Joachim Meyer | Tel Aviv University (original) (raw)

Papers by Joachim Meyer

Research paper thumbnail of On the Need to Understand Human Behavior to Do Analytics of Behavior

Knowledge and space, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Retrospective Human Responsibility in Intelligent Systems

arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding Patterns in Visualized Data by Adding Redundant Visual Information

arXiv (Cornell University), May 27, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Levels of Influence and Causal Responsibility in Dynamic Decision Making Events

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

Intelligent systems support human operators’ decision-making processes, many of which are dynamic... more Intelligent systems support human operators’ decision-making processes, many of which are dynamic and involve temporal changes in the decision-related parameters. As we increasingly depend on automation, it becomes imperative to understand and quantify its influence on the operator’s decisions and to evaluate its implications for the human’s causal responsibility for outcomes. Past studies proposed a model for human responsibility in static decision-making processes involving intelligent systems. We present a model for dynamic, non-stationary decision-making events based on the concept of causation strength. We apply it to a test case of a dynamic binary categorization decision. The results show that for automation to influence humans significantly, it must have high detection sensitivity. However, this condition is insufficient since it is unlikely that automation, irrespective of its sensitivity, will sway humans with high detection sensitivity away from their original position. S...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consensus effects in categorization decisions

Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Saving for a Rainy Day? Comparative Optimism About Disability in Old Age

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2011

This study examined young (n= 40) and middle-aged (n= 30) adults' susceptibi... more This study examined young (n= 40) and middle-aged (n= 30) adults' susceptibility to comparative optimism and comparative pessimism regarding disability in old age and their willingness to save for long-term care. Participants rated their risk of diverse levels of disability in old age, compared to another similar person, and indicated the amount of money they would be willing to save for future long-term care. While middle-aged participants showed the same level of comparative optimism for diverse disability levels, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Where Human Factors Meets Marketing

Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications, 1996

Promoting the marriage of marketing techniques and human factors research in product development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Engineering Model of Privacy-Related Decisions

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The Optimal Scope of Physicians\u27 Duty to Protect Patients\u27 Privacy

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Research paper thumbnail of Choosing Protection: User Investments in Security Measures for Cyber Risk Management

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019

Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and cyber-insurance are widely used to protect agai... more Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and cyber-insurance are widely used to protect against cyber-attacks and their consequences. The optimal investment in each of these security measures depends on the likelihood of threats and the severity of the damage they cause, on the user’s ability to distinguish between malicious and non-malicious content, and on the properties of the different security measures and their costs. We present a model of the optimal investment in the security measures, given that the effectiveness of each measure depends partly on the performance of the others. We also conducted an online experiment in which participants classified events as malicious or non-malicious, based on the value of an observed variable. They could protect themselves by investing in a firewall, an IDS or insurance. Four experimental conditions differed in the optimal investment in the different measures. Participants tended to invest preferably in the IDS, irrespective of the benefits from this investment. They were able to identify the firewall and insurance conditions in which investments were beneficial, but they did not invest optimally in these measures. The results imply that users’ intuitive decisions to invest resources in risk management measures are likely to be non-optimal. It is important to develop methods to help users in their decisions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Discrimination between Functions in Tables and Graphs

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 1997

An experiment assessed the relative efficiency of tables and graphs for the discrimination betwee... more An experiment assessed the relative efficiency of tables and graphs for the discrimination between two system states, indicated by different frequencies of sine functions, in a simulated process. Graphic displays allowed significantly better discrimination than tables. The interval between the feed back for one trial and the beginning of the next trial affected performance for both displays. In graphs rapid learning occurred for all durations of the interval, but when the interval was 0 seconds the initial performance was lower than when the interval was 2 or 6 seconds. For tables only the 6 seconds interval showed faster learning than the other conditions, but performance was still much lower than for graphs. The results lend support to the claim that graphic displays are of advantage when the displayed data has structure and when the task relies on this structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Newspaper advertising by health maintenance organizations during the reform of healthcare services in Israel

The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ, 2001

On 1 January 1995 a new mandatory National Health Insurance Law was enacted in Israel. The new la... more On 1 January 1995 a new mandatory National Health Insurance Law was enacted in Israel. The new law fostered competition among the four major Israeli healthcare providers (HMOs or sick funds) already operating in the market due to the possibility that an unlimited number of patients and the relative budget share would shift among the HMOs. This led them to launch advertising campaigns to attract new members. To examine newspaper advertising activities during the early stages of healthcare market reform in Israel. Advertising efforts were reviewed during a study period of 24 months (July 1994 to June 1996). Advertisements were analyzed in terms of marketing strategy, costs and quality of information. During the study period 412 newspaper advertisements were collected. The total advertising costs by all HMOs was approximately US$4 million in 1996 prices. Differences were found in marketing strategy, relative advertising costs, contents and priorities among the HMOs. The content of HMOs...

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Research paper thumbnail of Acceptable intrusiveness of online help in mobile devices

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying human factors research on warnings to a decision support for primary care physicians

PsycEXTRA Dataset

Abstract Human Factors research on warning systems may have relevance beyond the specific domain ... more Abstract Human Factors research on warning systems may have relevance beyond the specific domain of operators receiving warnings about potential problems in technological systems. We present an analysis of physicians' responses to letters generated by an automated decision support system in terms of findings in the human factors literature on warnings. The automated system mails reminders to primary medical teams about patients requiring screening or lipid-lowering drugs. The effectiveness of the system depends, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of When to act? Managing time-accuracy trade-offs in a dynamic belief updating task

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Relation Between Reliance and Compliance in an Aided Visual Scanning Task

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Concepts and Trends in Human-Automation Interaction

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Color and graphic style of in-vehicle navigation map displays: aesthetics and usability

Proceedings of 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, 2009

[摘要]: This research examined the effect of color related aspects and graphic style on the perceiv... more [摘要]: This research examined the effect of color related aspects and graphic style on the perceived aesthetics and usability of in-vehicle navigation maps and evaluated the relations between them. Study 1 examined maps varying in three color schemas:'Bold','Mild'and 'Greyscale'. Study 2 further examined an additional 'Bolder'color schema, and Study 3 examined three maps varying in their graphic styles:'Contemporary blue','Realistic green'and 'Traditional elegant monochromatic'. In all studies the participants completed ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A system for studying usability of mobile security

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use in conjunction with Pervasive 2011, 2011

The capabilities of mobile devices are rapidly evolving, but the methods to secure the devices re... more The capabilities of mobile devices are rapidly evolving, but the methods to secure the devices remain relatively unchanged. This is a source for concern, as malicious attacks on mobile devices become more frequent [5]. We offer an experimental system where participants play an investment game (main task) in which money allocation is preconditioned by various security procedures (supportive task). Specifically, the system enables the researcher to compare and study Personal Identification Number (PIN) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Perceptual scaling of doorways: An investigation of perception for design principles development

26th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Boston, MA, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Need to Understand Human Behavior to Do Analytics of Behavior

Knowledge and space, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Retrospective Human Responsibility in Intelligent Systems

arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding Patterns in Visualized Data by Adding Redundant Visual Information

arXiv (Cornell University), May 27, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Levels of Influence and Causal Responsibility in Dynamic Decision Making Events

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

Intelligent systems support human operators’ decision-making processes, many of which are dynamic... more Intelligent systems support human operators’ decision-making processes, many of which are dynamic and involve temporal changes in the decision-related parameters. As we increasingly depend on automation, it becomes imperative to understand and quantify its influence on the operator’s decisions and to evaluate its implications for the human’s causal responsibility for outcomes. Past studies proposed a model for human responsibility in static decision-making processes involving intelligent systems. We present a model for dynamic, non-stationary decision-making events based on the concept of causation strength. We apply it to a test case of a dynamic binary categorization decision. The results show that for automation to influence humans significantly, it must have high detection sensitivity. However, this condition is insufficient since it is unlikely that automation, irrespective of its sensitivity, will sway humans with high detection sensitivity away from their original position. S...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consensus effects in categorization decisions

Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Saving for a Rainy Day? Comparative Optimism About Disability in Old Age

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2011

This study examined young (n= 40) and middle-aged (n= 30) adults' susceptibi... more This study examined young (n= 40) and middle-aged (n= 30) adults' susceptibility to comparative optimism and comparative pessimism regarding disability in old age and their willingness to save for long-term care. Participants rated their risk of diverse levels of disability in old age, compared to another similar person, and indicated the amount of money they would be willing to save for future long-term care. While middle-aged participants showed the same level of comparative optimism for diverse disability levels, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Where Human Factors Meets Marketing

Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications, 1996

Promoting the marriage of marketing techniques and human factors research in product development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Engineering Model of Privacy-Related Decisions

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The Optimal Scope of Physicians\u27 Duty to Protect Patients\u27 Privacy

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Research paper thumbnail of Choosing Protection: User Investments in Security Measures for Cyber Risk Management

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019

Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and cyber-insurance are widely used to protect agai... more Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and cyber-insurance are widely used to protect against cyber-attacks and their consequences. The optimal investment in each of these security measures depends on the likelihood of threats and the severity of the damage they cause, on the user’s ability to distinguish between malicious and non-malicious content, and on the properties of the different security measures and their costs. We present a model of the optimal investment in the security measures, given that the effectiveness of each measure depends partly on the performance of the others. We also conducted an online experiment in which participants classified events as malicious or non-malicious, based on the value of an observed variable. They could protect themselves by investing in a firewall, an IDS or insurance. Four experimental conditions differed in the optimal investment in the different measures. Participants tended to invest preferably in the IDS, irrespective of the benefits from this investment. They were able to identify the firewall and insurance conditions in which investments were beneficial, but they did not invest optimally in these measures. The results imply that users’ intuitive decisions to invest resources in risk management measures are likely to be non-optimal. It is important to develop methods to help users in their decisions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Discrimination between Functions in Tables and Graphs

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 1997

An experiment assessed the relative efficiency of tables and graphs for the discrimination betwee... more An experiment assessed the relative efficiency of tables and graphs for the discrimination between two system states, indicated by different frequencies of sine functions, in a simulated process. Graphic displays allowed significantly better discrimination than tables. The interval between the feed back for one trial and the beginning of the next trial affected performance for both displays. In graphs rapid learning occurred for all durations of the interval, but when the interval was 0 seconds the initial performance was lower than when the interval was 2 or 6 seconds. For tables only the 6 seconds interval showed faster learning than the other conditions, but performance was still much lower than for graphs. The results lend support to the claim that graphic displays are of advantage when the displayed data has structure and when the task relies on this structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Newspaper advertising by health maintenance organizations during the reform of healthcare services in Israel

The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ, 2001

On 1 January 1995 a new mandatory National Health Insurance Law was enacted in Israel. The new la... more On 1 January 1995 a new mandatory National Health Insurance Law was enacted in Israel. The new law fostered competition among the four major Israeli healthcare providers (HMOs or sick funds) already operating in the market due to the possibility that an unlimited number of patients and the relative budget share would shift among the HMOs. This led them to launch advertising campaigns to attract new members. To examine newspaper advertising activities during the early stages of healthcare market reform in Israel. Advertising efforts were reviewed during a study period of 24 months (July 1994 to June 1996). Advertisements were analyzed in terms of marketing strategy, costs and quality of information. During the study period 412 newspaper advertisements were collected. The total advertising costs by all HMOs was approximately US$4 million in 1996 prices. Differences were found in marketing strategy, relative advertising costs, contents and priorities among the HMOs. The content of HMOs...

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Research paper thumbnail of Acceptable intrusiveness of online help in mobile devices

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying human factors research on warnings to a decision support for primary care physicians

PsycEXTRA Dataset

Abstract Human Factors research on warning systems may have relevance beyond the specific domain ... more Abstract Human Factors research on warning systems may have relevance beyond the specific domain of operators receiving warnings about potential problems in technological systems. We present an analysis of physicians' responses to letters generated by an automated decision support system in terms of findings in the human factors literature on warnings. The automated system mails reminders to primary medical teams about patients requiring screening or lipid-lowering drugs. The effectiveness of the system depends, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of When to act? Managing time-accuracy trade-offs in a dynamic belief updating task

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Relation Between Reliance and Compliance in an Aided Visual Scanning Task

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Concepts and Trends in Human-Automation Interaction

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Color and graphic style of in-vehicle navigation map displays: aesthetics and usability

Proceedings of 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, 2009

[摘要]: This research examined the effect of color related aspects and graphic style on the perceiv... more [摘要]: This research examined the effect of color related aspects and graphic style on the perceived aesthetics and usability of in-vehicle navigation maps and evaluated the relations between them. Study 1 examined maps varying in three color schemas:'Bold','Mild'and 'Greyscale'. Study 2 further examined an additional 'Bolder'color schema, and Study 3 examined three maps varying in their graphic styles:'Contemporary blue','Realistic green'and 'Traditional elegant monochromatic'. In all studies the participants completed ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A system for studying usability of mobile security

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous Interaction and Mobile Phone Use in conjunction with Pervasive 2011, 2011

The capabilities of mobile devices are rapidly evolving, but the methods to secure the devices re... more The capabilities of mobile devices are rapidly evolving, but the methods to secure the devices remain relatively unchanged. This is a source for concern, as malicious attacks on mobile devices become more frequent [5]. We offer an experimental system where participants play an investment game (main task) in which money allocation is preconditioned by various security procedures (supportive task). Specifically, the system enables the researcher to compare and study Personal Identification Number (PIN) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Perceptual scaling of doorways: An investigation of perception for design principles development

26th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Boston, MA, 1995

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