Tethyn (original) (raw)
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inTenebraeli's LiveJournal:
Saturday, November 5th, 2005
10:53 am
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
11:53 am
Friday, September 30th, 2005
3:15 pm
Survivors fic Title: Luminescence
Author: Tenebraeli
Fandom: ‘Survivors’
Pairing: N/A
Rating: G
Scenario: Celebrating a holiday
Disclaimer: ‘Survivors’ isn’t mine, pretty sure it belongs to the BBC
Notes: Thanks to obsessedmuch and
minim_calibre for some vital *technical* details. *g* I didn't have a beta reader, and so any mistakes are completely mine, and probably result from not actually having the show itself to watch anymore. Memory can play tricks. Info about the show Survivors can be found here.
This was written for the first pre96 ficathon, on 9/30/05.
( Read more...Collapse )
Tuesday, September 6th, 2005
9:01 am
The Child that Time Didn't Forget Title - The Child that Time Didn't Forget
Author - Tenebraeli
Fandom - Doctor Who [2005]
Rating - G
Spoilers - For 'Rose' mainly.
Written - September 5, 2005
Disclaimer - None of these lovely characters are mine, nary a one. You could sue me, but it wouldn't be worth it, as I've got about $3.59 right now. Original story concept based on "Flowers for the Doctor" by Loneraven.
Story Notes - The Doctor can't give Rose back to Jackie [not that she'd put up with being *given* anyway], but there is something else he can do.
( The story itselfCollapse )
Thursday, March 31st, 2005
10:55 pm
Constantine has eaten my brain I can't freaking believe it. I have not written anything worth a damn in years, literally. But yesterday I woke up with the last line of someone else's story ringing in my head, and suddenly: there it was, the whole concept and I just let the words spill out onto the keyboard.
So, to get the best understanding you should have seen "Constantine", and you really must read these two pieces by elys84 first: The Bathtub Scene and then The Bed Scene.
Now I give all credit to Elys for the inspiration, and also she did a brilliant job of beta-reading for me. Any errors that still remain are completely mine.
( No Rest for the WickedCollapse )
Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
12:07 pm
Poetry as only a seventeen year old girl can write it... badly First poem I ever wrote... discovered in a drawer today... I think I was seventeen when I wrote this, and in the middle of my first great crush.
Okay... so the crush was on a fictional character... it was real enough to me at the time:
Last night I walked outside And looked up at the stars
And I knew Knew I loved you
Loved you so hard my heart hurt
Knew I needed you
More than I needed breath in my lungs I needed the sound of your voice in my ear The touch of your hand on my shoulder
I will never find these things Not in this world
Somehow I must live Always loving you Never seeing your face
Friday, September 6th, 2002
3:52 pm
Saturday, August 10th, 2002
5:07 pm
4:55 pm
Illusion And to continue the non-Wesley trend, this is a Tara-POV story.
Set during 'Tough Love'.
Current Mood: creative
4:52 pm
Sweet See, I can write stuff that isn't Wesley-centric. Or at least I could....
Cordelia-POV. Set in the summer after Buffy's demise.
Current Mood: creative
4:45 pm
4:36 pm
4:33 pm
4:30 pm
4:26 pm
Fait Accompli This is the final story in the Mistletoe -- Sooner or Later -- thread, so read those first. Slash again, and probably the most explicit story that I've put out there.
Current Mood: creative
4:24 pm
4:20 pm
4:10 pm
Hooks This was my first BtVS/AtS fanfic, and one that I'm still rather proud of. Keep in mind that this was written in the Fall of 2000, so some of the stuff has been Joss-ed.
Current Mood: creative
4:08 pm
and testing again, to see if the community thing is working....
Current Mood: content
3:55 pm
Testing my tethyn. Tethyn is a word meaning 'clone' in a semi-obscure fantasy book. If you can tell me the book, I'll write you a fanfic. Any characters, any setting.
Current Mood: bouncy