Tia'a (original) (raw)
KV 32 is located in the south branch of the southwest Wadi. This unfinished and roughly cut tomb consists of an entryway (A), two sloping corridors (B and D) with a stairwell (C) between that leads to an unfinished burial chamber (J) with a broken pillar in the center and a side chamber (Ja) to the south. Rubble is scattered on the floor throughout the tomb, and the rear chamber is partly filled with flood debris. Its general plan resembles KV 21.
Noteworthy features:
This tomb features a central pillar in burial chamber J. It is an example of a tomb accidentally broken into during the construction of another tomb (KV 47).
KV 32 was never finished, and was not decorated. It has been excavated by the MISR Project: Mission Siptah-Ramses X of the University of Basel. The mission recently discovered a Canopic chest of Queen Tia'a, wife of Amenhetep II and mother of Thutmes IV, thus allowing the tomb owner to be identified.
This site was used during the following period(s):
1898: Excavation
Loret, Victor
1898: Discovery
Loret, Victor
2000-2001: Excavation
MISR Project: Mission Siptah-Ramses X
Conservation History
Site Condition
The tomb has not been fully excavated. It is currently under excavation by the MISR Project: Mission Siptah-Ramses X of the University of Basel.