leauge of villians (original) (raw)

I’ve doodled how I believe the meeting would go between me, Spinner, and Skeptic:(

Nobody requested Dabi yet because I just rushed ahead and made this not for yall but for me because _mmmmmmmmm_…DABI!!! Anyway, offer still stands. Just drop your characters below and I’ll do my best. Hopefully it won’t be as badly put together as this one lol

~Making Amends~

Au: League University

Part: Three

Theme: Fluff


You spent a good long time setting up the desk on the far end of the room near the entrance. While you decorated it, you peeked back at Dabi ever so often so he could get the picture that this was YOUR spot. You didn’t want him to claim it suddenly like the way he did with the top bunk. You glared at him when you noticed he was smirking at you from the top bunk. Once finished setting up your desk, you sat at it and began pouring out some notes for class. As you tapped away at the calculator and tried to make sense of Professor Giran’s math logic, you suddenly felt the crushing feeling of being watched. Suddenly you felt a warm breath at your neck, so you quickly shifted around in the chair to notice Dabi standing there. Apparently he had quietly moved from his spot on the bunk bed without you ever having noticed it. “You scared the shit out of me, man. What do you want?” You asked him with an annoyed expression to match your tone of voice. He simply shrugged before looking down at your math notes. “Oh no you don’t. I’m not letting you copy anything.” You said as you covered your notes with the top half of your body. Dabi chuckled and shook his head.

“I’m not trying to copy you, crazy. I took that class last semester. Honestly it was really not as hard as everyone made it out to be. I passed it with an A.” Dabi spoke nonchalantly. You squinted you eyes in speculation, and his expression was unchanging.

He was being serious.

“Bullshit. I call bullshit. No one can pass his class with anything above a C. There’s only been 3 students to pass with an A or B within the past 4 semesters. There’s only been 6 to pass with a C. It’s only been the first day, and I’d love if you left me alone so I can study early.” You pushed him away from your desk as he laughed lightly. “Don’t believe me huh? Here, move out of the way.” Dabi pushed your chair aside and went to type up something on your laptop. He pulled up an article for honor students in the math program from last semester. It was a picture of him, and 1 other student. A boy that seemed better suited in medical class, based on his appearance. “What the hell???” You furrowed your brows in confusion and looked up at him as he smirked. “Told yah. Anyway, you’re doing the whole equation thing wrong. Mr. Giran goes about it in a weird way. The reason you guys cant wrap your head around it is because you’re using the textbook method. He may teach the slides and power-points, but he doesn’t necessarily follow that method. Here, let me help you.” He pulled his chair from the other desk and moved it next to you. As he worked with erasing your messed up notes, your eyes kept drawing to his arms. The burnt skin had intricate patterns of wrinkles couples with staple like piercings. His body told a story you wanted to read. “Hm? See something you like?’ He teased when he caught you staring at him. “Uh, no! I’m just…how did you get your burn marks? I mean…if you mind me asking you.” He smiled and looked back down at the paper. While he scribbled the equation along, he decided to open up to you.

“My mom and dad had a rocky relationship from the start. He’s a firefighter, and she’s more of a stay at home mom. Well, those two were too stubborn to get a divorce. They said it was for me, my brothers, and my sister’s best sake. I still feel like life would’ve been better had mom just left dad a long time ago instead of holding it out. Anyway, we went on holiday to our family cabin for 2 weeks in the summer, like we always did. Mom and dad went out to the lake to argue. They always tried to hide it from us, but we always knew. They left me and Fuyumi in charge. Something about responsibility. Fuyumi went outside to call a friend, then she went to check on mom. I went upstairs to take a nap. I figured Natsuo and Fuyumi could cover but they weren’t paying attention when Shouto spilled a boiler of hot water all over himself and the plug in the kitchen. The plug sparked up a fire and it started really fast. Natsuo was quick enough to pull Shouto out while Fuyumi went for mom and dad. I was still asleep upstairs, and I guess they figured I was outside too. By they time mom and dad got there, everyone realized I was still upstairs. I still remember the smell from that day. The smell of my own flesh burning, the screams of my mom and sis from downstairs. The crying Shouto did while Natsuo tried to sooth his burns with ice water until the paramedics got there. I woke up in the hospital 4 days later looking like this. The only upside that came out of this was the fact mom didn’t mind if I got the piercing that I did. she said something about them helping me have confidence after the whole incident. Anyway…here.” He turned he page and showed where he had written detailed instructions to solving the problems present. “Th…thank you Dabi.” You stared at the paper for a moment before putting it away in your bag.

“Oh, and sorry about stealing the top bunk from you. I’m just more comfortable in higher spaces. I felt trapped in the bottom bunk. I guess you now know why I don’t like feeling trapped or smothered.”

“No, I totally understand now. It’s really no issue.” You reassured him and he gave you a genuinely gentle smile. Suddenly your phone rang. You answered it to hear Toga and Magne scream your name at the same time. “Put your comfy clothes on, baby. We’re going out to lunch!” Magne directed you.


TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama

Anonymous asked:

Can I get uhhh mouse!Shiggy, please?

I’m not sure if I ever posted a cosplay here, but here’s some old Toga content of me that I already posted on my other blogs💉🔪🖤

Honestly the best part of the new episode is when Toga said “Call me a nasty little Gagsta Girl” 😭😂😂😂

One of the way I got my other blogs off the ground was writing even when I had no requests. So I’ll do that here to showcase my work!

Let’s get going, shall we ^_^

~I haven’t drawn anything digital since the 9th or April lol. Anyway, I’ve returned with a cute pic of Toga! Hopefully I’ve improved since the last time I drew them.~ -Instagram: pastelbattydraws -Youtube: Pastel Batty

~I haven’t drawn anything digital since the 9th or April lol. Anyway, I’ve returned with a cute pic of Toga! Hopefully I’ve improved since the last time I drew them.~

-Instagram: pastelbattydraws

-Youtube: Pastel Batty