silly little scenario (original) (raw)

(Des content from the Drafts. A short scenario for fun!)



“You look like shit.” Tomoyasu spoke up without turning his gaze from the work on his laptop. You grunted, no energy to try and argue with him today like usual. “Rude…” You muttered before placing your head on the arm of the couch in Rikiya’s office. It wasn’t as though Skeptic was wrong in his observation. You caught a glimpse of yourself when you passed the mirror by the front door in your house. The bags under your eyes were obvious and you needn’t bother to go into detail about your posture. It was as if all the energy had been sucked from your body. Tomoyasu would not be the last one to comment on your appearance this morning either. Chitose soon entered the room followed by Hanabata. As soon as she laid eyes on you she began her daily onslaught. “Oh my God, Y/N are you on your deathbed?” She moved to kneel on the floor in front of you and inspect your face, her hands cupping your cheeks and preventing you from relaxing properly on your husband’s couch. Hanabata curiously watched the scene from a distance as he took a seat at the large table in the room. “Stop being overdramatic. I’m fine, I’m just a little tired is all. I haven’t slept in days honestly.” You admitted to her. You could see the look in her eyes as she ran through a couple of different scenarios to try and figure out what was wrong. Finally you sighed and went into further detail. “For the past couple of nights Rikiya has been snoring much louder than usual. When I say snoring I mean it sounds like it’s raining chainsaws. God knows I love the man but sometimes I consider putting a pillow over his face just until he stops for a second.”

“Ooooo attempted murder on our dear grand commander? Hmmmmm, that’s so dark!” She teased lightly. Trumpet cleared his throat on the other side of the room and spoke up. “Have you tried those little breathing strips yet?” You frowned and sat upright on the couch. “I have slipped them on him while he’s asleep but they don’t do anything to help.” You frowned at the thought of the entire box being wasted the other day. Tomoyasu paused his typing and shifted his seating on his puppet before turning to look at you. “Did you ever stop to consider it being a deviated septum?” You paused to think for a second before shaking your head. “Nope it’s not that. I would’ve heard about it from him. Plus he’s never had anything about it in his doctor reports after checkups in the past.” Before the conversation could continue the door opened and in walked your beloved with Geten trailing close behind. He flashed the familiar hand sign and everyone dutifully followed as well. He was going to open up points for the next big meeting but when he laid eyes on you his heart sank. “My love are you sick?” He immediately went to your side to check on you. Everyone (except Geten of course) stared at you expectantly. You sighed already getting what they wanted you to do. “Rikiya, I don’t want to hurt your feelings when I say this but it needs to be said. I can’t sleep lately with you at night. Your snoring has gotten to be so bad that it’s driving me insane.”

“Ah..oh dear. I apologize. That is fully my fault.” He apologized while gently stroking your hand in his. “Your fault?” Your eyes squint in speculation and he shrugs. “Yes, my fault. I rather enjoy sleeping on my back as opposed to my sides but it usually causes my snoring to become much worse than usual. It’s been like that ever since I was younger. I stopped sleeping on my back but I recently started again, thinking that it wasn’t an issue since you never voiced an opinion on the matter.”

“So you mean to tell me that you could’ve prevented me losing 2 weeks worth of sleep just by sleeping on your side?” You could feel heat picking up underneath your skin. “My love I’d answer you with honesty but by the way your eye is twitching I feel as though I shouldn’t further continue this conversation.”

“Y/N might actually kill him…” Chitose whispered into Hanabata’s ear. “_At least it’ll solve the snoring problem._”