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Papers by toto rerat

Research paper thumbnail of Supervision of Securities Companies Repurchase Agreement (Repo) Transactions in The Capital Market

Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Aug 9, 2017

Repuchase Agreement Transaction (Repo) is an evolving capital market product and many transacted ... more Repuchase Agreement Transaction (Repo) is an evolving capital market product and many transacted by market participants. This study aims to determine the legal construction (concept) of Stock Repo transaction, the process of implementation, and supervision of Repo transactions in the capital market. This qualitative and normative legal research focuses on the study of literature and analyze in depth the legal conception of Repo transactions, facts on the market in the form of cases in the capital markets sector, particularly related to the implementation of the Repo transaction in the Indonesian capital market. Repo transaction is a contract of sale or purchase securities with agreements to buy or sell back at a time and a predetermined price, set forth in the agreement. The main elements in the Repo transaction is the price of securities and securities Repo objects. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan has issued regulations Repo guidelines for the Institute of Financial Services that is Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 9/POJK.04/2015 Tentang Pedoman Transaksi Repurchase Agreement Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, adopted the standard agreement Global Market Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) adapted to the conditions in Indonesia. The things that had not been organized by Repo guideline is becoming more evident. In this thesis discussed about the mechanism of Repo Transactions, the provisions of the Repo Agreement, and legal issues that may arise in Repo transaction, which is expected to prevent violation in the future. It also discussed the efforts undertaken by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan with preventive and repressive efforts to avoid losses for the parties.

Research paper thumbnail of The COncept of contract in financial technology era connected with sharia principles

Research paper thumbnail of Ulil Amri dan Ketaatan Kepada-Nya

Secara derajat “ulil amri” merupakan derajat ketiga dalam penyebutan yaitu setelah Allah SWT dan ... more Secara derajat “ulil amri” merupakan derajat ketiga dalam penyebutan yaitu setelah Allah SWT dan Rosululloh Saw. Dengan demikian bukan sesuatu yang berlebihan apabila ulil amri diberi derajat yang tinggi karena memang telah disebut dalam derajat yang demikian. Ulil amri secara etimologi berarti pemimpin dalam suatu negara. Istilah ini terdapat dalam pembahasan tafsir dan fiqh siyasah (politik). Para ulama tafsir dan fiqh siyasi mengemukakan empat definisi ulil amri yaitu: (1) raja dan kepala pemerintahan yang patuh dan taat kepada Allah SWT dan rasululloh Saw; (2) raja dan ulama; (3) amir di zaman Rosululloh Saw setelah Rosululloh wafat, jabatan itu berpindah kepada kadi (hakim), komandan militer, an mereka yang meminta anggota masyarakat untuk taat atas dasar kebenaran, dan; (4) para mujtahid atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan ahl al-hall wa al-‘aqad (yang memiliki otoritas dalam menetapkan hukum). Secara umum dalam wacana Islam dikenal beberapa sebutan untuk kepala pemerintahan yait...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya terhadap Nasabah dalam Roll Over Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua Berdasarkan Prinsip Itikad Baik dihubungkan dengan Kitab Undang–Undang Hukum Dagang Jo Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 69 Tahun 2016

Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Jul 25, 2019

Abstract. Humans in life always have a risk that is something that can threaten their lives and c... more Abstract. Humans in life always have a risk that is something that can threaten their lives and cause losses. To reduce these risks, what can be done with insurance is done. PT. Jiwasraya Insurance is a state-owned life insurance company. In this case, the insurance company corrects the problem of late payment of policies to finance. Like things that happened to PT. Jiwasraya Insurance. In connection with the description above, then the discussion of the author in this paper is the responsibility of PT. Jiwasraya Insurance is related to the application of good faith principles in a roll over Old Age Insurance Insurance under the Law on Commercial Law Jo Regulation of the Financial Services Authority No. 69 of 2016. The method used in this study is a normative juridical method and uses a descriptive analysis research application. From the results of the discussion and analysis in this thesis, we can find out what happened at PT. Jiwasraya Insurance does not accept payment of insurance policies for payments. And the company's responsibility is to do roll over offered but also accept roll over. About the good faith principle of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya lacks communication and decides on the solution to unilateral opposition. Keywords : Insurance Responsibility, Old Age Insurance, Roll Over. Abstrak, Manusia dalam hidupnya selalu memiliki risiko yaitu sesuatu yang dapat mengancam kehidupannya serta menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu asuransi. PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya merupakan perusahaan asuransi jiwa milik negara Indonesia. Dalam hal ini perusahaan asuransi mengalami masalah keterlambatan pembayaran polis kepada nasabah. Seperti hal yang terjadi kepada PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya. Sehubungan dengan uraian diatas, maka yang menjadi pembahasan penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah tanggung jawab PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya terhadap nasabah serta penerapan prinsip itikad baik dalam roll over Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua berdasarkan Kitab Undang – Undang Hukum Dagang Jo Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 69 Tahun 2016. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dan menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil pembahasan dan analisis dalam skripsi ini maka dapat diketahui bahwa permasalahan yang terjadi di PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya tidak memenuhi pembayaran polis asuransi kepada nasabah. Serta tanggung jawab perusahaan yaitu melakukan roll over yang ditawarkan kepada nasabah namun banyak nasabah yang menolak adanya roll over. Mengenai prinsip itikad baik PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya kurang komunikasi dan memutuskan solusi dari permasalahannya secara sepihak. Kata Kunci: Tanggung Jawab Asuransi, Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua, Roll Over.

Research paper thumbnail of Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia

Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continent... more Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.

Research paper thumbnail of Minimalisasi Sengketa Medik Pasien Dan Tenaga Kesehatan Dihubung Kan Dengan Undang - Undang Perlindungan Konsumen


A person can be called or categorized as patient based on the definition of Medical Practice Act ... more A person can be called or categorized as patient based on the definition of Medical Practice Act if meeting the elements: undergoing the health consultation; with the purpose to get medical service; consultation and medical service to doctors or dentists. Clearly that individual taken the consultation and or treatment from the paramedics is not categorized as patient; in other word, only doctors or dentists deal with the patient; or only doctors and dentists who have patients. Other than that, they cannot be called patients. For this, the writer is interested in analyzing the what to call those who meet the first and second elements but not to the doctor, for example, to midwife or nurse. It needs clear answer to protect the patient under a clear legal basis. The importance of the answers is to assure that individuals can be called patient based on the existing definition, consequently, it makes individuals, consulting or asking for medical service from paramedics other than doctors...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengertian dan Kedudukan Agen dalam Suatu Hubungan Hukum (Analisis dalam Hukum Eropa Kontinental, Anglo Saxon, dan Hukum Islam)

Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 2002

The word 'agent' is a friendly word for our daily life. Whereas, according to the Civil Code Proc... more The word 'agent' is a friendly word for our daily life. Whereas, according to the Civil Code Procedure and the Criminal Code Procedure do not the least explain the word 'agent'. It needs to Investigate therefore deeply what Is meant by 'agent' In various kind of law system. ItIsimportant to do the Investigation because itwill givejuridical basefor the sides In deciding their right andresponsibility The agent that comes from thelaw concept with the Anglo Saxon system turned out It can befound In the other law system although their names are different, namely in the Continental Europe and Islam. Agent Is only part of representative with difference in length of their scope. Besides that, the correlation of agence basically rises from negotiation concensually and the agent atau representative is only a mediator. Based on the custom the usage ofword 'agent' so It Is better that Government with House of Representatives compile the completed and comprehensive Acts of Indonesia Agency as soon as possible.

Research paper thumbnail of Kekuatan Pembuktian Pengakuan sebagai Alat Bukti pada Perkara Perdata di Pengadilan Negeri Bandung (Studi Putusan Nomor 431/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Bdg) Dihubungkan dengan Asas Sederhana Cepat Biaya Ringan

Abstract. One form of examination process in the law of events is related to proof. The evidence... more Abstract. One form of examination process in the law of events is related to proof. The evidence convinces the judge of the evidence presented by the parties to thedispute. In the evidence handed down, the judge mustbase clear andsufficient consideration. This study aims to find out the strength of the evidence and what is the consideration factor of the judge in the decision of the case Number: 431/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Bdg. This study uses a normative juridical approach method. The data sources used include primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. While the way of data collection using literature studies and field studies. Data analysis method using qualitative juridical. In this case which is a factor of consideration of the judge in assessing the case No.431/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Bdg, because tergugat has acknowledged the evidence of the claimant about the truth in the evidentiary process in this trial, one of the evidence used by the Panel of Judges...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembatalan Sepihak Kontrak Jual Beli Online Oleh Lazada Dihubungkan Dengan Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen

Abstract. Writing this thesis aims to know how unilateral cancellation of the agreement in a trea... more Abstract. Writing this thesis aims to know how unilateral cancellation of the agreement in a treaty and what the consequences if we cancel the agreement unilaterally in an agreement. By using normative juridical research methods it can be concluded that in a treaty agreement agreement is a manifestation of the will of two or more parties in the agreement on what they want to do, how to implement it, when it should be carried out, and who must implement it. Basically before the parties arrive at an agreement on such matters, one or more parties to the agreement shall first convey a form of declaration of what the party wishes to do with all possible terms and is permitted by law to be agreed by the parties. The void condition of an agreement is set forth in Article 1266 of the Civil Code stating the requirement that an agreement be canceled by either party is a reconciliation agreement, there is default, and the cancellation must be requested to the judge. if the cancellation done do...

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement

Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019

This research aimed at finding the qualifications of banking crimes in financing disbursement to ... more This research aimed at finding the qualifications of banking crimes in financing disbursement to sharia banks and the application of corporate liability system in financing disbursement in sharia banks. This research by using a normative juridical approach, analytical descriptive, secondary data types, data retrieval through literature study and document study, data analysis, and qualitative normative. The results concluded that the policy of financing disbursement approval to sharia banks violating prudential principles and sharia principles could be qualified as a banking crime. The criminal liability system for banking institutions as corporations cannot be implemented because the criminal provisions in Banking Law and Sharia Banking Law still used the principle of "societas delinquere non potest" or the principle of "university delinquere non potest" which considers that corporations are impossible to commit a crime and cannot bear criminal liability.

Research paper thumbnail of Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia

Syiar Hukum, Jun 28, 2011

Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continent... more Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.


Research paper thumbnail of PERGESERAN HK INDONESIA

hukum indonesia berbasis eropa kontinental tetapi dalam perkembangan menyerap lembaga hukum yang ... more hukum indonesia berbasis eropa kontinental tetapi dalam perkembangan menyerap lembaga hukum yang tidak dianut oleh sistem hukum Eropa kontinental

Research paper thumbnail of Supervision of Securities Companies Repurchase Agreement (Repo) Transactions in The Capital Market

Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Aug 9, 2017

Repuchase Agreement Transaction (Repo) is an evolving capital market product and many transacted ... more Repuchase Agreement Transaction (Repo) is an evolving capital market product and many transacted by market participants. This study aims to determine the legal construction (concept) of Stock Repo transaction, the process of implementation, and supervision of Repo transactions in the capital market. This qualitative and normative legal research focuses on the study of literature and analyze in depth the legal conception of Repo transactions, facts on the market in the form of cases in the capital markets sector, particularly related to the implementation of the Repo transaction in the Indonesian capital market. Repo transaction is a contract of sale or purchase securities with agreements to buy or sell back at a time and a predetermined price, set forth in the agreement. The main elements in the Repo transaction is the price of securities and securities Repo objects. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan has issued regulations Repo guidelines for the Institute of Financial Services that is Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 9/POJK.04/2015 Tentang Pedoman Transaksi Repurchase Agreement Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, adopted the standard agreement Global Market Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) adapted to the conditions in Indonesia. The things that had not been organized by Repo guideline is becoming more evident. In this thesis discussed about the mechanism of Repo Transactions, the provisions of the Repo Agreement, and legal issues that may arise in Repo transaction, which is expected to prevent violation in the future. It also discussed the efforts undertaken by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan with preventive and repressive efforts to avoid losses for the parties.

Research paper thumbnail of The COncept of contract in financial technology era connected with sharia principles

Research paper thumbnail of Ulil Amri dan Ketaatan Kepada-Nya

Secara derajat “ulil amri” merupakan derajat ketiga dalam penyebutan yaitu setelah Allah SWT dan ... more Secara derajat “ulil amri” merupakan derajat ketiga dalam penyebutan yaitu setelah Allah SWT dan Rosululloh Saw. Dengan demikian bukan sesuatu yang berlebihan apabila ulil amri diberi derajat yang tinggi karena memang telah disebut dalam derajat yang demikian. Ulil amri secara etimologi berarti pemimpin dalam suatu negara. Istilah ini terdapat dalam pembahasan tafsir dan fiqh siyasah (politik). Para ulama tafsir dan fiqh siyasi mengemukakan empat definisi ulil amri yaitu: (1) raja dan kepala pemerintahan yang patuh dan taat kepada Allah SWT dan rasululloh Saw; (2) raja dan ulama; (3) amir di zaman Rosululloh Saw setelah Rosululloh wafat, jabatan itu berpindah kepada kadi (hakim), komandan militer, an mereka yang meminta anggota masyarakat untuk taat atas dasar kebenaran, dan; (4) para mujtahid atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan ahl al-hall wa al-‘aqad (yang memiliki otoritas dalam menetapkan hukum). Secara umum dalam wacana Islam dikenal beberapa sebutan untuk kepala pemerintahan yait...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya terhadap Nasabah dalam Roll Over Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua Berdasarkan Prinsip Itikad Baik dihubungkan dengan Kitab Undang–Undang Hukum Dagang Jo Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 69 Tahun 2016

Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Jul 25, 2019

Abstract. Humans in life always have a risk that is something that can threaten their lives and c... more Abstract. Humans in life always have a risk that is something that can threaten their lives and cause losses. To reduce these risks, what can be done with insurance is done. PT. Jiwasraya Insurance is a state-owned life insurance company. In this case, the insurance company corrects the problem of late payment of policies to finance. Like things that happened to PT. Jiwasraya Insurance. In connection with the description above, then the discussion of the author in this paper is the responsibility of PT. Jiwasraya Insurance is related to the application of good faith principles in a roll over Old Age Insurance Insurance under the Law on Commercial Law Jo Regulation of the Financial Services Authority No. 69 of 2016. The method used in this study is a normative juridical method and uses a descriptive analysis research application. From the results of the discussion and analysis in this thesis, we can find out what happened at PT. Jiwasraya Insurance does not accept payment of insurance policies for payments. And the company's responsibility is to do roll over offered but also accept roll over. About the good faith principle of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya lacks communication and decides on the solution to unilateral opposition. Keywords : Insurance Responsibility, Old Age Insurance, Roll Over. Abstrak, Manusia dalam hidupnya selalu memiliki risiko yaitu sesuatu yang dapat mengancam kehidupannya serta menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu asuransi. PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya merupakan perusahaan asuransi jiwa milik negara Indonesia. Dalam hal ini perusahaan asuransi mengalami masalah keterlambatan pembayaran polis kepada nasabah. Seperti hal yang terjadi kepada PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya. Sehubungan dengan uraian diatas, maka yang menjadi pembahasan penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah tanggung jawab PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya terhadap nasabah serta penerapan prinsip itikad baik dalam roll over Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua berdasarkan Kitab Undang – Undang Hukum Dagang Jo Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 69 Tahun 2016. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dan menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil pembahasan dan analisis dalam skripsi ini maka dapat diketahui bahwa permasalahan yang terjadi di PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya tidak memenuhi pembayaran polis asuransi kepada nasabah. Serta tanggung jawab perusahaan yaitu melakukan roll over yang ditawarkan kepada nasabah namun banyak nasabah yang menolak adanya roll over. Mengenai prinsip itikad baik PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya kurang komunikasi dan memutuskan solusi dari permasalahannya secara sepihak. Kata Kunci: Tanggung Jawab Asuransi, Asuransi Jaminan Hari Tua, Roll Over.

Research paper thumbnail of Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia

Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continent... more Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.

Research paper thumbnail of Minimalisasi Sengketa Medik Pasien Dan Tenaga Kesehatan Dihubung Kan Dengan Undang - Undang Perlindungan Konsumen


A person can be called or categorized as patient based on the definition of Medical Practice Act ... more A person can be called or categorized as patient based on the definition of Medical Practice Act if meeting the elements: undergoing the health consultation; with the purpose to get medical service; consultation and medical service to doctors or dentists. Clearly that individual taken the consultation and or treatment from the paramedics is not categorized as patient; in other word, only doctors or dentists deal with the patient; or only doctors and dentists who have patients. Other than that, they cannot be called patients. For this, the writer is interested in analyzing the what to call those who meet the first and second elements but not to the doctor, for example, to midwife or nurse. It needs clear answer to protect the patient under a clear legal basis. The importance of the answers is to assure that individuals can be called patient based on the existing definition, consequently, it makes individuals, consulting or asking for medical service from paramedics other than doctors...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengertian dan Kedudukan Agen dalam Suatu Hubungan Hukum (Analisis dalam Hukum Eropa Kontinental, Anglo Saxon, dan Hukum Islam)

Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 2002

The word 'agent' is a friendly word for our daily life. Whereas, according to the Civil Code Proc... more The word 'agent' is a friendly word for our daily life. Whereas, according to the Civil Code Procedure and the Criminal Code Procedure do not the least explain the word 'agent'. It needs to Investigate therefore deeply what Is meant by 'agent' In various kind of law system. ItIsimportant to do the Investigation because itwill givejuridical basefor the sides In deciding their right andresponsibility The agent that comes from thelaw concept with the Anglo Saxon system turned out It can befound In the other law system although their names are different, namely in the Continental Europe and Islam. Agent Is only part of representative with difference in length of their scope. Besides that, the correlation of agence basically rises from negotiation concensually and the agent atau representative is only a mediator. Based on the custom the usage ofword 'agent' so It Is better that Government with House of Representatives compile the completed and comprehensive Acts of Indonesia Agency as soon as possible.

Research paper thumbnail of Kekuatan Pembuktian Pengakuan sebagai Alat Bukti pada Perkara Perdata di Pengadilan Negeri Bandung (Studi Putusan Nomor 431/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Bdg) Dihubungkan dengan Asas Sederhana Cepat Biaya Ringan

Abstract. One form of examination process in the law of events is related to proof. The evidence... more Abstract. One form of examination process in the law of events is related to proof. The evidence convinces the judge of the evidence presented by the parties to thedispute. In the evidence handed down, the judge mustbase clear andsufficient consideration. This study aims to find out the strength of the evidence and what is the consideration factor of the judge in the decision of the case Number: 431/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Bdg. This study uses a normative juridical approach method. The data sources used include primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. While the way of data collection using literature studies and field studies. Data analysis method using qualitative juridical. In this case which is a factor of consideration of the judge in assessing the case No.431/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Bdg, because tergugat has acknowledged the evidence of the claimant about the truth in the evidentiary process in this trial, one of the evidence used by the Panel of Judges...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembatalan Sepihak Kontrak Jual Beli Online Oleh Lazada Dihubungkan Dengan Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen

Abstract. Writing this thesis aims to know how unilateral cancellation of the agreement in a trea... more Abstract. Writing this thesis aims to know how unilateral cancellation of the agreement in a treaty and what the consequences if we cancel the agreement unilaterally in an agreement. By using normative juridical research methods it can be concluded that in a treaty agreement agreement is a manifestation of the will of two or more parties in the agreement on what they want to do, how to implement it, when it should be carried out, and who must implement it. Basically before the parties arrive at an agreement on such matters, one or more parties to the agreement shall first convey a form of declaration of what the party wishes to do with all possible terms and is permitted by law to be agreed by the parties. The void condition of an agreement is set forth in Article 1266 of the Civil Code stating the requirement that an agreement be canceled by either party is a reconciliation agreement, there is default, and the cancellation must be requested to the judge. if the cancellation done do...

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement

Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019

This research aimed at finding the qualifications of banking crimes in financing disbursement to ... more This research aimed at finding the qualifications of banking crimes in financing disbursement to sharia banks and the application of corporate liability system in financing disbursement in sharia banks. This research by using a normative juridical approach, analytical descriptive, secondary data types, data retrieval through literature study and document study, data analysis, and qualitative normative. The results concluded that the policy of financing disbursement approval to sharia banks violating prudential principles and sharia principles could be qualified as a banking crime. The criminal liability system for banking institutions as corporations cannot be implemented because the criminal provisions in Banking Law and Sharia Banking Law still used the principle of "societas delinquere non potest" or the principle of "university delinquere non potest" which considers that corporations are impossible to commit a crime and cannot bear criminal liability.

Research paper thumbnail of Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia

Syiar Hukum, Jun 28, 2011

Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continent... more Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.


Research paper thumbnail of PERGESERAN HK INDONESIA

hukum indonesia berbasis eropa kontinental tetapi dalam perkembangan menyerap lembaga hukum yang ... more hukum indonesia berbasis eropa kontinental tetapi dalam perkembangan menyerap lembaga hukum yang tidak dianut oleh sistem hukum Eropa kontinental