Brian Drayton | TERC - (original) (raw)
After taking degrees in comparative and historical linguistics (specializing in Indo-European), I slowly shifted my work towards science and science education (though linguistics has been a persistent resource).
I have been at TERC since 1986 (with a 4-month hiatus in 1988), working on a wide range of projects, primarily in the following fields:
Research: (in projects such as The Inquiry-Based Science Classroom in Context, Researching Science in the Wireless High School, Under the Microscope)
Curriculum development: (Biocomplexity and the Habitable Planet, Global Lab, The Ecology Curriculum, Astrobiology, Star Schools, MBL)
Teacher Professional Development: (Hands-On Elementary Science, Teacher Enhancement in Pedagogy through Ecology (TEPE), Lab-net)
Electronic communities: (Lab-net, LSC-Net, Global Lab, Eyes to the Future, MSPNet and IGERT Resource Center).
I have an education blog, at
Before coming to TERC, I worked as a freelance editor, ran a rest home for 3 years, and worked in the customer education department of LISP Machine, Inc. I have a Ph.D. in Plant Ecology, and undergraduate and graduate degrees in linguistics. I am married to Darcy Drayton, an artist; we have two grown sons.
I am also an active member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and a recognized minister in New England Yearly Meeting. I am involved in teaching and writing about Quaker spirituality and related topics, and also travel in the ministry (as traditionally understood by Friends) within New England and beyond. I have a particular concern to encourage the gospel ministry among Friends, and work with others to develop and enact a spiritually grounded, and prophetic climate witness.