the_faculty - Profile (original) (raw)

Are you a fan of The Faculty? Then come here to discuss anything and everything to do with the film and its cast.

Feel free to post anything relating to the film or it's stars - pictures, fanart, gossip, discussion, fanfiction - it's all good.

HOWEVER there are a few basic rules that have to be followed.

General conduct
- No bashing or flaming
If you don't like the film, why are you here? If you don't like what someone's said, argue your point reasonably and without getting personal.

Note that discussions of characters you don't like are perfectly fine, BUT bitching about the stars will not be tolerated.

And finally - I'm letting people post pretty much anything here: Slash, adult content, real-person fic, etc. If you don't like it, don't look - and DON'T flame whoever posted it.

- Post using proper English
I don't want to see posts that use text talk - you have as much space as you could ever need on these things, so use the full words. This also includes TipING lYke Dis - it's ugly, it's hard to read, and it will not be tolerated.

- Don't post all in capitals
THIS EQUALS SHOUTING. We don't want to be shouted at. If you wish to emphasis a word, fair enough. If you've got the whole post in caps - turn off the damned Caps Lock.

Creative Stuff
- All pictures, graphics and fanfiction must be underneath an LJ-cut.
It's easy enough to do. Just put <*lj-cut> before and <*/lj-cut> after whatever it is you want to put under a cut. If you want to provide a description of what's under the cut (recommended), then you need <*lj-cut text="your description goes between the quotes">

- All ratings for graphics and fiction are tolerated, but be sure to clearly state what rating your work is.
Also be sure to warn people about anything they may find offensive such as slash, adult stuff, bondadge etc. I don't want to discriminate against any area (especially not ones I love ;) ) but if you warn people, we can all stay happy.

Note that ratings and warnings need to go OUTSIDE of the LJ cut.

- All creative pieces posted here MUST be your own.
It's a no-brainer, really. We don't want to encourage creation-theft.

When you first join the community, please take the time to introduce yourself, tell us about why you like the film and who your favourite character/s is/are.

Once the community gets going, I will start posting weekly topics in order to keep the discussions going in some sensible manner.

*created and moderated by snooker_elf*