[ **mood** | happy ] YesterdayMe and Si kinda split up : it was a mutual decision : we both kinda just drifted away : XXXXXXXXX for him tho Today Went to peterborough with my mum...it was a kinda spontanious idea...i got up bout 1:30 this afternoona nd went downstairs...i needed to go shopping tog et some clothes for 6th form and stuff and me and mum just didnt klnow when..we were bored and had nothing better to do so i just got dressed and off we went..I got some undergrounds [like converse] they're pink with white in the middle and black skulls and crossbons all inside..I LOVE THEM...and some blue fittedish jeans wwhich are to big so they're baggy with rips in and they're cool to...I got loadsa tops aswell...Then tom called he was bored and then i said i was in peterborough so i went round his while them guys jammed...Very good btw!!ANywayz now im home!!Thats all xx |