Lara Comis - (original) (raw)
Books by Lara Comis This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on ... more
This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on the intersection between different
areas of research at multiple levels of inquiry.
The focus is the intersection between research and public outreach through experimental
archaeology in Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs). This intersection has proven to be
problematic in the historical record. The primary purpose was to develop a best practice model at
a European level which could meet the highest ethical standards in conjunction with constructive
public participation using Citizen Science (CS) approaches.
Theoretical level: considerable work was devoted to setting a proper theoretical framework
and the consequent methodology, with an inquiry across archaeology, life sciences, and social
sciences. The theoretical framework is Critical Social Science. The study uses social sciences mixed
methodologies (Case Study). Such a structured, new approach has produced interesting theoretical
Methodological level: a new attempt to structure the use of integrated mixed methodologies
in experimental archaeology has been outlined within the best practice model.
Context level: an online survey was performed in 2018 with the purpose of mapping relational
data about the dynamic under scrutiny, in full collaboration with the EXARC international network.
Once actors and locations were mapped, a pilot study was performed in 2019 using interviews and
public observations (Ireland). Qualitative analysis delivered insights for the best practice model.
Outputs: due to the Covid19 Pandemic and other restrictions, the best practice model could
only be delivered at a theoretical level.
Two spin-offs of the research work were designed and disseminated using CS approaches:
1. ABADIR: to share the sounds from experimental archaeology and re-enactment (social
praxis: integration of makers and researchers; research potential: sensory archaeology).
2. mapping extant ancient technology practices (social praxis: integration of makers and
researchers; research potential: integration of classification, experiment, and taxonomy in
Papers by Lara Comis
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2006
The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to exper... more The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to experimental archaeology and argues that reconstructions are not a direct product but a by-product of experimental archaeology.
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2010
s of the International Conference, Comano Terme-Fiavè 13-14-15 Settembre 2001. 3. Mathieu J.R. 20... more s of the International Conference, Comano Terme-Fiavè 13-14-15 Settembre 2001. 3. Mathieu J.R. 2002: Introduction in J.R. Mathieu (ed.) Experimental Archaeology, Replicating Past Objects, Behaviours and Processes. BAR International Series 1035, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 1-12. Outram, A.K. 2008: Introduction to experimental archaeology, “World Archaeology” 40/1, pp.1-6. Pelillo A. (ed) 2009: Guide of the Archaeological Museums in Europe,
EXARC Journal, 2019
The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now, through experimental a... more The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now, through experimental archaeology, we can have a direct, physical contact with the "past". But, as researchers know, the means used to engage the public are the fruits of an active process of investigation, especially in experimental archaeology. Could it be possible to enable visitors to actively engage in the questioning of the past, to let them experience the discovery process? In this paper, which illustrates the work-in-progress of my PhD (Exploring the uses of Experimental Archaeology at European AOAMs, IRC GOIPG/2017, UCD, Dublin IE), the preliminary results of a qualitative inquiry on experimental archaeology best practices will be illustrated. The study is observing the experimental archaeology phenomenon from a social science perspective highlighting the interactions existing among three major categories (AOAMs, Academic Institutions, and Independent Activities). In detail, the survey was d...
EXARC Journal, 2019
This paperback volume comprises 48 pages with several unnumbered black and white illustrations an... more This paperback volume comprises 48 pages with several unnumbered black and white illustrations and some colour illustrations. It is a monograph dedicated to the Picenian warriors, who lived mainly in Abruzzo and Marche (central east Italy) from the IX century BC until the romanization of the area (p. 5).
"Le notizie riguardanti la produzione ceramica di Parma ricavabili dalle fonti scritte assum... more "Le notizie riguardanti la produzione ceramica di Parma ricavabili dalle fonti scritte assumono una notevole articolazione anche se frutto di una indagine limitata. L'esistenza di ceramisti in città viene attestata a partire dalla fine del XIV secolo mentre precedentemente i documenti riportano esclusivamente normative per quanto riguarda le misure dei contenitori da hostaria. Nel secolo successivo i dazi attestano la presenza di traffici e le testimonianze notarili incominciano a restituire molti nominativi di "boccalari", ma è solo dopo la metà del secolo che si trovano notizie dell'esistenza di fornaci in città. Il punto di rivendita principale era situato nella piazza maggiore nella quale i documenti comunali ricordano l'esistenza di cinque rivenditori. Tra questi i componenti della famiglia Moyle risultano legati alla produzione di contenitori da hostaria ottenendo posizioni di favore, mentre i componenti della famiglia Botti effettuavano la produzione in una fornace fortemente decentrata rispetto al centro cittadino. Nel secolo XVI le testimonianze incominciano a diminuire e l'unica fornace attiva rintracciabile è ancora quella dei Botti. La produzione di maiolica voluta da Alessandro Farnese viene affidata, alla fine del XVI secolo, a Giovanni Battista Seirullo di Albisola. Nel secolo successivo assumono particolare importanza i rivenditori di materiale ceramico provenienti dall'area modenese, e incominciano a installarsi in città ceramisti stranieri. E' solo nel 1784 che viene istituita a Parma l'Arte dei boccalari, precedentemente non attestata, se non in relazione a tassazioni eccezionali."
Can Experimental archaeology be a tool for medieval studies? in this short article, cut for the g... more Can Experimental archaeology be a tool for medieval studies? in this short article, cut for the general public interested in medieval history, an introduction to some basic concepts of experimental archaeology and some of its applications to the historical period are given.
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2009
In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment bas... more In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment based on Martialis' recipe provides a taste of past.
Archeologie Sperimentali 2, 2021
Archaeological Open-Air Museums are the places of many different activities, starting from the re... more Archaeological Open-Air Museums are the places of many different activities, starting from the reconstructions of buildings before the opening to specific educational activities for the visitors about many aspects of the past. In this paper the attention is set on experimental archaeology and research activities. A considerable amount of research, or applied research, if not experimental archaeology, is usually needed to build the reconstructions. But also, during smaller, or “ordinary” activities, the amount of information that the public and the museum operators can gather can be very useful to archaeological research. On the other hand, research institutions are carrying out experiments in archaeology which could be carried out in AOAMs or used to perform up to date and intriguing new educational activities. My PhD research tries to detect best practices to bridge this gap. To assess the current situation in Europe a questionnaire was designed and will be presented in this occasion.
EXARC Journal, 2019
The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now we can have a direct, p... more The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now we can have a direct, physical contact with the “past”. But, as researchers know, the means used to engage the public are the fruit of an active process of investigation, especially in experimental archaeology. Could it be possible to enable visitors to actively engage in the questioning of the past, to let them experience the discovery process? In this paper, which illustrates the work-in-progress of my PhD (Exploring the uses of Experimental Archaeology European AOAMs, IRC GOIPG/2017, UCD, Dublin IE), the preliminary results of a qualitative inquiry on experimental archaeology best practices will be illustrated. The study is observing the experimental archaeology phenomenon from a social science perspective highlighting the interactions existing among three major categories (AOAMs, Academic Institutions and Independent Activities). In detail, the survey was designed to produce data on the meaning constellations under the umbrella term “experimental archaeology”, to explore research potential in the dynamic among the categories under scrutiny, and to provide a baseline for the mapping of job market interactions.
EuroREA 7/2010
Experimental archaeology has a positivist, new-archaeology public soul and a post-processualist ... more Experimental archaeology has a positivist, new-archaeology
public soul and a post-processualist private soul. (adapted
from Giannichedda 1999: 19)
EuroREA 3/2006
The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to exper... more The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to experimental archaeology and argues that reconstructions are not a direct product but a by-product of
experimental archaeology.
EuroREA, 2009
In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment bas... more In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment based on Martialis’ recipe provides a taste of past.
Progetto formativo di introduzione generale alla rievocazione storica e le peculiarità della riev... more Progetto formativo di introduzione generale alla rievocazione storica e le peculiarità della rievocazione dell’evo antico in rapporto con il patrimonio storico-archeologico, il territorio e la
di una formazione teorico-pratica sul tema, This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on ... more
This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on the intersection between different
areas of research at multiple levels of inquiry.
The focus is the intersection between research and public outreach through experimental
archaeology in Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs). This intersection has proven to be
problematic in the historical record. The primary purpose was to develop a best practice model at
a European level which could meet the highest ethical standards in conjunction with constructive
public participation using Citizen Science (CS) approaches.
Theoretical level: considerable work was devoted to setting a proper theoretical framework
and the consequent methodology, with an inquiry across archaeology, life sciences, and social
sciences. The theoretical framework is Critical Social Science. The study uses social sciences mixed
methodologies (Case Study). Such a structured, new approach has produced interesting theoretical
Methodological level: a new attempt to structure the use of integrated mixed methodologies
in experimental archaeology has been outlined within the best practice model.
Context level: an online survey was performed in 2018 with the purpose of mapping relational
data about the dynamic under scrutiny, in full collaboration with the EXARC international network.
Once actors and locations were mapped, a pilot study was performed in 2019 using interviews and
public observations (Ireland). Qualitative analysis delivered insights for the best practice model.
Outputs: due to the Covid19 Pandemic and other restrictions, the best practice model could
only be delivered at a theoretical level.
Two spin-offs of the research work were designed and disseminated using CS approaches:
1. ABADIR: to share the sounds from experimental archaeology and re-enactment (social
praxis: integration of makers and researchers; research potential: sensory archaeology).
2. mapping extant ancient technology practices (social praxis: integration of makers and
researchers; research potential: integration of classification, experiment, and taxonomy in
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2006
The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to exper... more The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to experimental archaeology and argues that reconstructions are not a direct product but a by-product of experimental archaeology.
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2010
s of the International Conference, Comano Terme-Fiavè 13-14-15 Settembre 2001. 3. Mathieu J.R. 20... more s of the International Conference, Comano Terme-Fiavè 13-14-15 Settembre 2001. 3. Mathieu J.R. 2002: Introduction in J.R. Mathieu (ed.) Experimental Archaeology, Replicating Past Objects, Behaviours and Processes. BAR International Series 1035, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 1-12. Outram, A.K. 2008: Introduction to experimental archaeology, “World Archaeology” 40/1, pp.1-6. Pelillo A. (ed) 2009: Guide of the Archaeological Museums in Europe,
EXARC Journal, 2019
The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now, through experimental a... more The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now, through experimental archaeology, we can have a direct, physical contact with the "past". But, as researchers know, the means used to engage the public are the fruits of an active process of investigation, especially in experimental archaeology. Could it be possible to enable visitors to actively engage in the questioning of the past, to let them experience the discovery process? In this paper, which illustrates the work-in-progress of my PhD (Exploring the uses of Experimental Archaeology at European AOAMs, IRC GOIPG/2017, UCD, Dublin IE), the preliminary results of a qualitative inquiry on experimental archaeology best practices will be illustrated. The study is observing the experimental archaeology phenomenon from a social science perspective highlighting the interactions existing among three major categories (AOAMs, Academic Institutions, and Independent Activities). In detail, the survey was d...
EXARC Journal, 2019
This paperback volume comprises 48 pages with several unnumbered black and white illustrations an... more This paperback volume comprises 48 pages with several unnumbered black and white illustrations and some colour illustrations. It is a monograph dedicated to the Picenian warriors, who lived mainly in Abruzzo and Marche (central east Italy) from the IX century BC until the romanization of the area (p. 5).
"Le notizie riguardanti la produzione ceramica di Parma ricavabili dalle fonti scritte assum... more "Le notizie riguardanti la produzione ceramica di Parma ricavabili dalle fonti scritte assumono una notevole articolazione anche se frutto di una indagine limitata. L'esistenza di ceramisti in città viene attestata a partire dalla fine del XIV secolo mentre precedentemente i documenti riportano esclusivamente normative per quanto riguarda le misure dei contenitori da hostaria. Nel secolo successivo i dazi attestano la presenza di traffici e le testimonianze notarili incominciano a restituire molti nominativi di "boccalari", ma è solo dopo la metà del secolo che si trovano notizie dell'esistenza di fornaci in città. Il punto di rivendita principale era situato nella piazza maggiore nella quale i documenti comunali ricordano l'esistenza di cinque rivenditori. Tra questi i componenti della famiglia Moyle risultano legati alla produzione di contenitori da hostaria ottenendo posizioni di favore, mentre i componenti della famiglia Botti effettuavano la produzione in una fornace fortemente decentrata rispetto al centro cittadino. Nel secolo XVI le testimonianze incominciano a diminuire e l'unica fornace attiva rintracciabile è ancora quella dei Botti. La produzione di maiolica voluta da Alessandro Farnese viene affidata, alla fine del XVI secolo, a Giovanni Battista Seirullo di Albisola. Nel secolo successivo assumono particolare importanza i rivenditori di materiale ceramico provenienti dall'area modenese, e incominciano a installarsi in città ceramisti stranieri. E' solo nel 1784 che viene istituita a Parma l'Arte dei boccalari, precedentemente non attestata, se non in relazione a tassazioni eccezionali."
Can Experimental archaeology be a tool for medieval studies? in this short article, cut for the g... more Can Experimental archaeology be a tool for medieval studies? in this short article, cut for the general public interested in medieval history, an introduction to some basic concepts of experimental archaeology and some of its applications to the historical period are given.
Journal for construction and Experiment in Archaeology, 2009
In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment bas... more In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment based on Martialis' recipe provides a taste of past.
Archeologie Sperimentali 2, 2021
Archaeological Open-Air Museums are the places of many different activities, starting from the re... more Archaeological Open-Air Museums are the places of many different activities, starting from the reconstructions of buildings before the opening to specific educational activities for the visitors about many aspects of the past. In this paper the attention is set on experimental archaeology and research activities. A considerable amount of research, or applied research, if not experimental archaeology, is usually needed to build the reconstructions. But also, during smaller, or “ordinary” activities, the amount of information that the public and the museum operators can gather can be very useful to archaeological research. On the other hand, research institutions are carrying out experiments in archaeology which could be carried out in AOAMs or used to perform up to date and intriguing new educational activities. My PhD research tries to detect best practices to bridge this gap. To assess the current situation in Europe a questionnaire was designed and will be presented in this occasion.
EXARC Journal, 2019
The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now we can have a direct, p... more The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed: now we can have a direct, physical contact with the “past”. But, as researchers know, the means used to engage the public are the fruit of an active process of investigation, especially in experimental archaeology. Could it be possible to enable visitors to actively engage in the questioning of the past, to let them experience the discovery process? In this paper, which illustrates the work-in-progress of my PhD (Exploring the uses of Experimental Archaeology European AOAMs, IRC GOIPG/2017, UCD, Dublin IE), the preliminary results of a qualitative inquiry on experimental archaeology best practices will be illustrated. The study is observing the experimental archaeology phenomenon from a social science perspective highlighting the interactions existing among three major categories (AOAMs, Academic Institutions and Independent Activities). In detail, the survey was designed to produce data on the meaning constellations under the umbrella term “experimental archaeology”, to explore research potential in the dynamic among the categories under scrutiny, and to provide a baseline for the mapping of job market interactions.
EuroREA 7/2010
Experimental archaeology has a positivist, new-archaeology public soul and a post-processualist ... more Experimental archaeology has a positivist, new-archaeology
public soul and a post-processualist private soul. (adapted
from Giannichedda 1999: 19)
EuroREA 3/2006
The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to exper... more The author discusses the relationship of three-dimensional static depictions of the past to experimental archaeology and argues that reconstructions are not a direct product but a by-product of
experimental archaeology.
EuroREA, 2009
In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment bas... more In this article, after a brief description of garum and its history, a preliminary experiment based on Martialis’ recipe provides a taste of past.
Progetto formativo di introduzione generale alla rievocazione storica e le peculiarità della riev... more Progetto formativo di introduzione generale alla rievocazione storica e le peculiarità della rievocazione dell’evo antico in rapporto con il patrimonio storico-archeologico, il territorio e la
di una formazione teorico-pratica sul tema,
In occasione dell'esposizione al pubblico della stele della tomba 7-9 della necropoli di Marano, ... more In occasione dell'esposizione al pubblico della stele della tomba 7-9 della necropoli di Marano, la cosiddetta "stele delle spade"(fig.1), all'interno del nuovo Museo della Civiltà Villanoviana di Villanova di Castenaso è stato promosso un progetto di ricerca e divulgazione incentrato sui legami tra ritualità ed attività bellica. La Stele Si tratta di una «stele a disco in pietra arenaria decorata a bassorilievo: due personaggi si affrontano spada in pugno sovrastati da un felino forse con la lingua in fuori. Campo decorativo con sei ruote di carro ai lati delle figure principali, tre per parte, un grosso fiore di loto centrale (mal conservato) e spade; chiude in basso una teoria di paperelle». All'interno della tomba, tra gli altri oggetti: «nel terreno di rogo, finimenti in bronzo per cavallo, resti di due situle in bronzo, numerose borchie di bronzo, una fibula a drago, un coltello ed un'ascia in ferro.[…].Le ruote, apparentemente di carro, sono in realtà simboli solari; il corteo di paperelle, animale che vive tra cielo, terra ed acqua, è simbolo del passaggio tra la vita e la morte; il felino, quasi certamente un leone, rappresenta la regalità; il fiore di loto centrale è il tipico elemento orientalizzante […]. Sulla stele della Tomba 7-9 la scena è quella di un duello fra due guerrieri con spada ed elmo, una decorazione dove l'artista scultore (perché di vero e proprio artista si tratta) tenta addirittura una resa prospettica dell'azione, attraverso l'incrocio di gambe dei duellanti.» 1
EAC12 - 12th Experimental Archaeology Conference- World Tour. Online conference: March 29-April 1, 2021
While pursuing the modelling of a “best practice” in experimental archaeology during my PhD resea... more While pursuing the modelling of a “best practice” in experimental archaeology during my PhD research, the crucial issue of Ethics emerged with striking prominence. Many questions arose from the application of a research integrity point of view to the discipline of experimental archaeology in research.
What makes experimental archaeology an ethical research practice? Is there a potential code of practice which can be referred to as “ethical” in experimental archaeology? At a wider scale, is experimental archaeology taking into consideration the environmental crisis we are all facing? And, at a smaller scale, is there an ethical practice to deal with natural and animal resources and livestock? Finally, is there attention to the ethical issues embedded in the social interactions which experimental archaeologist are engaging with while in contact with their peers, students, volunteers, and the public?
Despite a few years have passed since the Singapore Statement for Research Integrity (2010), this is seldom cited or explicitly endorsed within the research practice in experimental archaeology. The Statement was collectively written during the Second World Conference on Research Ethics by 340 participants to promote research Integrity at a global level. This important document focuses on 4 major principles (honesty, accountability, professionalism, and stewardship) and 14 responsibilities. In this paper an attempt to outline critical points of ethical issues in the practice of experimental archaeology will be shared using the Singapore Statement as a guiding document with the purpose of stimulating debate and promoting research integrity in the current experimental archaeology research practice.
EXARC Online conference: 26th-27th March 2020 - Documentation Strategies in Open - Air Archaeological Museums.
During the qualitative analysis of the online survey launched to investigate best practices in Ex... more During the qualitative analysis of the online survey launched to investigate best practices in Experimental Archaeology and Archaeological Open-Air Museums (presented at the EAC11, Trento, May 2019), an interesting conceptual map emerged from the study of ancient technology activities. The respondents included in the open answers very detailed descriptions which allowed the analysis to delve into a visual representation of causal relationships and connections among different ancient technologies as they developed in time. In comparison to the conceptual map describing the observations on experimental archaeology, ancient technology seemed to be clearer and more structured, because no gap in knowledge was addressed. Could this “map”, if adequately implemented, be of use to strategize the collecting of data from Archaeological Open-Air Museums? In other words, would it be possible to speak about a possible taxonomy for ancient technology? This paper attempts to tap into this argument by highlighting some aspects which could be useful to create a database structure for the collection and recording of data as a day-to-day activity in an Archaeological Open-Air Museum. Finally, it will also explore ways in which this model could also be expanded to include contributions from Academia and the public alike in experimental archaeology data collection strategies.
Symposium on Scholarly Reconstruction - An Interdisciplinary Discussion on Methods, Outcomes, and Limits of Reconstruction Practices 19th and 20th of July 2021 - Newcastle University (UK)
Experimental Archaeology belongs to the archaeological sciences and aims to test hypotheses and v... more Experimental Archaeology belongs to the archaeological sciences and aims to test hypotheses and validate theories about ancient processes and technologies. However, under the umbrella-term “experimental archaeology”, if on one hand the simulation of the production processes represents its direct implication with scientific research, the general perception of the term by the public extends to educational activities, replicas and reconstructions, living history or re-enactment, ancient technology and performances.
An archaeological experiment aims to fill gaps in the current knowledge or to enhance interpretation by replicating past processes through dedicated protocols which secure the repeatability of each trial. Experimental protocols involve falsification, so that negative results are equally important as positive ones. The experimental outcomes are compared to the archaeological samples, informing their study.
Since the archaeological record is degraded and most often incomplete, it is important to distinguish “replicas” from “(re)constructions”. Replicas can be obtained only if the original archaeological context (or artefact) has been preserved in excellent conditions. Meanwhile, if any level of integration is needed, it is more appropriate to use the term (re)constructions as in the case of archaeological timber buildings, preserved mainly in the form of post-holes, for which the archaeological plan is integrated with informed hypotheses produced by interdisciplinary studies.
This paper will illustrate how experimental archaeology approaches the concept of scholarly reconstruction and the research and communicative power of replicas and (re)constructions as well as the intangible aspects of the processes involved.
The field of experimental archaeology is characterized by a high level of fragmentation. Methodol... more The field of experimental archaeology is characterized by a high level of fragmentation. Methodological discrepancies can be observed at all levels. The polarization between "scientific" and "humanistic" approaches (Comis 2019 - EAC 11, Trento), implies a methodological quagmire in which real communication or sharing is absent. Moreover, the lack of clear theoretical frameworks determines the impossibility of a real academic debate. To summarize, quantitative and qualitative approaches are not integrated. This paper aims to present an application of mixed methodologies from the social sciences to experimental archaeology research. Even if the "scientific" approach is discarded by "humanistic" approaches, it cannot be denied that material aspects must be investigated through the hard sciences and their protocols. It is nonetheless true that "humanistic" aspects are indeed present in experimental archaeology research, and yet a proper way to address them has not been really acknowledged. An interdisciplinary methodology and overall theoretical framework will be presented as a possible solution to this issue.
Experimental Archaeology Conference 11 (EAC11) Trento (IT) 2-4th May 2019, 2019
Archaeological Open-Air Museums: reconstruction and re-enactment. Reality or fiction? Trzcinica (PL) 18-19th October 2018, 2018
Archaeology for the People: Exhibition, Experience and Performance. Kernave (LT) 13-15th September 2018, 2018
Problematiche e soluzioni tra ricerca e divulgazione: Terzo incontro studio di archeologia sperimentale, conference proceedings. Paleofestival, La Spezia 27th May 2018, 2018
Le ceramiche di Roma e del Lazio, 2005
Finally Friday EXARC Podcast, 2020
This episode of The EXARC Show features Finally Friday guests Lara Comis and Simon Wyatt for “Sou... more This episode of The EXARC Show features Finally Friday guests Lara Comis and Simon Wyatt for “Sounding Out the Past". We have two different perspectives on the topic of sounds this month, Lara focusing on collecting ambient sounds relating to archaeological open-air museum activities and crafts, and Simon exploring musical instruments of the past. Host Matilda Siebrecht listens in as our guests discuss some of the cognitive underpinnings of how we process sound, the many ways that sounds and music play into lives in the past, and the value of pausing and listening to the world around us. Tune in for conversation interspersed with soundscapes and reconstructed musical instruments to give your ears a treat from the past!
#LoveIrishResearch Blog, 2018
EuroREA 7/2010 pp. 64-65
World Archaeology is an important and established journal which stimulates and gives new insights... more World Archaeology is an important and established journal which stimulates and gives new insights into discussing and presenting new data in archaeology. Volume 40, n. 1, March 2008 is dedicated to Experimental Archaeology and edited by Alan K. Outram.
This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on the intersection between different ... more This thesis is a multi and interdisciplinary investigation on the intersection between different
areas of research at multiple levels of inquiry.
The focus is the intersection between research and public outreach through experimental
archaeology in Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs). This intersection has proven to be
problematic in the historical record. The primary purpose was to develop a best practice model at
a European level which could meet the highest ethical standards in conjunction with constructive
public participation using Citizen Science (CS) approaches.
Theoretical level: considerable work was devoted to setting a proper theoretical framework
and the consequent methodology, with an inquiry across archaeology, life sciences, and social
sciences. The theoretical framework is Critical Social Science. The study uses social sciences mixed
methodologies (Case Study). Such a structured, new approach has produced interesting theoretical
Methodological level: a new attempt to structure the use of integrated mixed methodologies
in experimental archaeology has been outlined within the best practice model.
Context level: an online survey was performed in 2018 with the purpose of mapping relational
data about the dynamic under scrutiny, in full collaboration with the EXARC international network.
Once actors and locations were mapped, a pilot study was performed in 2019 using interviews and
public observations (Ireland). Qualitative analysis delivered insights for the best practice model.
Outputs: due to the Covid19 Pandemic and other restrictions, the best practice model could
only be delivered at a theoretical level.
Two spin-offs of the research work were designed and disseminated using CS approaches:
1. ABADIR: to share the sounds from experimental archaeology and re-enactment (social
praxis: integration of makers and researchers; research potential: sensory archaeology).
2. mapping extant ancient technology practices (social praxis: integration of makers and
researchers; research potential: integration of classification, experiment, and taxonomy in
Quale futuro attende la living history in Italia? Come coniugare archeologia e turismo, storia e ... more Quale futuro attende la living history in Italia? Come coniugare archeologia e turismo, storia e intrattenimento senza banalizzare o mercificare? Come “educare” le istituzioni culturali italiane a utilizzare correttamente strumenti come le rievocazioni storiche e la living history ? Archeologi, storici, esperti di turismo, rievocatori e organizzatori di eventi riflettono sul ruolo e il significato di questo strumento di valorizzazione del patrimonio storico e archeologico.