TalkCity (original) (raw)

Great Memories of great chat friends [25 Jan 2016|09:33pm]
I chatted as zeroblu when I first found Talkcity in #Towntalk with a lot of folks like ism and pyroDan . Then became a host CCCOBALT or Coby as the #Collegetalk folks called me. I remember a lot of great online chatters which bring back wonderful memories. I learned a great deal from many people online at my old home away from home Talkcity and yes I remember Donna. I actually liked and got along well with her. I will always hold a special place in my heart for all my Talkcity alumni and chatters. I worked part time with Talkcity and full time as an Aircraft Mechanic and Inspector for Raytheon at that time. I am currently working for Sikorsky as a Quality Inspector. I will alway look forward to hearing from my old Talkcity buddies. Trish aka zeroblu aka CCCOBALT
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#StarWars-SithInfiltrator [19 Apr 2015|08:45am]
Wow! That chat room was on fire back in the day. I got into RPG around late 2000, I believe, and met a lot of great people in there. And also some that grated my nerves lol. Some might remember me as Disciple-Storm a.k.a. Darhsanna_Sarin. Ran around with the Legion's folks back then. We were a lot of trouble, weren't we? hahaha.
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KidzKorner [26 Nov 2014|07:38pm]
Found this on a whim! I was a admin for KidzKorner... any others out there? I was literally a kid myself. My username was FroggieCupcake with TCC either at the front or the end (I don't remember). Crazy!
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Since Prime talked.. [18 Sep 2012|09:27pm]
I was one of the little a holes who liked to crash chat. Donna got an attitude with our room one day... so the mirc scripts began to come into play. (actually bought my first pc b/c of Donnas attitude Just to ping that woman off line.) sorry to all webtv users I have irritated. I do miss TC It was a total shame when they dropped chat, and the url all together. Gramps was a great admin, there is a few others just cant remember their names.I have met and kept in touch with many of the local pittsburgh users, we used to meet up at a bar every other friday.. :'( the good old days.
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PrimeTCC / PrimaCCC :) [18 Sep 2012|08:55am]
Good morning! :) Being the nerd I am ... and after talking w/ an old buddy last night .. I decided AHHH! I will reconnect with some of you! ... or .. I won't, but at least I'll feel like I am.I'm PrimeTCC / PrimaCCC aka MissPrime ... and I was a host in the Religions & Spiritualities Forum. .. including: #Spirituality-ReflectingPool, #Spirituality-Christians, etc.We certainly had a unique opportunity at TalkCity, as we were at the crux of a technological revolution ... which is likely why some of us are still friends today and secretly long for that sense of community and acceptance.Have a great day, TalkCity fans. :)
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SplashCCC here [05 Jul 2012|04:39pm]
Hi allIts great to find our old TC Community here, gosh how I mis TC, I was Splash CCC and shift leader in Final days of TC, I wish they would start againSplashCCCSunil NalavadeIndia
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Hello TalkCity Alum! [04 Mar 2012|03:00am]
Well, it's been a while since this community has seen any activity, but I stumbled across it nonetheless. I worked at TalkCity as NightCCC; my other nicks included Night-Spider, NS, and YONight (before my CCC days--I was there before the whole TCC thing!).I worked mostly in #YouthOnline, although I made some (dreaded) appearances in #TeenTalk, #TeenTalk2, #TeenTalk3, #TeenTalk4...::sigh::...and Mactalk.Great to see some folks leave messages here. I miss TalkCity a bit! :-}
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#StarWars-JediTemple [10 Mar 2011|06:09pm]
[ **mood** | happy ] #StarWars-NabooSwamp etcI had so much fun roleplaying there, and just watching other people talk. I was young and dumb then, so I doubt anyone took notice, but if you saw a senatorkitten, Briakitten, or Jume, it was me :DSuch happy times, before the bubble burst~
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#Anime, '97-2000-ish [09 Mar 2011|10:22pm]
I can't believe people still remember this server! I know it's a long shot, but was anyone here from the #Anime room? I was SSJ3Bulma/setzerfan. Wow, that was such a long time ago.
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Кросспостинг. Как избежать проблем на начальной этапе [29 Nov 2010|04:36pm]
Кросспостинг – новый, модный и удобный сервис. Однако, если пользоваться им бездумно, то при всех очевидных плюсах, ваш основной блог, либо сайт может подвергнуться обструкции со стороны поисковых систем.К примеру, при кросспостинге ваши статьи могут быть проиндексированы в первую очередь на ваших «внешних» дочерних блогах/сайтах и только потом на основном ресурсе. Т.е. ваши публикации будут расценены поисковыми системами, как копипаст. Это, естественно, плохо: сначала ваши страницы на основном ресурсе начнут выпадать из индекса, на них будет наложен так называемый фильтр, а стечением времени – и вовсе получите бан!
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Back in the day 97-2000 ish maybe? [13 Oct 2010|08:00am]
I was like 11 when I first started using WebTV and got out of it at like age 14 and now I'm 24 :/ I used to use alot of different names. I think I was in #TeenChat or #Teenzone maybe. I remember Donna being a op. I went by, x-bluefire-x x-MountainDew-x (all I can remember) My bro went by DahrkKloudieDaiz (Travis) I can remember a k0w (Tim) c0w (Chriz) Machinehead (?) We use to get on an IRC script called Inspector Gadget and make alot of bots come in talkcity and flood everyone with iiiiiii OOooOOoOoOooOo etc... Anyone remember these such things? hit me up,
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Такие разные краски для волос [15 Jul 2010|12:26am]
Дежурная тема для обсуждения в женском кругу – окрашивание волос. Кто-то красит волосы для смены имиджа, кто-то – чтобы закрасить седину, кто-то потому, что свой цвет не нравится. Всем хочется быть красивыми, и волосы играют в этом немаловажную роль. В любом случае, чтобы обеспечить красоту волос , необходимо владеть правдивой информацией в этом вопросе. Какие бывают краски для волос? Краски делят на три типа - стойкие, полустойкие и придающие оттенок, что отражается на их составе и влиянии на волосы. Наиболее активным является окрашивание волос стойкой краской. Она скроет вашу седину в отличие от полустойких и оттеночных красок. ( Read more...Collapse )
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Good old talkcity [22 Jun 2010|07:04am]
I was a trouble user who used to gain ops and kick everyone out. The person I remember most was Donna. I'd like to talk to her if shes still around.
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Ex-TCGames, Ridiculist and Games-ABC player [29 Oct 2009|09:15pm]
Hi.I stumbled into Talkcity when Quarterdeck's (Globalchat) chat server died around '96...'97 or so. Kenrick Mach hosted a bot game that Talkcity eventually hosted live in TCGames. Kenrick has gathered all of his bot games onto his Botosaurus chat server. About 2 dozen of us TCGamers show up on Starlink-IRC's chat server in a room called #wtgo. A couple of ex-CCCs show once in awhile, too.I see quite a few Kidzkorner alumni here. I do remember sitting by my daughter as she played a few games there. I remember a HawkCCC hosting there.I'm glad I got to meet so many people there. Talkcity's chat server was a once in a lifetime thing. My ancient TCGames website was obliterated by Yahoo's decision to kill Geocities' free webpage hosting. I do have the html backed up and you can still see the TCGames Trophy Room on the Internet Archive.Jack
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wonderful memories [21 Jun 2009|10:46pm]
i googled talkcity teentalk, and well, here i am.i was an op for a pretty good amount of time, and was pretty popular under teentalk, a room which got shut down. ah well.i still talk to people from there, only about's good to know i'm not the only chatroom youth you know who i am, which would be under the aliases looby101, loonygrrl45, etc, feel free to contact me on yahoo: or email me at i miss a lot of you guys, and yes, it has been a long while.maybe someone will recognize...
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[29 Jan 2009|03:53pm]
I hope there are some people still watching this. I was on TC 12+ years ago as Nebrfan and YONebbie - seeing this brought back memories of DaisyCCC, PianoTCC, JazzCCC. I remember that back in the day, my chat room had more members than TownHall (I think that was what the main one was called) and ended up getting shut down by the CSA. Good memories.
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[13 Jan 2009|05:45pm]
[ **mood** | calm ] where has the time gone? i remember, 12 years ago, getting the WebTV, logging into TalkCity, and meeting so many awesome people. i remember working in #KidzKorner..transitioning from ScaryKDZ to TCCharm..keeping score for every game. now this year i'm in college, about to be 23, and a WoW playing nerd XDsome of you might remember me as Ginger111 or Ginger_Spice12 (i was spice girls obsessed <.<). now im back with another, and hopefully my last, LJ.
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[26 Sep 2008|01:59am]
Ok umm.. I guess like most of the other people here, I found this group by googling for "kidz korner".I was actually hoping I could run into some people from #pokemon...
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