The Dream Realm (original) (raw)
23 December 2007 @ 01:35 pm
Freud -- " A dream is a disguised realization of a subconscious desire "
#2 = Erotic Dreams
Yeah, very juicy subject I know, but everyone has woken up and gone 'oh my, that was hot' or 'can't believe I just dreamed that'. Well, if it a comfort, Sigmund Freud would be proud of you. Most people think that the only thing Freud ever said was that dreams are all about the sex, but that isn't entirely true. He basically divides the human consciousness in three parts: the ID (our subconscious), the EGO (our common sense) and the SUPER-EGO (our conscience).
Now when you're dreaming the ID takes over, and the only thing it is after (according to Freud) is satisfaction. All of our secret desires, even the ones we're not aware of, are located in our subconscious.
If there are any erotic dreams you like some insight in, hit us with the details:
1] the who, was it you or were you watching the whole thing?
2] where, can be very important
Comments are screened, because this is kinda personal XD
*my dream will follow!
Current Location: at my desk
Current Mood: calm
19 December 2007 @ 12:39 pm
So, this is the actual first discussion we are going to hold in this community, so I am really excited about it!
Topic For Our First Discussion is: *drums rolling*
#1= The Scariest Dream You Have Had
You know, a dream that had you scream or sweat in your sleep. Or just made your heart beat a little bit faster.
Maybe you even woke up paralyzed with fear (heeh, I'm going a little over the edge here, So I should stop) or maybe you just woke up a tiny bit upset!
Well, hit us with the details:
1) Was it you in the dream, someone you knew, someone random?
2) Was there really something bad actually happening or was it just a feeling, or something impending? =P
**3)**Were you the one doing the scary thing, someone else doing it to you? To someone you love, etc?
**4)**When did you have this dream? Year? Period of your life? Were you under stress?
**5)**What do you think it meant? -We will have suggestions on that!
**6)**How did it affect you? Was it something you simply forgot as the day went by or did it stay with you?
Btw, If you think that the comments should be screened or anything let me know! I might either lock the post to make it members-only so that should be ok, or make it public so that all people can see and just screen the comments till everyone is ok with unscreening them!
Whatever you want! :D *My dream will come in a bit...
Current Mood: horny
Current Music: Far Reaching Stranger- InMe
16 December 2007 @ 01:03 pm
There are several Sites Around the Net, having to do with dream analysis and interpretation.
Here are some such sites, which you may find halpful!
1] Dream Analysis on Wikipedia - Here
2] An Online Guide To Dream Interpretation -Dream Moods
3] Dream Dictionary - Here
4] Distinction Between Dreams from the Physical And The Spiritual World - Here
5] Dream Dictionary 2 - Click
6] Another Cool Site - Click Here
Feel Free To Suggest Any Other Related Sites =D
Current Mood: lonely
Current Music: Can You Take It To Your Heart - Cold
16 December 2007 @ 11:20 am
So I thought I'd start this community of by giving some simple tips for everyone who is interested and willing to venture into the world of dream psychology.
Document your dreams
Make a habit out of writing down your dreams. Maybe it can help to have pen and paper close-by, next to the bed and you should be intent on sitting up in bed and writing down your dream immediately. It can also help to already put down a date at the top of the paper, because everything that comes between your writing down of the dream and the dream memory can wipe out any memories. Instead of writing them down you can of course also record your voice on tape, but that's just plain weird if you start talking to yourself in the middle of the night =P.
When writing down your dream, you should use the present tense, that way your dream can come to life more vividly, and you experience it more intense, and maybe you can that way remember more details.
Write your dream dow as detailed as possible, every single seemingly unimportant thing can turn out to be the key to understanding your dream. You should particularly pay attention to the colour and shape of things Is there movement, how do the pointers of the clock move, are you turning left or right?
Look at different dreams together
Don't think that you have to derive meaning from every individual dream, it might be interesting to put certain dreams together and look at them in relation of each other, to find a common pattern. It can also be helpful to re-read certain dreams, that way you might notice significant changes.
The psychology of dreams
Your dreams represent your deepest emotional reactions to the experiences you had when you were awake. That means a correct interpretation of your dreams is only possible if you see them in context of your life in the outside world.
Simple meanings
Not every dream carries a deeper meaning. Sometimes we will just dream about memories or activities we did during the day (so called day fragments)
Current Location: at my desk
Current Mood: apathetic
15 December 2007 @ 04:19 pm
Welcome to our brand new community the_dream_realm, focusing yes, mostly on dreams and the psychology behind it!!
As for the rules, check the user info (all finished already).
Not more left to say, other than have fun posting and we look forward to meeting you all!!
Dana & Kelly!
Current Mood: anxious