your scene sucks (original) (raw)

[01 Jul 2004|10:38am]
this is the lamest community i've ever FUCKING seen (yah seen not scene)
throw down
ahahahahaha you're hilarious [01 Jul 2004|12:49am]
[ **mood** | amused ] [x]Name: [x]Age: [x]Location: [x]4 favorite bands: [x]4 favorite movies: [x]Style preference: [x]What do you usually do at shows? [x]Turn ons/offs: [x]Piercings/tattoos? [x]What do you consider your best feature? [x]Do you like Vin Diesel? [x]Do you download bootleg porno from Kazaa/IMesh/etc? [x]Are you STRAIGHT EDGE (!!!)? [x]Do you think your scene sucks? [x]WHO DID YOU PROMOTE TO?![x]Why do you think this community sucks? i could list a lot of reasons really. your whole concept of hardcore is completely idiotic. hardcore is about unity and friendship, not fashion and "scenes". you accept people based on their "ultra-scenester style". what the fuck? ULTRA-SCENESTER STYLE? i really wish you mods could just sit back and laugh at the things you're saying. since when does music (of any type) have anything to do with the brand or tightness of your pants? it upsets me when people get into a certain type of music just for the "scene" building around it. you claim to "rebel" against modern culture and conformity, but really you look and dress just like every other ULTRA-SCENESTER(laugh) in existence. yes, of course i know i'll be banned from this community, but i thought i would get my point across anyways. thanks for your time!!! FUCKERS!!!!!
1 can throw down
[07 May 2004|11:51am]
throw down