Andres Jõesaar | Tallinn University (original) (raw)
Papers by Andres Jõesaar
Eesti Akadeemilise Aajakirjanduse Aastaraamat, 2023
Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) seaduse (ERHS) töötati välja aastatel 2005–2006, võeti vastu 2007... more Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) seaduse (ERHS) töötati välja aastatel 2005–2006, võeti vastu 2007 ning on püsinud ERR-i eesmärke, ülesandeid, juhtimise struktuuri, rahastamise aluseid ning järelevalve- ja kontrollmehhanisme reguleerivas osas praeguseni sisuliselt muutumatuna.
Tehnoloogia areng on viimastel kümnenditel meedia toimimise keskkonda ja meediat oluliselt mõjutanud. ERHS-i jõustumise ajal olid peamised meediaplatvormid raadio ja televisioon, kuid praeguseks on domineerivaks meediaplatvormiks tõusnud internet. ERHS on küll suures osas jätkuvalt rakendatav ning selles sisalduvate ERR-i eesmärkide ja ülesannete loetelu valdavalt sobiv, kuid vajab kaasajastamist tänapäevase uue meedia ja sisu jagamise kontekstis ning täiendamist kultuuri- ja haridusvaldkonna edendaja täpsemalt sõnastatud ülesandega.
The countries around the Baltic Sea share an interest in the provision of stability, security and... more The countries around the Baltic Sea share an interest in the provision of stability, security and welfare in the Baltic Sea region and beyond.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb Euroopa... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb Euroopa Liidu (EL) meediapoliitikat ning Eesti avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu (AÕR) arengut ja toimetulekut aastatel 1994–2010. Euroopa Liidu tasandil on vaatluse all meediapoliitiline regulatsioon, riikide majanduslik olukord ning avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu rahastamine ja vaadatavus. Rahvuslikul tasandil analüüsib töö põgusalt Baltimaade avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu rahastamist ning vaadatavust. Detailsem analüüs on pühendatud Eesti meediapoliitika arengule. Vaatluse all on Eesti erakanalite ja avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu toimetuleku majanduslikud aspektid, erakanalite majandushuvide mõju seadusandluse kujunemisele ning rakendatud Ringhäälinguseaduse muudatuste mõju telekanalite kasumlikkuse muutusele. Euroopa tasandi uurimisküsimused on: Kas eksisteerib suhe riikide SKT elaniku kohta ja AÕR vaadatavuse vahel? Kas AÕR rahastamise tasemete alusel kujunevad välja kindlad maade grupid? Kas e...
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022
Journal of Baltic Studies
Eesti Akadeemilise Ajakirjanduse Seltsi aastaraamat, 2021
Viimastel aastatel läbiviidud Eesti meediasüsteemi ja -poliitika uuringud on osutanud, et üks pea... more Viimastel aastatel läbiviidud Eesti meediasüsteemi ja -poliitika uuringud on osutanud, et üks peamisi ohte Eesti inforuumi terviklikkusele ja kandvu- sele on kohaliku sõltumatu ajakirjanduse olukord. Üldise linnastumise, infokeskkonna platvormistu- misest mõjutatud kohaliku reklaamituru kahane- mise ning infotarbimise harjumuste muutumise tõttu on kohaliku ajakirjanduse väljavaated mitmes Eesti maakonnas kujunemas kesisteks. Sõltumatu ajakirjanduse tegutsemiskeskkonda kahjustavad lisaks ka valitsussektori laiema meediastumi- sega kaasnevad omavalitsuslehed ning sotsiaal- meediaplatvormidel tekkivad kohaliku fookusega vestlusgrupid.
Eelkirjeldatud protsesside tõttu on sõltumatute tasuliste väljaannete lugejaskond ja sissetulekud kahanemas, väljaandeid võib ohustada sulgemine. Sellega kaasneb aga risk, et oluline osa Eesti elanik- konnast jääb elama nn uudistekõrbe: piirkonda- desse, mille kohta ei ilmu järjepideva toimetusliku kvaliteedikontrolliga uudiseid ja kus sestap nn nel- jas võim demokraatia toimimist enam ei toeta. Sel- lele riskile viitasid nii Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Ülikooli ühiselt läbiviidud Eesti meediapoliitika
uuring kui ka Eesti inimarengu aruande / „Linnastunud ühiskonna ruumilised valikud“ aru- teluruumi peatükk.
Viimati nimetatud Eesti inimarengu aruandes sedastati, et kohalike ajakirjandusväljaannete tööst sõltub avaliku aruteluruumi kvaliteet väljaspool suu- remaid linnu ja seetõttu on neil mõju ka Eesti laie- male tasakaalustatud ruumilisele arengule. Kohalik ajakirjandus, piirkondlike probleemide, võimaluste ja edulugude läbikirjutamine toob kaasa kohapeal jagatud mõistmise. Paikkondliku arutelu kureeri- mine lubab arenguväljavaated üldsust kaasavalt lahti harutada. Kohalik väljaanne saab teha kohalikele äri- dele ja ettevõtmistele reklaami ja neid ka avalikkuse huvides kritiseerida. Teisisõnu loob kohalik ajakir- jandus dünaamikat, mida muidu ei tekiks.
Just selle potentsiaali selgitamiseks ehk Eesti kohaliku ajakirjanduse rolli uurimiseks kohaliku elu ja kohalike institutsioonide tegevuse konteks- tis viis Tallinna Ülikool läbi mitmekülgse, erine- vaid uurimismeetodeid ja ekspertgruppe koondava üle-eestilise uuringu. Uuringus otsisime vastust küsimustele, milline on sõltumatu kohaliku aja- kirjanduse roll kohalikus elus ja milliseid väärtusi oma tegevusruumis luuakse.
* Lisaks auditooriumile kui kaubale loob meedia kaubana programmi/saateid ja nendega seotud toote... more * Lisaks auditooriumile kui kaubale loob meedia kaubana programmi/saateid ja nendega seotud tooteid, kuid käesolev töö seda osa meediategevusest ei vaatle. Auditoorium (kuulajad, vaatajad, lugejad, valijad) (A4) (Seadusandlik ja täidesaatev) Võim (A1) Erameedia (A3) KA 1-3 KA 3-1 KA 4-3 KA 3-4 KA 4-2 KA 2-4 KA 1-2 KA 2-1 KA 2-3 * Nimetuse roadmap andis tegevuste kavale peaminister Juhan Parts analoogiana 2003.aastal ameeriklaste Iraagi ülesehitusplaani nimetusele.
This article aims at exploring the ways in which Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) tackles one s... more This article aims at exploring the ways in which Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) tackles one specific media service sphere; how television programmes for Russian language minorities are created in a small country. For that task development of the whole Estonian media landscape must be overviewed. By referring to McQuail’s (2010) theoretical framework of media institutions’ influencers, this article investigates how media policy, economic conditions and technology have influenced these processes. The article gives an insight into the development of Russian language media in such a small media market as Estonia.
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture
This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian broadcasting (with a focus on television)... more This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian broadcasting (with a focus on television) tackled the challenges of transforming from a monopolistic party propaganda machine into a modern dual media system in which public service broadcasting and newly created private enterprises coexist; and how this process evolved in a small post-communist country. This article argues that the Estonian government’s ‘idealisation’ of market forces supported by the European Union media policy, which is driven by common market ideology, did not take into account the market’s limitations and media companies’ actual capability to provide a large range of media services. The research methodology is based on an analysis of EU media policy documents, Estonian media legislation, the protocols of the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Estonia, protocols of the broadcasters’ licensing committee at the Ministry of Culture and the broadcasters’ annual reports from the period 1992 - 2015. ...
Žurnalistikos Tyrimai
The European Union’s (EU) liberalisation of media policies and its content quality bias towards e... more The European Union’s (EU) liberalisation of media policies and its content quality bias towards economic efficiency has resulted in a situation where, in some small markets like Estonia, the audience is divided into two parts. The Russian-speaking audience in Estonia mainly follows Russian state TV channels, and the Estonian-speaking audience watches Estonian television channels. This has happened even though the EU media policy should ensure freedom of information, diversity of opinion and media pluralism. Findings from the Estonian case study show that despite the noble aim of the EU media policy, Estonia has two radically different information fields: Estonian-language media promotes European values, and Russian state media, enjoying high popularity among the Russian speakers, promotes ‘Putin’s values’.The question is whether the EU legal instrument — Audiovisual Media Service Directive (AVMSD) — is an efficient tool when disinformation from third countries is disseminated with ...
Informacijos mokslai
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama žiniasklaidos koncentracija Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje 2000–2014 me... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjama žiniasklaidos koncentracija Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje 2000–2014 metais. Atliktame tyrime, vertinant Baltijos šalių radijo, televizijos, dienraščių ir interneto žiniasklaidos rinkų horizontalios koncentracijos kaitą ir lygį, buvo skaičiuojamas Herfindahl–Hirschman indeksas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad dauguma, t. y. dešimt iš dvylikos, Baltijos šalių žiniasklaidos rinkų yra labai koncentruotos, ir konstatuotina oligopolinės konkurencijos kūrimo tendencija. Vidutinė žiniasklaidos koncentracija tiriamuoju laikotarpiu buvo nustatyta tik dviejose rinkose – Estijos televizijos ir Lietuvos interneto žiniasklaidos.
Media and Communication, 2015
This article argues that until recent times, the Estonian media policy has mainly been interprete... more This article argues that until recent times, the Estonian media policy has mainly been interpreted as an economic issue and it did not account for the strategic need to build a comprehensive media field to serve all groups in society. This has happened despite the fact the Estonian media policy is in line with the European Union (EU) media policy, which should ensure freedom of information, diversity of opinion and media pluralism. Findings of the Estonian case study show that despite these noble aims, Estonia has two radically different information fields: one for Estonian speaking audiences and one for Russian speakers. Events in Ukraine have added to the democratic media policy paradigm a question of national security. Now it is a challenge for the policy makers to unite polarised media fields and how to minimise the impact of Russian propaganda. On the EU level, one supportive measure could be a revision of the Audiovisual Media Service Directive.
Baltic Screen Media Review, 2015
This article explores the ways in which different external and internal factors (especially polit... more This article explores the ways in which different external and internal factors (especially politics and economics) have encouraged or hindered the evolution of Estonian Public Broadcasting. This article argues that the Estonian government’s ‘idealisation’ of market forces that is supported by European Union (EU) media policy and driven by the common market ideology does not take into account the actual abilities of a small country’s media companies to provide a wide range of media services, and thereby limits the offerings of high-quality local content. The research methodology is based on an analysis of EU media policy documents, Estonian media legislation and broadcasters’ annual reports in the period from 1992 to 2014. The main finding of this article is that official Estonian media policy is largely shaped by the financial results of private media companies.
Riigikogu Toimetised, 2014
Russian-language Broadcasting in Estonia. From Yesterday to Today Andres Jõesaar, Associate Profe... more Russian-language Broadcasting in Estonia. From Yesterday to Today Andres Jõesaar, Associate Professor of Crossmedia, Baltic Film and Media School of Tallinn University According to the public sphere conception of Habermas, communicative action is necessary for successful functioning of society. This article analyses the media sphere of Estonia, which is divided into two separate parts of information space by language – the Estonian-language media and the Russian-language media. The article claims that one reason why such a situation has emerged is the media policy of the Republic of Estonia. But its historical roots go deeper than the second independence period. In order to understand the Estonian media of today and to plan activities directed towards the future, it is necessary to analyse the steps and choices that have brought us to our present situation. Denis McQuail (2003) has said that media institutions are influenced by three forces: politics, technology and economics. At th...
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011
The European Union declares that for democracy and pluralism in member states a strong and indepe... more The European Union declares that for democracy and pluralism in member states a strong and independent public service broadcasting (PSB) is needed. Patterns are chosen by each country and the available time for development varies a lot. Despite the wide variety, the universal intersection and similar characteristics between countries and country groups can be found. At a time of increasing market pressure, securing quality, diversity and pluralism of available media content needed for democratic societies, is a task of communication policy. Analysis of the communication policy from political and economic aspects is a helpful tool for shaping the regulation of public service broadcasting in the digital era. The current article looks into overall relations between a country’s economic standard, PSB financing levels, historical background and audience market share trends of European public service broadcasters. A more detailed focus is on the Baltic countries’ PSB financing and performance developments. The case study will open up a background where major political and economic factors affected the development of TV broadcasting in Estonia from 1994 to 2010, as well as the modern role of Estonian Public Broadcasting.
Media Transformations, 2013
This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian public broadcasting tackles one specific ... more This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian public broadcasting tackles one specific media service sphere; how television programmes for language minorities are created in a small country, how economics and European Union media policy have influenced this processes. The article highlights major tensions, namely between Estonian and Russian media outlets, Estonian and Russian speakers within Estonia and the EU and Estonia concerning the role of public service broadcasting (PSB). For research McQuail's (2010) theoretical framework of media institutions' influencers-politics, technology and economics-is used. For analyses media regulatory acts and audience surveys are accomplished with media institutions financial data from the beginning of 1990s until 2012. This kind of approach gives a comprehensive overview of development of Russian language media in such a small media market as Estonia is.
PSM – home alone in a narrowcasting era? A case study:
Central European journal of communication, 2010
Th is article focuses on changes in the public service broadcasting system of Estonia in the 1990... more Th is article focuses on changes in the public service broadcasting system of Estonia in the 1990s and 2000s. We present our vision of the paradigms changed and of principles in the struc- ture of Public Sphere. We determined four periods of paradigm change: 1991-1994 the period of anew defi ning Public Service; 1994-1999 the period of enlargement and aggressive structuring of Broad- casting Field; 2000-2007 the period of stabilisation and from 2007 the period of restructuring Public Service Broadcasting. We present our arguments in support of these periods. We off er the study of Estonian Public Service Broadcaster as a model case, one option of development of PSB in the 1990s and 2000s. Th e empirical basis of the article relies on the results of analyses of radio and TV pro- grammes and audiences carried out by the researchers of University of Tartu.
The purpose of this theoretical research "Legitimation of public-service broadcasting - Esto... more The purpose of this theoretical research "Legitimation of public-service broadcasting - Estonian experience in international context" is to analyse the legitimation of the Estonian public service broadcasting and the factors that affected the process. For a broader background basis, the development of international media politics and, in more detail, European Union media politics are observed. On the basis of this analysis possible solutions for a stronger legitimation of PsB in the Republic of Estonia is offered. Defining and implementation of sufficient and stabile PsB (including a financial scheme for funding) has been problematic during the full re-independence period of the Republic of Estonia. Until now a working complex solution has not been implemented. In this paper it is assumed that the obstacle for finding positive solutions for PsB in Estonian media politics is the lack of consensus about PsB in the society. To get a better grounds for understanding PsB legiti...
Central European journal of communication, 2009
Eesti Akadeemilise Aajakirjanduse Aastaraamat, 2023
Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) seaduse (ERHS) töötati välja aastatel 2005–2006, võeti vastu 2007... more Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) seaduse (ERHS) töötati välja aastatel 2005–2006, võeti vastu 2007 ning on püsinud ERR-i eesmärke, ülesandeid, juhtimise struktuuri, rahastamise aluseid ning järelevalve- ja kontrollmehhanisme reguleerivas osas praeguseni sisuliselt muutumatuna.
Tehnoloogia areng on viimastel kümnenditel meedia toimimise keskkonda ja meediat oluliselt mõjutanud. ERHS-i jõustumise ajal olid peamised meediaplatvormid raadio ja televisioon, kuid praeguseks on domineerivaks meediaplatvormiks tõusnud internet. ERHS on küll suures osas jätkuvalt rakendatav ning selles sisalduvate ERR-i eesmärkide ja ülesannete loetelu valdavalt sobiv, kuid vajab kaasajastamist tänapäevase uue meedia ja sisu jagamise kontekstis ning täiendamist kultuuri- ja haridusvaldkonna edendaja täpsemalt sõnastatud ülesandega.
The countries around the Baltic Sea share an interest in the provision of stability, security and... more The countries around the Baltic Sea share an interest in the provision of stability, security and welfare in the Baltic Sea region and beyond.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb Euroopa... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb Euroopa Liidu (EL) meediapoliitikat ning Eesti avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu (AÕR) arengut ja toimetulekut aastatel 1994–2010. Euroopa Liidu tasandil on vaatluse all meediapoliitiline regulatsioon, riikide majanduslik olukord ning avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu rahastamine ja vaadatavus. Rahvuslikul tasandil analüüsib töö põgusalt Baltimaade avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu rahastamist ning vaadatavust. Detailsem analüüs on pühendatud Eesti meediapoliitika arengule. Vaatluse all on Eesti erakanalite ja avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu toimetuleku majanduslikud aspektid, erakanalite majandushuvide mõju seadusandluse kujunemisele ning rakendatud Ringhäälinguseaduse muudatuste mõju telekanalite kasumlikkuse muutusele. Euroopa tasandi uurimisküsimused on: Kas eksisteerib suhe riikide SKT elaniku kohta ja AÕR vaadatavuse vahel? Kas AÕR rahastamise tasemete alusel kujunevad välja kindlad maade grupid? Kas e...
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022
Journal of Baltic Studies
Eesti Akadeemilise Ajakirjanduse Seltsi aastaraamat, 2021
Viimastel aastatel läbiviidud Eesti meediasüsteemi ja -poliitika uuringud on osutanud, et üks pea... more Viimastel aastatel läbiviidud Eesti meediasüsteemi ja -poliitika uuringud on osutanud, et üks peamisi ohte Eesti inforuumi terviklikkusele ja kandvu- sele on kohaliku sõltumatu ajakirjanduse olukord. Üldise linnastumise, infokeskkonna platvormistu- misest mõjutatud kohaliku reklaamituru kahane- mise ning infotarbimise harjumuste muutumise tõttu on kohaliku ajakirjanduse väljavaated mitmes Eesti maakonnas kujunemas kesisteks. Sõltumatu ajakirjanduse tegutsemiskeskkonda kahjustavad lisaks ka valitsussektori laiema meediastumi- sega kaasnevad omavalitsuslehed ning sotsiaal- meediaplatvormidel tekkivad kohaliku fookusega vestlusgrupid.
Eelkirjeldatud protsesside tõttu on sõltumatute tasuliste väljaannete lugejaskond ja sissetulekud kahanemas, väljaandeid võib ohustada sulgemine. Sellega kaasneb aga risk, et oluline osa Eesti elanik- konnast jääb elama nn uudistekõrbe: piirkonda- desse, mille kohta ei ilmu järjepideva toimetusliku kvaliteedikontrolliga uudiseid ja kus sestap nn nel- jas võim demokraatia toimimist enam ei toeta. Sel- lele riskile viitasid nii Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Ülikooli ühiselt läbiviidud Eesti meediapoliitika
uuring kui ka Eesti inimarengu aruande / „Linnastunud ühiskonna ruumilised valikud“ aru- teluruumi peatükk.
Viimati nimetatud Eesti inimarengu aruandes sedastati, et kohalike ajakirjandusväljaannete tööst sõltub avaliku aruteluruumi kvaliteet väljaspool suu- remaid linnu ja seetõttu on neil mõju ka Eesti laie- male tasakaalustatud ruumilisele arengule. Kohalik ajakirjandus, piirkondlike probleemide, võimaluste ja edulugude läbikirjutamine toob kaasa kohapeal jagatud mõistmise. Paikkondliku arutelu kureeri- mine lubab arenguväljavaated üldsust kaasavalt lahti harutada. Kohalik väljaanne saab teha kohalikele äri- dele ja ettevõtmistele reklaami ja neid ka avalikkuse huvides kritiseerida. Teisisõnu loob kohalik ajakir- jandus dünaamikat, mida muidu ei tekiks.
Just selle potentsiaali selgitamiseks ehk Eesti kohaliku ajakirjanduse rolli uurimiseks kohaliku elu ja kohalike institutsioonide tegevuse konteks- tis viis Tallinna Ülikool läbi mitmekülgse, erine- vaid uurimismeetodeid ja ekspertgruppe koondava üle-eestilise uuringu. Uuringus otsisime vastust küsimustele, milline on sõltumatu kohaliku aja- kirjanduse roll kohalikus elus ja milliseid väärtusi oma tegevusruumis luuakse.
* Lisaks auditooriumile kui kaubale loob meedia kaubana programmi/saateid ja nendega seotud toote... more * Lisaks auditooriumile kui kaubale loob meedia kaubana programmi/saateid ja nendega seotud tooteid, kuid käesolev töö seda osa meediategevusest ei vaatle. Auditoorium (kuulajad, vaatajad, lugejad, valijad) (A4) (Seadusandlik ja täidesaatev) Võim (A1) Erameedia (A3) KA 1-3 KA 3-1 KA 4-3 KA 3-4 KA 4-2 KA 2-4 KA 1-2 KA 2-1 KA 2-3 * Nimetuse roadmap andis tegevuste kavale peaminister Juhan Parts analoogiana 2003.aastal ameeriklaste Iraagi ülesehitusplaani nimetusele.
This article aims at exploring the ways in which Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) tackles one s... more This article aims at exploring the ways in which Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) tackles one specific media service sphere; how television programmes for Russian language minorities are created in a small country. For that task development of the whole Estonian media landscape must be overviewed. By referring to McQuail’s (2010) theoretical framework of media institutions’ influencers, this article investigates how media policy, economic conditions and technology have influenced these processes. The article gives an insight into the development of Russian language media in such a small media market as Estonia.
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture
This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian broadcasting (with a focus on television)... more This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian broadcasting (with a focus on television) tackled the challenges of transforming from a monopolistic party propaganda machine into a modern dual media system in which public service broadcasting and newly created private enterprises coexist; and how this process evolved in a small post-communist country. This article argues that the Estonian government’s ‘idealisation’ of market forces supported by the European Union media policy, which is driven by common market ideology, did not take into account the market’s limitations and media companies’ actual capability to provide a large range of media services. The research methodology is based on an analysis of EU media policy documents, Estonian media legislation, the protocols of the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Estonia, protocols of the broadcasters’ licensing committee at the Ministry of Culture and the broadcasters’ annual reports from the period 1992 - 2015. ...
Žurnalistikos Tyrimai
The European Union’s (EU) liberalisation of media policies and its content quality bias towards e... more The European Union’s (EU) liberalisation of media policies and its content quality bias towards economic efficiency has resulted in a situation where, in some small markets like Estonia, the audience is divided into two parts. The Russian-speaking audience in Estonia mainly follows Russian state TV channels, and the Estonian-speaking audience watches Estonian television channels. This has happened even though the EU media policy should ensure freedom of information, diversity of opinion and media pluralism. Findings from the Estonian case study show that despite the noble aim of the EU media policy, Estonia has two radically different information fields: Estonian-language media promotes European values, and Russian state media, enjoying high popularity among the Russian speakers, promotes ‘Putin’s values’.The question is whether the EU legal instrument — Audiovisual Media Service Directive (AVMSD) — is an efficient tool when disinformation from third countries is disseminated with ...
Informacijos mokslai
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama žiniasklaidos koncentracija Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje 2000–2014 me... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjama žiniasklaidos koncentracija Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje 2000–2014 metais. Atliktame tyrime, vertinant Baltijos šalių radijo, televizijos, dienraščių ir interneto žiniasklaidos rinkų horizontalios koncentracijos kaitą ir lygį, buvo skaičiuojamas Herfindahl–Hirschman indeksas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad dauguma, t. y. dešimt iš dvylikos, Baltijos šalių žiniasklaidos rinkų yra labai koncentruotos, ir konstatuotina oligopolinės konkurencijos kūrimo tendencija. Vidutinė žiniasklaidos koncentracija tiriamuoju laikotarpiu buvo nustatyta tik dviejose rinkose – Estijos televizijos ir Lietuvos interneto žiniasklaidos.
Media and Communication, 2015
This article argues that until recent times, the Estonian media policy has mainly been interprete... more This article argues that until recent times, the Estonian media policy has mainly been interpreted as an economic issue and it did not account for the strategic need to build a comprehensive media field to serve all groups in society. This has happened despite the fact the Estonian media policy is in line with the European Union (EU) media policy, which should ensure freedom of information, diversity of opinion and media pluralism. Findings of the Estonian case study show that despite these noble aims, Estonia has two radically different information fields: one for Estonian speaking audiences and one for Russian speakers. Events in Ukraine have added to the democratic media policy paradigm a question of national security. Now it is a challenge for the policy makers to unite polarised media fields and how to minimise the impact of Russian propaganda. On the EU level, one supportive measure could be a revision of the Audiovisual Media Service Directive.
Baltic Screen Media Review, 2015
This article explores the ways in which different external and internal factors (especially polit... more This article explores the ways in which different external and internal factors (especially politics and economics) have encouraged or hindered the evolution of Estonian Public Broadcasting. This article argues that the Estonian government’s ‘idealisation’ of market forces that is supported by European Union (EU) media policy and driven by the common market ideology does not take into account the actual abilities of a small country’s media companies to provide a wide range of media services, and thereby limits the offerings of high-quality local content. The research methodology is based on an analysis of EU media policy documents, Estonian media legislation and broadcasters’ annual reports in the period from 1992 to 2014. The main finding of this article is that official Estonian media policy is largely shaped by the financial results of private media companies.
Riigikogu Toimetised, 2014
Russian-language Broadcasting in Estonia. From Yesterday to Today Andres Jõesaar, Associate Profe... more Russian-language Broadcasting in Estonia. From Yesterday to Today Andres Jõesaar, Associate Professor of Crossmedia, Baltic Film and Media School of Tallinn University According to the public sphere conception of Habermas, communicative action is necessary for successful functioning of society. This article analyses the media sphere of Estonia, which is divided into two separate parts of information space by language – the Estonian-language media and the Russian-language media. The article claims that one reason why such a situation has emerged is the media policy of the Republic of Estonia. But its historical roots go deeper than the second independence period. In order to understand the Estonian media of today and to plan activities directed towards the future, it is necessary to analyse the steps and choices that have brought us to our present situation. Denis McQuail (2003) has said that media institutions are influenced by three forces: politics, technology and economics. At th...
Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011
The European Union declares that for democracy and pluralism in member states a strong and indepe... more The European Union declares that for democracy and pluralism in member states a strong and independent public service broadcasting (PSB) is needed. Patterns are chosen by each country and the available time for development varies a lot. Despite the wide variety, the universal intersection and similar characteristics between countries and country groups can be found. At a time of increasing market pressure, securing quality, diversity and pluralism of available media content needed for democratic societies, is a task of communication policy. Analysis of the communication policy from political and economic aspects is a helpful tool for shaping the regulation of public service broadcasting in the digital era. The current article looks into overall relations between a country’s economic standard, PSB financing levels, historical background and audience market share trends of European public service broadcasters. A more detailed focus is on the Baltic countries’ PSB financing and performance developments. The case study will open up a background where major political and economic factors affected the development of TV broadcasting in Estonia from 1994 to 2010, as well as the modern role of Estonian Public Broadcasting.
Media Transformations, 2013
This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian public broadcasting tackles one specific ... more This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian public broadcasting tackles one specific media service sphere; how television programmes for language minorities are created in a small country, how economics and European Union media policy have influenced this processes. The article highlights major tensions, namely between Estonian and Russian media outlets, Estonian and Russian speakers within Estonia and the EU and Estonia concerning the role of public service broadcasting (PSB). For research McQuail's (2010) theoretical framework of media institutions' influencers-politics, technology and economics-is used. For analyses media regulatory acts and audience surveys are accomplished with media institutions financial data from the beginning of 1990s until 2012. This kind of approach gives a comprehensive overview of development of Russian language media in such a small media market as Estonia is.
PSM – home alone in a narrowcasting era? A case study:
Central European journal of communication, 2010
Th is article focuses on changes in the public service broadcasting system of Estonia in the 1990... more Th is article focuses on changes in the public service broadcasting system of Estonia in the 1990s and 2000s. We present our vision of the paradigms changed and of principles in the struc- ture of Public Sphere. We determined four periods of paradigm change: 1991-1994 the period of anew defi ning Public Service; 1994-1999 the period of enlargement and aggressive structuring of Broad- casting Field; 2000-2007 the period of stabilisation and from 2007 the period of restructuring Public Service Broadcasting. We present our arguments in support of these periods. We off er the study of Estonian Public Service Broadcaster as a model case, one option of development of PSB in the 1990s and 2000s. Th e empirical basis of the article relies on the results of analyses of radio and TV pro- grammes and audiences carried out by the researchers of University of Tartu.
The purpose of this theoretical research "Legitimation of public-service broadcasting - Esto... more The purpose of this theoretical research "Legitimation of public-service broadcasting - Estonian experience in international context" is to analyse the legitimation of the Estonian public service broadcasting and the factors that affected the process. For a broader background basis, the development of international media politics and, in more detail, European Union media politics are observed. On the basis of this analysis possible solutions for a stronger legitimation of PsB in the Republic of Estonia is offered. Defining and implementation of sufficient and stabile PsB (including a financial scheme for funding) has been problematic during the full re-independence period of the Republic of Estonia. Until now a working complex solution has not been implemented. In this paper it is assumed that the obstacle for finding positive solutions for PsB in Estonian media politics is the lack of consensus about PsB in the society. To get a better grounds for understanding PsB legiti...
Central European journal of communication, 2009