Then And Now (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inThen And Now's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

2:25 pm

Broad Run Toll House, Then And Now Broad Run Toll House -- xydexx dot com

Broad Run Toll House -- xydexx dot com

The Broad Run Toll House, located near the junction of present-day VA Route 7 and VA Route 28, was built in 1820 on the old Leesburg Turnpike. A stone bridge crossed Broad Run here, and tolls were collected until 1924. The bridge was in use until 1949, when a new concrete and steel bridge immediately north of the site opened.

In 1970, the Broad Run Toll House was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Earlier this year the site was threatened by development of Kincora Village, but plans have since been made to preserve the structure and site.

Current Mood: busy

Monday, September 20th, 2010

12:43 am

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

11:16 am

Friday, October 30th, 2009

10:14 am

Los Angeles from City Hall: Then & Now Los Angeles, looking southwest from the observation deck of City Hall...



What's a bit sobering to me is that all of this change has taken place within my living memory. So much has come and gone in what seems to me like such a short span of time...

More Then & Nows can be found in my L.A. history blog: Los Angeles Past.

Friday, August 14th, 2009

4:45 pm

Burbank, California aerial photograph1928- Google Maps, today very same old/new map overlay

A few years ago I found a cool old aerial photograph of Burbank, CA in 1928 the city we live next to, I created a gif picture today to show the change by overlaying matching and comparing landmarks. Note the Burbank airport is not around then, but the Valhalla Cemetery (lower left) was there. Almost 95% barren/farm land then, now almost 100% occupied. It's behind a LJ cut due to the file being big. It's worth looking at, excuse my gif making abilities, it's the first one I ever make.

( Read more...Collapse )

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

5:44 am

Where Mother was: Then & Now In this old post, I told the story of my mother having had her picture taken by a street photographer somewhere in downtown Los Angeles in 1936, when she was a 19-year-old secretarial student at Woodbury College. Some time later, I finally identified the location of the picture as having been the 900 block of South Broadway.

Thereafter, I decided that if I ever went back to Los Angeles, I would like to visit the place where my mother was photographed, 73 years ago. And three Wednesdays ago, during my recent L.A. vacation, I did just that.

Here's the exact spot, then and now.

Relatively little has changed. The two principal buildings visible in the old photograph are still there – the "Stalinesque" 9th and Broadway Building (1929), and the L.L. Burns Building (1914); the latter is the one with the "Kelly's" ad painted on its side. (No ads today – Broadway is not in any way the commercial "hotspot" it used to be.) The lampposts are noticeably different in height and style, but the bases themselves are apparently the same ones as when Mother was there.

And where was Mom walking to that day in October, 1936? Probably to a trolley stop at the intersection of South Broadway and Olympic Blvd., which is only a few feet in back of where the 1936 photographer was standing. (Mother at the time lived on Norton Avenue, just south of Olympic, so she probably rode the Olympic trolley line to and from downtown daily.)

Heh, it's funny, when I was there taking my photos, I tried to show Mom's picture to several passers-by, but nobody could be bothered. Admittedly, if I were walking on South Broadway and some stranger asked if I'd like to see a picture of his mother, I'd probably avoid the guy, too.


Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

9:44 am

Royal Derwent & Willow Court Tasmania

Then and Now Pics

Frescati is an old white wooden cottage in the grounds of Willow Court. Willow Court is an abandoned mental asylum which was once the largest in the southern hempishere.
Frescati was built by Colonial Secretary J. Bennett in 1843. Dr Meyer brought Frescati after Bennett and surprisingly the house and all it affects was put on the market 6 months later. (Records in St Matthews Church New Norfolk read that three of his sons died within a few days of one another) I'm not sure how his sons died or whether they actually died in the house?

There are a few stories that have been told about Frescati that I have heard over the years. One is apparently a man and a women hung themselves inside the building. Another story is that there is a male hating ghost inside that throws men around.
Apparently a cleaner once went into Frescati and he was found hours later with blood all over the walls stating that he was thrown around by something he couldn't see.
Another Person believes they have seen the ghost looking back at them through a broken window. I have also heard reports that people can feel a pulse or vibe coming from the building when they touch it.
Frescati has a concrete cell in the basement and a tunnel.

If you would like to read more about Royal Derwent / Willow court please go to my Livejournal site.


Then (1950's)

Check out my Video, it shows parts of frescati and also other Wards at Royal Derwent/Willow Court:

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

11:38 am

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

11:48 am

palmer woods, detroit, michigan in the late 1960s, my parents bought a house in the palmer woods neighborhood of detroit. while sections like boston-edison and indian village started their lives as upscale, ritzy neighborhoods back in the very early part of the 20th century and then fell with the demise of the rest of the city, palmer woods somehow managed to not only keep its head above water, but to stay just as elegant as it was in the 1920's, 30's and 40's.

my parents sold the house about two or three years before i was born, but i found this while going through old albums. it was taken in 1968 or 69:


i went back to michigan this past weekend and took a drive. as close as i could approximate (the landscaping and maturation of the tree made it a bit difficult):


Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

2:24 pm

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

7:59 am

Monday, November 19th, 2007

3:36 am

La Jolla Cove, then and now (x-posted from ashetlandpony)

I love old postcards, especially ones that depict bygone-era scenes from a area that I'm familiar with. I went to school at U.C. San Diego, in La Jolla, California, so La Jolla Cove is a place I've visited a number of times over the years.

This postcard was mailed over 100 years ago.

click image to enlarge

What a difference a century makes...

click image to enlarge

Flickr is such an amazing resource! The above photo is an almost perfect match for the postcard, and was taken by Flickr user ZenState in 2004. I'm actually quite surprised to see that one of the houses in the old postcard is still standing: the low white bungalow at center. In fact, today it is the Brockton Villa Restaurant. (Click on that link and you'll see another old photo of the bluffside in what was probably the 1920s.) Evidently the house was built c.1894 by a Dr. Rodes from San Diego.

Just past the Rodes house to the left used to be a series of 3 old bungalow houses (they evidently weren't built yet at the time of the 1906 postcard). My fisheries teacher in graduate school lived in one of them when he attended Scripps Institute in the 1960s. He said his house still had its original brass gas lighting fixtures! I remember those little houses from when I lived in La Jolla from 1972-77, but all 3 were demolished in the 1980s.

And that huge pink monstrosity on the bluff in the recent photo – that was built before the California Coastal Commision came into existence. There's no way on Earth that sort of thing would be allowed to be built today. (Thank goodness!)

At the left in the background of both images is the La Jolla Shores and Mount Soledad areas of San Diego. Virtually unoccupied in 1906; in 2007, it's one of the most densely populated areas in North County, and one of the richest, too...

Here's another Flickr image showing the rest of the bluff today (this one by Flickr user Bloodygene).

( Behind the cut, plus a scan of the reverse of the old postcard...Collapse )

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

8:02 am

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

9:14 am

Hermann Hellmann Building Hi My first post here.

Here is a picture of the Hermann Hellmann Building on 3rd and Spring in Downtown Los Angeles. The building was built in 1902, picture taken in 1906. I took a picture of it last month. Beautiful building, the lobby is all marble with stained glass windows. Note the dirt streets in the old town of L.A.

Friday, August 10th, 2007

3:32 pm

Whestone Spring

[crossposted from cottage renovations 15_the_circle]

(click through this thumbnail for higher resolution image)

Whetstone Spring,

West Woods

Whetstone Spring
July 1961 / August 2007

1961 photo: Jim McCathran

read the full story here.

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

9:48 pm

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

1:33 pm

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

6:59 pm

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

2:38 am

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

10:10 pm

Marriott Twin Bridges near Washington, DC The Marriott Twin Bridges Motor Hotel was the first in the Marriott chain to open, in 1957. It was demolished in 1990.

WWW.XYDEXX.COM Postcard view of the Marriott Twin Bridges.

WWW.XYDEXX.COM Current view from the same location.