I just wanna talk. (original) (raw)

Below are the 18 most recent journal entries recorded inThe Repellers' LiveJournal:

Tuesday, February 8th, 2005

9:16 pm

a question. are we dead? i mean...has the magic died already?? we've only been a club for a couple months. what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks. and also...are we all valentine-less?? i know i am. rock on bitches.

black bettie

Current Mood: indescribable

Sunday, December 5th, 2004

9:47 pm

waste of time??? the community may be floundering because we, the club, are floundering. we haven't had an official repellers meeting since that day at the fountain of youth!!! WE NEED TO MEET OR WE WILL WITHER AND DIE!!! wait. if we wither and die does that mean we'll get boyfriends?

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

8:12 pm

so so...today is woody allen's birthday. this community is a stupid waste of time. i'm the only one who posts anything. i'm never viewing it's lame-ness ever again (too dramatic??). so there.


Sunday, October 31st, 2004

12:33 pm

le tigre holly...le tigre starts at 7:30....i don't know what to do about the time issue...because there are only two bands before le tigre...and that definitely doesn't give us enough time...maybe you can just drive your car down there...and i'll drive mine earlier...or maybe you can bribe someone to dress up like you and work for you...i don't know...and i still don't know about shawn...so...i'll talk to you later when i do know...and stuff.


Current Mood: confused

Sunday, October 24th, 2004

3:58 pm

blah blah blah woah. michael moore was way cool. i want to go again tonight. even though he's not in town. blah. my sister let me borrow her N64...i'm totally gonna get my zelda on....on a bigger screen. amen. i also found my tears for fears cd...and my queen cd...i'm in heaven. oh...and i got my juicer back...juice party at my place...BYOF (bring your own fruit). and maybe a little whiskey. do you like drinking whiskey?? this song's about drinking whiskey. i DON't look like a grandma. the end.


Current Mood: crazy

Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

4:30 pm

la la la woah. i bought the new Le Tigre cd today. it's so beautiful. just like Sara and Casey. beautiful so beautiful. Seamus von Linkage digs it too. i totally went thrift shopping today. it was great. i found this great little used book/record store. it has everything...including a crazy old lady that works the front desk. she said i got some good toons...i bought tears for fears...judist priest and some ac/dc. she's crazy...and i love crazy people. breena...you have to come over and meet Seamus. he's all like...where's this breena girl beth and angie always talk about. holly too...but you don't live across the street. by the way...holly...how are you feeling?? are you ready to party hard this weekend. cause you know...every day with me is a frickin' party. ok...the end.


Current Mood: giggly

Thursday, October 14th, 2004

11:58 am

A home for us all Hey repellers! I didn't feel like going to my jewelry class today so instead I started a website for our elite club... Check it out at www.geocities.com/therepellers. So far it's just a picture and, like, one sentence. BUT I was thinking that we could all have some input as to what the site will include. And of course you are all free to edit it as you feel the urge, but I won't post the password here lest ill-intentioned eyeballs should happen upon it. Okay, well anyway, repel on!

Wednesday, October 13th, 2004

10:33 pm

HOLY SHIT!! EEK!!! ok...so...it's totally been freezing the past few days, right?? holy shit. they finally turned the heat on in my apartment...and my fuckin' room is like a sauna. i'm gonna die. i have my windows open all the way...eek. i guess i'm just gonna have to be...HOT BLOODED...CHECK IT AND SEE...IT'S SO DAMN HOT IN MY ROOM I HAVE A FEVER OF 103. woah.

i wrote a song today. it's really lame. there's a line in it that goes: --he'll fill your heart with love...then rip it right out...and give it to the dog...and the dog will like it so much...that he'll try and eat your mind...but don't let him...you gotta protect your mind...and kick the dog.-- what the hell. maybe i should change dog to zombie...that's a little scarier...and i wouldn't mind kicking a zombie. you know what i'm sayin'?? it's great though...i love making little weird songs. i always find myself singing the I LIKE TO DANCE song...especially the CHOCOLATE MILK part. heh. the end.


Current Mood: hot

Sunday, October 10th, 2004

6:01 pm

camping=hot love..... ok not really Okay, as some of you may or may not be aware I went camping this weekend with my church (that it was with my church is irrelevent to the story) but here is the part that is quite relevent: I very nearly hooked up with a boy from the czech republic! (Don't worry Holly, we did not make out) Why is this important repellers news? I think it is proof that suports our theory that when the Repellers move to Europe we will have no trouble attracting men instead of repelling them! Anyway, just thought I'd report, hope you ALL had a splendiferous weekend and I'll be seeing y'alls.

Current Mood: tired

12:55 pm

do you really think so?? you're such a bitch. blah blah blah blah. holly I didn't see you this weekend...and that made me sad. i also didn't see my mother or my sister. that makes me sad too. but yesterday i bought the millennium falcon from value villiage...and i think that makes everything much better. it was only $1.50. good times.

Current Mood: giggly

Friday, October 1st, 2004

8:20 pm

Hi repellers. Official club bidnezz Hi Angie Holly and Beth, tis I Breena. Holly, we thought that maybe if you changed your name to start with an E we could have the acronym B.A.B.E. So what do you think? Eolly? Has a ring to it... Or not. H.A.B.B. maybe if we just found and Ingrid and a Tula we could be H.A.B.B.I.T. THAT would be nice. Okay, clearly i need to get off the computer right now!

Thursday, September 30th, 2004

11:35 pm

THe Spiveys! To the Shia fans in the crowd, i looked it up. In that one episode they were originally called the Spiveys, but it was dubbed to the Stevens. OK!

Wednesday, September 29th, 2004

7:23 am

I LOVE CYNDI LAUPER Went down to the local gypsy and I handed her the same line--
you know what i want from you so honey won't ya gimme #9
cause you know lately i ain't feelin so great--last time she gave me love potion #8
and you know pretty baby how i think you're pretty smart
but one sip from this bottle and i'll tear you all apart--

the gypsy told me that the first thing that would happen you get dizzy
second thing you better make sure that your boyfriend isn't busy
cause you won't wanna eat and you won't wanna drink
you won't wanna talk and you won't wanna think
my mother used to tell me not to kiss on the first date
this time when i see you, you know i ain't gonna wait

gonna corner you and not let you go
don't tell me nothin-i-i-don't wanna know
and twidely-dee-and twiddely-dum

hopped into a taxi, and i told the driver got to get me cross town
killed the bottle, started seeing doublewhen the driver turned around
and though i was a failure with love potion #8
#9 was different and the hours's getting late
now i'm standing on the corner everyone looks great to me
and if you come and get me take me where i want to be-


---SO...the only thing that would make me more of a loser is if i would go to a cyndi lauper show...and cry. oh wait...i did that already. what's wrong with me?

Current Mood: energetic

Tuesday, September 28th, 2004

7:40 pm

beth, whats the link to that article again, i can't find it!

Sunday, September 26th, 2004

12:28 pm

SO So...Holly and Breena...I changed it so you guys can manage the community too. So there.


Current Mood: dorky

12:05 pm

OKAY! Okay, I think i finally figured out how to post here!!! When it comes to computers I am, as they say, slow. But yes. Hello my fellow repellers. I hope you are all repelling strong today. The repellent is what unites us, always remember that.

Today my family is coming down from Green Bay. We are going to see a play, but not just any play, Sideways Stories from Wayside School. I hope you all have read those books because they are my favorite (if you haven't, borrow them from me) Anyway, its by Louis Sachar who wrote HOLES which of course stars the lovely Shia Labeouf, who is my boyfriend. OH, didn't i tell you that? Well yes. Okay, time to get back to work. Hope you are ALL having a splendid sunday, sayonara!

Current Mood: complacent

12:28 am

la la la la yo holly...how is the theme song going?? i need to know. after i talked to you yesterday...or was it the day before...i'm not too sure...i'm kinda drunk...i finished that song. it's kinda cool...but it reminds me of some le tigre song...which isn't so cool. because i don't wanna be a rip off band...or chick. god...i write these songs that i don't think apply to my life...or maybe they do and i just don't know it. but yeah...it's ok. i tried re-doing one of the songs i wrote a LONG time ago...but it really sucks...it's that one where i'm like...I don't care about your magazine...screw your stupid prom queen dream...the words don't really go with the guitar i wrote for it soooo long ago. so that's probably why it never really worked for us. but we're sooo cool we can make anything work.

la la la...i have to go to bed. i'm so tired. yeah.

smell ya,

Current Mood: bouncy

Tuesday, September 21st, 2004

7:09 pm

So this is it. Woah. This is so great. THE REPELLERS are wicked the cats pajamas...you know what I'm sayin'. Alright. Cool School. So this has nothing to do with the repellers...but you know how on Waynes's World when Wayne is in love with that chick...she gets all spark-ly and dream weaver plays in his head...well...i've come to the conclusion if I ever fall in love with someone they'll get all spark-ly as well...but Head Over Heals by Tears for Fears will play instead...I love that song. I'm upset...I can't find my Tears for Fears cd. I think my sister ate it. I hate how she's always eating my cds. geez.

Current Mood: cold