That Shouldn't Even Be Legal (original) (raw)

Last night I had a panic attack of epic proportions.

About absolutely nothing.

No, really. I was lying there, watching Bewitched on television, cuddled up with my two cats, and out of nowhere, I started breathing heavily, my chest tightened up, I got that "let's puke" feeling in my throat, and terror just spread right through me.

And I laid there, trying to breathe deeply (breathe at all, really), trying to rack my brains to find out what was setting me off... if I could just find out the trigger, I could work myself through this.

But there was no trigger.

Was it because Harvey (cat) had diarrhea? No, that's to be expected when he starts nomming on the buffet at a dinner party.

Was it because someone broke into my garage? No, because there's nothing really fascinating in there. They left the bikes. I don't even care if they take the bikes.

Did I leave a gate open at the barn? Nope. When I left, the ponies were happily munching hay in the back paddock.

Was it job terror? Nope. Just got a raise.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? How do you get through it? Eventually, I wore myself out with my anxiety and slept from 2 to 4ish. Today I'm exhausted, but still feel like I'm on the edge of a pin.

I'd rather not repeat that, though... .