Aile Möldre | Tallinn University (original) (raw)
Papers by Aile Möldre
The article includes an overview of the development of e-publishing in Estonia. The treatment is ... more The article includes an overview of the development of e-publishing in Estonia. The treatment is based on the analysis and comparison of existing research, mainly student papers; statistical data from the database of Statistics Estonia and the National Library of Estonia, articles in the periodical press and homepages of various institutions. The beginning of the article presents the description of the publishing industry during the 2000s. In accordance with the development of economy the book production has moved from the peak in the mid-2000s to recession in 2008–2010. The declining market led to the decrease in print runs (since 2008) and book title production (since 2010). The number of publishers, however, increased even during the crisis. The small-language market is of no interest to international companies, so the book industry works on local capital. Estonia is characterised by early adoption and wide use of the Internet. The web publishing by organisations, associations an...
Open Book Publishers, Apr 3, 2024
Knygotyra, Jun 23, 2016
The article includes an overview about the publishing and book production in minority languages i... more The article includes an overview about the publishing and book production in minority languages in Estonia during the periods of the independent Republic of Estonia-in 1918-1940 since 1991 with Estonian reestablished as the official language. The treatment is based on the statistical data calculated on the basis of the Estonian National Bibliography database and on the thematic analysis of numerous research works. Russians and Germans were the largest minority groups in Estonia in 1918-1940. They were able to establish and operate publishing houses specializing correspondingly in Russian or German-language production. The German-language book title output was higher than in Russian, which was partly due to the role of German in science at that time. The smaller ethnic groups of Jews and Swedes mainly published periodicals. Only one historical minority-the Russian-survived through World War II and postwar period, making the Russian-language publishing the only enduring minority-language publishing venture in the present-day Estonia.
Knygotyra, Dec 20, 2018
The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establ... more The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establishing the production trends and the characteristic features of the publishing process. Production data was gathered from the Estonian national bibliography database, information about the organisation of the publishing process was collected via interviews and a survey. The data collection identified 467 non-periodical and 7 periodical publications, including mainly printed books (catalogues, museum guides, conference collections, etc.), dominated by scholarly content and art books. E-books were mainly represented by relatively few publications of educational materials and scholarly texts, issued both on paper and in pdf format. The first stages of the publishing process (writing and editing) as well as distribution are usually done in-house in all the studied museums. The larger museum publishers also handle the design and layout themselves whereas the smaller museums use outsourcing. Translation and printing is usually outsourced by all museums. Making their future plans, the museums consider wider use of print on demand as well as strengthening of marketing activities.
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2012
I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m ... more I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m a t u t o o d a n g u s (19 0 0-194 0) A i le Möld re Sissejuhatus Käesolevas artiklis esitatakse statistilised andmed tõlkeilukirjanduse väljaandmisest Eestis 20. sajandi esimese nelja kümnendi jooksul-ajal, mil Eesti kujunes moodsaks euroopalikuks ühiskonnaks ning rajati omariiklus. Ammutades mõjutusi Euroopa vooludest ja suundumustest, tõusis kultuur professionaalsele tasemele. Selles protsessis mängis otsustavat rolli tõlkimine. Teoreetiliselt taustalt paigutub käsitlus raamatuajaloo raamesse. Briti raamatuloolase Simon Elioti sõnul on raamatuloo aine juuripidi materiaalses maailmas, artefaktides, mida saab osaliselt iseloomustada ja mõista loendatava hulgana (Eliot 2002: 283-284). Trükistatistika, andmed raamatutoodangu kohta loovad avarama konteksti, mis võimaldab anda juhtumiuuringutes kindlakstehtud detailidele laiema tähenduse. Üks olulisi aspekte raamatutoodangu analüüsis on tõlkekirjanduse osakaalu ja koostise käsitlemine, uurimaks erinevate lähtekeelte rolli ja mahu muutumist ajas, erinevate kirjastajate osa tõlgete publitseerimises, tekstide valikut mõjutavaid tegureid jm. Raamatuloo loomupärane interdistsiplinaarsus viib mitmete teaduste, sealhulgas bibliograafia, sotsioloogia, ajaloo ja kirjandusloo meetodite ning teoreetiliste kontseptsioonide kasutamisele, sidudes raamatuloo ka tõlkelooga. Peeter Torop (1999: 72) nimetab tõlkekultuuri uurimise lähtepunktide seas statistilis-sotsioloogilisi probleeme, mis puudutavad kõigepealt tõlgete väljaandmist-tõlgete hulka kirjandusprotsessis, tõlke-ja algupärase kirjanduse vahekorda. Vaadeldava perioodi tõlgete statistika koostamise allikateks on retrospektiivne bibliograafia "Eestikeelne raamat 1901-1917" (Annus 1993), mille täiendused on avaldatud retrospektiivses bibliograafias "Eestikeelne raamat 1525-1850" (Annus 2000). 1993. aastal keelte, autorite, tõlkijate või teoste avaldamise käiku, seostades neid ajajärgu majandusliku, poliitilise, ideoloogilise ja kirjandusliku arengu ning lugejate maitse ja eelistustega. K i r j a n d u s
Knygotyra, 2013
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an independent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study. In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodical publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press includes all the news and articles on the topic in all the Estonian-language newspapers and magazines identified on the basis of the card catalogue of the Archive Library of the Estonian Literary Museum. The results of the study demonstrate that one third of the readers issued during the period under study and nearly all history textbooks included pieces of reading on book and printing history. The first treatments of the topic in periodicals were issued in the 1820s. However, the more regular communication of the topic started in the 1880s. The press gave preference to the Estonian book history and the history of writing. Thus, the treatment of the topics helped to shape the national consciousness of Estonian people, enlightening the origins and development of the national book culture. Ke y wo rd s : book history in Estonia, popularisation of book history, textbooks, periodical press, 19 th century, the beginning of the 20 th century
Contents/Contenu : Theo Hermans: Introduction. How is Translation Possible? - Peeter Torop: Histo... more Contents/Contenu : Theo Hermans: Introduction. How is Translation Possible? - Peeter Torop: History of Translation and Cultural Autotranslation - Christopher Rundle: History through a Translation Perspective - Luc Van Doorslaer: The Relative Neglect of Newspapers in Translation Studies Research - Martina Ozbot: Translation as an Agent of Culture Planning in Low-Impact Cultures - Nikolay Aretov: Translation as an Object of Literary Scholarship: From the Perspective of a 'Small' Literature - Antoine Chalvin : Comment ecrire une histoire areale de la traduction ? - Nayelli Castro : Questions de methodologie en vue d'une histoire de la traduction philosophique au Mexique au XXe siecle - Jean-Leon Muller : L'histoire de la traduction litteraire en Hongrie : un etat des lieux - Marie Vrinat-Nikolov : Pourquoi et comment une histoire comparee de la traduction en Bulgarie et en France ? - Janika Pall: Translating from Ancient Languages into Estonian: Outlines for Translation...
Knygotyra, 2013
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an independent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study.In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodical publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press inclu...
Knygotyra, 2014
Tallin University, Institute of Information StudiesNarva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn, EstoniaE-mail:ail... more Tallin University, Institute of Information StudiesNarva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn, Straipsnyje pateikiama skaitmeninės leidybos plėtros Estijoje apžvalga, sutelkiant dėmesį į komercinių leidyklų skaitmeninių knygų estų kalba leidybą.Situacijos analizė paremta rinkoje atliktais tyrimais ir jų lyginimu; daugiausia tai studentų darbai, Estijos statistikos departamento duomenų bazės statistiniai duomenys, periodinės spaudos straipsniai ir įvairių institucijų svetainių duomenys.Straipsnio pradžioje siekiama pristatyti teorinę situacijos apžvalgą. Įvade apibūdinama leidybos industrijos padėtis šalyje XXI amžiaus pradžioje. Knygų leidybos plėtra Estijoje susijusi su bendra ekonomine situacija, kuri po spartaus augimo pačioje XXI amžiaus pradžioje patyrė recesiją 2008–2010 metais. Dėl besitraukiančios rinkos visų pirma sumažėjo leidžiamų knygų tiražai (nuo 2008 metų), o vėliau, krizei užsitęsus, sumažėjo ir leidinių pavadinimų skaičius (nuo 2010). Vis dėlto nepaisan...
Knygotyra, 2018
The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establ... more The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establishing the production trends and the characteristic features of the publishing process. Production data was gathered from the Estonian national bibliography database, information about the organisation of the publishing process was collected via interviews and a survey. The data collection identified 467 non-periodical and 7 periodical publications, including mainly printed books (catalogues, museum guides, conference collections, etc.), dominated by scholarly content and art books. E-books were mainly represented by relatively few publications of educational materials and scholarly texts, issued both on paper and in pdf format. The first stages of the publishing process (writing and editing) as well as distribution are usually done in-house in all the studied museums. The larger museum publishers also handle the design and layout themselves whereas the smaller museums use outsourcing. Translation and printing is usually outsourced by all museums. Making their future plans, the museums consider wider use of print on demand as well as strengthening of marketing activities.
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2012
I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m ... more I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m a t u t o o d a n g u s (19 0 0-194 0) A i le Möld re Sissejuhatus Käesolevas artiklis esitatakse statistilised andmed tõlkeilukirjanduse väljaandmisest Eestis 20. sajandi esimese nelja kümnendi jooksul-ajal, mil Eesti kujunes moodsaks euroopalikuks ühiskonnaks ning rajati omariiklus. Ammutades mõjutusi Euroopa vooludest ja suundumustest, tõusis kultuur professionaalsele tasemele. Selles protsessis mängis otsustavat rolli tõlkimine. Teoreetiliselt taustalt paigutub käsitlus raamatuajaloo raamesse. Briti raamatuloolase Simon Elioti sõnul on raamatuloo aine juuripidi materiaalses maailmas, artefaktides, mida saab osaliselt iseloomustada ja mõista loendatava hulgana (Eliot 2002: 283-284). Trükistatistika, andmed raamatutoodangu kohta loovad avarama konteksti, mis võimaldab anda juhtumiuuringutes kindlakstehtud detailidele laiema tähenduse. Üks olulisi aspekte raamatutoodangu analüüsis on tõlkekirjanduse osakaalu ja koostise käsitlemine, uurimaks erinevate lähtekeelte rolli ja mahu muutumist ajas, erinevate kirjastajate osa tõlgete publitseerimises, tekstide valikut mõjutavaid tegureid jm. Raamatuloo loomupärane interdistsiplinaarsus viib mitmete teaduste, sealhulgas bibliograafia, sotsioloogia, ajaloo ja kirjandusloo meetodite ning teoreetiliste kontseptsioonide kasutamisele, sidudes raamatuloo ka tõlkelooga. Peeter Torop (1999: 72) nimetab tõlkekultuuri uurimise lähtepunktide seas statistilis-sotsioloogilisi probleeme, mis puudutavad kõigepealt tõlgete väljaandmist-tõlgete hulka kirjandusprotsessis, tõlke-ja algupärase kirjanduse vahekorda. Vaadeldava perioodi tõlgete statistika koostamise allikateks on retrospektiivne bibliograafia "Eestikeelne raamat 1901-1917" (Annus 1993), mille täiendused on avaldatud retrospektiivses bibliograafias "Eestikeelne raamat 1525-1850" (Annus 2000). 1993. aastal keelte, autorite, tõlkijate või teoste avaldamise käiku, seostades neid ajajärgu majandusliku, poliitilise, ideoloogilise ja kirjandusliku arengu ning lugejate maitse ja eelistustega. K i r j a n d u s
Estonian-language written and printed word has had an important role in the for-mation and mainta... more Estonian-language written and printed word has had an important role in the for-mation and maintaining of the national identity. The first attempts to gather infor-mation about the books in Estonian language were made already in 1656: the introduction to the Estonian language church book Hand- Hausz- und Kirchen-Buch listed seven books that were printed since 1554 [14, 14]. The more serious activities in studying the local book and library history started in the middle of the 19th century together with the formation of the first scientific societies – Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft (the Learned Estonian Society, 1838) and Estländische Literärische Gesellschaft (the Estonian Literary Society, 1842). Both societies joined the Baltic Germans who were interested in the history of their homeland (Vaterland). The Estonian Literary Society concentrated in studying the history and nature of the country and on acquireing foreign language books printed in Estonia and Baltica. The Learned Est...
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an in-dependent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study. In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodi-cal publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press in...
In the light of differing views on the development of the common Baltic identity, based on analog... more In the light of differing views on the development of the common Baltic identity, based on analogous historical, political, economic and cultural features, the paper studies its manifestation through translations from the Latvian and Lithuanian languages into Estonian. The analysis is based on a catalogue of translations, which has been compiled with the help of bibliographies and bibliographic databases. A statistical analysis of the data is used to establish the most active periods of translation publishing, the most popular authors and genres. The first book translation from Latvian dates back to the 18th century, whereas the first book translated from Lithuanian was issued in 1954. Until 1918 when all the three nations gained independence, cultural exchange in this region embraced only the historical Baltic provinces. Lithuania emerged in the cultural space of Estonians more intensively since the 1930s. The most productive period in translating Latvian and Lithuanian literature ...
... OGIZ also included as-sociations of book trade institutions and printing offices. This struct... more ... OGIZ also included as-sociations of book trade institutions and printing offices. This structure demonstrates the urge of the Soviet system of managing the book production to concentrate all the three fields publish-ing, printing and book trade under one directive body. ...
International Journal of the Book
This paper explores the dynamics of publishing of non-Russian Soviet literatures in Soviet Estoni... more This paper explores the dynamics of publishing of non-Russian Soviet literatures in Soviet Estonia, establishing the output of titles and the most popular source literatures. The analysis follows the position of Soviet national literatures during four periods in political history: the Stalinist years, the Thaw, Stagnation, and Perestroika. The study uses statistical yearbooks, bibliographies, archival material, as well as research literature as sources. The publishing of Soviet literature was strongly regulated by the publishing authorities and dependent on ideological directions. The analysis demonstrates that the proportion of the non-Russian Soviet literatures started to increase during the Thaw period, but the peak of its production was reached during the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s due to official pressure. The total number of source literatures was 49, demonstrating the diversity of translation production, although they were represented equally. The top source literat...
The article includes an overview of the development of e-publishing in Estonia. The treatment is ... more The article includes an overview of the development of e-publishing in Estonia. The treatment is based on the analysis and comparison of existing research, mainly student papers; statistical data from the database of Statistics Estonia and the National Library of Estonia, articles in the periodical press and homepages of various institutions. The beginning of the article presents the description of the publishing industry during the 2000s. In accordance with the development of economy the book production has moved from the peak in the mid-2000s to recession in 2008–2010. The declining market led to the decrease in print runs (since 2008) and book title production (since 2010). The number of publishers, however, increased even during the crisis. The small-language market is of no interest to international companies, so the book industry works on local capital. Estonia is characterised by early adoption and wide use of the Internet. The web publishing by organisations, associations an...
Open Book Publishers, Apr 3, 2024
Knygotyra, Jun 23, 2016
The article includes an overview about the publishing and book production in minority languages i... more The article includes an overview about the publishing and book production in minority languages in Estonia during the periods of the independent Republic of Estonia-in 1918-1940 since 1991 with Estonian reestablished as the official language. The treatment is based on the statistical data calculated on the basis of the Estonian National Bibliography database and on the thematic analysis of numerous research works. Russians and Germans were the largest minority groups in Estonia in 1918-1940. They were able to establish and operate publishing houses specializing correspondingly in Russian or German-language production. The German-language book title output was higher than in Russian, which was partly due to the role of German in science at that time. The smaller ethnic groups of Jews and Swedes mainly published periodicals. Only one historical minority-the Russian-survived through World War II and postwar period, making the Russian-language publishing the only enduring minority-language publishing venture in the present-day Estonia.
Knygotyra, Dec 20, 2018
The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establ... more The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establishing the production trends and the characteristic features of the publishing process. Production data was gathered from the Estonian national bibliography database, information about the organisation of the publishing process was collected via interviews and a survey. The data collection identified 467 non-periodical and 7 periodical publications, including mainly printed books (catalogues, museum guides, conference collections, etc.), dominated by scholarly content and art books. E-books were mainly represented by relatively few publications of educational materials and scholarly texts, issued both on paper and in pdf format. The first stages of the publishing process (writing and editing) as well as distribution are usually done in-house in all the studied museums. The larger museum publishers also handle the design and layout themselves whereas the smaller museums use outsourcing. Translation and printing is usually outsourced by all museums. Making their future plans, the museums consider wider use of print on demand as well as strengthening of marketing activities.
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2012
I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m ... more I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m a t u t o o d a n g u s (19 0 0-194 0) A i le Möld re Sissejuhatus Käesolevas artiklis esitatakse statistilised andmed tõlkeilukirjanduse väljaandmisest Eestis 20. sajandi esimese nelja kümnendi jooksul-ajal, mil Eesti kujunes moodsaks euroopalikuks ühiskonnaks ning rajati omariiklus. Ammutades mõjutusi Euroopa vooludest ja suundumustest, tõusis kultuur professionaalsele tasemele. Selles protsessis mängis otsustavat rolli tõlkimine. Teoreetiliselt taustalt paigutub käsitlus raamatuajaloo raamesse. Briti raamatuloolase Simon Elioti sõnul on raamatuloo aine juuripidi materiaalses maailmas, artefaktides, mida saab osaliselt iseloomustada ja mõista loendatava hulgana (Eliot 2002: 283-284). Trükistatistika, andmed raamatutoodangu kohta loovad avarama konteksti, mis võimaldab anda juhtumiuuringutes kindlakstehtud detailidele laiema tähenduse. Üks olulisi aspekte raamatutoodangu analüüsis on tõlkekirjanduse osakaalu ja koostise käsitlemine, uurimaks erinevate lähtekeelte rolli ja mahu muutumist ajas, erinevate kirjastajate osa tõlgete publitseerimises, tekstide valikut mõjutavaid tegureid jm. Raamatuloo loomupärane interdistsiplinaarsus viib mitmete teaduste, sealhulgas bibliograafia, sotsioloogia, ajaloo ja kirjandusloo meetodite ning teoreetiliste kontseptsioonide kasutamisele, sidudes raamatuloo ka tõlkelooga. Peeter Torop (1999: 72) nimetab tõlkekultuuri uurimise lähtepunktide seas statistilis-sotsioloogilisi probleeme, mis puudutavad kõigepealt tõlgete väljaandmist-tõlgete hulka kirjandusprotsessis, tõlke-ja algupärase kirjanduse vahekorda. Vaadeldava perioodi tõlgete statistika koostamise allikateks on retrospektiivne bibliograafia "Eestikeelne raamat 1901-1917" (Annus 1993), mille täiendused on avaldatud retrospektiivses bibliograafias "Eestikeelne raamat 1525-1850" (Annus 2000). 1993. aastal keelte, autorite, tõlkijate või teoste avaldamise käiku, seostades neid ajajärgu majandusliku, poliitilise, ideoloogilise ja kirjandusliku arengu ning lugejate maitse ja eelistustega. K i r j a n d u s
Knygotyra, 2013
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an independent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study. In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodical publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press includes all the news and articles on the topic in all the Estonian-language newspapers and magazines identified on the basis of the card catalogue of the Archive Library of the Estonian Literary Museum. The results of the study demonstrate that one third of the readers issued during the period under study and nearly all history textbooks included pieces of reading on book and printing history. The first treatments of the topic in periodicals were issued in the 1820s. However, the more regular communication of the topic started in the 1880s. The press gave preference to the Estonian book history and the history of writing. Thus, the treatment of the topics helped to shape the national consciousness of Estonian people, enlightening the origins and development of the national book culture. Ke y wo rd s : book history in Estonia, popularisation of book history, textbooks, periodical press, 19 th century, the beginning of the 20 th century
Contents/Contenu : Theo Hermans: Introduction. How is Translation Possible? - Peeter Torop: Histo... more Contents/Contenu : Theo Hermans: Introduction. How is Translation Possible? - Peeter Torop: History of Translation and Cultural Autotranslation - Christopher Rundle: History through a Translation Perspective - Luc Van Doorslaer: The Relative Neglect of Newspapers in Translation Studies Research - Martina Ozbot: Translation as an Agent of Culture Planning in Low-Impact Cultures - Nikolay Aretov: Translation as an Object of Literary Scholarship: From the Perspective of a 'Small' Literature - Antoine Chalvin : Comment ecrire une histoire areale de la traduction ? - Nayelli Castro : Questions de methodologie en vue d'une histoire de la traduction philosophique au Mexique au XXe siecle - Jean-Leon Muller : L'histoire de la traduction litteraire en Hongrie : un etat des lieux - Marie Vrinat-Nikolov : Pourquoi et comment une histoire comparee de la traduction en Bulgarie et en France ? - Janika Pall: Translating from Ancient Languages into Estonian: Outlines for Translation...
Knygotyra, 2013
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an independent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study.In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodical publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press inclu...
Knygotyra, 2014
Tallin University, Institute of Information StudiesNarva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn, EstoniaE-mail:ail... more Tallin University, Institute of Information StudiesNarva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn, Straipsnyje pateikiama skaitmeninės leidybos plėtros Estijoje apžvalga, sutelkiant dėmesį į komercinių leidyklų skaitmeninių knygų estų kalba leidybą.Situacijos analizė paremta rinkoje atliktais tyrimais ir jų lyginimu; daugiausia tai studentų darbai, Estijos statistikos departamento duomenų bazės statistiniai duomenys, periodinės spaudos straipsniai ir įvairių institucijų svetainių duomenys.Straipsnio pradžioje siekiama pristatyti teorinę situacijos apžvalgą. Įvade apibūdinama leidybos industrijos padėtis šalyje XXI amžiaus pradžioje. Knygų leidybos plėtra Estijoje susijusi su bendra ekonomine situacija, kuri po spartaus augimo pačioje XXI amžiaus pradžioje patyrė recesiją 2008–2010 metais. Dėl besitraukiančios rinkos visų pirma sumažėjo leidžiamų knygų tiražai (nuo 2008 metų), o vėliau, krizei užsitęsus, sumažėjo ir leidinių pavadinimų skaičius (nuo 2010). Vis dėlto nepaisan...
Knygotyra, 2018
The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establ... more The article introduces the study of museum publishing in Estonia in 2011-2015 that aims at establishing the production trends and the characteristic features of the publishing process. Production data was gathered from the Estonian national bibliography database, information about the organisation of the publishing process was collected via interviews and a survey. The data collection identified 467 non-periodical and 7 periodical publications, including mainly printed books (catalogues, museum guides, conference collections, etc.), dominated by scholarly content and art books. E-books were mainly represented by relatively few publications of educational materials and scholarly texts, issued both on paper and in pdf format. The first stages of the publishing process (writing and editing) as well as distribution are usually done in-house in all the studied museums. The larger museum publishers also handle the design and layout themselves whereas the smaller museums use outsourcing. Translation and printing is usually outsourced by all museums. Making their future plans, the museums consider wider use of print on demand as well as strengthening of marketing activities.
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 2012
I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m ... more I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m a t u t o o d a n g u s (19 0 0-194 0) A i le Möld re Sissejuhatus Käesolevas artiklis esitatakse statistilised andmed tõlkeilukirjanduse väljaandmisest Eestis 20. sajandi esimese nelja kümnendi jooksul-ajal, mil Eesti kujunes moodsaks euroopalikuks ühiskonnaks ning rajati omariiklus. Ammutades mõjutusi Euroopa vooludest ja suundumustest, tõusis kultuur professionaalsele tasemele. Selles protsessis mängis otsustavat rolli tõlkimine. Teoreetiliselt taustalt paigutub käsitlus raamatuajaloo raamesse. Briti raamatuloolase Simon Elioti sõnul on raamatuloo aine juuripidi materiaalses maailmas, artefaktides, mida saab osaliselt iseloomustada ja mõista loendatava hulgana (Eliot 2002: 283-284). Trükistatistika, andmed raamatutoodangu kohta loovad avarama konteksti, mis võimaldab anda juhtumiuuringutes kindlakstehtud detailidele laiema tähenduse. Üks olulisi aspekte raamatutoodangu analüüsis on tõlkekirjanduse osakaalu ja koostise käsitlemine, uurimaks erinevate lähtekeelte rolli ja mahu muutumist ajas, erinevate kirjastajate osa tõlgete publitseerimises, tekstide valikut mõjutavaid tegureid jm. Raamatuloo loomupärane interdistsiplinaarsus viib mitmete teaduste, sealhulgas bibliograafia, sotsioloogia, ajaloo ja kirjandusloo meetodite ning teoreetiliste kontseptsioonide kasutamisele, sidudes raamatuloo ka tõlkelooga. Peeter Torop (1999: 72) nimetab tõlkekultuuri uurimise lähtepunktide seas statistilis-sotsioloogilisi probleeme, mis puudutavad kõigepealt tõlgete väljaandmist-tõlgete hulka kirjandusprotsessis, tõlke-ja algupärase kirjanduse vahekorda. Vaadeldava perioodi tõlgete statistika koostamise allikateks on retrospektiivne bibliograafia "Eestikeelne raamat 1901-1917" (Annus 1993), mille täiendused on avaldatud retrospektiivses bibliograafias "Eestikeelne raamat 1525-1850" (Annus 2000). 1993. aastal keelte, autorite, tõlkijate või teoste avaldamise käiku, seostades neid ajajärgu majandusliku, poliitilise, ideoloogilise ja kirjandusliku arengu ning lugejate maitse ja eelistustega. K i r j a n d u s
Estonian-language written and printed word has had an important role in the for-mation and mainta... more Estonian-language written and printed word has had an important role in the for-mation and maintaining of the national identity. The first attempts to gather infor-mation about the books in Estonian language were made already in 1656: the introduction to the Estonian language church book Hand- Hausz- und Kirchen-Buch listed seven books that were printed since 1554 [14, 14]. The more serious activities in studying the local book and library history started in the middle of the 19th century together with the formation of the first scientific societies – Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft (the Learned Estonian Society, 1838) and Estländische Literärische Gesellschaft (the Estonian Literary Society, 1842). Both societies joined the Baltic Germans who were interested in the history of their homeland (Vaterland). The Estonian Literary Society concentrated in studying the history and nature of the country and on acquireing foreign language books printed in Estonia and Baltica. The Learned Est...
The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an i... more The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an in-dependent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian intellectuals used to concentrate on the popularisation of sciences. The article deals with the communication of popular knowledge on book history in the Estonian language during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (until 1917). The sample includes textbooks and articles in the periodical press. No separate books on this topic were issued during the period under study. In order to establish the representation of book-historical topics in Estonian textbooks and periodi-cal publications, the study employs the bibliometric approach and thematic analysis. The latter is based on the model elaborated by T. R. Adams and N. Barker. Among textbooks, readers and special history textbooks were chosen for the study. The sample of periodical press in...
In the light of differing views on the development of the common Baltic identity, based on analog... more In the light of differing views on the development of the common Baltic identity, based on analogous historical, political, economic and cultural features, the paper studies its manifestation through translations from the Latvian and Lithuanian languages into Estonian. The analysis is based on a catalogue of translations, which has been compiled with the help of bibliographies and bibliographic databases. A statistical analysis of the data is used to establish the most active periods of translation publishing, the most popular authors and genres. The first book translation from Latvian dates back to the 18th century, whereas the first book translated from Lithuanian was issued in 1954. Until 1918 when all the three nations gained independence, cultural exchange in this region embraced only the historical Baltic provinces. Lithuania emerged in the cultural space of Estonians more intensively since the 1930s. The most productive period in translating Latvian and Lithuanian literature ...
... OGIZ also included as-sociations of book trade institutions and printing offices. This struct... more ... OGIZ also included as-sociations of book trade institutions and printing offices. This structure demonstrates the urge of the Soviet system of managing the book production to concentrate all the three fields publish-ing, printing and book trade under one directive body. ...
International Journal of the Book
This paper explores the dynamics of publishing of non-Russian Soviet literatures in Soviet Estoni... more This paper explores the dynamics of publishing of non-Russian Soviet literatures in Soviet Estonia, establishing the output of titles and the most popular source literatures. The analysis follows the position of Soviet national literatures during four periods in political history: the Stalinist years, the Thaw, Stagnation, and Perestroika. The study uses statistical yearbooks, bibliographies, archival material, as well as research literature as sources. The publishing of Soviet literature was strongly regulated by the publishing authorities and dependent on ideological directions. The analysis demonstrates that the proportion of the non-Russian Soviet literatures started to increase during the Thaw period, but the peak of its production was reached during the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s due to official pressure. The total number of source literatures was 49, demonstrating the diversity of translation production, although they were represented equally. The top source literat...
Between Cultures and Texts. Itineraries in Translation History, 2011
Between Cultures and Texts: Itineraries in Translation History. Entre les cultures et les textes ... more Between Cultures and Texts: Itineraries in Translation History. Entre les cultures et les textes : itinéraires en histoire de la traduction. Edited by Antoine Chalvin, Anne Lange, Daniele Monticelli, with an Introduction by Theo Hermans. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011.
Translation history is part of both national and international history and culture. It provokes comparative thinking and involves the application of global theories to local practices. Responding to the need to focus attention on translation as an agent of culture and history, the articles in this collection develop contemporary debates in translation studies and also present fine case studies of translation history.