tommccamus (original) (raw)
(no subject) | [Dec. 22nd, 2010|11:10 am]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[Tags**|stratford festival]UPDATES!!!!( clicky!!Collapse )** | |
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(no subject) | [Sep. 30th, 2010|05:56 am]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[**Tags**|stratford festival]Tom is going to be answering questions from 9am-5pm EST DON'T MISS IT!! | |
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AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! | [Sep. 28th, 2010|03:44 am]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[**Tags**|links, stratford festival]from the Stratford Shakespeare Festival's facebook_Stratford Shakespeare Festival: Tom McCamus will be joining us on Thurs (Sept. 30) to answer all your questions. come prepared with some questions for this great chance to talk to a Stratford favourite._:D :D :DI'm not sure what time this will take place, but I will NOT miss this. I have NO IDEA what to ask him. | |
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Tom going to Stratford again! | [Mar. 29th, 2010|05:11 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[**Tags**|straford festival]Hey guys! "newbie" here. ;) I just wanted to let you know some Tom-filled news:This year at the Stratford Festival he will be participating in:Peter PanDangerous Liasons (a VERY sexy picture included..too bad it's small)how awesome!! i'm so happy for him. :) | |
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Tom cast in new Canwest pilot | [Nov. 5th, 2008|10:02 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[**Tags**|tv: clean]_For their drama Clean, a dark comedy about an addiction counsellor dealing with his own issues, House of Films and Four Seasons Productions have signed Queer as Folk actors Ben Bass and Tom McCamus as star and series regular respectively. David Wellington, who directed Bass in The Eleventh Hour, will helm the pilot._From: (among others) | |
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Updates | [Oct. 17th, 2008|10:46 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[**Tags**|stratford festival, theatre: hamlet, theatre: phedre]Tom will feature in Necessary Angel's production of Hamlet, November 20-23, at the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto.He'll also be returning to the Stratford Festival in 2009, playing Theseus in a new production of Phedre. This will be Tom's ninth year at Stratford. | |
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Glenn's Pets | [Sep. 1st, 2007|04:04 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[Tags**|chick reid, glenn's pets, theatre]Glenn's Pets, Part One and Two fit Gould celebration, explorationDANIEL ARIARATNAMRECORD STAFFSTRATFORDThere are some works that just don't fit nicely into boxes or categories.( Read more...Collapse )**Taken from: | |
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An Ideal Husband: Something Wilde | [Aug. 28th, 2007|12:28 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[Tags**|an ideal husband, chick reid, stratford festival, theatre]Friday, August 24, 2007An Ideal Husband: Something Wilde From the Stratford Festival of Canada:Who am I to argue with Richard Monette, the artistic director of the Stratford Festival? From the program notes for the Stratford production of An Ideal Husband:From the time of [Richard Brinsley] Sheridan -- about a hundred years before -- until Wilde, there isn't a single play we produce now. During that hundred years, more people went to the theatre than ever before, but the plays were mediocre. So the works of Oscar Wilde represent a renewal of excellence in English dramatic literature.( Read more...Collapse )**Taken from: | |
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Cast stumbles on uneven Wilde plot | [Aug. 28th, 2007|12:26 pm]Tom McCamus: Ground Control |
[Tags**|an ideal husband, chick reid, stratford festival, theatre]Cast stumbles on uneven Wilde plotJamie Portman, The Ottawa CitizenPublished: Thursday, August 23, 2007STRATFORD, Ont. - There's nothing like some delicious villainy to spice up a summer theatre season. And it's served up in spades by Dixie Seatle in her performance as a conniving blackmailer in the Stratford Festival's production of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband.( Read more...Collapse )**Taken from: | |
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