the_nut_ward - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 February 2004 (#2131839)

This is a community for all the crazy people in the world. If you hear voices, see things that aren't there, or have more than one you, this is the place for you! Everyone is welcome, we take patients of all afflictions.

Feel free to post whatever you want here. We like crazy-random stuff, because it's fun. Just be yourself, because that's always cool.

Note: We do not support self-injury, eating disorders, or any other self-detrimental behaviors. None of us are qualified to give advice or answer any questions on that matter.

Please, do not post community advertisements here. If you do, then you suck. It's not cool.

Your Friendly Mods

fluffy_badness Jerry (Crazy like whoa.)
alluringmystery Elaine (The coolest ever. Word.)

apples, art, bands, being a dork, being a loser, being stupid, being weird, books, brand new, burning things, buttons, camels, canadian ninjas, candles, candy, chapstick, cheese, cheese graters, chucks, collages, coloring, converse, cows, crayons, crazy, crazyness, dark places, darkness, dinosaurs, eljay, fire, flowers, grandpa mcgee, gray, happy pills, hats, hearing things, hello kitty, hippos, ice cubes, incubus, insane, insanity, inside jokes, jerry's digital camera, keepin it gangsta, knives, letters, lint, love in a can, magazines, magic gummy worms, mail, medication, medicine, meds, mental patients, moses, music, ninjas, originality, pandas, penguins, photography, pink floyd, pirates, post-it notes, psychology, quizno's, randomness, reading, rubber bands, rubber duckies, sanity, sass cat, scaring people, seeing things, shiny metal objects, shoelaces, silence, snowmen, spongmonkeys, starry night, stars, straight jackets, summer, sunny days, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tetris, the abraham lincoln-flamingo-camel-rubber ducky, the beach, the dollar store, the moon song, the nuclear fire, the super hotdog, the voices, toasters, van gogh, wal-mart, watches, weird, weird people, yearbook