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Welcome to...
The Draco Lovers Association

What is The DLA?

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (well, really, over a past summer and on the internet at Portkey), there lived (they spend that much time there) four girls. These four girls were good friends over at the forums, and they all really loved Draco, most importantly.

There was Amanda, who loves spiffy glasses, and Crystal, who loves the word masterful, Daniela, who is supercool, and Tina, who has an evil alternate personality named The Pink. One day, a quite ordinary day of rabid posting, they all found themselves speaking of being the very first on line to buy a series called, The Draco Malfoy Series, for they all agreed anything staring the loffly blonde Slytherin is much better than that scar-faced kid.

Tina called first, then Crystal second, until Amanda pushed Tina out of way... But that's a whole other story.

The point is, Daniela, the genius she is, proposed an idea.

What if, we ourselves, wrote The Draco Malfoy Series?

All four agreed that this was a masterful idea. A whole series of Draco, Draco, and more Draco? It had to be too good to be true. But, it wasn't.

Of course, then came the problem of finding a name for ourselves, which was quite creatively thought of by Amanda: we all love Draco, so The Draco Lovers Association was perfect.

And so, The DLA was formed.

Ever since, The DLA has been working on and writing The Draco Malfoy Series, in tandem with other awesome Draco-related projects.

What is this community for?

This community is a DLA haven for fans of the Series and/or The DLA's other projects, as well as a haven for us, The DLA. Here you can find sneak peeks to upcoming projects and to the series and updates on the projects, along with everything and anything Draco-related.

How can I join?

Simply scroll to the top of this very page and click the link to join. This community is open to all members, and all members can post!


1.) Do not type LiKe tHiS and avoid using netspeak.

2.) Please be respectful and courteous of others. While debating and discussion is encouraged in proper entries, do not bash on others. Provide reasons and evidence for your opinions politely. This is meant to be a friendly site.

3.) DO NOT hotlink any media items (i.e. icons, banners, music) posted in this community.

4.) Even further DO NOT repost/quote/reproduce/discuss any material The DLA has made or written on any external website/community/LJ without explicit permission.

The Draco Malfoy Series
Image hosted by

Why are we writing the Draco Malfoy Series?
Good question. Why are we writing The Draco Malfoy Series?

For one reason: We love Draco. Even before HBP, we knew there was more to him. There just had to be, and we want to tell his story.

Also, it's because there's so much in that universe other than Harry Potter. We’ve thought about that a lot - the fact that JKR leaves it at Harry's PoV works, but it also prevents us from delving deeper into so many levels that are left untouched. We realize it would be impossible for her to write everyone's stories, because that would take hundreds of books. But we always felt a bit unsatisfied with the way she leaves some things - particularly Slytherins.

In Gryffindor, we see so much diversity in character. We see students who typically don't appear to fit in with Gryffindor's ideals of "bravery;" i.e. Neville, Lavender and Parvati, Seamus and Dean, etcetera. And it constantly aggravated us that Harry has his own bias against the rest of the houses and only sees them for house names instead of real, breathing, individuals.

The Draco Malfoy series, to us, is not just a fanfic. It's an insight, it's a peek into the world of witches and wizards whose lives don't revolve around Harry Potter.

The UBFs
The Ultimate Bad Fictions

We’ve all been there. The horror of unbeta-ed, badly written, horrible fics that should never see the light of day. And what’s worse, people read them. Stuck in the world of out-of-character characters, hip twenty-first century clothes in the early nineteen-nineties, and terrifying grammar. Oh, the un-adulterated horror.

Many of you might be saying: “hey, my stories are like that!” Or, perhaps, you haven’t been introduced to the world of fan fiction cliches, and are just entering the fandom.

You’ve come to the right place as a fresh fan fiction writer, or an otherwise misled one. Welcome to UBF! A child of The DLA's imagination, UBFs are designed to provoke side-clutching laughter that will hopefully show all of you what not to do when writing a Draco fic.

Each section is categorized into fan fiction cliches and simply horrid warped realities, and after each one will be a more serious description outlining everything the “author” is doing wrong. Of course, these “authors” are none other than The DLA and a few well-intentioned members of the HP Fandom.

Confused? Have any question or comments for The DLA?

Contact one of us via LiveJournal:

Tina ( ohappyfair )
Crystal ( petitebelette )
Daniela ( deecaffeinated )
Amanda ( ryokojesse )

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