Ten Facts (original) (raw)

Wed, May. 26th, 2010, 12:45 pm

teila: Ten facts? I can do that.

HELLO. My name is Ally and I just turned 22 years old, and yet I STILL get carded to buy lottery tickets; you have to be 18 for that. I'm starting medical school, because I love science. 8) My mother is Brazilian/Cuban and my dad is Jamaican, so I have no clue what that makes me. Special? :D

I'm a pretty entertaining person. <3 I've recently gotten back on LJ after making a new layout, and now that summer vacation started I'll have more time to write. Here are some fun facts:

♦ I read (and now that I have time, maybe write) fanfiction.

- Lots of anime, videogames, books, tv shows. Ouran Host Club, Fruits Basket, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog (back when it was good. :< ) BUT I AM NOT AN OTAKU. They are scary. D:

♦ I read a lot. =)

- Tend to lean towards the more dramatic romancey stuff, but I read Ayn Rand, HP, and I have Twilight, but I'm afraid to pick it up, haha. <3

♦ I'm an extreme optimist.

- I always look to the brighter side of things.


- Muuuusic. I love it. I breathe it. I play guitar and sing, and I want to use music as a therapy in my medical studies. I'm always free to listen to new stuff so let me know. I'll send you some stuff too. =)

♦ I have a rabbit named Picasso.

- And he is mean butterball.

♦ I'm into fashion, hair, all that girly stuff. And video games. And I'm leaning towards punk lolita.

- No comment.

♦ I love meeting new people.

- And that is why I'm on here. >_>;

♦ I have a fear of realistic mannequins and wax figures.

- Mnnngh They just creepy me out. ;~; I can handle human bodies just fine but mannequins.. not really.

♦ I'm a good listener.

♦ I don't like milk chocolate. I like 90% dark chocolate and white chocolate.

That's the gist of it. I'm a really chill person, and I 90% comment on entries so expect my presence. ♥ I also make icons and graphics. And I draw chibis. Yeaaaah. On my LJ I'll just be talking about my everyday life, but warning, that can get pretty crazy.

Oh, and here's a picture at 4am of me. My hair is usually not straight and I don't normally wear this much makeup.. long story. <3;

I can't wait to meet you. ^__^

Did I mention that I'm ridiculous? Yeaaaah.

Wed, May. 26th, 2010, 01:31 am

96sinew: erghck.

hello, my name is: erin camille.
& i am: nineteen years old.
& ten things about me include:

10. when my last cat died, i began sewing stuffed cats in his absence. it's not the same, but i have four now.

9. i love 10-dollar booze. my favorite brand thus far is zhenka.

8. i've tried to be open-minded about music, but i hate a lot of bands. sometimes it's by association of pussies who liked them, or maybe they just rub me the wrong way. [examples: bjork, coheed & cambria, fall of troy, emilie autumn.]

7. i am a recovering goth.

6. when obama banned the sales of flavored tobacco, a little djarum-black-shaped hole in my heart formed that their cigar counterparts will never fill. ever.

5. alice is my favorite disney lady. i don't have a favorite princess. it makes me angry when people say "well, YEAH, but i asked what your favorite princess was." i don't care. they all suck. alice.

4. i doodle & i scribble. neither are worth anyone's time, but i like them.

3. the butthole surfers are the best band to drive around to on summer days. summer nights means interpol.

2. moshing is my favorite exercise, with rollerskating & jumproping close seconds & thirds.

1. i want to shave the back of my head & get a blue's clues pawprint tattooed on my scalp.

Sun, Mar. 28th, 2010, 10:20 pm

keeleydawson: The Ten Tales of K.D.

Keeley Dawson here. I go by Katt as well. But I'm not wasting one of my ten facts with my name. So I thought I'd shout that out first. :D

1. I'm a duct tape artist. (no joke: keeleydawson.deviantart.com)

2. I'm going to change my major from liberal arts to... Art.

3. I'm going to Otakon 2010 as a Little Sister from Bioshock.

4. I'm a very obvious breed of nerd.

5. I don't keep up with my journals as much as I should because I have so many... (see ductapeartist.tumblr.com :/)

6. I have a weird obsession with making lists.

7. I'm engaged to Mark Winfield Wetherbee, Jr. whose name sounds like it belongs to an English butler or something.

8. I'm so Irish-skinned that it's near impossible for me to tan. I burn almost instantly.

9. I'm a movie FIEND. I even love bad movies... more to make fun of... hence the infinite joy I have :)

10. The dictionary? Is like my best friend....

The end?

Sat, Dec. 19th, 2009, 02:37 pm

cntrysqurl: Ten Things

Hey Y'all I'm Samantha, here are my 10 facts

1. I love things that smell clean. Like the smell after rain or during a snow fall. I actually want to live somewhere where it rains or snows all the time.

2. I have a stuffed dog named Fred that I still sleep with. I am 21 and have had him since I was born and I will never give him up. My fiance knows this too and is ok with it.

3. I have an anxiety disorder that comes with panic attacks. As well, to add to the craziness, I have been depressed and have some OCD qualities. (You should see my school items... everything is color coded and if a paper is bent or something is typed wrong I have to redo the whole page)

4. I can be stuck up at times. I know I am spoiled and I am ok with that. But now that I am older, I do work for what I want. As well, all my friends are this way too.

5. I love Sperrys. They are my favorite shoes, I would buy a million pairs if I could.

6. I don't liike to drink. I think alcohol is nasty. I am always the DD, no matter what. It was my 21st birthday and I was the DD. But I am glad that I am this way, cause I am the motherly figure.

7. I love all kinds of music. From Lil Wayne to Keith Urban to Michael Buble. I love it all. Music keeps me going when I have a bad day.

8. I fist pump like a champ!

9. When I was little I wanted to teach, and now that is what I am getting my degree in. I have never really wanted to do anything else. I did want to be a midwife for a while, and I still think that would be cool, but I realized that I really want to teach kids.

10. Ghost Hunters is my favorite TV show. I believe that there are ghosts, however, I believe that some people are attuned to them and can see them, while others will never get to experience a ghost. I am the person who will never experience them, even though I believe. But remember seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing.

Sun, Sep. 23rd, 2007, 12:32 am

futbolgrl4life: (no subject)

Hi, my name's Erin. :D


1. My iPod is my best friend. It broke once and I nearly died.

2. I name inanimate objects. My old iPod's name was Fred, my new one's(Fred broke) name is Karl, cellphone's name is Jamie, and the refridgerator is Wolfgang. Yeah, I'm kinda weird like that.

3. I'm always obsessing about soccer. My favorite teams are AC Milan and Liverpool.

4. I type really fast but I have like 50 typos per sentence. I'm trying to edit this but I'll probably miss most of them, heh.

5. I have a skirt that looks like something Britney Spears wore in a music video forever ago and when I wear it my friends call me Britney.

6. People have to beat me with pointy sticks cause I use chatspeak all the time in real life ;].

7. Listening to hip hop on Karl in fancy stores/restaurants makes me feel like a rebel XD.

8. I'm pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.

9. I love to write and I write really long stories but I never let people read them.

10. My favorite books all involve something like murder, rape, diseases, teen pregnancy, ect.

Okay that's it I guess, bye! :D

Fri, Aug. 24th, 2007, 12:39 pm

sopoliini: (no subject)

Name: Laura
Age: 21
Dragged here: by Dave

1. I love my Ipod. Because it drowns out the sound of stupid conversations and I can freak out people on the bus by playing SYL at a very loud volume. Yes, I'm a sound terrorist.

2. I wear hot pink Vans in combination with my usual black outfits. I think it looks damn stylish *laughs*

3. I love art, but I always feel like a bad and undedicated artist for liking reading manga and watching anime more than painting.

4. At heart I'm a horse girl. I can't pass a field without clacking my tongue at the horses or go in and pet them.

5. I don't like student bars. They never have port, you get groped every 3 seconds and there isn't enough legspace to give anyone a good kick against the kneecaps.

6. A threesome with Mark Lanegan and Josh Homme is still on my wishlist.

7. I have quite a collection of Gundam scale models, DBZ cards, One Piece plushies and other utterly pointless merch that's just laying around catching dust. I can't get myself to sell them either D:

8. I like wearing suits and fedoras. I just don't do it often because I instantly will get hit on by other women.

9. I don't like Heroes. Period.

10. I obviously can't make proper lists and always leave out things that need telling and put in things that are really not that important.

Sun, Aug. 19th, 2007, 10:30 pm

mr0krinkle: why harro thar!

Name: Dave (Le Dave, "Not Jason Bourne", Davinda)
Age: 21
My Ten Things:

1. I have an unhealthy fixation with goregrind and cybergore. This has led onto an unhealthy fixation of gore art and pictures. It is twisted I know, but it doesnt phase me to see a corpse, just interests me.

2. For some reason I have made it my mission to visit 4chan at least once a day and save funny pictures to my HDD

3. I have been working around computers since the age of 5. I have one memory where I transcribed all of The Ancestral Trail to a computer talking program just to hear the story read back to me in a computer robot voice.

4. If my music collection on my PC was to ever be deleted, I honest to god think I will cry.

5. I play Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire The Masquerade. Also, even though I know the 4th edition is going to be a way to grab more money, I know i'll end up still buying it anyway.

6. I am in a cyber-gore/e-grind band called Acidic Jizz where all our music is made electronically.

7. When i find something I enjoy, I love it with a passion. A passing like has never really been my thing, I like my emotions in the extreme sense.

8. Whenever I dream about a dead pet, i feel sad and gloomy for the rest of the day. When I dream about my dead uncle, i feel happy for the day for the memories.

9. Thanks to booze, I cant watch The Rugrats on TV anymore without a small pinch of fear hitting me.

10. I want to nickname my future son "Pac-Man"

Sat, Aug. 18th, 2007, 11:53 pm

drunken0heart: Ten Things About Me.

Well, seeing as I just started this community, I think I should get the ball rolling. My nearest and dearest call me Alty, and I'm 19. Here are my 10 things:

1. As a student of literature, I get to indulge in one of my favourite things: reading books as a means of escaping reality.

2. I also wish I lived in the 19th century; I'm fascinated by Victorian Britain. To me, it's like a prototype of our modern society, with the same hypocrisies, but a different integrity and pace.

3. I'm slightly obsessed with John Leguizamo...

4. I have wanderlust in my genes; my forefathers were colonials in the Dutch East Indies.

5. I am prone to melancholy, overthinking, worrying, and hypochondria.

6. I don't like to get drunk in loud bars, unfortunately this makes people think I'm straight edge and totally against them doing so, when in fact I don't mind at all.

7. I travelled around a lot as a child because of my dad's job; as a result I have a very open mind and try not to judge people.

8. When I return a shopping trolley, I always have to put it back in the smallest row. I like to think of it as the ultimate love for the underdog.

9. And when I saw my favourite song in the whole wide world live, I was so excited that I stored no memory of it. I love going to gigs (:

10. I'm not much of a film person, but I like to find dreamy (usually foreign) films to escape reality with. One of my favourites is Il Postino.