The Floo Network: A HP Blogcrew's Journal (original) (raw)

Leaving :( [20 Mar 2007|02:08pm]
I'm sorry to say that I'm going to be leaving Ze Floo. :\ I just can't keep up with all the new members we've been getting lately and I like really knowing everyone on my f-list. :PBest of luck to everyone and I hope that those whom I've friended will stick around with me. :) (Though you totally don't have to if you don't want to. :P)Jackie//Moaning Myrtle
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[16 Oct 2006|08:30pm]
[ **mood** | giddy ] Hi Everyone! I have just joined the floo network, so I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. The name is Genna. I found the floo through Debbie (your James and mine)) and yea. that is the end of that story.I have all of my messaging names on my user info if you ever want to talk. And just a request to add me back I believe I added everyone.Thankies ♥
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