Panayiotis Alefragis | TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF MESSOLOGHI (original) (raw)


Papers by Panayiotis Alefragis

Research paper thumbnail of A flexible approach for compiling scilab to reconfigurable multi-core embedded systems

ReCoSoC 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip, Proceedings, 2012

Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's re... more Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's reconfigurable multiprocessor System-on-Chip devices suffers from a complex toolchain and programming process. Thus, the efficient programming of such architectures in terms of achievable performance and power consumption is limited to experts only. Enabling them to nonexperts requires a simplified programming process that hides the complexity of the underlying hardware—introduced by software parallelism of multiple cores and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of From Scilab to multicore embedded systems: Algorithms and methodologies

Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, IC-SAMOS 2012, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping DAGs on Heterogeneous Platform using Logic-Based Benders Decompostion

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Research paper thumbnail of SchedScripter: Workflows for Grid-based Human Resources Scheduling Applications

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Research paper thumbnail of A hybrid ILP-CP model for mapping Directed Acyclic Task Graphs to multicore architectures

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Research paper thumbnail of Assigning and Scheduling Hierarchical Task Graphs to Heterogeneous Resources

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Research paper thumbnail of Graphics Processing Unit acceleration of a memetic algorithm for the Examination Timetabling Problem

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Research paper thumbnail of DAG Scheduling using Integer Programming in heterogeneous parallel execution environments

ABSTRACT A computer program can be represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in order to capt... more ABSTRACT A computer program can be represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in order to capture the dependencies between the individual tasks that should be executed each time the program runs. This paper proposes a mathematical model of Integer Programming that can be applied in order to schedule the tasks in the presence of multiple processors serving as the execution environment. The target is to minimize the overall execution time of the DAG known as schedule length or makespan. An approach called MATH using the full model is applied to small sized problems and then a more elaborate approach called MATHL is presented where the DAG is partitioned to levels. Levels are formed according to the hops needed for each node to be reached starting from the source node. Hence sub-problems have manageable size and can be solved in a timely manner. Consecutive optimal solutions for each level result in a high quality schedule for the overall problem even for cases consisting of several hundreds of nodes. Results show that this method constantly gives very good results and it is compared favorably with other approaches to the problem that can be found in the bibliography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse grain parallelization using integer programming

2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2013

ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for automatic tools and techniques for application paralleli... more ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for automatic tools and techniques for application parallelization. Within the ALMA toolset, programs written in Scilab are automatically parallelized for execution on embedded multicore platforms. In this paper, key parts of the coarse grain parallelism optimization are presented. The coarse grain parallelism optimization considers the hierarchical task graph of a program and produces an optimized parallel schedule.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse-Grain Optimization and Code Generation for Embedded Multicore Systems

ABSTRACT As processors and systems-on-chip increasingly become multicore, parallel programming re... more ABSTRACT As processors and systems-on-chip increasingly become multicore, parallel programming remains a difficult, time-consuming and complicated task. End users who are not parallel programming experts have a need to exploit such processors and architectures, using state of the art fourth generation of high programming languages, like Scilab or MATLAB. The ALMA toolset addresses this problem by receiving Scilab code as input and produces parallel code for embedded multiprocessor systems on chip, using platform quasi-agnostic optimisations. In this paper, coarse grain parallelism extraction and optimization issues as well as parallel code generation for the ALMA toolset are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse Grained Parallelism Optimization for Multicore Architectures: The ALMA Project Approach

ABSTRACT In this paper, the coarse grained parallelism optimization step of the ALMA EU FP7 proje... more ABSTRACT In this paper, the coarse grained parallelism optimization step of the ALMA EU FP7 project is discussed. The current results look promising, as the possibility to use Integer Programming and provide optimal results to the problem model seems feasible and efficient.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Scilab to multicore embedded systems: Algorithms and methodologies

Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, IC-SAMOS 2012, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of A flexible approach for compiling scilab to reconfigurable multi-core embedded systems

ReCoSoC 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip, Proceedings, 2012

Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's re... more Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's reconfigurable multiprocessor System-on-Chip devices suffers from a complex toolchain and programming process. Thus, the efficient programming of such architectures in terms of achievable performance and power consumption is limited to experts only. Enabling them to nonexperts requires a simplified programming process that hides the complexity of the underlying hardware—introduced by software parallelism of multiple cores and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Solving the Examination Timetabling Problem in GPUs

Algorithms, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Aware Security Policy Guidelines for WSN

International E-Conference of Computer Science 2006~ autofilled~

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a module that can be added to any existing informati... more Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a module that can be added to any existing information system in order to extend it's capabilities by capturing and transmitting a dense amount of raw data from the application field back to a central computing system. Depending on the nature of the application, a known and measured level of security must be accomplished. Taking into account the fact that today's security approaches aggravate existing power limitations that are implied by WSN design, the need to establish an ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decomposing the High School Problem

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Research paper thumbnail of A compilation- and simulation-oriented architecture description language for multicore systems

Abstract Today's reconfigurable multicore architectu... more Abstract Today's reconfigurable multicore architectures become more and more complex. They consist of several processing units, not necessarily identical, different interconnecting modules, memories and possibly other components. Programming such kind of architectures requires deep knowledge of the underlying hardware and is thus very time consuming and error prone. On the other hand, automated tool chains that target multicore architectures are typically tailored to one specific architecture type and require a platform- ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compiling Scilab to high performance embedded multicore systems

Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2013

ABSTRACT The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's multipr... more ABSTRACT The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's multiprocessor system-on-chip devices su�ers from a complex toolchain and programming process. The problem is the expression of parallelism with a pure imperative programming language which is commonly C. This traditional approach limits the mapping, partitioning and the generation of optimized parallel code, and consequently the achievable performance and power consumption of applications from di�erent domains. The Architecture oriented paraLlelization for high performance embedded Multicore systems using scilAb (ALMA) European project aims to bridge these hurdles through the introduction and exploitation of a Scilab-based toolchain which enables the e�cient mapping of applications on multiprocessor platforms from a high level of abstraction. The holistic solution of the ALMA toolchain allows the complexity of both the application and the architecture to be hidden, which leads to better acceptance, reduced development cost, and shorter time-to-market. Driven by the technology restrictions in chip design, the end of exponential growth of clock speeds, and an unavoidable increasing request of computing performance, ALMA is a fundamental step forward in the necessary introduction of novel computing paradigms and methodologies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Profile-Guided Compilation of Scilab Algorithms for Multiprocessor Systems

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Application Of Heuristics, Genetic Algorithms & Integer Programming At A Public Enterprise Water Pump Scheduling System

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Research paper thumbnail of A flexible approach for compiling scilab to reconfigurable multi-core embedded systems

ReCoSoC 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip, Proceedings, 2012

Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's re... more Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's reconfigurable multiprocessor System-on-Chip devices suffers from a complex toolchain and programming process. Thus, the efficient programming of such architectures in terms of achievable performance and power consumption is limited to experts only. Enabling them to nonexperts requires a simplified programming process that hides the complexity of the underlying hardware—introduced by software parallelism of multiple cores and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of From Scilab to multicore embedded systems: Algorithms and methodologies

Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, IC-SAMOS 2012, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping DAGs on Heterogeneous Platform using Logic-Based Benders Decompostion

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Research paper thumbnail of SchedScripter: Workflows for Grid-based Human Resources Scheduling Applications

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Research paper thumbnail of A hybrid ILP-CP model for mapping Directed Acyclic Task Graphs to multicore architectures

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Research paper thumbnail of Assigning and Scheduling Hierarchical Task Graphs to Heterogeneous Resources

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Research paper thumbnail of Graphics Processing Unit acceleration of a memetic algorithm for the Examination Timetabling Problem

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Research paper thumbnail of DAG Scheduling using Integer Programming in heterogeneous parallel execution environments

ABSTRACT A computer program can be represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in order to capt... more ABSTRACT A computer program can be represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in order to capture the dependencies between the individual tasks that should be executed each time the program runs. This paper proposes a mathematical model of Integer Programming that can be applied in order to schedule the tasks in the presence of multiple processors serving as the execution environment. The target is to minimize the overall execution time of the DAG known as schedule length or makespan. An approach called MATH using the full model is applied to small sized problems and then a more elaborate approach called MATHL is presented where the DAG is partitioned to levels. Levels are formed according to the hops needed for each node to be reached starting from the source node. Hence sub-problems have manageable size and can be solved in a timely manner. Consecutive optimal solutions for each level result in a high quality schedule for the overall problem even for cases consisting of several hundreds of nodes. Results show that this method constantly gives very good results and it is compared favorably with other approaches to the problem that can be found in the bibliography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse grain parallelization using integer programming

2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2013

ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for automatic tools and techniques for application paralleli... more ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for automatic tools and techniques for application parallelization. Within the ALMA toolset, programs written in Scilab are automatically parallelized for execution on embedded multicore platforms. In this paper, key parts of the coarse grain parallelism optimization are presented. The coarse grain parallelism optimization considers the hierarchical task graph of a program and produces an optimized parallel schedule.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse-Grain Optimization and Code Generation for Embedded Multicore Systems

ABSTRACT As processors and systems-on-chip increasingly become multicore, parallel programming re... more ABSTRACT As processors and systems-on-chip increasingly become multicore, parallel programming remains a difficult, time-consuming and complicated task. End users who are not parallel programming experts have a need to exploit such processors and architectures, using state of the art fourth generation of high programming languages, like Scilab or MATLAB. The ALMA toolset addresses this problem by receiving Scilab code as input and produces parallel code for embedded multiprocessor systems on chip, using platform quasi-agnostic optimisations. In this paper, coarse grain parallelism extraction and optimization issues as well as parallel code generation for the ALMA toolset are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coarse Grained Parallelism Optimization for Multicore Architectures: The ALMA Project Approach

ABSTRACT In this paper, the coarse grained parallelism optimization step of the ALMA EU FP7 proje... more ABSTRACT In this paper, the coarse grained parallelism optimization step of the ALMA EU FP7 project is discussed. The current results look promising, as the possibility to use Integer Programming and provide optimal results to the problem model seems feasible and efficient.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Scilab to multicore embedded systems: Algorithms and methodologies

Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation, IC-SAMOS 2012, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of A flexible approach for compiling scilab to reconfigurable multi-core embedded systems

ReCoSoC 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable and Communication-Centric Systems-on-Chip, Proceedings, 2012

Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's re... more Abstract The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's reconfigurable multiprocessor System-on-Chip devices suffers from a complex toolchain and programming process. Thus, the efficient programming of such architectures in terms of achievable performance and power consumption is limited to experts only. Enabling them to nonexperts requires a simplified programming process that hides the complexity of the underlying hardware—introduced by software parallelism of multiple cores and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Solving the Examination Timetabling Problem in GPUs

Algorithms, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Aware Security Policy Guidelines for WSN

International E-Conference of Computer Science 2006~ autofilled~

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a module that can be added to any existing informati... more Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a module that can be added to any existing information system in order to extend it's capabilities by capturing and transmitting a dense amount of raw data from the application field back to a central computing system. Depending on the nature of the application, a known and measured level of security must be accomplished. Taking into account the fact that today's security approaches aggravate existing power limitations that are implied by WSN design, the need to establish an ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decomposing the High School Problem

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Research paper thumbnail of A compilation- and simulation-oriented architecture description language for multicore systems

Abstract Today's reconfigurable multicore architectu... more Abstract Today's reconfigurable multicore architectures become more and more complex. They consist of several processing units, not necessarily identical, different interconnecting modules, memories and possibly other components. Programming such kind of architectures requires deep knowledge of the underlying hardware and is thus very time consuming and error prone. On the other hand, automated tool chains that target multicore architectures are typically tailored to one specific architecture type and require a platform- ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compiling Scilab to high performance embedded multicore systems

Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2013

ABSTRACT The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's multipr... more ABSTRACT The mapping process of high performance embedded applications to today's multiprocessor system-on-chip devices su�ers from a complex toolchain and programming process. The problem is the expression of parallelism with a pure imperative programming language which is commonly C. This traditional approach limits the mapping, partitioning and the generation of optimized parallel code, and consequently the achievable performance and power consumption of applications from di�erent domains. The Architecture oriented paraLlelization for high performance embedded Multicore systems using scilAb (ALMA) European project aims to bridge these hurdles through the introduction and exploitation of a Scilab-based toolchain which enables the e�cient mapping of applications on multiprocessor platforms from a high level of abstraction. The holistic solution of the ALMA toolchain allows the complexity of both the application and the architecture to be hidden, which leads to better acceptance, reduced development cost, and shorter time-to-market. Driven by the technology restrictions in chip design, the end of exponential growth of clock speeds, and an unavoidable increasing request of computing performance, ALMA is a fundamental step forward in the necessary introduction of novel computing paradigms and methodologies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Profile-Guided Compilation of Scilab Algorithms for Multiprocessor Systems

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Application Of Heuristics, Genetic Algorithms & Integer Programming At A Public Enterprise Water Pump Scheduling System

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