This I Pray - Depression Support Group's Journal (original) (raw)

This I Pray - Depression Support Group's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inThis I Pray - Depression Support Group's LiveJournal:

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Friday, November 21st, 2003
_9:37 am_[astraluna] x-posted to my personal journal. I was visiting TIP today and as usual, it was deserted. (Well, except for one post, and it was this month! On Al's birthday, no less.) And I sat there and I thought about how much TIP meant to me three years ago, and I realized how much it needs to exist now. There are not many mental health sites that are not sponsored by drug companies, and I think there needs to be information out there that isn't biased like that. Plus I miss the kind of community that TIP used to have.I'm thinking about reviving TIP but that would be a lot of work. There are a lot of parts of the site that are outdated or don't need to be there, a lot of the links are dead, and the bulletin board software needs to be updated. Plus we'd need to get the boards going and all of that. I don't think I could do the whole thing by myself. Al said he'd help out with the website/technical aspect of it but right now he's busy with work and other things and doesn't want to get as deeply involved as he was before.I know I've mentioned reviving TIP a few times before but it hasn't worked out. Mostly what I'm doing here is asking if anyone's interested in helping bring it back to life. If there's anything you can do to help out, let me know, and hopefully if there's enough interest we can get enough people together and TIP can come alive again. I know it's helped me a lot in the past. Now I think it needs to be there to help others as well. Current Mood: hopeful (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, November 10th, 2003
_5:49 pm_[pariah29] Invisible... Does anyone see me?Screaming... Does anyone hear me?Crying... Will anyone console me?Falling... Will anyone catch me?Running... Will anyone chase me?Escape... Would anyone miss me? Current Mood: melancholy (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
_12:37 pm_[fadetofear] i know TIP is good as dead now, but i need you guys. i need you to pray for me or care or whatever. i had gone a good four monthswithout cutting, and i cut 8 times last night. i dont know whats wrong, i woke up depressed on wednesday, and i cant get out of it.. i also had kind of a strange dream last night thats disturbing me a the dream i was really good friend with this old guy named don in the dream.. and for some reason, someone did something and he shot himself in the chest to kill himself. then i took the gun and shot myself in the stomach, and when i was told that nobody was doing anything to help don (he could have been saved) i started flipping out and showing them where i had just shot myself.. and nobody cared or was suprised or anything. there were two holes, one big, one small near my navel, and all mum would say to me was 'thats going to leave a nasty scar"i guess the thought that nobody cares manifested itself in notible dream form last night.. x.x i dont know what to do.. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, April 7th, 2003
_4:15 am_[astraluna] he's dead, Jim! (I should start by introducing myself, for those of you who don't know me. I'm Becky. I'm Al's fiancee. Yeah, the Al that runs TIP. I met him through TIP, actually. Oh, and I used to be severina. But anyway.)Okay... as everyone here knows, TIP is pretty much dead. *snif*But I'd like to bring it back to life. I got the go-ahead from Al to do this. Although he's been running TIP for a while, he's ready to step down and let someone else do it. And I volunteered.I've got a few things planned so far, but they're pretty major things. I'd like to re-design the site, since the current design has been up for... years, heh. I'm also going to move the site to my personal domain, because while has graciously hosted TIP for free, they don't have SQL databases. Which brings me to another thing-- I'd like to use a different message board software, one with a few more "bells and whistles," and I need a SQL database to do this.So... questions? comments? suggestions? (If you'd like to help out I'd appreciate links to sites dealing with depression, si, abuse, rape, did/mpd, suicide, and all the other topics that TIP deals with... because a lot of things on the links page are out of date and I'd like to keep it current.)Hope everyone is doing okay. *group hugs* Current Mood: hopeful (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, December 24th, 2002
_1:43 am_[pinktapestry] Ah! I used to be on the mailing list and go to this website. So good to see it on LJ! I miss all the TIP and Garage stuff. I hate to admit that I could still use it, all these years later. [hugs] to everyone.[deep sigh of relief] i really could use this. i'm glad i found it. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, December 9th, 2002
_8:06 am_[ex_severina334] Hey... anyone know of any websites that are kinda like TIP or the Garage? The boards are down on TIP and I'm not sure if Al's gonna fix 'em, since no one posts there anyway.Imma start my own depression community site in January or so, with a friend of mine... I just wanted to know if there was something else out there, y'know?Hope everyone's doing okay... I know the holiday season is stressful. *hugs all around* Current Mood: okay (Comment on this)
Friday, August 30th, 2002
_3:37 am_[ex_severina334] (cross-posted to my regular journal) Anyone know a way I can get free or cheap counseling/therapy? (I live in Omaha, Nebraska if that helps.) Current Mood: sad (Comment on this)
Friday, August 9th, 2002
_6:19 pm_[weezerschnitzel] Hullo. My name is Erica. I'm 19 years old and have a short temper. I've had a short temper for the past....oh...2 or so years and it gets shorter and shorter as days go by. I don't take criticism very well. You'd think that when your life has become 5% praise, 65% no feedback/reaction/anything and 30% criticism, you'd figure out a way to block it out or deal with it. Friends...lets see...all my friends left me. The only people I have (outside of work and family) are the people I talk to online. I am growing to absolutely despise weekends. The last time I went out on a weekend was over 3 months ago. One of my biggest fears - that all the wonderful and great friends I made in high school and came to love would no longer all be a circle of friends - came true about 5 months after graduation. After the circle broke up, everything fell apart. Now, 1 year and 3 months after graduation, everything that once was - for me - is gone. Frustration comes very easily to me. And if you are the cause of my frustration, watch out. I don't handle frustration very well either. I suppose this may have been from my 'wild years' in junior high when all I did with my parents was fight. When I expressed my opinion, it ended up comming out as a yell and then I got punished for raising my voice at my parents. This may also be the cause for why I tend to botlle things up. Another reason for this is because the people who coined themselves as my friends didn't show much care. And they all still don't. I can't even express my happiness anymore. My happiness used to be shown through extreme excitement. Now it's displayed through a subtle grin. Just like the guy I have liked for the past 4 months....I used to not be able to not smile when I saw him and he looked super cute. Now when I look at him, I get depressed. Depressed cuz I know I'll never have him. I can't even say anything to him. I have no social skills left. And on top of all this, being fat doesn't really help things out either. All I want is for someone to show that they care. Not just say they do, but show. All it takes are little things. I guess it's too much to ask for though. It's just too much. Current Mood: discontent (Comment on this)
_6:24 pm_[sarahbean004] and the car runs out of gas... have you ever felt so alone...almost like your lost in yourself and your like on that point of finding yourself.Like say your in a car- and that car drives you to find yourself. And your driving for 15 years and then all of a day your car's supply of endless gas just..runs out. And your in the middle of no where. But you know that if your car would hold out for like another 10 miles that you would actually have found who you really are? But now your the middle of this long road. And you don't know where to go. And your just....stuck.This sounds really dumb. But for some reason...that's how I feel. Like I've always wanted to be like this one person. I've always looked up to her. Like but see...she doesn't that I look up to her as much as I do. But recently...I've noticed that I am like her. Not because over the past 6 months or so that I've tried to be like her...Just because I know so much about her...and she doesn't know that. Anyway...I'm in the process of becoming me-- or at least I think so. Current Mood: pensive (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, July 27th, 2002
_1:26 am_[reginas_reign] I'm not a religious person anymore. Raised catholic, never believed it. Worshiped God with my whole heart a while back and I guess I lost that. But why have I been repeating the serenity prayer, over and over? Heartache is such a petty thing to feel this awful over. It's so common and I feel common suffering over this. Loving someone with all my heart and being tossed for it later. I hated relationships, always have. Yet, I fell into the hands of this one. And came out worse than before. I have been through shit, lots of pain in my life, and even though what I'm experiencing now isn't as bad as some pain i ahve experienced- it's a push towards the end. I'm so through with this hateful world. This ugly, disgusting world, filled with bitter people, people who meanfully cause pain against others, people who believe in petty "beauty" - and then forget about it. Beauty dies.I was fine being single before him, but now ... now that I remember and know the bliss that comes from having another half- lonliness is the place I dread the most. I don't know what to do... I keep saying prayers to a God i don't even know exists. What am i doing updating in this community? I hope everyone is doing better than I am. Current Mood: confused (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002
_1:05 am_[joliejunkie16] i took a shower at like 4 today, and as i stepped out, as i got dressed, as i rubbed in my circle of beauty lotion, i took a moment to think if i was really, truly happy with who i was... happy with my appearance, and i said to myself, karla, you are NOT ugly, sure, your chubby, but i sure as hell aint a fucking huge ball of lard, sure i have a few chubbyness rolls, but who doesnt? everyone has rolls, they might be tiny as fuck but point is that they are there... and well, i get compliments all the time about my hair, and i admit, i love my hair with a passion, its so black and thick and beautiful, and my smile is not all that bad... so i came to the conclusion that im fine the way i am, sure, i have a few eating problems here and there, but who has never gone on a diet? who has never tryed to vomit their food at least once? i do that when i am very angry with myself, but i havent been mad at myself for about three months now. im happy with who i am, im not ugly, just those who assume they are better put me down, but thats ok, i know that i like who i am and i think EVERYONE out there has their own beauty quality in them. i just hope everyone recognizes it as i have done so today. :) and also... i am SO not being conceited.... im just accepting my appearance and complimenting myself on my good features... yeah. :) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, June 13th, 2002
_6:47 pm_[citylights03] Help Dose there anyone who has a code for lj i can ues???PLease (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, May 31st, 2002
_5:09 pm_[joliejunkie16] thought i would let you know what i look like...( lookie look look!Collapse ) (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 30th, 2002
_7:53 pm_[joliejunkie16] well as of today i am no longer on celexa, i am now on zoloft. yay for me *sarcasm* i finally had a chance to talk to my dad about my depression, to my amazement he understood. that actually made me confide in him more. now the only think that i keep from him is my bisexuality, how do i tell him that one? hmmmmm, i think i'll keep that a secret for now! lol Current Mood: apathetic (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, May 27th, 2002
_10:10 pm_[murkyangel] anyone want to donate a $1 so i can get a domain name? paypal info is'm mostly joking, but if you feel the need to do it, you're welcome to).:) (Comment on this)
Sunday, May 26th, 2002
_4:28 pm_[joliejunkie16] hi! well i just joined this community... i have been under depression for about 3 years now, i've been on anti depressants (celexa) for a month now i have attempted suiside 3 times, cut myself too many to remember.. my dad does not believe me, he thinks there is nothing wrong with me but my mom is very supportive. celexa is really helping, but there are times i still feel down. im glad i found a support group to help me cope with my situation and im looking forward to helping some of you... Current Mood: crappy (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, May 24th, 2002
_9:36 pm_[thegoddess81] hm ... It would be nice to add christianchic20 to your friends list ... she needs to make some friends here at livejournal... figured you guys could help me out. Current Mood: awake (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
_3:56 pm_[ex_severina334] I was thinking... ladymeow found us and thought it'd be a good idea to promote TIP, but she was kinda shot down by a few people (including me). But it got me to thinking... TIP has, for all intents and purposes, gone into a brain-dead coma and is almost dead. So... do we WANT to revive it, or just leave it as it is? Should we perhaps give it a different name, one without religious connotations? Anyone have any other ideas? Current Mood: groggy (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_3:14 am_[ladymeow] Hey! Hey guys...I just noticed that this wasn't very updated and I'd like to get it back on track because it seems like it would make a really cool community :)We need to be lifted up not only by our peers but by our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It can be hard to keep the faith constantly, especially when one is depressed.I think I am going to put an ad for this community on the promo page, so it can attract some newcomers and we can build this thing back up! Yay!-Lisa Current Mood: hopeful (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 2nd, 2002
_4:51 pm_[fadetofear] i cant stand this.. that sinking feeling that you are worthless...that everything you convinced youself is something worthwhile to live for crumbles and you're left alone... adrift at sea with no notion of where to go..what to do. completely lost and numbed from the cold that scorched your tired lungs. tired from breathing, tired of the pointless repeditive motion that unfortunately keeps you alive for yet another day. why? because they dont know any better. its an involuntary action. no controll over it. i dont have controll over anything any more. i depend on the winds to move me, i depend on the outside world to shape my moods. something goes awry, and here i am waiting for those sweet hands of death to wisk me away to be happy.....and while i know somewhere deep down i dont want to go just yet, im also just as sure that my own hand will bring about my demise. i want out. Current Mood: scared (1 Comment |Comment on this)

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