BATMAN by TenshiHikari on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TenshiHikari's avatar

Published: Mar 24, 2009


This is *SPECIFICALLY* made for ~Glacore. I hope he likes it, cuz I had to go through basically hell and back to make it. :|

Nah, but seriously, it was so frustrating to have my computer just take a royal shit on me while I was in the middle of making this the *first* time because I had failed to save it.

BUT! I have to say this is probably one of my favourite emotes I've made yet. :flirty:

Layers: 11
Frames: 60


Added some lights to the buildings and made it seem more like a's a little lighter, so things should stand out more. :3

Image size

50x50px 10.55 KB