navigates a middle path: schools address existing challenges while inadvertently creating new ones. Despite these variations, societal scrutiny persists, holding schools accountable for their role in shaping future citizens.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, distancing ourselves from unfavorable and probable scenarios requires decisions beyond the realm of education. The intricate interplay of factors and their reciprocal effects seems to surpass the capacity of the education system to resolve. Expanding future studies in the field of education can contribute to clarifying the path ahead.

Research paper thumbnail of A phenomenological study of the educational components of orphan students from the perspective of the educational leaders of Shahid schools

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan stude... more Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan students by using the lived experiences of educational leaders in Shahid schools.
Method: The current research was conducted as a qualitative study using interpretive phenomenology method and interview tool. The research population included 11 educational leaders of Shahid elementary schools in Tehran in the academic year of 1400-01, who were selected using the criterion sampling method. In order to analyze the findings, Smith's interpretive phenomenological method was used.
Findings: The results of semi-structured interviews with educational leaders in the form of (5 general themes, 19 partial themes and 57 basic themes) including educational strategies (paying attention to educational principles, strengthening social-cognitive skills, paying attention to individual differences, education multi-dimensional, kindness to the orphan and Ikram the orphan), support system (all-round support for students and families), strengthening the educational performance of educational leaders (group synergy of educators, educational sensitivity of educational leaders, training of educators and attention to the importance of selecting educators and teaching staff), strengthening the communication network (strengthening the sense of belonging to the school, flexibility in relationships and strength in relationships) and the weaknesses of the support network (weakness of planning in the fields of education and training of teachers, weakness in financial support and communication network).
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the lack of attention to the issue of orphans in the upper documents of the education system and the necessity of empowering educational leaders in the amount and type of attention to the educational and educational needs of orphan students, especially in witness schools

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenology of Students’ Religious Questions and Analysis of ‘Religion and Life’ Textbooks Based on Them

‎ Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective:The present qualitative research aims at phenomenology of students’ religious questions... more Objective:The present qualitative research aims at phenomenology of students’ religious questions and examining the relationship between the type of religious questions and concerns of senior high school students with the content of their religion textbooks (titled as Din-Va-Zendegi textbooks, meaning ‘religion and life’).
Method:For this purpose, the qualitative phenomenological method has been used to retrieve and compile the types of religious questions and concerns of high school students in Kerman. The inductive-thematic-qualitative content analysis method has been used to examine the relationship of the types of students’ religious questions and their concerns with the content of their textbooks (Din-Va-Zendegi textbooks). In the phenomenological part, the research population consisted of female students in the senior high school in Kerman city in 1398-1399 SH academic year. Among them, 44 female high school students were selected, with a consultation of their teachers, by a purposive method as the statistical sample through the criteria of being available and having a concern for thinking and inquiring, . The data collection tools were semi-structured interviews and students’ self-reports.
Finding:Based on the research results, 87 basic codes (subcategories) and 11 organizing codes (main categories) were identified. The main categories of student’s questions and concerns included questions about God, the afterlife, the nature of death, the philosophy of worships, Imam Mahdi, other heavenly religions, and relationships between boys and girls.
conclusion:In the examination and analyses of religious textbooks in the senior high school considering students’ questions and concerns, the results of the research indicate that there is very little discussion about the concerns and questions of the new generation of students in their textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to this important issue in the revision and re-compilation of these books.

Research paper thumbnail of Presenting the Competency Model of Cultural Managers from the Perspective of Nahj al-Balagha

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the flagship of the modern Islamic civilization, shou... more Objective: The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the flagship of the modern Islamic civilization, should pay special attention to culture, especially by cultural managers who play a crucial and sensitive role. One of the most important books that can guide cultural managers is Nahj al-Balagha. In this book, the fields of management, methods of governance, and their missions are appropriately explained in the words of Imam Ali (as). This study aims to present the competency model of cultural managers from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha.
Method: This study, in terms of its applied objective, uses a qualitative and theoretical framework, and applies a library method to extract and analyze data through extracting excerpts from Nahjul Balagha, including Imam Ali’s sermons, letters, and wisdom. The obtained data were then analyzed and categorized through content analysis. To validate the data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 cultural experts and university professors who were purposefully selected through targeted sampling. Finally, the data were classified and analyzed.
Findings: The findings of this study from Nahj al-Balagha, which is extracted from Atlas ti8 software, indicate that there are three dimensions that have been categorized and analyzed through interviews with the community of research experts: (a) individual cultural dimension, with self-management and self-efficacy components, religious commitment, moral strengthening, spiritual strengthening, and positive thinking (b) specialized-skills dimension, with components of future orientation, management ability and art, skill and support of employees (c) religious-values dimension, with components of courage and decisiveness of future managers, righteousness, respect for the rights of others, friendliness towards people, and having ideals.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it is suggested that these dimensions should be included in the agenda of policymakers for the selection and appointment of managers, especially cultural managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Components of Multicultural Education in Hediye-Haye Aseman (Gifts of Heaven) Textbooks in Elementary School Based on the Criteria of Philosophy for Children Curriculum

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the components of multicultu... more Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the components of multicultural education in Hediye-Haye Aseman textbooks in elementary school based on the criteria of Philosophy for Children Curriculum.
Method: The research method was descriptive and quantitative content analysis, with Shannon’s entropy technique. Due to the limitations of the society, the sampling was total and included 5 volumes of Hediye-Haye Aseman textbooks for the second to sixth grades in the academic year of 2022-2023. The units of analysis included text, images and book activities. The research tool was a researcher-made checklist including the components of multicultural education and philosophical thinking criteria (exploratory, argumentative and interactive), the validity of which was confirmed by the CVR method; and to ensure reliability with re-implementation, the agreement coefficient 87% was obtained.
Findings: The findings showed that the components were reflected in the textbooks 45 times in total, and the concept of "disability" with a coefficient of 0.55 was the most important, followed by the two concepts of "acceptance of differences" (0.35) and "religion" (0.1). The importance coefficient of the four concepts "equality and anti-discrimination", "goal and content", "teaching method" and "peaceful coexistence" with frequency of one is equal to zero, and the 8 concepts of "Justice", "Dignity and Human Rights", "Nation/Language", "Gender", "Educational Materials, Tools and Environment", "Evaluation", "Respect for Different Opinions" and "Human and Cultural Relations" have not been given any attention in those textbooks.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the distribution and dispersion of the components of multicultural education based on the criteria of the philosophy for children curriculum are not balanced in textbooks. Therefore, textbooks need to be revised and redesigned in order to avoid cultural one-sidedness and memory-centeredness.

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction between structure and agency in the theory of the human as an agent and its educational implications for childhood

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective:This study aims to investigate the relationship between structure and agency in the the... more Objective:This study aims to investigate the relationship between structure and agency in the theory of the human as an agent and its educational implications for childhood.
Method: For this purpose, this research was conducted with a qualitative approach and Analytic-Deductive method in three specific steps. First, the components of the concepts of agency and structure in the theory of the human as an agent were analyzed and described. Then, the relationship between structure and agency was deduced in a systematic framework. Finally, based on the analysis, educational and practical implications were presented for the management of early childhood.
Findings: Based on the philosophical concern of the theory of man as an agent, the components of agency included (will, etc.) and the components of structure were discovered in two internal and external parts.Regarding the dual relationship of agency-structure, neglecting the causes of human agency and accepting his inaction and unwillingness in the face of structures on the one hand and unjustified emphasis on the role of structures on the other, there are two sides of the spectrum that we have to turn from.Therefore, interactionism means a middle ground between the extreme edges of the spectrum.For this purpose, in this theory, the concept of "selection and choice of agent" is used the most.
Conclusion: Finally, based on the lack of agency in childhood, adopting the idea of a child as a pseudo-agent and considering childhood as a period of transition to agency, the proposed implications can be preparations for the growth and development of the bases of agency for adulthood.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the perceptions of university professors about the components of the moral education curriculum in the elementary school and presenting the ideal model

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analysing the components of the moral ... more Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analysing the components of the moral education curriculum in the elementary school and providing an ideal model.
Method: The method of this research is a mixed exploratory strategy that is qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population in the qualitative part included professors in the field of education and in the quantitative part all the teachers of the second year of elementary school in districts one and two of Kerman city in the academic year of 2022-2023. The studied sample chosen in the qualitative part through the purposive sampling method, and in the quantitative part through the total population sampling method. The data collection tool in the qualitative part was semi-structured interviews with 20 experts in the field of education at Shahid Bahonar University and Farhangian University of Kerman in 2022; in the quantitative part was the questionnaire extracted from the interview results. In the qualitative part, in order to analyze the data, the three-step method of Strauss and Corbin (2006) was used, and in the quantitative part, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used. In order to ensure the validity and reliability of the qualitative part, Guba and Lincoln’s (1985) method was used, which includes the four indicators of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Finding: The findings showed that 13 main categories and 33 subcategories were identified. Then a questionnaire was designed to validate the model. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha (0.92) and its (form and content) validity was calculated based on the opinions of professors in the field of education and using the sigma counting method (0.85). In the quantitative part, the results of the analysis of structural equations, while confirming the fit of the model, showed that all 33 investigated components have a significant effect on the program.
Conclusion: According to the results of this survey and by focusing on the moral education curriculum model, it is possible to help improve the moral education of elementary school students.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the position of the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress in textbooks First high school

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective The current research aimed at investigating the level of attention paid to the key elem... more Objective
The current research aimed at investigating the level of attention paid to the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress in the textbooks of the junior high school.
The research is applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of method, and in view of its nature, the descriptive research method of content analysis type was used. The statistical population of this research includes the content of all the textbooks of the junior high school in the academic year 1401-1402 SH. The statistical sample included 10 books in 3 titles (Messages of the Heaven, Thought and Lifestyle, and Social Studies) in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, selected by purposeful sampling. In this research, the researcher-made content analysis checklist and the content validity method were used to determine the validity of the research tool and the Shannon entropy method was used to analyze the data.
The findings of the research showed that among the studied books, the highest frequency of indicators of key elements and basic principles is related to Social Studies textbooks with a frequency of 1496 units and 49.45 percent, and the lowest frequency is related to Thought and Lifestyle textbooks with the frequency is 630 units and 20.83%. Among the indices of key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress, the index of key elements with a frequency of 2105 units and 69.59 percent has the highest share, and the lowest share is related to the index of basic principles with a frequency of 920 and 30.41 percent. Also, the most attention is given to the key elements of the eighth-grade Thought and Lifestyle textbook (both for girls and boys) with a frequency of 110 units and 52.13 percent, and the least attention is related to the eighth-grade Thought and Lifestyle textbook (only for boys) with a frequency of 6 units and 2.84%. In addition, the most attention related to the basic principles of the 7th grade Social Studies textbook with a frequency of 72 units and 41.86% and the least attention was related to the 8th grade Social Studies textbook with a frequency of 49 units and 28.49%.
Considering that the studied indicators did not have the same distribution, we hope that the lesson planners and the textbook producers increase, by equal strengthening of these indicators, the indicators of the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress among students.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative meta-analysis of researche on Islamic education courses of Universities and higher education institutions of the country

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Goal: The goal of this research was meta-analysis of the research results about Islamic education... more Goal: The goal of this research was meta-analysis of the research results about Islamic education courses of universities and higher education institutions of the Iran.
Method: The research approach was quantitative and the research method was meta-analysis. The statistical population consisted of all the research conducted on Islamic education courses between 1392-1399 SH. The statistical sample was all the researches that qualified for quantitative meta-analysis assumptions. The measuring tool was the checklist of the criteria of the eligible articles for meta-analysis. To determine the validity of the tool, the checklist was given to three experts in measurement who had at least one experience in meta-analysis, and the validity of the tool was confirmed. To analyze, the questions, the heterogeneity test, Hedges g index and fixed and random model were used. The data were analyzed using CMA 3 software.
Findings: Based on the results of the study heterogeneity test, the null hypothesis of study heterogeneity was confirmed. Also, the I2 index showed the effect of heterogeneity of studies on 97.33% of the total changes. The effect size and Z calculated for 15 variables from 22 were significant at the alpha level of 0/05. The largest effect size based on the Hedges g index was related to the religious attitude variable with an effect size of 1/488, followed by the professors’ variable with 1/450, then the interrelation between the professor and the student with 1/215. The overall effect size for studies in the fixed and random model was at the medium level, which indicated the relationship between the variables and the effectiveness of Islamic education courses.
Conclusion: Based on the results, the three factors of religious attitude, professor and mutual relationship between professor and student had the greatest effect on the effectiveness of these courses. Therefore, based on the results of the meta-analysis and by insisting on the identified factors related to the effectiveness of the curriculum of Islamic education courses, the necessity of rethinking and transformation in the curriculum of Islamic education courses should always be one of the main concerns of the policy makers and designers of the Islamic education curriculum.

Research paper thumbnail of The Content Analysis of the Textbooks Payamhay-e-Asemani (Heavenly Messages) and Din va Zendegi (Religion and Life) of Secondary high School Based on the Components of Michael Burba’s Theory of Moral Intelligence: The Shannon’s Entropy Method

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the textbooks of Heavenly Messages and Religion and Life i... more Objective: This study aimed to analyze the textbooks of Heavenly Messages and Religion and Life in the secondary high school based on the components the Michel Burba’s theory of moral intelligence.
Method: The study was descriptive and content analysis type using ‘Shannon’s entropy’ method. The statistical population included 9 textbooks of heavenly messages and religion and life of secondary high school, published in 2023, which were analyzed using the census sampling method. In addition, the text of the lessons, pictures, sentences, poems, stories and verses were analyzed. The unit of analysis of written texts was sentences, and thematic analysis was used to examine the images. The tool of study was the verification form of the seven components of Burba’s theory of moral intelligence. The validity of the study was obtained based on the university professors’ and experts’ views, and its reliability was obtained through the Scott’s reliability coefficient, pi, equaled with 0.73. Data analysis was carried out using Excel software, and frequency distribution table, percentage, and importance coefficient were utilized.
Findings: In the reviewed textbooks, the component of self-discipline (WJ=0.216) had the highest importance coefficient, and followed by the components: fairness (WJ=0.188), patience (WJ=0.176), and empathy (WJ=0.164), respect (WJ=0.122), conscience (WJ=0.106), and Kindness (WJ=025), respectively. The highest importance coefficient for the components was (WJ=0.170) in the textbooks the Heavenly Messages of grade 7 and Religion and Life in grade 10, and followed by, the Religion and Life in grade 12, (WJ=167), the Heavenly Messages in grade 9, (WJ=0.165), the Religion and Life in grade 11, (WJ=0.164), had importance coefficient, and the lowest importance coefficient, (WJ=0.162), was the in the textbook the Heavenly Messages in grade 8.
Conclusion: In general, the components of moral intelligence do not have a balanced distribution when they are compared to each other, and the textbooks reviewed in different grades in secondary high school have also addressed these components in an imbalanced way.

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Structural Equation between Religiosity and Mental Health with a Test on the Mediating Role of Spiritual Intelligence in Students of Urmia University

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objectives: This study investigates the structural model that elucidates the relationship between... more Objectives: This study investigates the structural model that elucidates the relationship between religiosity and mental health, via the mediating role of spiritual intelligence, among the students of Urmia University.
Method: The research method was correlation of the type of structural equation model. From a pool of students at Urmia University in 2023 (N=13,567), 200 students were selected using the available sampling method, and they completed Goldberg's Mental Health Questionnaire (1979), Safdel's Religiosity Questionnaire (2013), and Farhosh et al.'s Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2018). The path analysis modelling method was employed based on the LISREL software (Version 8.8) and SPSS 27 to analyse the results.
Results: The research results showed that the direct path of between religiosity and mental health (β=0.73, T=8.07) was positive and significant (P<0.001). Additionally, the direct path between spiritual intelligence and mental health (β=0.75, T=8.32) was positive and significant (P<0.001). Furthermore, the indirect path between religiosity and mental health through spiritual intelligence (0.51) was positive and significant (P<0.005).
Conclusion: The results suggest that the proposed model based on research data exhibits a good fit, and the spiritual intelligence mediates the relationship between religiosity and mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Role of Educational Leadership in the Guidance-ability of Students with Underscoring the Holy Quran: Hadi Leadership Style

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The present study, with the aim of designing the role model of educational leadership ... more Objective: The present study, with the aim of designing the role model of educational leadership in the guidance-ability of students, has sought to outline the process of guiding students and find strategies to create that process in school.
Method: The method of this research is the grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin); Its study population, the verses of the Holy Quran and the educational activists; Its sampling method is theoretical, purposive and convenience sampling; and its research sample, sixteen people of educational activists, were the verses related to the conduct (Prophetic biography) of Prophet Noah (114 ayah) and the conduct of Prophet Ibrahim (30 ayah) and the honorable verses related to Guidance-ability (78 ayah).
Results: In this research, in the first step, the factors and obstacles of guidance-ability were extracted from the Holy Quran, which resulted in obtaining 19 factors and 40 obstacles for guidance-ability, which are divided into two sections: "External Factors and Obstacles" and "Internal Factors and Obstacles", and The second part was organized into three categories: insight factors, tendency factors and active factors In the second step of the research, by using the Holy Quran and interviews with educational activists, the core category, educational leadership strategies for enhance student’s capacity to accept guidance and context conditions was obtained, the result of which was the determination of the "Guide (Hadi) Leadership Style" as a core category, Presenting 23 general strategies - in the three axes of "Hadi's educational strategies", "Hadi's management strategies" and "Hadi's environmental strategies" - and 11 specific strategies; And drawing background conditions in three sectors of formal, semi-formal and informal institutions.
Conclusions: According to the findings of the research, it can be said that educational leadership by using the “Hadi leadership style” and implementing guidance-ability strategies will be the foundation for the creation of guidance-ability in students.

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Individual and Social Moral Training that is the Basis for the Emergence (Model of Human Excellence)

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The purpose of the current research was to present a model of individual and social et... more Objective: The purpose of the current research was to present a model of individual and social ethics education that is the basis for the emergence based on the identification of the dimensions and components of the individual and social ethics education that is the basis for the emergence.
Method: From the point of view of the nature and method of data collection, the current research is descriptive-survey and the research strategy is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The studied community were the experts of religious and cultural organizations and sampling was done in a targeted way and a total of 25 people were selected. After defining the subject and conducting exploratory, library and analytical studies of Islamic texts related to moral education, the dimensions and components of the variables were collected through the Delphi method and a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed based on qualitative statistical methods by the software (Spss 22) and finally The fit of the model reached the consensus of the experts. Further, the confirmatory factor analysis of each of the research variables was performed by software (PLS 3).
Results: According to the findings, the model of human excellence has 5 dimensions (individual ethics, social ethics, social behavior, social cognition and social feeling) with 18 components (individual piety, individual guidance, compliance with duties and mustahabbs, modesty, perseverance, raising the level of education and refinement, love among people, respect and trust among people, scientific and intellectual growth of people, unity and non-divisiveness, comprehensive justice, fighting against class privileges, confronting racial discrimination, eliminating luxury and all-round security, behavioral characteristics, cognitive characteristics and the characteristics of the sense of social ethics).
Conclusions: Since the construction of cross-validity, composite reliability and average variances extracted in the research model were at an acceptable level, a suitable model was recognized.

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigmatic Model of the Role of Azan in the Singing ofCongregational Prayers of Schools

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The purpose of the present research is to present a paradigmatic model of congregation... more Objective: The purpose of the present research is to present a paradigmatic model of congregational prayers in schools from the point of view of clerics and imams of school congregations.
Method: The research method is qualitative and based on data-based theory. The statistical population is all clerics and imams of schools in Najaf Abad city, 16 of whom were selected and studied in a purposeful manner and based on the principle of theoretical saturation. Collecting the required information through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with clerics and imams of school congregations and analyzing them through three processes; Open, central and selective coding was conceptualized and performed.
Results: Coding of information led to the formation of 114 primary concepts, 53 sub-themes and 18 main themes, and the core category of the research was created with the title "Singing the prayers of congregational schools in light of the call to prayer". The main topics include "getting ready for prayer, creating the presence of the heart in prayer and giving order to students (causal conditions), understanding the concepts of the call to prayer, establishing a connection between the call to prayer and prayer, paying attention to the function and importance of the call to prayer and modeling (contextual conditions), the quality of the call to prayer, the school staff and the call to prayer, the call to prayer of competent teachers and the recitation of the call to prayer live (interfering conditions), motivational activities, holding competitions of the call to prayer and teaching the concepts and sound of the call to prayer (strategies), increasing knowledge, Value creation, the productivity of prayer time and the purpose of the call to prayer are the slogans of Islam (consequences) and the prayer songs of the congregation of schools with regard to the call to prayer need to change the view and attitude towards the call to prayer and its explanation and enlightenment.
Conclusions: The paradigmatic model of the research is a representation of the conditions and causes, factors and necessities for enriching the prayers of congregational schools in the light of the call to prayer Provide.

Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Psychological Hardiness and Emotion Regulation Based on Religious Orientation and Attachment Style in Second Year High School Students

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to predict psychological toughness and emotion regulati... more Purpose: The purpose of this research was to predict psychological toughness and emotion regulation based on students' religious orientation and attachment styles.
Method: The descriptive research method was correlation type. The statistical population of the research was made up of all second year high school students of Kashan city (8100 people) in the academic year of 2001-2001. The sample size in this research was determined as 500 people using cluster staged sampling method.
The tools used to collect information from the questionnaires were Kubasa's stubbornness scale (1979), Gross and John'semotional regulation inventory (2003), Collins and Read's (1990) attachment style questionnaire, and Allport and Ross' religious orientation questionnaire (1967). The data were collected using Smart software version 3.3. And spss version 26 was analyzed.
Findings: The findings showed that internal religious orientation, secure attachment style had a positive and significant relationship with emotion regulation and psychological toughness. External religious orientation, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles had a negative and significant effect on emotional regulation and psychological toughness. It can be said that external and internal religious orientation, secure, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles, together with anxiety have explained 67.3% of changes in psychological toughness. Extrinsic and intrinsic religious orientation, secure, avoidant and ambivalent, anxious attachment styles have together explained 36.7% of emotional regulation changes.
Conclusion: Since the type of attachment style and internal religious orientation is very important for regulating and adjusting emotions and increasing psychological toughness in teenagers, educational planners should pay more attention to this issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing a Model of Public Participation in the Policy Making Process of the Country's Official Education Based on the Knowledge System of the Holy Quran

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2024

Objective: The field of education is one of the broadest fields of public administration in the c... more Objective: The field of education is one of the broadest fields of public administration in the country, and in recent years, many criticisms have been raised about its performance, especially in the field of policy making. However, it seems that the use of people's participation in the field of education policy can have valuable results, although this issue has received less attention so far. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to design a model of public participation in the policy making process of the country's official education based on the knowledge system of the Holy Quran.
Method: This research is developmental-applicative in terms of purpose and is considered as a mixed research. In the qualitative step, the texts of the Holy Quran and its interpretations were examined and the data were analyzed by thematic analysis method. Also, in the quantitative stage, confirmatory factor analysis method was used to validate the model. For this purpose, 115 managers and experts in the Ministry of Education were asked for their opinions with a researcher-made questionnaire. At this stage, the sample size calculation method was Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method.
Results: For the three-dimensional research model, central, process and contextual factors as well as 25 components were identified. Also, the findings of the factor analysis show the confirmation of the structure of the research model and the coefficient of determination calculated for the central, process and contextual factors are 0.679, 0.571 and 0.628, respectively, which shows that they are suitable values.
Conclusion: The knowledge system of the Holy Qur'an emphasizes people's participation in various matters, including formal education policies, and the use of its guidelines in this field can be helpful.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the educational teachings of Surah Yusuf in the six fields of education Emphasizing the view of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan stude... more Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan students by using the lived experiences of educational leaders in Shahid schools.
Method: The current research was conducted as a qualitative study using interpretive phenomenology method and interview tool. The research population included 11 educational leaders of Shahid elementary schools in Tehran in the academic year of 1400-01, who were selected using the criterion sampling method. In order to analyze the findings, Smith's interpretive phenomenological method was used.
Findings: The results of semi-structured interviews with educational leaders in the form of (5 general themes, 19 partial themes and 57 basic themes) including educational strategies (paying attention to educational principles, strengthening social-cognitive skills, paying attention to individual differences, education multi-dimensional, kindness to the orphan and Ikram the orphan), support system (all-round support for students and families), strengthening the educational performance of educational leaders (group synergy of educators, educational sensitivity of educational leaders, training of educators and attention to the importance of selecting educators and teaching staff), strengthening the communication network (strengthening the sense of belonging to the school, flexibility in relationships and strength in relationships) and the weaknesses of the support network (weakness of planning in the fields of education and training of teachers, weakness in financial support and communication network).
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the lack of attention to the issue of orphans in the upper documents of the education system and the necessity of empowering educational leaders in the amount and type of attention to the educational and educational needs of orphan students, especially in witness schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of educational bases of cultural-educational centers of mosques

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study aims to identify and analyze the educational foundations of mosque-c... more Objective: The present study aims to identify and analyze the educational foundations of mosque-centered schools, seeking to answer the following question: “Which foundations do these schools adhere to and what goals and principles do they follow?”
Method: To examine the above-mentioned questions, this research utilized a descriptive-analytical approach and employed a comparative-inductive content analysis method to have a case study of Hazrat Rouhollah Educational Complex in Mashhad.
Findings: The findings of study included educational foundations, goals, principles, and educational methods obtained through the content analysis of documents within this educational set. Educational foundations were classified into macro and micro levels. Macro-level foundations (policy-making) were presented in the field of structure (inefficiency of present educational systems) and in the field of approach (the centrality of the mosque in education, prioritizing teaching over education, the scientific-moral authority of the educator, and the priority of role of the family in education). Additionally, micro-level educational foundations (implementation) in the field of educational content (prioritizing the realm of doctrinal-worship-moral education, and the realm of various aspects of human being and the necessity of attention to them) and in the field of educational methods (observing gradual progression and adapting content to the learner, diversity in the learner’s capabilities and attention to them) were identified.
Conclusion: The findings at both macro and micro levels can be utilized in educational systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation and standardization of intellectual humility scale(CIHS)

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research is to standardize and validate the intellectual humility ... more Objective: The purpose of this research is to standardize and validate the intellectual humility scale.Intellectual humility means that a person knows and admits that he is not superior or better than others, and that he does not become arrogant in the field of thought, judgment, feeling, and special attachment to his thoughts and opinions, because it deprives him of the possibility of impartial judgment.
Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and correlational in terms of method. The statistical population of the research included all students of Urmia University in 1402-1403, of which 335 people were selected through available sampling. Data were collected online. The tools used were intellectual humility scale and communication humility scale, self-efficacy scale and gratitude scale. In order to determine validity, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity and face validity were used, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and test-retest reliability were used to check reliability. Data were also analyzed by SPSS-23 and Amos software.
Findings: The results of confirmatory factor analysis yielded an acceptable fit for the existing structure of the questionnaire for the four factors of independence of logic and self, openness to reconsidering one's point of view, respect for the point of view of others, and lack of intellectual prejudice. Also, the concurrent validity results showed that the questionnaire has good validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients also showed that the reliability of the four factors is from 0.62 to 0.86, which shows that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability, and the convergent validity of the scale showed that there is a significant correlation between the scale of intellectual humility and communication humility, self-efficacy, gratitude has it.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, the intellectual humility scale has good psychometric properties and can be used as a suitable tool to investigate intellectual humility. This tool has good validity and reliability.

Research paper thumbnail of the effectiveness of the teaching package of "Religionn and Life" based on "Choice Theory" on responsibility and practice of religious beliefs among students .

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the teaching package of ... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the teaching package of religion and life based on the Choice Theory on responsibility and practice of religious beliefs in the 10th grade female students in the academic year of 1402-1403.
Research method: The research method was semi-experimental and pre-test and post-test with a control group by gender. The statistical population was 360 10th grade female students in the 18th district of Tehran, and the statistical sample consisted of two groups of 30 people. The research tool was the educational package and questionnaire of responsibility of Kurdlo and the questionnaire of practicing the religious beliefs of the Temple. The method of analysis was analysis of variance with repeated measures.
Findings: The educational package has a significant effect on the responsibility of female students at the confidence level of 95%. (F=15.266, P<0.01) and the results reveal that the effect size of education on the responsibility of adolescent female students was equal to 35%. this education has no significant effect on the religious beliefs of adolescent female students at the 95% confidence level. (F=0.117, P>0.05) and the effect size of education on the religious beliefs of adolescent female students was less than 1%.
Conclusion: The intervention of the researcher led to an increase in the level of responsibility of students in the statistical sample, and by learning the principles of choice theory, students make responsible and effective choices. This method of education and intervention did not lead to an increase in the amount of practicing the religious beliefs of the students in the statistical sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Scenarios facing the future of Islamic republic of Iran schools in the horizon of 1420

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Abstract: Obtaining precise knowledge of the future may seem elusive in today’s complex world. Ho... more Abstract: Obtaining precise knowledge of the future may seem elusive in today’s complex world. However, the endeavor to identify potential futures remains crucial for educational decision-makers. Future research combines reasoning, choice, and action. Scenario-based analysis is a strategic method within future research. How will the future of Iranian schools unfold? What scenarios lie ahead for Iranian schools?
Method: This qualitative study engaged library research and semi-structured interviews across various disciplines to explore the future of Iranian schools. Interviews included 14 informed participants: 3 former education ministers, 4 prominent education system critics, 4 school principals and teachers, and 3 education-focused futurists. From prior research and interviews, 17 influential factors shaping the future of schools were extracted. Leveraging scenario-based software and insights from 10 educational experts, 10 key factors emerged. By examining critical uncertainties using the Scenario Wizard software, future scenarios for Iranian schools were constructed.
Finding: In the favorable scenario, educational tours visiting Iranian schools are envisioned within 20 years, contingent upon substantial prerequisites. Conversely, in an unfavorable scenario, people disengage from schools, seeking alternative methods for educating their children. The probable scenario navigates a middle path: schools address existing challenges while inadvertently creating new ones. Despite these variations, societal scrutiny persists, holding schools accountable for their role in shaping future citizens.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, distancing ourselves from unfavorable and probable scenarios requires decisions beyond the realm of education. The intricate interplay of factors and their reciprocal effects seems to surpass the capacity of the education system to resolve. Expanding future studies in the field of education can contribute to clarifying the path ahead.

Research paper thumbnail of A phenomenological study of the educational components of orphan students from the perspective of the educational leaders of Shahid schools

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan stude... more Objective: The purpose of this research was to achieve the educational components of orphan students by using the lived experiences of educational leaders in Shahid schools.
Method: The current research was conducted as a qualitative study using interpretive phenomenology method and interview tool. The research population included 11 educational leaders of Shahid elementary schools in Tehran in the academic year of 1400-01, who were selected using the criterion sampling method. In order to analyze the findings, Smith's interpretive phenomenological method was used.
Findings: The results of semi-structured interviews with educational leaders in the form of (5 general themes, 19 partial themes and 57 basic themes) including educational strategies (paying attention to educational principles, strengthening social-cognitive skills, paying attention to individual differences, education multi-dimensional, kindness to the orphan and Ikram the orphan), support system (all-round support for students and families), strengthening the educational performance of educational leaders (group synergy of educators, educational sensitivity of educational leaders, training of educators and attention to the importance of selecting educators and teaching staff), strengthening the communication network (strengthening the sense of belonging to the school, flexibility in relationships and strength in relationships) and the weaknesses of the support network (weakness of planning in the fields of education and training of teachers, weakness in financial support and communication network).
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the lack of attention to the issue of orphans in the upper documents of the education system and the necessity of empowering educational leaders in the amount and type of attention to the educational and educational needs of orphan students, especially in witness schools

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenology of Students’ Religious Questions and Analysis of ‘Religion and Life’ Textbooks Based on Them

‎ Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective:The present qualitative research aims at phenomenology of students’ religious questions... more Objective:The present qualitative research aims at phenomenology of students’ religious questions and examining the relationship between the type of religious questions and concerns of senior high school students with the content of their religion textbooks (titled as Din-Va-Zendegi textbooks, meaning ‘religion and life’).
Method:For this purpose, the qualitative phenomenological method has been used to retrieve and compile the types of religious questions and concerns of high school students in Kerman. The inductive-thematic-qualitative content analysis method has been used to examine the relationship of the types of students’ religious questions and their concerns with the content of their textbooks (Din-Va-Zendegi textbooks). In the phenomenological part, the research population consisted of female students in the senior high school in Kerman city in 1398-1399 SH academic year. Among them, 44 female high school students were selected, with a consultation of their teachers, by a purposive method as the statistical sample through the criteria of being available and having a concern for thinking and inquiring, . The data collection tools were semi-structured interviews and students’ self-reports.
Finding:Based on the research results, 87 basic codes (subcategories) and 11 organizing codes (main categories) were identified. The main categories of student’s questions and concerns included questions about God, the afterlife, the nature of death, the philosophy of worships, Imam Mahdi, other heavenly religions, and relationships between boys and girls.
conclusion:In the examination and analyses of religious textbooks in the senior high school considering students’ questions and concerns, the results of the research indicate that there is very little discussion about the concerns and questions of the new generation of students in their textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to this important issue in the revision and re-compilation of these books.

Research paper thumbnail of Presenting the Competency Model of Cultural Managers from the Perspective of Nahj al-Balagha

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the flagship of the modern Islamic civilization, shou... more Objective: The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the flagship of the modern Islamic civilization, should pay special attention to culture, especially by cultural managers who play a crucial and sensitive role. One of the most important books that can guide cultural managers is Nahj al-Balagha. In this book, the fields of management, methods of governance, and their missions are appropriately explained in the words of Imam Ali (as). This study aims to present the competency model of cultural managers from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha.
Method: This study, in terms of its applied objective, uses a qualitative and theoretical framework, and applies a library method to extract and analyze data through extracting excerpts from Nahjul Balagha, including Imam Ali’s sermons, letters, and wisdom. The obtained data were then analyzed and categorized through content analysis. To validate the data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 cultural experts and university professors who were purposefully selected through targeted sampling. Finally, the data were classified and analyzed.
Findings: The findings of this study from Nahj al-Balagha, which is extracted from Atlas ti8 software, indicate that there are three dimensions that have been categorized and analyzed through interviews with the community of research experts: (a) individual cultural dimension, with self-management and self-efficacy components, religious commitment, moral strengthening, spiritual strengthening, and positive thinking (b) specialized-skills dimension, with components of future orientation, management ability and art, skill and support of employees (c) religious-values dimension, with components of courage and decisiveness of future managers, righteousness, respect for the rights of others, friendliness towards people, and having ideals.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it is suggested that these dimensions should be included in the agenda of policymakers for the selection and appointment of managers, especially cultural managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Components of Multicultural Education in Hediye-Haye Aseman (Gifts of Heaven) Textbooks in Elementary School Based on the Criteria of Philosophy for Children Curriculum

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the components of multicultu... more Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the components of multicultural education in Hediye-Haye Aseman textbooks in elementary school based on the criteria of Philosophy for Children Curriculum.
Method: The research method was descriptive and quantitative content analysis, with Shannon’s entropy technique. Due to the limitations of the society, the sampling was total and included 5 volumes of Hediye-Haye Aseman textbooks for the second to sixth grades in the academic year of 2022-2023. The units of analysis included text, images and book activities. The research tool was a researcher-made checklist including the components of multicultural education and philosophical thinking criteria (exploratory, argumentative and interactive), the validity of which was confirmed by the CVR method; and to ensure reliability with re-implementation, the agreement coefficient 87% was obtained.
Findings: The findings showed that the components were reflected in the textbooks 45 times in total, and the concept of "disability" with a coefficient of 0.55 was the most important, followed by the two concepts of "acceptance of differences" (0.35) and "religion" (0.1). The importance coefficient of the four concepts "equality and anti-discrimination", "goal and content", "teaching method" and "peaceful coexistence" with frequency of one is equal to zero, and the 8 concepts of "Justice", "Dignity and Human Rights", "Nation/Language", "Gender", "Educational Materials, Tools and Environment", "Evaluation", "Respect for Different Opinions" and "Human and Cultural Relations" have not been given any attention in those textbooks.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the distribution and dispersion of the components of multicultural education based on the criteria of the philosophy for children curriculum are not balanced in textbooks. Therefore, textbooks need to be revised and redesigned in order to avoid cultural one-sidedness and memory-centeredness.

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction between structure and agency in the theory of the human as an agent and its educational implications for childhood

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective:This study aims to investigate the relationship between structure and agency in the the... more Objective:This study aims to investigate the relationship between structure and agency in the theory of the human as an agent and its educational implications for childhood.
Method: For this purpose, this research was conducted with a qualitative approach and Analytic-Deductive method in three specific steps. First, the components of the concepts of agency and structure in the theory of the human as an agent were analyzed and described. Then, the relationship between structure and agency was deduced in a systematic framework. Finally, based on the analysis, educational and practical implications were presented for the management of early childhood.
Findings: Based on the philosophical concern of the theory of man as an agent, the components of agency included (will, etc.) and the components of structure were discovered in two internal and external parts.Regarding the dual relationship of agency-structure, neglecting the causes of human agency and accepting his inaction and unwillingness in the face of structures on the one hand and unjustified emphasis on the role of structures on the other, there are two sides of the spectrum that we have to turn from.Therefore, interactionism means a middle ground between the extreme edges of the spectrum.For this purpose, in this theory, the concept of "selection and choice of agent" is used the most.
Conclusion: Finally, based on the lack of agency in childhood, adopting the idea of a child as a pseudo-agent and considering childhood as a period of transition to agency, the proposed implications can be preparations for the growth and development of the bases of agency for adulthood.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the perceptions of university professors about the components of the moral education curriculum in the elementary school and presenting the ideal model

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analysing the components of the moral ... more Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim of analysing the components of the moral education curriculum in the elementary school and providing an ideal model.
Method: The method of this research is a mixed exploratory strategy that is qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population in the qualitative part included professors in the field of education and in the quantitative part all the teachers of the second year of elementary school in districts one and two of Kerman city in the academic year of 2022-2023. The studied sample chosen in the qualitative part through the purposive sampling method, and in the quantitative part through the total population sampling method. The data collection tool in the qualitative part was semi-structured interviews with 20 experts in the field of education at Shahid Bahonar University and Farhangian University of Kerman in 2022; in the quantitative part was the questionnaire extracted from the interview results. In the qualitative part, in order to analyze the data, the three-step method of Strauss and Corbin (2006) was used, and in the quantitative part, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used. In order to ensure the validity and reliability of the qualitative part, Guba and Lincoln’s (1985) method was used, which includes the four indicators of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Finding: The findings showed that 13 main categories and 33 subcategories were identified. Then a questionnaire was designed to validate the model. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha (0.92) and its (form and content) validity was calculated based on the opinions of professors in the field of education and using the sigma counting method (0.85). In the quantitative part, the results of the analysis of structural equations, while confirming the fit of the model, showed that all 33 investigated components have a significant effect on the program.
Conclusion: According to the results of this survey and by focusing on the moral education curriculum model, it is possible to help improve the moral education of elementary school students.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the position of the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress in textbooks First high school

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective The current research aimed at investigating the level of attention paid to the key elem... more Objective
The current research aimed at investigating the level of attention paid to the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress in the textbooks of the junior high school.
The research is applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of method, and in view of its nature, the descriptive research method of content analysis type was used. The statistical population of this research includes the content of all the textbooks of the junior high school in the academic year 1401-1402 SH. The statistical sample included 10 books in 3 titles (Messages of the Heaven, Thought and Lifestyle, and Social Studies) in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, selected by purposeful sampling. In this research, the researcher-made content analysis checklist and the content validity method were used to determine the validity of the research tool and the Shannon entropy method was used to analyze the data.
The findings of the research showed that among the studied books, the highest frequency of indicators of key elements and basic principles is related to Social Studies textbooks with a frequency of 1496 units and 49.45 percent, and the lowest frequency is related to Thought and Lifestyle textbooks with the frequency is 630 units and 20.83%. Among the indices of key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress, the index of key elements with a frequency of 2105 units and 69.59 percent has the highest share, and the lowest share is related to the index of basic principles with a frequency of 920 and 30.41 percent. Also, the most attention is given to the key elements of the eighth-grade Thought and Lifestyle textbook (both for girls and boys) with a frequency of 110 units and 52.13 percent, and the least attention is related to the eighth-grade Thought and Lifestyle textbook (only for boys) with a frequency of 6 units and 2.84%. In addition, the most attention related to the basic principles of the 7th grade Social Studies textbook with a frequency of 72 units and 41.86% and the least attention was related to the 8th grade Social Studies textbook with a frequency of 49 units and 28.49%.
Considering that the studied indicators did not have the same distribution, we hope that the lesson planners and the textbook producers increase, by equal strengthening of these indicators, the indicators of the key elements and basic principles of the Iranian Islamic model of progress among students.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative meta-analysis of researche on Islamic education courses of Universities and higher education institutions of the country

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Goal: The goal of this research was meta-analysis of the research results about Islamic education... more Goal: The goal of this research was meta-analysis of the research results about Islamic education courses of universities and higher education institutions of the Iran.
Method: The research approach was quantitative and the research method was meta-analysis. The statistical population consisted of all the research conducted on Islamic education courses between 1392-1399 SH. The statistical sample was all the researches that qualified for quantitative meta-analysis assumptions. The measuring tool was the checklist of the criteria of the eligible articles for meta-analysis. To determine the validity of the tool, the checklist was given to three experts in measurement who had at least one experience in meta-analysis, and the validity of the tool was confirmed. To analyze, the questions, the heterogeneity test, Hedges g index and fixed and random model were used. The data were analyzed using CMA 3 software.
Findings: Based on the results of the study heterogeneity test, the null hypothesis of study heterogeneity was confirmed. Also, the I2 index showed the effect of heterogeneity of studies on 97.33% of the total changes. The effect size and Z calculated for 15 variables from 22 were significant at the alpha level of 0/05. The largest effect size based on the Hedges g index was related to the religious attitude variable with an effect size of 1/488, followed by the professors’ variable with 1/450, then the interrelation between the professor and the student with 1/215. The overall effect size for studies in the fixed and random model was at the medium level, which indicated the relationship between the variables and the effectiveness of Islamic education courses.
Conclusion: Based on the results, the three factors of religious attitude, professor and mutual relationship between professor and student had the greatest effect on the effectiveness of these courses. Therefore, based on the results of the meta-analysis and by insisting on the identified factors related to the effectiveness of the curriculum of Islamic education courses, the necessity of rethinking and transformation in the curriculum of Islamic education courses should always be one of the main concerns of the policy makers and designers of the Islamic education curriculum.

Research paper thumbnail of The Content Analysis of the Textbooks Payamhay-e-Asemani (Heavenly Messages) and Din va Zendegi (Religion and Life) of Secondary high School Based on the Components of Michael Burba’s Theory of Moral Intelligence: The Shannon’s Entropy Method

Applied Issues in Islamic Education, 2023

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the textbooks of Heavenly Messages and Religion and Life i... more Objective: This study aimed to analyze the textbooks of Heavenly Messages and Religion and Life in the secondary high school based on the components the Michel Burba’s theory of moral intelligence.
Method: The study was descriptive and content analysis type using ‘Shannon’s entropy’ method. The statistical population included 9 textbooks of heavenly messages and religion and life of secondary high school, published in 2023, which were analyzed using the census sampling method. In addition, the text of the lessons, pictures, sentences, poems, stories and verses were analyzed. The unit of analysis of written texts was sentences, and thematic analysis was used to examine the images. The tool of study was the verification form of the seven components of Burba’s theory of moral intelligence. The validity of the study was obtained based on the university professors’ and experts’ views, and its reliability was obtained through the Scott’s reliability coefficient, pi, equaled with 0.73. Data analysis was carried out using Excel software, and frequency distribution table, percentage, and importance coefficient were utilized.
Findings: In the reviewed textbooks, the component of self-discipline (WJ=0.216) had the highest importance coefficient, and followed by the components: fairness (WJ=0.188), patience (WJ=0.176), and empathy (WJ=0.164), respect (WJ=0.122), conscience (WJ=0.106), and Kindness (WJ=025), respectively. The highest importance coefficient for the components was (WJ=0.170) in the textbooks the Heavenly Messages of grade 7 and Religion and Life in grade 10, and followed by, the Religion and Life in grade 12, (WJ=167), the Heavenly Messages in grade 9, (WJ=0.165), the Religion and Life in grade 11, (WJ=0.164), had importance coefficient, and the lowest importance coefficient, (WJ=0.162), was the in the textbook the Heavenly Messages in grade 8.
Conclusion: In general, the components of moral intelligence do not have a balanced distribution when they are compared to each other, and the textbooks reviewed in different grades in secondary high school have also addressed these components in an imbalanced way.