themagic_box - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to The Magic Box!

This community is for all BtVS/Angel related recs, announcements, news and pimps. Most communities have a core purpose which generally doesn't relate to or have room for any of the above mentioned. Personally, I find it very difficult to keep track of all the challenges, nominations/awards cycles, brand spanking new authors and community news that is flying around on a pretty much daily basis.

So... why not have it all in one place??!

~~Do you know of some awards that are lacking nominations?
~~Where DID you get the lovely looking icon from?
~~Is there an author you know of that you'd like to recomend to other BtVS fans?
~~Is there a shiny new BtVS/Angel community out there you'd like to tell us about?
~~When is the next fan convention?

Then THIS is the place to share the wealth!

General Rules:

~~ You do NOT need permission to rec or pimp. It is the sole purpose of our community!

~~ Please pimp in a sensible fashion. Don't repeat the same sentence three times and flood the post with the link of your rec/community! Be intelligent - tell us what your pimping, why you're pimping it and what's so special! Incoherent pimp posts will be deleted.

~~ Where relevant and appropriate, provide details of rating and 'ship. Anything which is NOT WORKSAFE must have clear warnings within the post!

~~ Politeness isn't brains. It's just manners! Please be kind to all those who post and all those who are recced.

~~ Any posts with images/large amount of content should be placed behind a cut. A teaser row of icons are allowed but any more than five should be behind a cut!

~~ Have fun and share the BtVS goodness!


~~ Rec Lists - kinks, ships, ratings
~~ Community Pimps
~~ Fandom News - conventions, films, interviews
~~ Awards News - nomination cycles, awards announcements
~~ Solo Recommendations - favourite authors/artists
~~ Art Recs
~~ Fic Recs
~~ Challenge News - current challenges across the communities

Not Allowed:

** As much as we love to see work from across the fandom, this community is about recommending work, not for directing posting. If you wish to post your latest manip or fic, please check out the list of affiliated/listed communities below for a more appropriate community. And who know's, you may get recced!

** Pimping your own work. Essentially, it boils down to direct posting. And wouldn't it be much cooler if someone else recced you? Reccing yourself... well it really aint cool. We're about sharing the love, not the self-loving!! However, pimping your own community IS allowed.

** Recs outside of the BtVS/Angel fandom are not allowed and will be deleted. We're all about the Buffy here folks!

** Requests for banners/fictions - again, the affiliates/links list below should provide you with a more appropriate place to post requests.

Affiliates and Linkage:
