Aislya 2 by TasukiNoAijin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TasukiNoAijin's avatar

Published: Feb 26, 2009


Is that better now? I urged to redraw another sketch better than old one. The fact I like that hair very much. At first I failed but later I turned it out perfect... URGH it was difficult for me to decorate it. Look at the first sketch what I've done with it. Does it look like a wig? lmao! [link] *shakes head* How stupid of me. I just realized that I made a mistake with the back of hair but the second new one is much better which I fixed it.

I'm not sure about the shoulder... I can't judge about that. But I'm not worried. I'm sure lyzeravern will know what to do with that. He's an unique artist. All he can do is to surprise me when he finish CGI. Allow me to share you to see the reference model of the beautiful woman. [link] he requested me to draw of Aislya 'cause he want to know what does she look alike. If that help him. He will be happy to work on that! I wish him the best of luck!

Duh me. Look at the earriing from top of the ear is kinda looking funny if it's a little bit big. lyzeravern can fix it to get small if it's easy? lol

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