ThoseWhoWentMissing | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureGloomy consults an unreliable sourceGloomy does not visit the conservatory often. It is crowded, and loud, and rumbling like the purrs of a matrix. But occasionally, when Bzzt has been particularly pesky, she’ll meander after him to the little room he proudly made. It is too small for Gloomy’s taste, sodden in golden sunlight and buzzing like a hive. But he blinks up at her with a happy little purr, and she lets him drag her around the little creations. He’s been subdued lately, since the night the screaming trespasser visited. It’s so unsettling that Gloomy is the one to suggest they visit the conservatory. Maybe it will distract him enough that his little leaves stop that horrible wilting. Of course, there are other reasons to visit as well. Bzzt cheers and says he would very much like to go. He bounces around for the first time in days. Off he runs, to pester unsuspecting esks. His bubbly energy is suddenly inexhaustible, and his plants become green again under the crystalline sky. They wander along a