EPS (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Aug. 1st, 2006|09:06 pm]The EPS Secret Society
How much? Mean: 10.00 Median: 1.5 Std. Dev 0.00 If this community resurfaced, I.... ... what are you talking about? My favorite color is... WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS??
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Hogwarts Quizzes [Aug. 18th, 2005|05:08 pm]The EPS Secret Society
[**mood** |chipperchipper]Which HP Kid Are You?Come on - jump on the bandwaggon!
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(no subject) [Aug. 8th, 2005|03:05 pm]The EPS Secret Society
Well, here's the EPS community, which seems a little redundant after the boards, but since we're THAT cool we have both a community and message boards. Verve. Now someone get Sarah, Meg, and Alix to get on here too and we're all set.
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Word of the Day [Aug. 8th, 2005|02:56 pm]The EPS Secret Society
[**Tags**|wod]Word of the day for Monday: castigate \KAS-tuh-gayt\, transitive verb: To punish severely; also, to chastise verbally; to rebuke; to criticize severely. It was not good enough to castigate him for his sins. --Frank Deford, "Knight is too easy a target," [1]Sports Illustrated, May 25, 2000 Out in the world they marvelled that they were found acceptable to others, after years of being castigated as unsatisfactory, disappointing. --Anita Brookner, [2]Falling Slowly Though castigated by the Catholic Church, illegitimacy was scarcely an unusual feature of Austrian country life. --Ian Kershaw, [3]Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris For my lack of missionary zeal, I have been castigated by a few militant atheists, who are irritated by my disinclination to try persuading people to abandon their faith that God exists (while some religious people regard me as a militant atheist intent on promoting worship of unspecified "secular idols"). --Wendy Kaminer, [4]Sleeping With Extra-Terrestrials _________________________________________________________ Castigate comes from Latin castigare, "to purify, to correct, to punish," from castus, "pure." Synonyms: punish, chastise, rebuke, reprove, reprimand.
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