Divine Retribution (original) (raw)


13 December 2025 @ 01:10 am


30 October 2010 @ 08:32 pm

  1. Create a graphic (200 x 200 max size) to represent your personal "candy". It should have your username on it, but otherwise can feature whatever you want. Make it something special since it's self-representative.

  2. Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and be sure to repost these instructions.

  3. Then, go around other people's LJs and reply to them with either "trick" or "treat". If you reply with "trick", they will give you an LJ/Plurk/AIM/etc. dare that you have to perform before taking their candy. If you're too wimpy for that, simply say "treat" and take their candy.

  4. List all your collected candies in your original "trick or treat?" post to show off your collection!

( CandyCollapse )


Anatta Art
For all your RP icon needs.

It's basically like Hollow Art but with fictional characters. If you like the concept, help advertise the comm so there can be more contributors and the directory can be more useful~


01 December 2009 @ 11:12 pm

It's that time again!! As has become an annual tradition, I bring you the 2010 Holiday Spam Meme!!

The goal here is to spam this post until it has reached


before the New Year starts. Last year we did this a little late, but this year we've got all month to reach our goal! It should be a piece of cake!

Post with your regular journals! Post RP interactions! Countdowns, random pictures, stupid moments, converse, nominate people for stuff, fic, pictures, scene... anything and everything is welcome except wank and anon.