LOVE TohmaRyuichi LOVE (original) (raw)

~LOVE TohmaRyuichi LOVE~ [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded inTohmaRyuichifan's LiveJournal:

Friday, June 2nd, 2006
_10:33 am_[ayedel] Hi I am new here and I am a big supporter of TohmaRyuichi! :D They are my fav pairing and it saddens me to see there's so limited support for them compared to RyuShu and TatsuRyu (I know they are more of the 'official' pairing, but this is so unfair! ;_; ) I hope to write some TohmaRyu story soon but I still need to arrange the scripts before I tried to write it so wish me luck :P (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, December 17th, 2005
_6:47 am_[ningi] Gravi RP Hey there! I've just started a new Gravitation RP called Nostalgia. No kidding here! It's brand new and (as of right now) all the characters are open with the exception of Hiro. Don't worry if you're not really experienced. So long as you have an understanding of the series (though knowing the manga would be beneficial) you can apply. I want this RP to be a place where players of all backgrounds can grow and have fun! I look forward to playing with you!If you're interested give it a look: umm, a lot of places... ^^; Current Mood: cheerful (Comment on this)
Saturday, October 22nd, 2005
_1:33 am_[ruuka] Hi everyone^__^ Hi everyone!I´m quite new here and just wanted to say hello^__^ and share this with you:Some pics I drew;-) If ya like them, look through my gallery - I have some more Ryu, Nittle Grasper and Tohma/Ryu pics:D hope the links work o_OJa ne,Ruu-Ka Current Mood: weird (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, August 1st, 2005
_8:23 pm_[laricina] Fic Post Hello everyone!I joined this community a while ago, but never posted. Oops :P. Unfortunately the community still doesn't have much activity, I can see. *mumbles under breath about the lack of Tohma/Ryuichi support*Anyway, I do hope it's all right to post fics here - I didn't see anything in the community info against it, so I thought I'd post one here in case anyone was interested.Crossposted to gravi_muse_meet and my personal journal.Title: Twenty-Eighth HourPairing: Tohma/RyuichiRating: R, for implicationsWords: 3,556Summary: Ryuichi ponders over the relationship between him and Tohma, and how it has changed since the 'incident'. He questions his place in Tohma's world, though he knows it's never changed. Warnings: Yaoi, of courseBeta: Done by silvrystar. Thanks so much; this wouldn't be the same without you.Author's Notes: I suppose this is technically anime-verse seeing as I make reference to a scene that was shown in episode 12 that did not occur in the manga. Outside of that, doesn't matter either way. Written before I read manga volumes 11 and 12.Reviews/constructive criticism greatly appreciated, as always!( Twenty-Eighth HourCollapse ) Current Mood: accomplished (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 29th, 2005
_3:59 am_[aiseki_anrui] Hello Hey, just joined. Fan of Gravitation, and a rabid one for this pairing. Anyhow, jsut thought I'd join, say hi, and salute all of the other Ryu/Touma fans out there. Hey! Current Mood: cheerful (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 19th, 2005
_10:29 pm_[jmie] Tohma x Ryu Color Bar Hey, you guys. What a sweet new community. My good friend, who joined this community, first had this Tohma and Ryuichi colorbar, and I got it from them. ^^ Perhaps you would like to at least see it as well. ♥**( Tohma x Ryuichi Color BarCollapse )** (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, September 24th, 2004
_11:31 am_[tohmaryuichifan] Hello I'm just checking something here, so bear with me.......... Current Mood: curious (Comment on this)