Meet the Staff (original) (raw)


Site Owner, Manager

iconLocation: Florida

Twitter: @TMI_Source, @alyssa_barbieri


Quick Bio: Alyssa is a Multimedia Journalism graduate from Florida Atlantic University with a love of all things sports and books–her favorite being Cassandra Clare’s SHADOWHUNTER CHRONICLES. She became a fan back in 2008 after reading CITY OF BONES in one sitting and was waiting outside Barnes and Noble when it opened the following day to buy and read CITY OF ASHES. Alyssa founded TMI Source back in April 2011 following the release of CITY OF FALLEN ANGELS. The rest, as they say, is history.

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF GLASS

Favorite TMI Character: Jace and Isabelle


Favorite TID Character: Will

Fun Fact: I am a sports fanatic. The Chicago Bears are the Shadowhunter Chronicles of sports for me.


Feature Writer

imageLocation: Germany

Twitter: @TMI_Source

Quick Bio: Cat started reading CITY OF BONES on 25 January 2010 and six days later she was in love with Cassie’s books. She bought her CLOCKWORK ANGEL copy in London (also in 2010) and she was on a London Shadowhunter tour in May 2012. Cat didn’t meet Will, Tessa or Jem but she met Cassie which was even better.

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF GLASS

Favorite TMI Character: Simon Lewis ♥


Favorite TID Character: Will Herondale

Fun Fact: I always translate the Latin texts in Cassie’s books and use lots of post-it notes for favourite or important parts (I even label them).


Feature Writer, Graphics Editor

22324_10151249486268416_506714792_nLocation: Utah

Twitter: @megoproductions


Quick Bio: I’m Megan I graduated from Utah Valley University with a BS in Digital Media with an emphasis in Motion Picture Production. I started reading these book just after CITY OF ASHES came out. I was involved in a podcast called “The Mundanes” Which is what got me into the series. I always tell people who are impatient to think about what the wait was like for those of us who had to wait more than a year for CITY OF GLASS to come out. The first character I loved was Simon!

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF BONES (because it started everything)

Favorite TMI Character: Toss up between Magnus and Simon.


Favorite TID Character: Will

Fun Fact: I work on film sets (not full time right now since I need to pay for … bills and crap.


Fan Art Blogger

Location: Canada

Twitter: @souls_in_sync


Bio: Farah is currently in her last year of high school. She love sbooks and TV shows more than life. Cassandra Clare’s books are just one of her many favorites. A random guy in a bookstore told her to read CITY OF BONES and she took him at his word – best decision EVER, and she has been a huge fangirl ever since.

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF BONES

Favorite TMI Character: Jace


Favorite TID Character: Tessa

**Fun Fact:**I read at superhuman speed – no kidding. To me, reading a book isn’t matter of weeks or days – it’s just a couple of hours.


Toronto Correspondent

Location: Toronto

Twitter: @MichelleMags


Quick Bio: Michelle is a 17 year old that aspires to become a successful published author or screenwriter, however, would very much love to be living in the world of Shadowhunters and to be married to Gwilym Owain Herondale and to be best friends with Simon Lewis. For the time being, she hosts a book blog ( and is found constantly reading a book—her favorite being Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunter series, Sarah J. Maas’ fantasy series “Throne of Glass” and any other YA fantasy novel. Michelle has been a fan of the Shadowhunter series since 2008 from then on has devoted her heart, mind and soul to the world of Shadowhunters.

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF BONES (who doesn’t love the beginning?)

Favorite TMI Character: Jace and Sebastian

Favorite TID Book: CLOCKWORK PRINCE (for now)

Favorite TID Character: Will Herondale

Fun Fact: Despite my undying love for Literature– I also passionately take photographs (Flickr: MichelleMags), I love sculpting when I have the chance to, I own too many diaries, and most of all, I love all theatrical/cinematic productions.


New York Correspondent

Location: New York

Twitter: @xJessiexx


Quick Bio: Jessie is currently in her senior year of high school, studying fine art and has a huge passion for film and books. She first picked up the TMI series when her best friend suggested that she read them and since then has read all of the books in the series including the INFERNAL DEVICES series, CLOCKWORK ANGEL being her favorite book written by Cassandra Clare about the shadowhunter world. As an avid moviegoer and a huge fan of the books, she cannot wait for the remaining books in the series to come out and is immensely excited about the film adaptation. She has previously worked on MuggleCast as a transcriber.

Favorite TMI Book: CITY OF BONES

Favorite TMI Character: Simon or Isabelle


Favorite TID Character: Jem

Fun Fact: Jessie is also a huge Harry Potter fan!