The Deadly Silent Treatment (original) (raw)

(Me earlier this year: I can’t stand this dude…Me now: I only want to write for you…)

(Started implying some nasty near the end there so you know, minors DNI as usual)



That’s it. That’s the last straw. You groaned again at the meal in front of you before blowing out the candle and wrapping everything up to put away. This was becoming a regular thing between the two of you and you didn’t like it one little bit. It’s been once a week you two agreed to have a date night between the two of you. Every time for the past month he’s been staying over at his office and working. Every time he’s come home far too late and fallen asleep doing whatever you two were supposed to be doing. He doesn’t make it through the first 10 minutes of the movie for movie night, he doesn’t come home on time for the romantic dinners, he’s too tired to go on evening walks. You try not to approach it directly considering the fact you can see the stress marks climbing along his face when you do. It’s not like he’s upset at you when you talk to him about it. You just don’t want to stress him out because you love him and how hard he works to support you two. However, there is only so much one person can take before they crack and this was your point. So instead of directly approaching the issue, (and maybe having one of your very rare arguments in the relationship) you took the petty route for the first time ever.

When he came home and called out to you before slipping his shoes and jacket off, you remained silent as you washed the dishes in the sink. He heard the water running so he knew you were home. That’s why it was rather confusing to him that you didn’t reply and you didn’t even bother looking up at him when he rounded the corner. He shrugged it off like maybe the water was too loud and you didn’t hear by chance. He knew something was wrong when he went to hug you from behind and you stiffened up before slowly looking over your shoulder at him and giving him the coldest glare he’d ever experienced…at least from you. He slowly backed away and just stared at your back for a minute as you finished up the dishes, washed your hands, and quickly went into the bathroom. Perhaps you weren’t feeling so well today? He was beginning to get worried. He eventually worked up the nerve to go to the bathroom door and gently knock. “My love, are you alright in there?” He was met with no reply except for he shower water starting up. He knocked again and waited. Finally you opened the door and glared at him again before slamming it shut. He heard it lock shortly afterwards. “That’s odd…” He pondered to himself. You two never locked the bathroom door when either of you showered or took a bath. Only when you went to the toilet was when it would be locked. Everything finally clicked into place when he looked at the half melted candle on the table and the food covered in plastic wrap. “Oh…” He frowned at his own actions lately when he remembered the extra hours he had pulled. He had been so absorbed in his work lately that he was neglecting the most important person to him. He sighed and knocked once more on the bathroom door. “Love, I’m so very sorry I came home late. Please let us discuss this like two adults?” The shower water turned off and shortly after that you emerged from the bathroom covered in steam with a plush towel wrapped around yourself. You gave him another glare and went straight to the bedroom. He frowned knowing it would be a very quiet night for him, but he didn’t know it would be so lonely too. No cuddles, not a drop of canoodling or shall he even think of it…sex. Nothing, not even a goodnight hug or kiss. The next morning you didn’t tell him to have a good day at work or to be safe. You didn’t bug him to come to his office with him. You didn’t give him his morning kiss like always. You didn’t even make him a full breakfast. No eggs and bacon with toast and coffee. You simply left him a half sandwich with NO condiments on it and a small cup of water.

The entire day was terrible for him. He sulked on the car ride to work, and sulked on the elevator up to his office floor. He was greeted by his Liberation comrades and he simply sighed and flashed their hand symbol back as he sunk into his chair. Trumpet grimaced and turned to the others at the table. “Is grand leader okay? Is he not feeling well?” He whispered. “Hmmm, he doesn’t appear to be stressed currently as his quirk isn’t in action.” Skeptic stopped typing on his keyboard to answer. “Yes, well it’s more like sadness if you ask me. Or a type of discomfort honestly. He’s probably sick.” Geten added before Curious laughed quietly. “You’re all very dense today which is surprising coming from you. Can’t you tell when a couple is fighting with each other?” The others paused and slowly looked at Re Destro as he was distracted and staring sadly at the clouds passing by the window. “An argument? About what do you think?” Skeptic asked, not looking away from his work. “Who knows, who cares. It’s not about the argument, it’s about the apology.” Curious said nonchalantly. Trumpet slowly stood up and cleared his throat before turning to Re Destro. “Sir? A moment if you will?” Re Destro grunted, not looking away from the window. “We’re thinking of working on the first anniversary of the book and I was wondering for an event if I could use the old edition as giveaways for my campaign.” Trumpet waited for a long time knowing the answer SHOULD be a no. However Re Destro surprised him by mumbling “why not…” before sighing once again. Trumpet sat down with a rather shocked expression. “He’s uhh…he’s really affected by this huh?”

“Well duh, of course he is. Hanabata, when you fall for someone and they get under your skin someday you’ll understand. Come on, let’s let him be.” She stood up first with the other’s following. “Yes well, it’s a good idea anyway. I’ve got some repairs to handle at Feel Good and it looks like we’re just not having a Liberation meeting today.” Skeptic spoke as he closed his laptop. “Guess I’ll go train then” said Geten. “Yeah and I need to gather some more things for my campaign to go well. I’m running for a higher position this year and can’t afford to fail.” Trumpet was the first to leave, unable to bear seeing his grand and mighty leader reduced to shambles over something so strange. Curious was the only one who stayed behind and let everyone else walk out. She locked the office door and Re Destro’s eyes followed her form, wondering what she was up to now. He sighed (for maybe the millionth time today) as she sat on a chair in front of his desk and smiled at him. “Chitose, what…”

“Shhhhh! Don’t talk just listen for a second. I’m assuming you and Y/N had an argument last night?”

“…not exactly.”

“Oh? I was wrong then? Alright then. Y/N is upset about something or sick? Either way, she/he/they made you sleep on the couch OR is giving you the deadliest treatment…a cold shoulder.”

“Cold shoulder?”

“The silent treatment.” Chitose smirked at him and he frowned. “Yes. I’m getting this silent treatment for the very first time in my entire life. I’ve never dealt with this before. I think I would prefer the argument instead. Honestly I deserve it. Here lately I suppose I’ve been thoroughly wrapped up in business with Detnerat and my relationship suffered from it. This is the first time I’ve ever really been in a relationship. I’m used to coming back to an empty house after work and doing whatever. I sometimes have difficulties remembering things aren’t as lonely anymore. Now, thanks to my behavior, I may have to go back to that old life…”

“Nonsense!” Curious interrupted him. She smiled softly and shook her head. “Everything you’ve just told me, go home and tell it to Y/N. Really go apologize.” He nodded and let her words sink in. Even on the ride home he was thinking of those words. He was not an overly confident man by default. He wasn’t above apologizing if it meant being able to see you, hold you, and listen to you. “Pull over here for a moment. I need to retrieve something from the inside.”


You’ve had possibly the worst day in a very long time. Last night was easier to ignore him considering you were under the influence of anger but the next morning was too tough. You wanted so badly to just apologize and take to your morning routine but you were still a little annoyed at him so you kept up the act. You made a shit breakfast for him and didn’t bother to see him out on his way to work. The hardest part was watching his sad expression as he left the house. Near the middle of the day it was increasingly difficult for you to not send him a check in text. You kept thinking of something bad happening to him and the both of you ending on bad terms. It was why you can’t stay mad at him for much longer. You made your resolve by the time the door unlocked. You quickly jumped up and made your way to the front entryway. However, when the door opened you were greeted first by a face full of heart shaped balloons and a somewhat comically oversized red rose bouquet. “Uhhhh…” You watched as he struggled to carry the other bags inside as well. Then for the next 20 minutes (while you consumed half your weight in the snacks he got you) you listened to his apology on the couch side by side. It was so heartfelt and authentic that he ended up shedding a tear or two while saying it. Finally he went quiet and stared at you with desperate eyes. “I’m glad you apologized first.” You laughed and he let out a long sigh of relief before squeezing you into a very tight hug. “Oh thank God! I never want to go so many hours without hearing you ever in my life. I think I would rather give up my company, organization, and the clothes off my back than to experience it again.” You laughed at his dramatics. “I’m sorry I did it to you. It was immature of me. I should’ve just talked it over with you like a regular adult instead of ignoring you. I was worried sick about you all day long.” You embraced each other for a long time until an idea popped into your head. You pulled back and smiled at him mischievously. He tilted his head in confusion. “Y/N?”

“Well I was thinking about how you got me all of this lovely stuff as an apology and I hadn’t gotten you anything. But don’t worry about that…” You grabbed his tie and kept hold on it as you stood up, forcing him slowly to stand with you. “I’ve got a special apology for you, Rikiya~”