shigaraki tomura (original) (raw)


spinneraki smooches !

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Where’s that one reaction image at!?

Here! This is an accurate description!


Anonymous asked:

Shigaraki smut headcanons? Sorry if you've already done this, I just love crusty boi. ( ^ω^)

Anonymous asked:

my anxiety went from 0 to 100 while trying to explain this without sounding weird or confusing I’m so sorry if this sounds weird.

reader with attachment issues and Shigaraki comforting them.

Once again I apologize for making this confusing or anything like that, I’m not really good at explaining things. Have a nice day or night.

Also have a good day tomorrow too.

Happy Birthday Shigaraki!


“Do you still think I’m attractive?” His raspy voice cuts through the midnight silence, waking you from your light sleep. “What?” You roll over and face him, vermillion eyes illuminated by the thin strips of moonlight peeking from your halfway closed bedroom blinds.

“Of course I do. I don’t tell you all the time like I used to but all the passion is still there, I promise. I love you. You’re always attractive to me.” You carefully reach up to cup damaged skin gently in the palms of your hands. He’s like paper you don’t ever wish to tear despite him being the one with an ability dangerous enough to take your life.

“Thank you.” It’s a soft mumble before the return of the aforementioned silence.

Anonymous asked:

How about Shiggy and his s/o just having a lazy day? Like playing games and such.

Anonymous asked:

Short fic for Shigaraki w a male reader pls who’s quirk is the ability to negate the quirk of anyone they touch? So not only are they extremely useful in battle against heroes who over-rely on their quirks, but the reader is the first person who can comfort Shigaraki and cuddle him close without fear of disintegration? Love you and your work and as always...fuck the worthless washing machine.

Anonymous asked:

Can I please get a fic for AFO with a G!N Reader who was one of his earliest and most loyal supporters when he started building up his criminal empire, was given a longevity quirk by AFO, along with the powerful gravity based ‘crushing’ quirk he was born with, and now is one of Shigarakis’ most valued and powerful allies?

Anonymous asked:

feeling silly so how would the LOV guys react to an s/o who loves to pat their butts when passing by?

Anonymous asked:

🙈 Any chance you can write about Chisaki, AFO and Shigs with a sassy s/o?

Thank you so much!