DIDIT WIDIATMOKO SUWARDIKUN | Telkom University (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Gestures on The Cover of Fashion Magazines

Dynamics of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Digital Technology Transformation and Cultural Evolution, 2021

Fashion magazines published in Indonesia were initially influenced by the local culture with rega... more Fashion magazines published in Indonesia were initially influenced by the local culture with regard to race, gestures, and modest clothing. Nowadays, both domestic and foreign magazines are published in Indonesia. There are many similar cover designs especially in relation to layout, typography, colors, illustrations, and in the way models are displayed.
Keywords: gestures, fashion, magazines

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Visual Iklan Cetak Tahun 1950 Di Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Sriwedari Wayang Wong Performance as Custodian of Javanese Culture

6th Bandung Creative Movement 2019, Oct 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Kampanye Pelestarian Hutan Lindung Gunung Klabat

Abstrak: Provinsi Sulawesi Utara merupakan daerah yang kaya akan objek serta daya tarik wisata ya... more Abstrak: Provinsi Sulawesi Utara merupakan daerah yang kaya akan objek serta daya tarik wisata yang terdapat pada pesisir pantai dan hutannya. Salah satunya adalah Gunung Klabat, daerah yang termasuk kawasan hutan lindung ini terletak di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara (Minut). Status Klabat sebagai gunung berapi yang tidak aktif, kini menjadi objek wisata mendaki yang cukup popular di Sulawesi Utara. Menurut Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Minut pada tahun 2017, terdapat sekitar 40% dari luas hutan telah rusak akibat aktivitas penebangan liar masyarakat dan sampah oleh para pendaki gunung. Dampak dari hal ini menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi ekosistem hutan dan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Belum ada kegiatan kampanye sosial yang efektif untuk menyadarkan masyarakat sekitar Gunung Klabat akan pentingnya pelestarian hutan lindung di Gunung Klabat. Melalui metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka, dan kuesioner, serta metode analisis data matriks perbandingan, dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Identitas Visual Dan Media Promosi Ukm Ilham Bahari

Ilham Bahari adalah kegiatan usaha milik Muhammad Bilal yang bergerak di bidang fashion yang berd... more Ilham Bahari adalah kegiatan usaha milik Muhammad Bilal yang bergerak di bidang fashion yang berdiri sejak 2012. Usaha ini memproduksi pakaian pria dan wanita, tas, dompet, dan barang fashion lainnya dengan menggunakan kain songket sutra asli yang ditenun manual. Berdasarkan perjalanan bisnisnya, brand Ilham bahari belum memiliki identitas visual yang kuat dan belum dikenal masyarakat terutama di kota-kota besar. Selain itu Ilham Bahari juga kurang melakukan promosi sehingga bisnis yang dijalani kurang berkembang. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness masyarakat yang dapat memperkuat brand Ilham Bahari dan meningkatkan penjualan serta melestarikan kain khas Palembang sampai ke taraf internasional. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka dilakukan perancangan identitas visual dan media promosi untuk Ilham Bahari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, kuesioner dan analisis matriks perbandingan serta SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analis...

Research paper thumbnail of BODY AND LIFESTYLE AS AN ADVERTISING STRATEGY : BANDUNG CREATIVE MOVEMENT 2015 2nd International Conference on Creative Industries “Strive to Improve Creativity“

Advertising is known as a communication medium that provides information or rather persuade the t... more Advertising is known as a communication medium that provides information or rather persuade the target audience to buy the products offered, but behind that submitted information and persuasion, advertising can also affect people\u27s lifestyles. Various strategies and means of persuasion of advertising, in addition to the appeal of a woman\u27s body that has been commonly used, some ads that use a form of male body as an element which is highlighted in persuading the target audience. Through visual observation of the ad footage milk supplement for men on television and analysis through various levels of meaning, to know how the ads tend to construct lifestyle target audiences. The results show that this ad approach the ideal male body shape and setting an upscale lifestyle as persuasion. Means of persuasion such as this turned out to be used to target specific segments of the single men of the ordinary classes and ordinary-looking, but dreaming to reach the upper class lifestyle. Such an approach is supported by the trend of ideal body building lifestyle prevailing in society. The aim of the study is to peel visual meaning shown in the ad as well as an understanding of the use of lifestyle as a strategy of persuasion in advertising. Keywords: Advertising, Body, Lifestyl

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Identitas Visual & Penerapannya Pada Media Promosi Tempat Wisata Kabupaten Sragen

Abstrak: Kabupaten Sragen adalah sebuah daerah di Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Jaw... more Abstrak: Kabupaten Sragen adalah sebuah daerah di Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Jawa Timur. Sejak museum Sangiran menjadi salah satu warisan dunia yang ditetapkan oleh UNESCO pada tahun 1996 di Meksiko, Kabupaten Sragen berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas pariwisatanya. Selain Sangiran, Kabupaten Sragen juga memiliki tempat-tempat wisata lain yang tidak kalah menarik. Permasalahan pada dua tahun terakhir, kunjungan wisata Sragen mengalami penurunan, terutama di tempat - tempat wisata selain Museum Sangiran. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, studi pustaka dan kuesioner, serta wawancara kepada narasumber yang kompeten, analisis data menggunakan metode analisis matriks. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data dan analisis dirancang identitas visual dan penerapannya pada media promosi yang sesuai untuk tempat wisata Kabupaten Sragen agar dapat membantu wisatawan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai objek wisata yang ada serta untuk meningkatkan kunjungan kepada te...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Ancaman Tsunami Melalui Sign System untuk Kawasan Pantai Carita

JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 2015

Carita adalah lokasi kejadian bencana tsunami akibat meletusnya gunung Krakatau tahun 1883. Semen... more Carita adalah lokasi kejadian bencana tsunami akibat meletusnya gunung Krakatau tahun 1883. Semenjak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang anak Krakatau berstatus siaga dan dapat meletus kembali. Setiap bencana alam yang terjadi selalu menelan korban. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan upaya membangkitkan kepedulian, pemahaman dan kesiapsiagaan audiens dengan mendiseminasikan informasi bencana. Salah satu caranya adalah melalui media sign system. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, yaitu menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman dan kepedulian terhadap bencana tsunami, seberapa tinggi kemampuan mereka menangkap bahasa/tanda visual, dan pengamatan terhadap media sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dilakukan analisis matrix terhadap jalur evaluasi tsunami, lalu dibandingkan dengan sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami yang ada di beberapa lokasi lain. Dari hasil analisis dibuat rekomendasi desain sign system untuk digunakan di lokasi penelitian, disertai dengan penempatan dan jumlahnya. Melalui media ini diharap dapat membangkitkan pemahaman, kepedulian, dan kesiapsiagaan audiens dalam menghadapi ancaman tsunami, sehingga dapat meminimalisir korban.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Anak-Anak dalam Iklan Produk untuk Dewasa

Serat Rupa, Sep 2, 2015

Numbers of children as talents in national television commercials tend to increase in 2008-2010, ... more Numbers of children as talents in national television commercials tend to increase in 2008-2010, those are not limited to children’s consumer goods such as snacks, milk, medicines, there are also tendency of children are used as models of television commercials for adult‘s consumer goods, by utilizing the characteristics of their innocent and cute appeal to pose for the target audience. What exactly is the role of children’s figure which appears in advertisements for adult’s consumer goods? Purposive sampling to four TV commercials that aired on national TV broadcast in 2008 and 2010 is selected according to the criteria of the study such as, Television commercials that use children as model for adult‘s consumer goods in terms of narrative and its visual aspect is thought to contain the positive or negative values and the product is restricted from food products, cellular phone providers, cosmetics and cleaning clothes, represented a more dominant advertisements, deemed contains the values that want to revealed in the research and deserves represent one type of product which aired on national television stations like Indosiar, RCTI, SCTV, TRANS TV. Interpretive semiotic analysis of signification models through denotation and connotation, to gain an overview of the relationship between visual and verbal elements. Advertising theory approach, body language and cinematography are used to analyze the components contained in the ads, to find out the role of models and to reveal the raised values. The result finds that children had the role as the influencer, the originator of the idea, and advocating the product purchase decisions. The values contain in the fourth television advertisements are associated with positive values such as modesty, decency or fairness as well as negative values, contrary to prevailing norms in society such as lying and demeaning behavior of others. These results benefit for assessing and refining the things that can impact positively or negatively in television commercials. Keywords: advertising, children , talent artist, TV commercials, semiotics

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Visual Keindonesiaan dalam Iklan Cetak di Indonesia

ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design, 2008

Many have tried to explore the unified identity character of an Indonesian, arousing certain trib... more Many have tried to explore the unified identity character of an Indonesian, arousing certain tribal cultures to visually represent "Indonesian" on apparent bestowed upon Indonesia as a nation of multi-cultures. This is clearly be seen in advertisements where the expressed visuals represent periods, societal forms, political, and economical situation according to the allotted time and space. Thus, visuals on advertisements may serve as clues to understand the significance of expressions as "Indonesian" out of the memory of how things were and were done and therefore ought to be done. This study explores visuals from the advertisements of the past to understand the spirit of Indonesia as a nation for the purpose of tomorrow. The study looked into visuals of the advertisements from the Dutch colonial era, Japanese occupation period, the birth of a nation in 1950s, the new order (1970s-1990s), and end with those of reform order (2000s); in order to portray "Indonesian" in terms of figure, behavior, and attitude of a nation. The paper discusses visuals of the past to model the present and future of an "Indonesian".

Research paper thumbnail of STUDI KARAKTER PADA GAME SIMULASI KATEGORI ROLE PLAYING GAMES (Studi Kasus Terhadap Konsep Karakter Pada Neverwinter Nights)

Role Playing Games (RPG) merupakan permainan berbasis digital berbeda dengan permainan lain yang ... more Role Playing Games (RPG) merupakan permainan berbasis digital berbeda dengan permainan lain yang sejenis. Sesuai dengan istilah yang digunakan, permainan ini merupakan sebuah simulasi peran, para pemain diajak untuk memerankan tokoh/ karakter dalam setiap tema permainannya. Karakter dalam RPG merupakan sebuah konsep yang merujuk pada cerita, dia dianggap hidup, maka proses penciptaan dan pembentukannya tidak terbatas pada kekuatan visual, ada pembentuk lain yang penting untuk dikonstruksi, meliputi identitas, eksistensi, dan realitas. Sebagai bagian dari bentuk representasi simulasi, tokoh merupakan sebuah konsep karakter yang dikonstruksi, dimanipulasi, dan direproduksi. Penggambaran kualitas perwujudannya melibatkan konsep pembentukkan kepribadian/ perwatakan (arketipe), peristiwa (narasi), ruang dan waktu (simulakrum). Penelitian ini mengungkap segala permasalahan pembentukan karakter dari sisi non-visual, karakter dianalisis dari sisi kombinasi variasi pembentukan perwatakan dan...

Research paper thumbnail of City Mascot as A Supporting Force in City Imaging

Proceedings of the 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2017 (4th BCM 2017), 2018

The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual c... more The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual communication designer community as well as creative industry practicioners. Moreover since its existence is not only applied on sport event, but also expands to various field, whether as business promotion, imaging efforts, to campaign forms. One of the interesting discourses is that for the first time mascot is inaugurated by city government as a part of identity of a city in Indonesia, namely Malang, in an effort to promote the city's tourism and as a differentiate feature with other cities. This adaptation refers to the cities in Japan which had previously use the power of mascot as a supporting power in developing its potential, like Perfecture Kumamoto with its mascot, Kumamon. Then how does mascot become the ambassador of a city's image related with culture, resources, as well as infrastructure facility of a city? The goal of this research is to give sufficient understanding about city mascot existence while showing its importance for visual communication desainers and creative industry practitioners in creating a work. While the approach used in this research is through social research, considering how close the topic discussed with local tradition and culture. The approach was chosen to find mascot's positioning in its relation with city image potential, thus the benefit of its use for local government can be seen. The study was done in Malang, Surabaya, and Kumamoto Perfecture through deep direct observation, interview, as well as literature research. The benefit of learning the process of this research result is hoped to be used as a reference and model in the application o f mascot contest and other intellectual property in the future. Also to strengthen the base in mascot creation which indeed should be able to accomodate what it represents.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Foto Taman Tematik Kota Bandung

Bandung adalah kota yang terkenal dengan sebutan Parisj Van Java dengan segudang taman yang sejak... more Bandung adalah kota yang terkenal dengan sebutan Parisj Van Java dengan segudang taman yang sejak dahulu kala sudah ada di kota ini. Berada di barat pulau Jawa dan tidak jauh dari ibukota Indonesia, Bandung menjadi tempat yang memiliki daya sejarah tinggi bagi bangsa Indonesia. M.A.W Brower seorang pendidik dan penulis asal Belanda berkata bahwa bumi Pasundan lahir ketika Tuhan sedang tersenyum, menggambarkan betapa indahnya bumi Bandung ini. Saat ini Bandung memiliki taman-taman tematik buatan pemerintah kota, dengan tujuan menambah kebahagiaan masyarakat kota Bandung. Dengan memiliki ruang terbuka hijau, selain banyak manfaat bagi alam juga manfaat bagi manusia, dan juga bisa menjadi daerah resapan air, maupun menjadi tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat. Upaya untuk mendokumentasikan taman-taman tematik kota Bandung diperlukan karena sampai sekarang dokumentasi taman-taman tematik kota Bandung belum ada. Tujuan dirancangnya buku foto ini untuk dapat menjadi referensi serta meningkatkan...

Research paper thumbnail of Wajah Indo dalam Iklan Tahun 1950an

Panggung, Mar 9, 2017

1950s society in Indonesia was marked by the changing social class, at the time of the Dutch East... more 1950s society in Indonesia was marked by the changing social class, at the time of the Dutch East Indies, indigenous groups or "inlander" as the lowest grade. After the independence war a large number of indigenous people shifted into top class. That changes was used to advertise the consumer goods of international campanies. How was the figure of ideal model advertised at that time? Through visual analysis on consumer goods advertisement in newspapers published in the 1950s as well as an interview to the resource person, it was found that the visualization of women as a model, were wearing Indonesian dress, but the structure of the face and physical proportions were western type. Admiration for the beauty of western values is used as a tool to persuade the target audience, indigenous on new high social class, the women of Indonesia, especially in West Java which is famous for the light-skinned girl and a beautiful face.

Research paper thumbnail of Persuasi Melalui Ilustrasi dalam Iklan Cetak

Journal of Visual Art and Design, Jul 1, 2009

Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimpor... more Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimportant, until we are often left behind when figuring out what is the meaning and function of a visual image. On the other hand, we are surrounded by visual images which become more increased and more sophisticated, until we are unconsciously affected with many kinds of visual images we perceived. Through observation and visual analysis towards newspaper's printed advertisements within a certain time, it will explain us how the power of illustration, either photography or hand made, is in purpose to get attention and to persuade the target audience. Collaboration between visualization of text messages and visual messages will make the ads more effective.


Research paper thumbnail of Turtle symbol at the Grand Mosque of Demak

Aristektur Masjid Agung Demak, 2020

The turtle symbol in the Grand Mosque of Demak, apart from being a symbol of the year, also serve... more The turtle symbol in the Grand Mosque of Demak, apart from being a symbol of the year, also serves as a tribute to the king of Demak to his father, King Brawijaya of Majapahit.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Gestures on The Cover of Fashion Magazines

Dynamics of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Digital Technology Transformation and Cultural Evolution, 2021

Fashion magazines published in Indonesia were initially influenced by the local culture with rega... more Fashion magazines published in Indonesia were initially influenced by the local culture with regard to race, gestures, and modest clothing. Nowadays, both domestic and foreign magazines are published in Indonesia. There are many similar cover designs especially in relation to layout, typography, colors, illustrations, and in the way models are displayed.
Keywords: gestures, fashion, magazines

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Visual Iklan Cetak Tahun 1950 Di Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Sriwedari Wayang Wong Performance as Custodian of Javanese Culture

6th Bandung Creative Movement 2019, Oct 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Kampanye Pelestarian Hutan Lindung Gunung Klabat

Abstrak: Provinsi Sulawesi Utara merupakan daerah yang kaya akan objek serta daya tarik wisata ya... more Abstrak: Provinsi Sulawesi Utara merupakan daerah yang kaya akan objek serta daya tarik wisata yang terdapat pada pesisir pantai dan hutannya. Salah satunya adalah Gunung Klabat, daerah yang termasuk kawasan hutan lindung ini terletak di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara (Minut). Status Klabat sebagai gunung berapi yang tidak aktif, kini menjadi objek wisata mendaki yang cukup popular di Sulawesi Utara. Menurut Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Minut pada tahun 2017, terdapat sekitar 40% dari luas hutan telah rusak akibat aktivitas penebangan liar masyarakat dan sampah oleh para pendaki gunung. Dampak dari hal ini menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi ekosistem hutan dan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Belum ada kegiatan kampanye sosial yang efektif untuk menyadarkan masyarakat sekitar Gunung Klabat akan pentingnya pelestarian hutan lindung di Gunung Klabat. Melalui metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka, dan kuesioner, serta metode analisis data matriks perbandingan, dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Identitas Visual Dan Media Promosi Ukm Ilham Bahari

Ilham Bahari adalah kegiatan usaha milik Muhammad Bilal yang bergerak di bidang fashion yang berd... more Ilham Bahari adalah kegiatan usaha milik Muhammad Bilal yang bergerak di bidang fashion yang berdiri sejak 2012. Usaha ini memproduksi pakaian pria dan wanita, tas, dompet, dan barang fashion lainnya dengan menggunakan kain songket sutra asli yang ditenun manual. Berdasarkan perjalanan bisnisnya, brand Ilham bahari belum memiliki identitas visual yang kuat dan belum dikenal masyarakat terutama di kota-kota besar. Selain itu Ilham Bahari juga kurang melakukan promosi sehingga bisnis yang dijalani kurang berkembang. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness masyarakat yang dapat memperkuat brand Ilham Bahari dan meningkatkan penjualan serta melestarikan kain khas Palembang sampai ke taraf internasional. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka dilakukan perancangan identitas visual dan media promosi untuk Ilham Bahari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, kuesioner dan analisis matriks perbandingan serta SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analis...

Research paper thumbnail of BODY AND LIFESTYLE AS AN ADVERTISING STRATEGY : BANDUNG CREATIVE MOVEMENT 2015 2nd International Conference on Creative Industries “Strive to Improve Creativity“

Advertising is known as a communication medium that provides information or rather persuade the t... more Advertising is known as a communication medium that provides information or rather persuade the target audience to buy the products offered, but behind that submitted information and persuasion, advertising can also affect people\u27s lifestyles. Various strategies and means of persuasion of advertising, in addition to the appeal of a woman\u27s body that has been commonly used, some ads that use a form of male body as an element which is highlighted in persuading the target audience. Through visual observation of the ad footage milk supplement for men on television and analysis through various levels of meaning, to know how the ads tend to construct lifestyle target audiences. The results show that this ad approach the ideal male body shape and setting an upscale lifestyle as persuasion. Means of persuasion such as this turned out to be used to target specific segments of the single men of the ordinary classes and ordinary-looking, but dreaming to reach the upper class lifestyle. Such an approach is supported by the trend of ideal body building lifestyle prevailing in society. The aim of the study is to peel visual meaning shown in the ad as well as an understanding of the use of lifestyle as a strategy of persuasion in advertising. Keywords: Advertising, Body, Lifestyl

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Identitas Visual & Penerapannya Pada Media Promosi Tempat Wisata Kabupaten Sragen

Abstrak: Kabupaten Sragen adalah sebuah daerah di Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Jaw... more Abstrak: Kabupaten Sragen adalah sebuah daerah di Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Jawa Timur. Sejak museum Sangiran menjadi salah satu warisan dunia yang ditetapkan oleh UNESCO pada tahun 1996 di Meksiko, Kabupaten Sragen berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas pariwisatanya. Selain Sangiran, Kabupaten Sragen juga memiliki tempat-tempat wisata lain yang tidak kalah menarik. Permasalahan pada dua tahun terakhir, kunjungan wisata Sragen mengalami penurunan, terutama di tempat - tempat wisata selain Museum Sangiran. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, studi pustaka dan kuesioner, serta wawancara kepada narasumber yang kompeten, analisis data menggunakan metode analisis matriks. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data dan analisis dirancang identitas visual dan penerapannya pada media promosi yang sesuai untuk tempat wisata Kabupaten Sragen agar dapat membantu wisatawan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai objek wisata yang ada serta untuk meningkatkan kunjungan kepada te...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Ancaman Tsunami Melalui Sign System untuk Kawasan Pantai Carita

JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 2015

Carita adalah lokasi kejadian bencana tsunami akibat meletusnya gunung Krakatau tahun 1883. Semen... more Carita adalah lokasi kejadian bencana tsunami akibat meletusnya gunung Krakatau tahun 1883. Semenjak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang anak Krakatau berstatus siaga dan dapat meletus kembali. Setiap bencana alam yang terjadi selalu menelan korban. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan upaya membangkitkan kepedulian, pemahaman dan kesiapsiagaan audiens dengan mendiseminasikan informasi bencana. Salah satu caranya adalah melalui media sign system. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, yaitu menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman dan kepedulian terhadap bencana tsunami, seberapa tinggi kemampuan mereka menangkap bahasa/tanda visual, dan pengamatan terhadap media sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dilakukan analisis matrix terhadap jalur evaluasi tsunami, lalu dibandingkan dengan sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami yang ada di beberapa lokasi lain. Dari hasil analisis dibuat rekomendasi desain sign system untuk digunakan di lokasi penelitian, disertai dengan penempatan dan jumlahnya. Melalui media ini diharap dapat membangkitkan pemahaman, kepedulian, dan kesiapsiagaan audiens dalam menghadapi ancaman tsunami, sehingga dapat meminimalisir korban.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Anak-Anak dalam Iklan Produk untuk Dewasa

Serat Rupa, Sep 2, 2015

Numbers of children as talents in national television commercials tend to increase in 2008-2010, ... more Numbers of children as talents in national television commercials tend to increase in 2008-2010, those are not limited to children’s consumer goods such as snacks, milk, medicines, there are also tendency of children are used as models of television commercials for adult‘s consumer goods, by utilizing the characteristics of their innocent and cute appeal to pose for the target audience. What exactly is the role of children’s figure which appears in advertisements for adult’s consumer goods? Purposive sampling to four TV commercials that aired on national TV broadcast in 2008 and 2010 is selected according to the criteria of the study such as, Television commercials that use children as model for adult‘s consumer goods in terms of narrative and its visual aspect is thought to contain the positive or negative values and the product is restricted from food products, cellular phone providers, cosmetics and cleaning clothes, represented a more dominant advertisements, deemed contains the values that want to revealed in the research and deserves represent one type of product which aired on national television stations like Indosiar, RCTI, SCTV, TRANS TV. Interpretive semiotic analysis of signification models through denotation and connotation, to gain an overview of the relationship between visual and verbal elements. Advertising theory approach, body language and cinematography are used to analyze the components contained in the ads, to find out the role of models and to reveal the raised values. The result finds that children had the role as the influencer, the originator of the idea, and advocating the product purchase decisions. The values contain in the fourth television advertisements are associated with positive values such as modesty, decency or fairness as well as negative values, contrary to prevailing norms in society such as lying and demeaning behavior of others. These results benefit for assessing and refining the things that can impact positively or negatively in television commercials. Keywords: advertising, children , talent artist, TV commercials, semiotics

Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Visual Keindonesiaan dalam Iklan Cetak di Indonesia

ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design, 2008

Many have tried to explore the unified identity character of an Indonesian, arousing certain trib... more Many have tried to explore the unified identity character of an Indonesian, arousing certain tribal cultures to visually represent "Indonesian" on apparent bestowed upon Indonesia as a nation of multi-cultures. This is clearly be seen in advertisements where the expressed visuals represent periods, societal forms, political, and economical situation according to the allotted time and space. Thus, visuals on advertisements may serve as clues to understand the significance of expressions as "Indonesian" out of the memory of how things were and were done and therefore ought to be done. This study explores visuals from the advertisements of the past to understand the spirit of Indonesia as a nation for the purpose of tomorrow. The study looked into visuals of the advertisements from the Dutch colonial era, Japanese occupation period, the birth of a nation in 1950s, the new order (1970s-1990s), and end with those of reform order (2000s); in order to portray "Indonesian" in terms of figure, behavior, and attitude of a nation. The paper discusses visuals of the past to model the present and future of an "Indonesian".

Research paper thumbnail of STUDI KARAKTER PADA GAME SIMULASI KATEGORI ROLE PLAYING GAMES (Studi Kasus Terhadap Konsep Karakter Pada Neverwinter Nights)

Role Playing Games (RPG) merupakan permainan berbasis digital berbeda dengan permainan lain yang ... more Role Playing Games (RPG) merupakan permainan berbasis digital berbeda dengan permainan lain yang sejenis. Sesuai dengan istilah yang digunakan, permainan ini merupakan sebuah simulasi peran, para pemain diajak untuk memerankan tokoh/ karakter dalam setiap tema permainannya. Karakter dalam RPG merupakan sebuah konsep yang merujuk pada cerita, dia dianggap hidup, maka proses penciptaan dan pembentukannya tidak terbatas pada kekuatan visual, ada pembentuk lain yang penting untuk dikonstruksi, meliputi identitas, eksistensi, dan realitas. Sebagai bagian dari bentuk representasi simulasi, tokoh merupakan sebuah konsep karakter yang dikonstruksi, dimanipulasi, dan direproduksi. Penggambaran kualitas perwujudannya melibatkan konsep pembentukkan kepribadian/ perwatakan (arketipe), peristiwa (narasi), ruang dan waktu (simulakrum). Penelitian ini mengungkap segala permasalahan pembentukan karakter dari sisi non-visual, karakter dianalisis dari sisi kombinasi variasi pembentukan perwatakan dan...

Research paper thumbnail of City Mascot as A Supporting Force in City Imaging

Proceedings of the 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2017 (4th BCM 2017), 2018

The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual c... more The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual communication designer community as well as creative industry practicioners. Moreover since its existence is not only applied on sport event, but also expands to various field, whether as business promotion, imaging efforts, to campaign forms. One of the interesting discourses is that for the first time mascot is inaugurated by city government as a part of identity of a city in Indonesia, namely Malang, in an effort to promote the city's tourism and as a differentiate feature with other cities. This adaptation refers to the cities in Japan which had previously use the power of mascot as a supporting power in developing its potential, like Perfecture Kumamoto with its mascot, Kumamon. Then how does mascot become the ambassador of a city's image related with culture, resources, as well as infrastructure facility of a city? The goal of this research is to give sufficient understanding about city mascot existence while showing its importance for visual communication desainers and creative industry practitioners in creating a work. While the approach used in this research is through social research, considering how close the topic discussed with local tradition and culture. The approach was chosen to find mascot's positioning in its relation with city image potential, thus the benefit of its use for local government can be seen. The study was done in Malang, Surabaya, and Kumamoto Perfecture through deep direct observation, interview, as well as literature research. The benefit of learning the process of this research result is hoped to be used as a reference and model in the application o f mascot contest and other intellectual property in the future. Also to strengthen the base in mascot creation which indeed should be able to accomodate what it represents.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Foto Taman Tematik Kota Bandung

Bandung adalah kota yang terkenal dengan sebutan Parisj Van Java dengan segudang taman yang sejak... more Bandung adalah kota yang terkenal dengan sebutan Parisj Van Java dengan segudang taman yang sejak dahulu kala sudah ada di kota ini. Berada di barat pulau Jawa dan tidak jauh dari ibukota Indonesia, Bandung menjadi tempat yang memiliki daya sejarah tinggi bagi bangsa Indonesia. M.A.W Brower seorang pendidik dan penulis asal Belanda berkata bahwa bumi Pasundan lahir ketika Tuhan sedang tersenyum, menggambarkan betapa indahnya bumi Bandung ini. Saat ini Bandung memiliki taman-taman tematik buatan pemerintah kota, dengan tujuan menambah kebahagiaan masyarakat kota Bandung. Dengan memiliki ruang terbuka hijau, selain banyak manfaat bagi alam juga manfaat bagi manusia, dan juga bisa menjadi daerah resapan air, maupun menjadi tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat. Upaya untuk mendokumentasikan taman-taman tematik kota Bandung diperlukan karena sampai sekarang dokumentasi taman-taman tematik kota Bandung belum ada. Tujuan dirancangnya buku foto ini untuk dapat menjadi referensi serta meningkatkan...

Research paper thumbnail of Wajah Indo dalam Iklan Tahun 1950an

Panggung, Mar 9, 2017

1950s society in Indonesia was marked by the changing social class, at the time of the Dutch East... more 1950s society in Indonesia was marked by the changing social class, at the time of the Dutch East Indies, indigenous groups or "inlander" as the lowest grade. After the independence war a large number of indigenous people shifted into top class. That changes was used to advertise the consumer goods of international campanies. How was the figure of ideal model advertised at that time? Through visual analysis on consumer goods advertisement in newspapers published in the 1950s as well as an interview to the resource person, it was found that the visualization of women as a model, were wearing Indonesian dress, but the structure of the face and physical proportions were western type. Admiration for the beauty of western values is used as a tool to persuade the target audience, indigenous on new high social class, the women of Indonesia, especially in West Java which is famous for the light-skinned girl and a beautiful face.

Research paper thumbnail of Persuasi Melalui Ilustrasi dalam Iklan Cetak

Journal of Visual Art and Design, Jul 1, 2009

Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimpor... more Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimportant, until we are often left behind when figuring out what is the meaning and function of a visual image. On the other hand, we are surrounded by visual images which become more increased and more sophisticated, until we are unconsciously affected with many kinds of visual images we perceived. Through observation and visual analysis towards newspaper's printed advertisements within a certain time, it will explain us how the power of illustration, either photography or hand made, is in purpose to get attention and to persuade the target audience. Collaboration between visualization of text messages and visual messages will make the ads more effective.

Research paper thumbnail of Turtle symbol at the Grand Mosque of Demak

Aristektur Masjid Agung Demak, 2020

The turtle symbol in the Grand Mosque of Demak, apart from being a symbol of the year, also serve... more The turtle symbol in the Grand Mosque of Demak, apart from being a symbol of the year, also serves as a tribute to the king of Demak to his father, King Brawijaya of Majapahit.