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This timeline chronicles scientific innovation and discovery in Canada

Dr. Charles H. Best and Dr. G.R. Williams

  1. November 30, 1618
    First Comet Sighting
    The first sighting of a comet by Europeans in Canada was recorded.
  2. December 31, 1638
    Lunar Eclipse
    A lunar eclipse was sighted in Huronia.
  3. April 22, 1662
    Royal Society Chartered
    King Charles II of England chartered the Royal Society of London, the oldest scientific organization in Britain.
  4. December 25, 1758
    Halley's Comet Returns
    As predicted by Edmond Halley in 1705, the comet of 1682 returned, the first ever predicted.
  5. May 05, 1796
    Birth of Robert Foulis
    Robert Foulis, civil engineer, inventor of the world's first steam-operated fog alarm, was born at Glasgow, Scotland.
  6. August 19, 1809
    Accommodation Launched
    The first steamboat in Canada, the Accommodation, was launched at Montreal. Driven by two paddle wheels and powered by a steam engine, it heralded a new age and showed that Canadians could keep abreast of the latest technology.
  7. July 20, 1854
    Victoria Bridge
    Work Begins on Victoria Bridge
    The first stone, from the Kahnawake quarry, was laid on the abutment of the Victoria Bridge, spanning the St Lawrence River at Montreal.
  8. July 17, 1860
    Total Eclipse Obscured
    An American expedition, including Nova Scotia-born astronomer Simon Newcomb, arrived in northern Manitoba to observe a total eclipse, but were thwarted by clouds on the crucial day.
  9. August 25, 1860
    Victoria Bridge
    Victoria Bridge Opened
    The Prince of Wales presided over a ceremony officially opening the Victoria Bridge, spanning the St Lawrence River at Montreal. It was considered one of the engineering wonders of its day.
  10. February 08, 1879
    Sir Sandford Fleming
    Fleming's Standard Time
    Sandford Fleming first proposed to divide the world into 24 equal time zones, with a standard time within each zone. His idea was adopted by 24 countries at a conference in 1884.
  11. February 04, 1882
    Electricity comes to BC
    The first electricity came to BC, at the Moodyville sawmill on Burrard Inlet, powering the first electric lights on the Pacific coast north of San Francisco.
  12. December 30, 1882
    Royal Society of Canada
    The Royal Society of Canada was founded by the governor general, the Marquis of Lorne.
  13. November 18, 1883
    Standard Time Adopted
    Standard Time, advocated by Sandford Fleming, was adopted by North America. Fleming was instrumental in convening the 1884 International Prime Meridian Conference at which all 25 represented nations adopted international standard time.
  14. August 08, 1887
    Vancouver Lights Up
    The Vancouver Electric Illumination Society (later, BC Hydro) started up its steam-powered generating plant - and 300 streetlights went on.
  15. May 26, 1896
    Point Ellice Bridge Disaster
    Point Ellice Bridge Disaster
    During celebrations for Queen Victoria's birthday, a span of the bridge at Point Ellice in the harbour of Victoria, BC, fell out. A loaded streetcar fell with it and 55 people were killed, the worst streetcar accident in North American history.
  16. March 13, 1900
    Chesterfield Inlet
    Tyrrell's Survey
    J.W. Tyrrell began a 2782 km journey to survey the area from Great Slave Lake to Chesterfield Inlet.
  17. December 23, 1900
    Fessenden and his Inventions
    Fessenden's Wireless
    Reginald Aubrey Fessenden of Québec transmitted the first wireless voice broadcast near Washington, DC. On December 24, 1906, he made the first radio voice broadcast from Brant Rock, Mass.
  18. August 29, 1907
    Québec Bridge Disaster
    Québec Bridge Disaster, 1907
    Part of the Québec Bridge, the longest cantilever bridge in the world, collapsed, killing 75 workmen. Blame for the collapse was placed on the American engineer Theodore Cooper and faulty we plates.
  19. October 11, 1910
    First Long-distance Transmission
    An Ontario Hydro transmission line brought Niagara Falls-generated electricity to Berlin (Kitchener), Ont, the first long-distance transmission of electricity in Canada.
  20. August 01, 1911
    Faith Fyles
    Faith Fyles Becomes First Woman Assistant Botanist at the Department of Agriculture
    Faith Fyles was the first woman hired to the position of assistant botanist by the Central Experimental Farm (CEF), part of the Department of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). In 1919, she became the department’s first botanical artist, male or female.
  21. July 24, 1914
    Birth of Frances Kelsey
    Frances Kelsey, the Canadian doctor hailed as a hero for withholding approval of the drug thalidomide in the United States, was born in Cobble Hill, BC. While employed at the US Food and Drug Administration in the early 1960s, Kelsey likely saved thousands of American children from severe deformities and disabilities by refusing to approve the drug for sale, despite the fact that it was already being prescribed in Europe and Canada. Her suspicions were confirmed in 1961, when reports emerged of birth defects among children born to women who had taken thalidomide during pregnancy.
  22. November 30, 1915
    Birth of Henry Taube
    Henry Taube was born in Neudorf, Saskatchewan. He became a US citizen in 1942 and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1983. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  23. February 14, 1916
    First Long-Distance Call
    The first long-distance call in Canada was placed from Montréal to Vancouver, from the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal to the Globe Theatre in Vancouver.
  24. September 11, 1916
    Québec Bridge Collapse, 1916
    Québec Bridge Disaster, 1916
    A new centre span of the Québec Bridge fell into the river as it was being hoisted into position, killing 13 men.
  25. March 18, 1918
    Daylight Saving Time Introduced
    Daylight saving time was introduced in Canada by the federal government as a measure for increasing war production, emulating legislation in Germany and Britain.
  26. May 21, 1919
    Portrait of Dr. John A. Hopps
    Birth of Inventor and Research Scientist John A. Hopps
    Trained as an electrical engineer, John A. Hopps was recruited to design a cardiac pacemaker with a team of scientists at the Banting Institute in Toronto while he was working on another project at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). This resulted in the invention of a portable artificial external pacemaker. The device marked a significant medical milestone and laid the groundwork for implantable pacemakers.
  27. July 27, 1921
    Charles Herbert Best, physiologist
    Banting and Best Isolate Insulin
    Frederick Banting and Charles Best at the University of Toronto first isolated insulin. The first diabetes patient was treated on 11 January 1922. Banting and J.J.R. Macleod received the Nobel Prize for their achievement.
  28. September 16, 1921
    Birth of Ursula Franklin
    Physicist Ursula Franklin, who pioneered the development of archaeometry (the application of modern techniques of materials analysis to archaeology), was born in Munich, Germany.
  29. February 16, 1922
    Photograph of the Converto-Braille
    People Science
    Birth of Roland Galarneau
    Roland Galarneau was born with only 2 per cent of his vision. In the late 1960s, Galarneau invented the Converto-Braille, a computerized printer that transcribed text into Braille.
  30. October 25, 1923
    Charles Herbert Best, physiologist
    Banting and Macleod Win Nobel
    The Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded jointly to Frederick Banting and J.J.R. Macleod for the discovery of insulin.
  31. March 15, 1925
    Birth of Bernard Belleau
    Bernard Belleau was a biochemist and medical chemist (see Biochemistry). In the 1980s, he discovered and synthesized the drug 3TC. Also known as lamivudine or Epivir, 3TC is used as an anti-viral for HIV/AIDS.
  32. November 02, 1925
    Debut of Electrical Recording
    RCA Victor unveiled its electrical recording system. It had made the first electrical recording at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York on March 31.
  33. January 23, 1929
    John Polanyi receiving his share of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry from King Carl Gustaf of Sweden, 10 December 1986.
    Birth of John Polanyi
    Nobel Prize winner John Charles Polanyi was born at Berlin, Germany.
  34. May 16, 1930
    LaBine Finds Uranium
    Prospector Gilbert LaBine discovered pitchblende, the chief source of uranium and radium, at Great Bear Lake, NWT.
  35. May 07, 1935
    David Dunlap Observatory
    The David Dunlap Observatory at Richmond Hill, Ont, was completed, the second largest in the world at that time.
  36. January 01, 1936
    Dr. Maude Abbott, 1894
    People Science
    Maude Abbott’s Atlas of Congenital Cardiac Disease Is Published
    Published by the American Heart Association in 1936, Maude Abbott’s Atlas of Congenital Cardiac Disease was a groundbreaking text in cardiac research. The life-saving publication helped doctors to better understand and diagnose heart defects and to develop new ways to treat them.
  37. February 19, 1938
    Mysterious Big Bang
    A mysterious "big bang" woke thousands of people in Vancouver, yet no cause was ever found.
  38. June 29, 1938
    Portrait of Annette Herscovics
    Birth of Biochemist Annette Herscovics
    Annette Herscovics was born in Paris, France, and immigrated to Canada following the Second World War. She later studied at McGill University and worked there for several years before moving to Harvard Medical School. She returned to McGill as a full professor in 1981 and became known for her pioneering work on glycoproteins. She discovered where and how these modifications occur in our cells — a key development in the field of glycobiology.
  39. October 17, 1941
    Death of John Stanley Plaskett
    Astronomer John Stanley Plaskett died at Esquimalt, BC. As director of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory north of Victoria, he pioneered research on the rotation of the Milky Way Galaxy.
  40. December 02, 1942
    Fermi Achieves Chain Reaction
    At the University of Chicago, Italian physicist Enrico Fermi achieved the first sustained nuclear chain reaction, leading to the atomic bomb and nuclear power.
  41. July 22, 1947
    Canada's First Nuclear Reactors
    The NRX reactor, the ancestor of Canada's unique CANDU reactors, "went critical" at Chalk River, Ont. The NRX was based on Canada's first nuclear reactor, ZEEP (1 watt of power), which was built at Chalk River in 1945.
  42. October 23, 1950
    Image of an experimental external cardiac pacemaker-defibrillator
    Bigelow, Callaghan and Hopps Unveil the Portable Artificial External Pacemaker
    Cardiac surgeon Dr. Wilfred Bigelow, research fellow Dr. John Carter Callaghan, and Dr. John A. Hopps of the National Research Council of Canada delivered their findings on their newly invented portable artificial external pacemaker to the American College of Surgeons in Boston. The device was designed to send electric pulses to the heart, causing the heart to contract and pump blood to the body. It marked a significant medical milestone and laid the groundwork for implantable pacemakers.
  43. November 08, 1951
    Cobalt Therapy
    Cobalt-60 Cancer Therapy
    Harold Elford Johns is recognized for his research and work developing cobalt-60 therapy units at the University of Saskatchewan. In 1951, he and his team used cobalt-60 radiation therapy to treat a cancer patient. The treatment would be adopted and used to treat cancer patients worldwide. (See also Canadian Contributions to Medicine; Sylvia Olga Fedoruk.)
  44. September 15, 1956
    Image of an experimental external cardiac pacemaker-defibrillator
    Reports of Canada’s First Successful Open-Heart Surgery
    Dr. John Carter Callaghan performed Canada’s first successful open-heart surgery on 10-year-old Susan Beattie, who had a hole in her heart. On 15 November 1956, the Edmonton Journal described the event as “the greatest single advance in heart surgery in recent years.” Callaghan was also known for co-developing the portable artificial pacemaker.
  45. August 29, 1959
    Birth of Chris Hadfield
    Astronaut Chris Hadfield, who became the first Canadian among the support team at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, was born at Sarnia, Ont.
  46. February 20, 1962
    Glenn Orbits the Earth
    Astronaut John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth when he circled it three times in the space capsule Friendship 7.
  47. June 15, 1962
    Canada's First Space Vehicle
    Canada's first space vehicle, a 11.3 kg non-orbiting instrument package, was launched from Wallops Island, Virginia.
  48. September 29, 1962
    Alouette-I Launched
    Canada's first orbiting satellite, Alouette-I, was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
  49. October 25, 1962
    Bedford Institute Opened
    The Bedford Institute of Oceanography was opened, near Halifax.
  50. July 15, 1965
    Miner at the Face
    SOQUÉM Created
    The Société québécoise d'exploration minière (SOQUÉM) was created.
  51. July 24, 1965
    Canadian geophysicist and geologist John Tuzo Wilson, c. 1992.
    John Tuzo Wilson Publishes a Paper about Transform Faults
    In 1965, John Tuzo Wilson’s paper “A New Class of Faults and Their Bearing on Continental Drift” is published in the journal Nature. This paper introduced the concept of transform faults and added to the theory of plate tectonics. (See also John Tuzo Wilson’s Theory of Plate Tectonics.)
  52. November 09, 1965
    Electrical Blackout
    The failure of a relay device of Ontario Hydro's Queenston generating station triggered a massive power failure extending from the Atlantic coast of the US to Chicago, and from Florida to southern Ontario, lasting up to 12 hours.
  53. January 01, 1970
    Plant Gene Resources of Canada is Established
    Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC), Canada’s national seed gene bank, was founded to protect, preserve, and enhance the genetic diversity of Canada’s important agricultural plants and their wild relatives. PGRC has played a major role in protecting Canada’s agricultural crops and biodiversity while contributing to food security at home and around the world.
  54. January 16, 1970
    Plans to Convert to Metric
    The government announced plans to convert from the imperial to the metric system of measurement. A special commission was appointed to oversee the introduction of metric.
  55. March 07, 1970
    Total Eclipse of the Sun
    A total eclipse of the sun cast a shadow 160 kilometers wide along Canada's Atlantic coast, sweeping the length of Nova Scotia and across Newfoundland.
  56. September 09, 1970
    DDT Pesticides Banned
    The Canadian Government placed a complete ban on the use of DDT pesticides, effective 1 January 1971.
  57. November 07, 1970
    Pierre-Laporte Bridge Opens
    The Pierre- Laporte Bridge, over the St Lawrence River, was opened. The bridge originally was to be named the Frontenac Bridge, but it was changed to honour Laporte, Québec minister of labour and immigration, following his murder during the October Crisis.
  58. February 10, 1971
    Air Pollution Fine Set
    The federal Parliament set fines of up to $200 000 for air pollution.
  59. April 05, 1971
    First CANDU
    Gentilly nuclear power plant opened in Québec, the world's first nuclear plant with a reactor fuelled by natural uranium and cooled by ordinary water (the CANDU system).
  60. April 29, 1971
    James Bay Project
    Premier Robert Bourassa announced the development of the James Bay project.
  61. November 02, 1971
    Gerhard Herzberg, physicist, Nobel laureate
    Herzberg Wins Nobel Prize
    Gerhard Herzberg was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure.
  62. February 25, 1972
    Pickering Station Opened
    The Pickering nuclear power plant officially opened, the largest single electricity producer in the world.
  63. November 09, 1972
    Anik A-1 Launched
    Canada launched the world's first geostationary domestic satellite, Anik A-1
  64. April 20, 1973
    Anik A-2 Launched
    The telecommunications satellite Anik A-2 was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla. With its launch, Canada became the first country in the world to employ satellites for domestic communications.
  65. December 07, 1973
    CANDU Deal with South Korea
    Canada sold a CANDU reactor to South Korea.
  66. May 18, 1974
    India Detonates Nuclear Device
    India detonated a nuclear device using Canadian materials.
  67. May 22, 1974
    Canada Suspends Nuclear Exports
    The Canadian government suspended shipments of all nuclear equipment and materials to India, after India's detonation of a nuclear device.
  68. April 01, 1975
    Weather Offices Use Celsius
    Weather offices in Canada first used celsius to report temperatures. On September 1, metric was first used for rainfall and snowfall.
  69. May 01, 1975
    Anik A-3 Launched
    Communications satellite Anik A-3 was launched.
  70. January 24, 1978
    Cosmos 954 Falls
    Soviet satellite Cosmos 954 plunged into the atmosphere over northern Canada, spreading debris.
  71. November 08, 1978
    Challenger Flies for First Time
    The Canadair Challenger executive jet flew for the first time.
  72. March 05, 1979
    Voyager 1 Encounters Jupiter
    The space probe Voyager 1 made its closest encounter with Jupiter before moving on to Saturn.
  73. June 05, 1980
    First AIDS-related Deaths
    The US Centers for Disease Control reported 5 cases of pneumonia, which within a year were shown to be related to AIDS. By 1982, some 1600 cases had been reported worldwide.
  74. October 09, 1981
    David H. Hubel Wins Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
    David H. Hubel and Torsten N. Wiesel were jointly awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work mapping the brain’s visual cortex. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  75. November 13, 1981
    Canadarm Launched into Space
    The Canadian-made Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (RMS), the Canadarm, was launched into space for the first time. It was carried aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on mission STS-2, the second space shuttle. It performed well, exceeding all design goals and was declared operational one year later.
  76. August 16, 1982
    Anik-D Launched
    Anik D-1 was launched, replacing the aging Anik A and B satellites. Anik D-1 was the first commercial satellite built by a Canadian prime contractor, Spar Aerospace Limited.
  77. October 05, 1984
    Marc Garneau, astronaut
    Marc Garneau Enters Space
    Marc Garneau was the first Canadian astronaut to enter space, during the 41-G mission of the American space shuttle Challenger.
  78. January 30, 1985
    New Metric Policy
    The federal government unveiled a new metric policy under which businesses would be allowed to sell and advertise food, gasoline and home furnishings in imperial measurements in addition to the mandatory metric units.
  79. September 01, 1985
    Wreckage of the RMS Titanic
    Titanic Wreck Found
    A US-led expedition discovered the wreck of the Titanic 590 km southeast of Newfoundland at a depth of 3,810 m.
  80. September 25, 1985
    Tyrrell Museum Opens
    Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed officially opened the $30-million Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology at Drumheller.
  81. January 28, 1986
    Challenger Explodes
    The space shuttle Challenger exploded soon after takeoff, killing 7 astronauts.
  82. December 08, 1986
    John Polanyi Shares Nobel
    John Polanyi shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Dudley Herschenbach and Yuan T. Lee.
  83. August 03, 1988
    Birth of Canadian Astronaut Jenni Gibbons
    In 2017, Jenni Gibbons was selected as an astronaut candidate by the Canadian Space Agency. After completing her astronaut training, Jenni Gibbons became Canada’s third female astronaut.
  84. March 01, 1989
    Creation of the Canadian Space Agency
    The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) was established and Larkin Kerwin was made the organization’s first president.
  85. August 25, 1989
    Voyager I Reaches Neptune
    The US space probe Voyager I reached Neptune. Its pictures of Triton, Neptune's moon, revealed the existence of 2 additional moons.
  86. October 12, 1989
    Sidney Altman Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    Sidney Altman was awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Thomas R. Cech. They discovered that RNA (ribonucleic acid) could act as both a molecule and a biocatalyst. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  87. April 24, 1990
    NASA Launches Hubble
    NASA put the Hubble telescope into orbit. A flawed mirror and other defects were corrected in space in December 1993 by astronauts.
  88. October 17, 1990
    Richard E. Taylor Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
    Richard E. Taylor shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Americans Jerome I. Friedman and Henry W. Kendall. They were awarded the prize for their work developing the quark model in particle physics. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  89. January 22, 1992
    Roberta Bondar
    Canada's First Female Astronaut
    Neurologist and clinical science researcher specializing in the nervous system, Dr. Roberta Bondar blasted into space aboard the US space shuttle Discovery. Bondar was Canada's first female astronaut.
  90. October 13, 1993
    Smith Wins Nobel Prize
    Michael Smith won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research on site-directed mutagenesis.
  91. July 16, 1994
    Comet Collides with Jupiter
    Fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy collided with the planet Jupiter.
  92. October 12, 1994
    Bertram Neville Brockhouse Wins the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Bertram Neville Brockhouse was awarded one half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of neutron spectroscopy. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  93. October 24, 1995
    New Emission Standards
    The federal government and the provinces agreed that by the year 2001 all new cars sold in Canada must meet strict air pollution emission standards.
  94. December 08, 1995
    Galileo Reaches Jupiter
    After 6 years and a 3.7 billion km journey, the space probe Galileo reached Jupiter.
  95. August 12, 1997
    Nuclear Reactors Shut Down
    Ontario Hydro, North America's largest electric utility, announced that it would shut down the 7 oldest of its 19 nuclear reactors: 3 at the Bruce facility on lake Huron and 4 at Pickering on lake Ontario.
  96. December 17, 1997
    New Pictures of Dying Stars
    The Hubble Space Telescope showed images of the dying phases of stars in unprecedented detail, showing the expansion into red giants.
  97. April 21, 1998
    Formation of Planets Discovered
    Astronomers announced that they had observed evidence of the early formation of a group of planets, similar to our own solar system, around a young sun 220 light years away.
  98. April 15, 1999
    New Solar System Found
    Astronomers announced that they had discovered another solar system of multiple planets orbiting a star, some 44 light years away.
  99. April 23, 1999
    New Human Ancestor Found
    Paleontologists announced that they had discovered a fossil skull in Ethiopia that belonged to a previously unknown species of human ancestor.
  100. May 27, 1999
    Payette, Julie
    Julie Payette in Space
    Canadian astronaut Julie Payette took part in a space shuttle mission. She and a co-worker repaired faulty parts in the Russian space station Zarya's battery pack.
  101. January 01, 2000
    Millennium Celebrations
    The arrival of the year 2000 saw little technological disruption or acts of terrorism. The Y2K (Millennium) bug caused only minor computer problems.
  102. April 19, 2001
    Canadarm2 Launched Into Space
    The Space Station Remote Manipulator Systems (SSRMS), also known as Canadarm2, is a Canadian-made 17-metre-long robotic arm. It is used on the International Space Station (ISS) to conduct maintenance, move equipment and supplies and support astronauts working in space. (See also Canadarm; Robotics in Canada.)
  103. February 01, 2003
    Shuttle Columbia Disaster
    Space shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Tyler, Texas, killing all seven people on board, including the first Israeli astronaut, Ilan Ramon, and Kalpana Chawla of India. First clues pointed to failure of the heat-shielding tiles.
  104. September 09, 2006
    Astronaut Steve MacLean
    Steve Maclean Launches Into Space Aboard the Atlantis Shuttle
    During his second space mission, Steve Maclean became the first Canadian astronaut to operate the Canadarm2 (see Canadarm; Robotics in Canada).
  105. October 06, 2009
    Willard S. Boyle Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
    Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith were jointly awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on the charge-coupled device (CCD). (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  106. March 13, 2013
    Chris Hadfield
    Hadfield Becomes ISS Commander
    Astronaut Chris Hadfield became the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station (ISS), succeeding astronaut Kevin Ford. A brief ceremony aboard the ISS included a broadcast of O Canada.
  107. August 07, 2013
    Death of Tony Pawson
    World-renowned researcher, Tony Pawson, whose discovery about how cells communicate and interact with each other transformed scientists' fundamental understanding of cancer and many other diseases, died in Toronto.
  108. August 07, 2015
    Death of Frances Kelsey
    Frances Kelsey, the Canadian doctor hailed as a hero for withholding approval of the drug thalidomide in the United States, died in London, ON, at age 101. While employed at the US Food and Drug Administration in the early 1960s, Kelsey likely saved thousands of American children from severe deformities and disabilities by refusing to approve the drug for sale, despite the fact that it was already being prescribed in Europe and Canada. Her suspicions were confirmed in 1961, when reports emerged of birth defects among children born to women who had taken thalidomide during pregnancy.
  109. September 19, 2015
    Canadian Team Sets Record Speed for Human-Powered Vehicle
    A team of Canadian engineers set a new world record for the fastest human-powered vehicle at an annual competition in Battle Mountain, Nevada, attaining a speed of 139.45 kilometres per hour. The vehicle, Eta — a high-efficiency recumbent bicycle enclosed in a carbon-fibre shell — is the work of Aerovelo, a company founded by University of Toronto alumni Todd Reichert and Cameron Robertson. Reichert pedalled the bike to a world record on 17 September 2015 and subsequently broke his own record twice to achieve the final speed.
  110. October 06, 2015
    Arthur McDonald Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
    Arthur B. McDonald, a physicist at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering that neutrinos — one of the smallest particles of matter — have mass. Neutrinos were previously thought to be massless. He shares the prize with Takaaki Kajita of Japan, whose research broke ground on the same subject. According to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (the organization that awards the Nobel), "the discovery has changed our understanding of the innermost workings of matter."
  111. May 18, 2016
    Canadian Museum of Nature
    New Species of Dinosaur Identified
    Paleontologists at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa announced that bones discovered a decade earlier in Montana are those of previously unknown species of dinosaur related to the triceratops. Nicknamed Judith, the Spiclypeus shipporum specimen now belongs to the museum’s world-class collection of horned dinosaur fossils.
  112. July 22, 2016
    Death of Ursula Franklin
    Physicist Ursula Franklin, who pioneered the development of archaeometry (the application of modern techniques of materials analysis to archaeology), died in Toronto, Ontario, at age 94.
  113. April 11, 2017
    Death of Dr. Mark Wainberg
    Montreal-born molecular biologist Dr. Mark Wainberg, a renowned HIV/AIDS researcher and activist, died at the age of 71. In 1989, Wainberg discovered that the antiviral drug 3TC slowed the replication of HIV in the body — a breakthrough in the development of antiretroviral therapy.
  114. May 18, 2017
    Death of Michael Bliss
    Historian Michael Bliss died in Toronto, Ontario. One of Canada’s leading historians, Bliss wrote numerous prize-winning books on Canadian and medical history, including The Discovery of Insulin and William Osler: A Life in Medicine. He received many career honours, including the Order of Canada, honorary degrees from six universities and honorary fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. For many years he was in demand as a lecturer, speaker and public intellectual in North America and Europe.
  115. September 08, 2017
    Avro Arrow
    Avro Arrow Model Found in Lake Ontario
    The Raise the Arrow expedition announced that it discovered an Avro Arrow test model at the bottom of Lake Ontario. Images of the find show a jet covered in zebra mussels, which researchers planned to remove to discover more about the plane. The Malton, Ontario-based Arrow project began in the postwar years with the goal of creating one of the world’s fastest and most advanced interceptor aircraft, but it was controversially cancelled in 1959.
  116. September 26, 2017
    Mona Nemer Named Canada’s Chief Scientist
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed Mona Nemer, a pioneering heart researcher at the University of Ottawa, to the role of chief science advisor. The position involves promoting advancements in the sciences that will benefit Canadians, providing the government with impartial scientific advice, and reporting to the prime minister and the minister of health on the state of federal government science.
  117. October 02, 2018
    Les travaux de Donna Strickland sur l’amplification d’impulsions par dérive de fréquence ont jeté les bases des impulsions laser les plus courtes et les plus intenses jamais créées. Ces dernières sont utilisées dans la recherche sur l’action des forces su
    Donna Strickland Wins Nobel Prize
    The associate professor at the University of Waterloo became the first woman in 55 years, and only the third ever, to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Strickland and Gérard Mourou were awarded for their work in laser physics. They shared the prize with Arthur Ashkin.
  118. January 16, 2019
    BC Fossils Help Solve Evolutionary Riddle
    The fossilized soft tissue of agnostids found in the 500-million-year-old Burgess Shale deposit helped researchers prove a connection between the bug-like creatures and trilobites, adding a new branch to the evolutionary tree of life.
  119. October 08, 2019
    James Peebles Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
    James Peebles was awarded one half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions in physical cosmology. Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz shared the other half of the prize. (See also Nobel Prizes and Canada.)
  120. April 06, 2021
    300-Million-Year-Old Fossil Found in New Brunswick
    Halifax high school students and amateur paleontologists Rowan Norrad and Luke Allen discovered a 300-million-year-old fossilized dragonfly wing near Grand Lake, New Brunswick. The length of the wing, about 10 cm, indicated a likely wingspan of 25 cm — much larger than contemporary dragonflies. The fossil was sent to the National Museum of Natural History in Paris for further analysis.