To Establish Ties--HP/Little Prince fanfic (original) (raw)

***HBP Spoilers***--Rewrite IMR4MR to fit canon? [Jul. 18th, 2005|05:15 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|back story, ch 1, ch 2, ch 4, harry, snape]Here's how HBP affects IMR4MR**:( MAJOR HBP SpoilersCollapse ) **( Minor HBP SpoilersCollapse )**Please comment. HBP seems so surreal--it reads like a lot of mediocre fanfictions rolled into one, lol.
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How chapter four fits into the IMR4MR time frame [Jun. 25th, 2005|10:16 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|ch 4]silver_sunn101 wrote: I also see how chapter four fits in once reading The Little Prince, but for some reason it seemed to disrupt the flow of the past story. If chapter four was the present, then Snape telling the story about the little prince in chapters two and three would be the past. It just seemed to throw me off a bit. Once getting into chapter five though, it fit again.lilian_cho wrote: Yeah, chapter four has a different timeline...1999, Snape's reminiscence of Harry. So will chapter 16 and 27. I'm just following the Little Prince, which jumps around with its perspective and time frame many times.Here's more explanation on chapter four.Does it help if I make the font of chapter 4, 16 and 27 a different color?( J’éprouve tant de chagrin à raconter ces souvenirs.Collapse )*******So, does the change in font color help? Or should I alter the font type, font size? Thanks :-)
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Backward Beta Chapter 6 [Jun. 22nd, 2005|02:41 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|ch 6] [Current Mood** ...apathetically uneasy...] [Current Music Aruko, aruko, watashi wa genki/ Aruku no daisuki...]Thanks to why_me_why_not, I finally can formulate what bothers me so much about this chapter: It parallels The Little Prince but does not further the plot of IMR4MR except to show where the relationship of Harry and Snape is going. Too many questions and not enough answers...Here's the published chapter six, keeping in mind why_me_why_not’s beta-ing comments and suggestions. ( Published Chapter SixCollapse ) ( ExplanationsCollapse ) Harry-Snape dynamics: Is it too soon for Harry to declare that he likes Snape?Is it OoC of Snape to "forgive" Harry's earlier hostility? Is bearing grudges more of a Gryffindor trait or a Slytherin trait?What bothers your about this chapter? What questions pop up in your mind when reading this? Ask me anything you're unclear about re: the AU-ness of this fic. Thank you.
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Backward Beta Chapter Five & Last Nitpick of Chapter Four [Jun. 2nd, 2005|01:03 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|ch 4, ch 5] [Current Mood** busy] [Current Music ...the jagged scar that was hitherto hidden by his bangs.]Updated June 19, 2005Welcome, lissomelle :-)Hi all :-) Here's the published chapter five, keeping in mind why_me_why_not and rea_saint’s beta-ing comments and suggestions. ( Published Chapter FiveCollapse ) **( The Issue of Harry-Snape DynamicsCollapse )**As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve revamped chapter four more than any other chapters. **( One last nickpick of chapter fourCollapse )**Both betas and non-betas, please comment :-) Thank you.P.S. My new user picture is from Hayao Miyazaki's Raputa: Castle in the Sky.
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Backward Beta-ing for Chapter Four [May. 23rd, 2005|09:48 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|ch 4] [Current Mood** curling up with warm milk] [Current Music ... like admitting that he is dead, that he was never real.]Updated May 26, 28, 31, June 15, 18 2005_Most. Revamped. Chapter. Ever. ~_~_Hiya again. Here's the revised chapter four, keeping in mind rea_saint and nazgul_lady’s beta-ing comments and suggestions. (I've rewritten Snape's description of Tonks)( Revised Chapter FourCollapse ) ( ExplanationsCollapse ) **( IssuesCollapse )**Both betas and non-betas, please comment :-) Thank you.
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Backward Beta-ing for "Un Chapeau Blanc" [May. 16th, 2005|03:30 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|back story] [Current Mood** accomplished] [Current Music Un Chapeau Blanc]Hi all :-) Welcome, nazgul_lady!Mwuahahahaha…new user icon *g* Snow White…snow drop…just can’t resist.Here's the published “Un Chapeau Blanc,” keeping in mind nazgul_lady’s beta-ing comments and suggestions. (BTW, I’ve changed one sentence in Chapter three: “So you,” I enunciated slowly, “came from another planet?”)( Un Chapeau BlancCollapse ) ( ExplanationsCollapse ) **( IssuesCollapse )**Both betas and non-betas, please comment :-) Thank you.
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Cold silvery grey eyes — not blue, not blue [May. 13th, 2005|01:46 pm]To Establish Ties
[**Tags**|ch 1]I just realized that there's no canon information re: Lucius' eye color (or is there?)Some fanfics have Lucius and Draco look exactly alike except for the hair length. This one fanfic, however, gives Lucius blue eyes.So...what do you think? Does Lucius have grey eyes (like Draco) or blue (like Karma)?While we're at it, is there any canon information re: Narcissa's eye color?P.S. I guess it makes sense that canon does not specify Lucius' and Narcissa's eye color, since Harry does not look at them that closely. Canon specifies Draco's eye color because Rowling is a closeted H/D slasher because Draco has numerous showdowns with Harry.ROTFL. Ron's eye color is not even specified in canon! Mwahahaaha...I guess that shot down Harry/Ron. Yay for Canon H/D! Harry must be blind or something for noticing even Ginny's eye color but not Ron's. *g* ETA 12/22/06: There is canon info for Lucius' eye color! (And probably Narcissa's and Ron's too. But I don't ship Harry/Ron, so who cares :-P) _The man who followed could only be Draco's father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical cold, gray eyes._PoA, the scene at Borgin and Burkes.
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100% Punk Sheep [May. 11th, 2005|11:31 am]To Establish Ties
[**Current Mood** |amusedcracking up]Because this is too funny to not be shared._He looked at it carefully, then he said: "No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another." So I made another drawing._Aviator: *draws sheep with tattoos, piercing and mohawk*Petit Prince: *goggles* "Oo...kayyy..."Image Link courtesy of arcadiane at learn_french*skulk off to write "Un Chapeau Blanc"*
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Backward beta chapter three [May. 10th, 2005|12:29 am]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|ch 3] [Current Mood** okayokay] [Current Music “So you,” I enunciated slowly, “came from another planet?”]Updated May 11, 16, 2005Hi all :-) Here's the “published” Chapter three, keeping in mind trixiegogobunny, tabigarasu and rea_saint’s beta-ing comments and suggestions. (BTW, I’ve changed one sentence in Chapter two: The headmaster had appointed Hogwarts Potions Master, instead of the Deputy Headmistress, to meet a high-ranking French wizard to discuss possible ties between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.)( Published Chapter threeCollapse ) **( Issues that I want to bring up.Collapse )**Both betas and non-betas, please comment :-) Thank you.
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Mother’s Day [May. 8th, 2005|02:18 pm]To Establish Ties
[Tags**|back story] [Current Mood** thankfulthankful]Updated May 10, 2005Have you called/hugged your mother today? :-)The next update after chapter three will be the promised back-story on Mrs. Snape's descent into madness (for sinick). Chapter four will be posted the week after the back-story.I must be the only daughter in the universe who celebrates Mother’s Day by writing a story of a mother’s descent into madness.Anyway…I’ve only written the dedication and outline so far…**( DedicationCollapse )**Did I get the French right? I want “A White Hat” as title, so… "Un Chapeau Blanc"? Or is it “Un Blanc Chapeau”? Thanks :-)Any comments and/or questions? P.S. Just in case some of you are wondering, my mom's v. much alive--albeit a continent away. I won't be surprised if she outlives me, really, since she's _way_ more athletic and healthy than I am.
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