dabi (original) (raw)


happy Sunday everyone

I have inappropriate things to say…

(Draft Release)

~Plans to Leave~



The rain currently pelting the side of the apartment showed no signs of letting up anytime soon according to the weatherman on the living room TV. You sigh and direct your vision to the shadowy figure passing the large window and coming up the stone steps of your building. Only seconds later did you hear the doorknob jiggle before he entered and closed the door behind him. At first it would appear he was dripping just from the rain alone, but upon closer inspection you noticed the blood mixing with the water coming down as well. When the smell of fresh rain subsided is when you noticed the smell of burning flesh. You can’t help but in all your worry to also feel a sense of small annoyance creeping up beneath the surface. Still, you quickly got up from your comfortable position the couch and headed to the bathroom in search of the first aid kit. He silently followed behind you, not bothering to hang his soaked, torn trench coat up by the entryway door. Instead he opted for tossing the soggy thing on the hallway floor carelessly. His expression was more less than pleased you noticed when he sat on the toilet and began taking what was left of his shirt off. You pulled the first aid kit from beneath the bathroom sink and washed your hands. You tried not to make much eye contact in the moment, not exactly knowing which emotion you’d be feeling when you locked eyes with those blue orbs.

Anger, regret, sadness, pity, annoyance, pain, disappointment, relief…The possibilities were endless but they were also unavoidable.

You began first inspecting the staples riddling his face, neck, and along his upper chest. Some were old, rusted with time while others were newer. It was a nasty memory of the night you put them in yourself. Even worse, some were now missing, leaving flesh to hang a tad lower than it should ever appear on another humans body. You grimaced and he noticed this, looking away for a second at nothing in particular. When he looked back at you, your eyes were boring into his. He hated when you did that…when you looked at him expecting an explanation for all this. Sometimes even worse than now, you’d rather have an apology or something along the lines of a promise he’d never do this again.

He couldn’t give it to you.


“Don’t even start with that…” You quickly popped open the pill bottle laying at the side of the box and handed him two pain pills. He swallowed them without complaint and waited to hear the rest of your rant. It was inevitable after all. “You always fucking do this. It’s like you just don’t even care about me nor your own self. I get what you’ve been through. I know it was a shit deal but killing yourself for the sake of retribution seems a little bit too much right?!” He glared at your words, scoffing and once again looking away from you. “You get what I’ve been through? Y/N you couldn’t even begin to imagine half of the shit I’ve been through. You couldn’t grasp it and because of that, you’ll never fucking understand why I do what I do. I don’t care about anything but seeing Endeavour take his last breaths even if that means I go too. I want all of them to suffer. I want all of them to see. I want-”

“I thought you said you wanted me?” He pauses and looks down at you, now teary eyed as you cleaned his wounds for maybe the 5th time these past 2 months. “Dabi…I thought you said a long time ago you wanted me right? That you couldn’t tolerate many other people but that I was special. You said it while looking me dead in my eyes, and I swear you couldn’t have lied to me by the way you looked at me that night. I’m tired of seeing you do this to yourself. You can’t imagine falling in love with someone whose ultimate goal is to leave you in the end one way or another. How are you going to make plans with me in the future and then toss them away every chance you get? You need to make up your mind…It’s me or him.”

“You knew what my goals were. I made that abundantly clear at the beginning of this relationship and I won’t let anyone or anything stop me from reaching that goal…not even you.” He gently reached out and pushed you aside as he stood up. “Goodbye Y/N…” No eye contact between either of you in the moment. You couldn’t even stand to look at him because you knew if you did then the tears would start and they wouldn’t let up. So you stared at the floor and listened. You listened as he trudged down the hallway, picked up his wet coat and opened the front door. You listed when he closed it, locking it behind him before dropping his copy of the key through the mail slot and onto the wet floor. You listened to the pounding of your heart, drowning out your thoughts for a moment as well.

Maybe worst of all, you’d been listening all these months later as well. Even at the sound of the war breaking out between heroes and villains. Even at his new broadcast revealing what you already knew about Toya Todoroki.

Even at the sound of the loud explosion being covered over radio wave, the threat of evacuation shortly beforehand as a familiar villain has self destructed himself.

Fem Dabi?!


(I know this isn’t my art Tumblr, but it IS villain related so it gets a main blog pass.


Happy New Year!!!!!!💜💜💜

Obviously I’m not logging off before posting my nightly shitpost. What kind of psycho do you take me for???

(In some universe I’m sure this counts as Dabihaul content maybe. Idk)

The way Dabi is fucking STILL going based on pure spite, rage, and revenge alone is wild. I love him

Oh yeah, oh yeah one more thing before I fully fall asleep. Group chat thingy I made between Skeptic and the others❤️

(Sorry for a million tags)

I know it’s like 2 a.m. but I didn’t want to end the thirty post on Redestro so I decided to do one for Dabi too

Screaming without the “S”
