M. Yuseano Kardiansyah | TEKNOKRAT (original) (raw)

Papers by M. Yuseano Kardiansyah

Research paper thumbnail of Membaca “Tanah Sang Raksasa” Karya Dwianto Setyawan: Sebuah Dekonstruksi Terhadap Wacana Dominan

This research deconstructs dominant discourse in a short story entitled “Tanah Sang Raksasa” or “... more This research deconstructs dominant discourse in a short story entitled “Tanah Sang Raksasa” or “The Giant’s Land” by Dwianto Setyawan that tells an ironical friendhip between a man and a giant. The objective of this research is to reveal the existence of paradoxical text construction from the dominant discourse inside the short story. By applying deconstructive theory and method that supports the analysis, it is found that hierarchical oposition that portrays goodness (that slightly positioned higher) and evil is automatically broken, make them stand in equal position. Abstrak Penelitian ini mendekonstruksi wacana dominan yang ada pada sebuah cerpen yang berjudul “Tanah Sang Raksasa” karya Dwianto Setyawan yang menceritakan suatu ironi dalam persahabatan seorang manusia dan seorang raksasa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan keberadaan konstruksi teks yang dinilai paradoksikal dari wacana cerita yang dominan di dalamnya. Dengan mengaplikasikan teori dan metode yang mend...

Research paper thumbnail of WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE Is it a field of literary production ?

This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works ... more This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works through socio-cultural paradigm. By adopting Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework, the discussion is intended to further elaborate whether such a story-sharing website – firstly launched in 2006 – has some typical natures as the field of literary production. The objective of this study is to explore how currently the influence of technological reformation is toward the practice of literary production. Eventually, from the exploration conducted to Wattpad, it is found that there are some typical characteristics that bring consideration to see it as a field of literary production. However, those characteristics must be seen contextually for it is conditioned in cyber space, yet the logic of conventional practice is carried over into it.

Research paper thumbnail of Reassuring Feasibility of Using Bourdieusian Sociocultural Paradigm for Literary Translation Study

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

Research paper thumbnail of English Drama in the Late of Victorian Period (1880-1901): Realism in Drama Genre Revival


A progressive growth in literature was seen significantly during Victorian period. These decades ... more A progressive growth in literature was seen significantly during Victorian period. These decades also saw an overdue revival of drama, in which the existence of drama was started to improve when entering late of Victorian period. Along with that situation, Thomas William Robertson (1829-1871) emerged as a popular drama writer at that time besides the coming of Henrik Ibsen’s works in 1880’s. However, Robertson’s popularity was defeated by other dramatists during late of Victorian period (1880-1901), drama writer like Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Beside Wilde, there were several well known dramatists during late of Victorian period. Dramatists as Shaw, Jones, and Pinero were also influential toward the development of drama at that time. In the discussion of English drama development, role of late Victorian period’s dramatists was really important toward the development of modern drama. Their works and efforts really influenced the triumph of realism and development of drama after Victori...

Research paper thumbnail of Tubuh dan Relasi Gender: Wacana Pascakolonial Dalam Novel “The Scarlet Letter” Karya Nathaniel Hawthorne


This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Hawthor... more This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter that tells about obsession toward morality, gender oppression, punishment for sinner, guilty feeling dan individual sin confession. The objective of this research is to reveal the resistance sides toward colonial construction that still exist in society’s social order and norm reflected in that novel. By applying postcolonialism approach and deconstruction method, it is proven that The Scarlet Letter depicts colonized (women) resistance behind its attitude and practice that seems submissive to the power of colonizer (society dan men’s domination).Key Words: Postcolonial Discourse, Body, Gender Relation, Deconstruction, Colonial Construction

Research paper thumbnail of The Translator's Strategy as a Cultural Mediator in Translating Indonesian Novel into English A Case Study On "Jatisaba"

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020), 2020

This article discusses a study on the translator's strategy in producing an Indonesian-English tr... more This article discusses a study on the translator's strategy in producing an Indonesian-English translated work (Indonesian-English literary work) entitled "Jatisaba", a novel that is full of Javanese (Banyumasan) cultural terms and expressions. Since the translator is a cultural mediator, this study aims to unravel more the strategy of a translator in transferring an Indonesian work full of cultural terms into English. A practice run by a literary translation agent that potentially enables international readers to appreciate the Indonesian author's work and knowing further cultural identity carried out through literary work. Agent in this present study refers to a translator namely Christopher Allen Woodrich, an English native speaker who is considered to have sufficient cultural capital on Indonesian literature due to his academic background. As the framework of thought, this socio-cultural study adapts the Bourdieusian concept of strategy in the theory of cultural production. Meanwhile methodologically, interview and document selection are applied as techniques to gain the data. At the end of the study, it is found that the translator uses the strategy to enable readers to understand the work being translated, while at the same time also keep the local colour of it. This strategy potentially helps raise the translator's visibility. Besides, this study also discloses how cultural capital is significant for translation practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Translation Agents in the Space of Mediation: A Case Study on the Production of The Pilgrimage in the Land of Java

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 491 Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 2020

This study investigates the emergence of mediation space as a consequence upon the practice of tr... more This study investigates the emergence of mediation space as a consequence upon the practice of translated literary production by its particular agents. Inspired by Michaela Wolf's thoughtthat is influenced by the Bourdieusian field concept and Bhabhasian third space conceptthe study is focused on tracing the mediation space in the production of the poetry anthology "Pilgrimage in the Land of Java" from Indonesian into English and all main agents involved inside. Related to that, this study aims to examine the social interaction among all agents during the production process by analyzing their roles and positions possessed by each of them. Thus, the structure of the mediation space is possible to be comprehensively described. Besides library research, for collecting the data, the interview is the primary technique in this qualitative research. All data are analyzed thoroughly to reach a valid result of the analysis. In the end, this study proves that the production of the mentioned poetry anthology has opened up a specific yet temporary alternative space amid two existing fields (Yogyakarta and world literary field). A site whereas the agents turn into hybrid subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of Pygmalion Karya Bernard Shaw dalam Edisi 1957 dan 2000

Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 10, No. 1, April 2019, hlm. 75—88, 2019

Dalam tulisan ini dibahas sebuah studi bandingan terhadap dua buku cetakan naskah drama berjudul ... more Dalam tulisan ini dibahas sebuah studi bandingan terhadap dua buku cetakan naskah drama berjudul Pygmalion karya Bernard Shaw. Di sini, pembahasan mencakup kajian yang dilakukan terhadap dua cetakan naskah drama yang dipublikasikan tahun 1957 dan 2000. Pembahasan yang dilakukan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kajian filologi yang bersangkutan dengan tekstologi, tetapi juga mencakup kodikologi. Tujuan kajian filologi ini adalah untuk mengetahui variasi dari buku Pygmalion antara cetakan yang dipublikasikan pada 1957 dan cetakan yang dipublikasikan pada 2000 tersebut. Melalui analisis yang dilakukan terhadap dua buku tersebut, ditemukan persamaan dan juga perbedaan. Perbedaan yang ditemukan membentuk variasi antara kedua buku cetakan tersebut yang pada akhirnya juga diketahui latar belakang terciptanya variasi tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE: WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE Is it a field of literary production

3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings, 2019

This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works ... more This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works through socio-cultural paradigm. By adopting Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework, the discussion is intended to further elaborate whether such a story-sharing website-firstly launched in 2006-has some typical natures as the field of literary production. The objective of this study is to explore how currently the influence of technological reformation is toward the practice of literary production. Eventually, from the exploration conducted to Wattpad, it is found that there are some typical characteristics that bring consideration to see it as a field of literary production. However, those characteristics must be seen contextually for it is conditioned in cyber space, yet the logic of conventional practice is carried over into it.

Research paper thumbnail of " The Scarlet Letter " Karya

Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisa wacana pascakolonial mengenai tubuh dan relasi gender di dalam... more Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisa wacana pascakolonial mengenai tubuh dan relasi gender di dalam sebuah novel berjudul " The Scarlet Letter " karya Nathaniel Hawthorne yang menceritakan obsesi terhadap mo-ralitas, menggambarkan penindasan terhadap gender, hukuman terhadap pendosa, juga rasa bersalah dan pengakuan dosa seorang individu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguak sisi perlawanan ter-hadap konstruksi kolonial yang masih berlaku di dalam tatanan dan norma sosial masyarakat yang dic-erminkan di dalam novel tersebut. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan pascakolonialisme dan metode yang mendukung analisis secara dekonstruktif, dapat dibuktikan bahwa novel tersebut mengungkapkan perlawanan terjajah (perempuan) yang ada di balik sikap dan praktiknya yang seakan patuh pada kekuasaan penjajah (masyarakat dan dominasi laki-laki). Pendahuluan Merunut sejarahnya, tema cerita yang ada dalam genre prosa pada ranah kesusastraan san-gatlah beragam dan kreatif. Selayaknya genre sastra lainnya, ragam cerita yang ditampilkan pa-da karya sastra prosa ini pun mengandung isu-isu tertentu yang biasanya berkaitan dengan ru-ang lingkup sosial tempat diciptakannya karya sastra itu berada. Salah satu isu yang telah berkembang hingga saat ini adalah yang berkai-tan dengan status dan posisi perempuan di da-lam tatanan masyarakat tertentu atau apa yang secara umum disebut dengan isu feminisme. Hal ini tentu saja berkaitan dengan respon terhadap fenomena sosial yang terjadi di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat tertentu, dan tujuan dicip-takannya karya sastra yang mengangkat isu feminis ini antara lain dapat berupa satire atau sindiran, perlawanan, atau bahkan sebagai dukungan ter-hadap tatanan sosial yang berlaku terhadap posisi dan status perempuan tersebut. Di dalam sejarah kesusastraan, arah ke-cenderungan wacana feminisme yang ditulis oleh para penulis prosa sebenarnya telah mulai menggelora semenjak masa transisi dari periode Augustus menuju periode Romantisme (1750-1780) sampai dimulai dan berakhirnya periode Ro-mantisme itu sendiri (1880-1830) di Inggris. Hal tersebut dipicu oleh keadaan yang membuat hak dan ruang kebebasan wanita begitu sempit. Be-Abstract This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Haw-thorne's The Scarlet Letter that tells about obsession toward morality, gender oppression, punishment for sinner, guilty feeling dan individual sin confession. The objective of this research is to reveal the resistance sides toward colonial construction that still exist in society's social order and norm reflected in that novel. By applying postcolonialism approach and deconstruction method, it is proven that The Scarlet Letter depicts colonized (women) resistance behind its attitude and practice that seems submissive to the power of colonizer (society dan men's domination).

Research paper thumbnail of Animus Personality in Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones

This research discusses animus personality within some female major characters of Martin's A Song... more This research discusses animus personality within some female major characters of Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones novel. It is aims to describe the implication of psychological study towards the field of literature. Those female major characters chosen are Arya Stark and Sansa Stark.. The theory applied by the writers in this research is the animus theory developed by Carl Jung. The writers use Carl Jung's animus stage of development which consists of four stages of development that are The Man of Power, The Man of Action, The Man of Word and The Man of Meaning. The findings of the analysis show that as what Carl Jung believes that animus imprint exists in women's characters. The difference is only about how far the animus dominated the women itself.

Research paper thumbnail of The Index of Hero's Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama: A Semiotic Study STBA Teknokrat Lampung

This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero's power and nobility in Shakespe... more This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero's power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. Here, the discussion focuses on two works authored by William Shakespeare: "Macbeth" and " Othello ". Objective of this study is to investigate the signs that give index of power and nobility in those two Shakespearean tragedy dramas. The study is done by analyzing Macbeth and Othello in the way of tracing the intrinsic elements or texts of them. All related dialogs and narrations (data source) in these dramas are analyzed in order to disclose the indexes of power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. All analyses from each works are compared in order to determine if there are similar indexes or even distinction among those works in depicting the sense of power and nobility as Shakespearean dramas. As the result, it is found that these two dramas contain similar pattern of indexes that lead to the figuration of each hero's power and nobility in the dramas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Index of Hero’s Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama: A Semiotic Study

This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero’s power and nobility in Shakespe... more This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero’s power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. Here, the discussion focuses on two works authored by William Shakespeare: "Macbeth" and “Othello”. Objective of this study is to investigate the signs that give index of power and nobility in those two Shakespearean tragedy dramas. The study is done by analyzing Macbeth and Othello in the way of tracing the intrinsic elements or texts of them. All related dialogs and narrations (data source) in these dramas are analyzed in order to disclose the indexes of power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. All analyses from each works are compared in order to determine if there are similar indexes or even distinction among those works in depicting the sense of power and nobility as Shakespearean dramas. As the result, it is found that these two dramas contain similar pattern of indexes that lead to the figuration of each hero’s power and nobility in the dramas.

Research paper thumbnail of Membaca “Tanah Sang Raksasa” Karya Dwianto Setyawan: Sebuah Dekonstruksi Terhadap Wacana Dominan

This research deconstructs dominant discourse in a short story entitled “Tanah Sang Raksasa” or “... more This research deconstructs dominant discourse in a short story entitled “Tanah Sang Raksasa” or “The Giant’s Land” by Dwianto Setyawan that tells an ironical friendhip between a man and a giant. The objective of this research is to reveal the existence of paradoxical text construction from the dominant discourse inside the short story. By applying deconstructive theory and method that supports the analysis, it is found that hierarchical oposition that portrays goodness (that slightly positioned higher) and evil is automatically broken, make them stand in equal position. Abstrak Penelitian ini mendekonstruksi wacana dominan yang ada pada sebuah cerpen yang berjudul “Tanah Sang Raksasa” karya Dwianto Setyawan yang menceritakan suatu ironi dalam persahabatan seorang manusia dan seorang raksasa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan keberadaan konstruksi teks yang dinilai paradoksikal dari wacana cerita yang dominan di dalamnya. Dengan mengaplikasikan teori dan metode yang mend...

Research paper thumbnail of WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE Is it a field of literary production ?

This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works ... more This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works through socio-cultural paradigm. By adopting Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework, the discussion is intended to further elaborate whether such a story-sharing website – firstly launched in 2006 – has some typical natures as the field of literary production. The objective of this study is to explore how currently the influence of technological reformation is toward the practice of literary production. Eventually, from the exploration conducted to Wattpad, it is found that there are some typical characteristics that bring consideration to see it as a field of literary production. However, those characteristics must be seen contextually for it is conditioned in cyber space, yet the logic of conventional practice is carried over into it.

Research paper thumbnail of Reassuring Feasibility of Using Bourdieusian Sociocultural Paradigm for Literary Translation Study

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

Research paper thumbnail of English Drama in the Late of Victorian Period (1880-1901): Realism in Drama Genre Revival


A progressive growth in literature was seen significantly during Victorian period. These decades ... more A progressive growth in literature was seen significantly during Victorian period. These decades also saw an overdue revival of drama, in which the existence of drama was started to improve when entering late of Victorian period. Along with that situation, Thomas William Robertson (1829-1871) emerged as a popular drama writer at that time besides the coming of Henrik Ibsen’s works in 1880’s. However, Robertson’s popularity was defeated by other dramatists during late of Victorian period (1880-1901), drama writer like Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Beside Wilde, there were several well known dramatists during late of Victorian period. Dramatists as Shaw, Jones, and Pinero were also influential toward the development of drama at that time. In the discussion of English drama development, role of late Victorian period’s dramatists was really important toward the development of modern drama. Their works and efforts really influenced the triumph of realism and development of drama after Victori...

Research paper thumbnail of Tubuh dan Relasi Gender: Wacana Pascakolonial Dalam Novel “The Scarlet Letter” Karya Nathaniel Hawthorne


This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Hawthor... more This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter that tells about obsession toward morality, gender oppression, punishment for sinner, guilty feeling dan individual sin confession. The objective of this research is to reveal the resistance sides toward colonial construction that still exist in society’s social order and norm reflected in that novel. By applying postcolonialism approach and deconstruction method, it is proven that The Scarlet Letter depicts colonized (women) resistance behind its attitude and practice that seems submissive to the power of colonizer (society dan men’s domination).Key Words: Postcolonial Discourse, Body, Gender Relation, Deconstruction, Colonial Construction

Research paper thumbnail of The Translator's Strategy as a Cultural Mediator in Translating Indonesian Novel into English A Case Study On "Jatisaba"

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 509 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020), 2020

This article discusses a study on the translator's strategy in producing an Indonesian-English tr... more This article discusses a study on the translator's strategy in producing an Indonesian-English translated work (Indonesian-English literary work) entitled "Jatisaba", a novel that is full of Javanese (Banyumasan) cultural terms and expressions. Since the translator is a cultural mediator, this study aims to unravel more the strategy of a translator in transferring an Indonesian work full of cultural terms into English. A practice run by a literary translation agent that potentially enables international readers to appreciate the Indonesian author's work and knowing further cultural identity carried out through literary work. Agent in this present study refers to a translator namely Christopher Allen Woodrich, an English native speaker who is considered to have sufficient cultural capital on Indonesian literature due to his academic background. As the framework of thought, this socio-cultural study adapts the Bourdieusian concept of strategy in the theory of cultural production. Meanwhile methodologically, interview and document selection are applied as techniques to gain the data. At the end of the study, it is found that the translator uses the strategy to enable readers to understand the work being translated, while at the same time also keep the local colour of it. This strategy potentially helps raise the translator's visibility. Besides, this study also discloses how cultural capital is significant for translation practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Translation Agents in the Space of Mediation: A Case Study on the Production of The Pilgrimage in the Land of Java

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 491 Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 2020

This study investigates the emergence of mediation space as a consequence upon the practice of tr... more This study investigates the emergence of mediation space as a consequence upon the practice of translated literary production by its particular agents. Inspired by Michaela Wolf's thoughtthat is influenced by the Bourdieusian field concept and Bhabhasian third space conceptthe study is focused on tracing the mediation space in the production of the poetry anthology "Pilgrimage in the Land of Java" from Indonesian into English and all main agents involved inside. Related to that, this study aims to examine the social interaction among all agents during the production process by analyzing their roles and positions possessed by each of them. Thus, the structure of the mediation space is possible to be comprehensively described. Besides library research, for collecting the data, the interview is the primary technique in this qualitative research. All data are analyzed thoroughly to reach a valid result of the analysis. In the end, this study proves that the production of the mentioned poetry anthology has opened up a specific yet temporary alternative space amid two existing fields (Yogyakarta and world literary field). A site whereas the agents turn into hybrid subjects.

Research paper thumbnail of Pygmalion Karya Bernard Shaw dalam Edisi 1957 dan 2000

Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 10, No. 1, April 2019, hlm. 75—88, 2019

Dalam tulisan ini dibahas sebuah studi bandingan terhadap dua buku cetakan naskah drama berjudul ... more Dalam tulisan ini dibahas sebuah studi bandingan terhadap dua buku cetakan naskah drama berjudul Pygmalion karya Bernard Shaw. Di sini, pembahasan mencakup kajian yang dilakukan terhadap dua cetakan naskah drama yang dipublikasikan tahun 1957 dan 2000. Pembahasan yang dilakukan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kajian filologi yang bersangkutan dengan tekstologi, tetapi juga mencakup kodikologi. Tujuan kajian filologi ini adalah untuk mengetahui variasi dari buku Pygmalion antara cetakan yang dipublikasikan pada 1957 dan cetakan yang dipublikasikan pada 2000 tersebut. Melalui analisis yang dilakukan terhadap dua buku tersebut, ditemukan persamaan dan juga perbedaan. Perbedaan yang ditemukan membentuk variasi antara kedua buku cetakan tersebut yang pada akhirnya juga diketahui latar belakang terciptanya variasi tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE: WATTPAD AS A STORY-SHARING WEBSITE Is it a field of literary production

3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings, 2019

This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works ... more This article investigates the existence of Wattpad as a cyber-platform to produce literary works through socio-cultural paradigm. By adopting Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework, the discussion is intended to further elaborate whether such a story-sharing website-firstly launched in 2006-has some typical natures as the field of literary production. The objective of this study is to explore how currently the influence of technological reformation is toward the practice of literary production. Eventually, from the exploration conducted to Wattpad, it is found that there are some typical characteristics that bring consideration to see it as a field of literary production. However, those characteristics must be seen contextually for it is conditioned in cyber space, yet the logic of conventional practice is carried over into it.

Research paper thumbnail of " The Scarlet Letter " Karya

Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisa wacana pascakolonial mengenai tubuh dan relasi gender di dalam... more Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisa wacana pascakolonial mengenai tubuh dan relasi gender di dalam sebuah novel berjudul " The Scarlet Letter " karya Nathaniel Hawthorne yang menceritakan obsesi terhadap mo-ralitas, menggambarkan penindasan terhadap gender, hukuman terhadap pendosa, juga rasa bersalah dan pengakuan dosa seorang individu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguak sisi perlawanan ter-hadap konstruksi kolonial yang masih berlaku di dalam tatanan dan norma sosial masyarakat yang dic-erminkan di dalam novel tersebut. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan pascakolonialisme dan metode yang mendukung analisis secara dekonstruktif, dapat dibuktikan bahwa novel tersebut mengungkapkan perlawanan terjajah (perempuan) yang ada di balik sikap dan praktiknya yang seakan patuh pada kekuasaan penjajah (masyarakat dan dominasi laki-laki). Pendahuluan Merunut sejarahnya, tema cerita yang ada dalam genre prosa pada ranah kesusastraan san-gatlah beragam dan kreatif. Selayaknya genre sastra lainnya, ragam cerita yang ditampilkan pa-da karya sastra prosa ini pun mengandung isu-isu tertentu yang biasanya berkaitan dengan ru-ang lingkup sosial tempat diciptakannya karya sastra itu berada. Salah satu isu yang telah berkembang hingga saat ini adalah yang berkai-tan dengan status dan posisi perempuan di da-lam tatanan masyarakat tertentu atau apa yang secara umum disebut dengan isu feminisme. Hal ini tentu saja berkaitan dengan respon terhadap fenomena sosial yang terjadi di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat tertentu, dan tujuan dicip-takannya karya sastra yang mengangkat isu feminis ini antara lain dapat berupa satire atau sindiran, perlawanan, atau bahkan sebagai dukungan ter-hadap tatanan sosial yang berlaku terhadap posisi dan status perempuan tersebut. Di dalam sejarah kesusastraan, arah ke-cenderungan wacana feminisme yang ditulis oleh para penulis prosa sebenarnya telah mulai menggelora semenjak masa transisi dari periode Augustus menuju periode Romantisme (1750-1780) sampai dimulai dan berakhirnya periode Ro-mantisme itu sendiri (1880-1830) di Inggris. Hal tersebut dipicu oleh keadaan yang membuat hak dan ruang kebebasan wanita begitu sempit. Be-Abstract This research analyzes postcolonial discourse about body and gender relation in Nathaniel Haw-thorne's The Scarlet Letter that tells about obsession toward morality, gender oppression, punishment for sinner, guilty feeling dan individual sin confession. The objective of this research is to reveal the resistance sides toward colonial construction that still exist in society's social order and norm reflected in that novel. By applying postcolonialism approach and deconstruction method, it is proven that The Scarlet Letter depicts colonized (women) resistance behind its attitude and practice that seems submissive to the power of colonizer (society dan men's domination).

Research paper thumbnail of Animus Personality in Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones

This research discusses animus personality within some female major characters of Martin's A Song... more This research discusses animus personality within some female major characters of Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones novel. It is aims to describe the implication of psychological study towards the field of literature. Those female major characters chosen are Arya Stark and Sansa Stark.. The theory applied by the writers in this research is the animus theory developed by Carl Jung. The writers use Carl Jung's animus stage of development which consists of four stages of development that are The Man of Power, The Man of Action, The Man of Word and The Man of Meaning. The findings of the analysis show that as what Carl Jung believes that animus imprint exists in women's characters. The difference is only about how far the animus dominated the women itself.

Research paper thumbnail of The Index of Hero's Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama: A Semiotic Study STBA Teknokrat Lampung

This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero's power and nobility in Shakespe... more This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero's power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. Here, the discussion focuses on two works authored by William Shakespeare: "Macbeth" and " Othello ". Objective of this study is to investigate the signs that give index of power and nobility in those two Shakespearean tragedy dramas. The study is done by analyzing Macbeth and Othello in the way of tracing the intrinsic elements or texts of them. All related dialogs and narrations (data source) in these dramas are analyzed in order to disclose the indexes of power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. All analyses from each works are compared in order to determine if there are similar indexes or even distinction among those works in depicting the sense of power and nobility as Shakespearean dramas. As the result, it is found that these two dramas contain similar pattern of indexes that lead to the figuration of each hero's power and nobility in the dramas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Index of Hero’s Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama: A Semiotic Study

This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero’s power and nobility in Shakespe... more This paper discusses a study that investigates the index of hero’s power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. Here, the discussion focuses on two works authored by William Shakespeare: "Macbeth" and “Othello”. Objective of this study is to investigate the signs that give index of power and nobility in those two Shakespearean tragedy dramas. The study is done by analyzing Macbeth and Othello in the way of tracing the intrinsic elements or texts of them. All related dialogs and narrations (data source) in these dramas are analyzed in order to disclose the indexes of power and nobility in Shakespearean tragedy dramas. All analyses from each works are compared in order to determine if there are similar indexes or even distinction among those works in depicting the sense of power and nobility as Shakespearean dramas. As the result, it is found that these two dramas contain similar pattern of indexes that lead to the figuration of each hero’s power and nobility in the dramas.