Marco Scaioni | Tongji University (original) (raw)

Papers by Marco Scaioni

Research paper thumbnail of Complete classification of raw LIDAR data and 3D reconstruction of buildings

Pattern Analysis & …, Jan 1, 2006

LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data are a primary data source for DTM (Digital Terrain Model... more LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data are a primary data source for DTM (Digital Terrain Model) generation and 3D city models. This paper presents a three-stage framework for a robust automatic classification of raw LIDAR data as buildings, ground and vegetation, followed by a reconstruction of 3D models of the buildings. In the first stage the raw data are filtered and interpolated over a grid. In the second stage, a region growing technique is used to segment the data in sets with a step edge along the region border. In the third stage a rule-based scheme is applied for the classification of the regions, using their geometric and topological relationships. Finally, polyhedral building models are reconstructed analysing the topology of building outlines, building roof slopes and eaves lines. Results obtained on datasets with different ground point density, gathered over the town of Pavia (Italy) with Toposys and Optech airborne laser scanning systems are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct georeferencing of TLS in surveying of complex sites

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug 22, 2005

The high powerfulness of TLS technique for quick 3D data acquisition is extending its use to many... more The high powerfulness of TLS technique for quick 3D data acquisition is extending its use to many fields. To further reduce the surveying time and to simplify all operational tasks, the TLS direct georeferencing may be a very suitable approach instead of the technique based on ground control points (targets). This chance is allowed by the most part of existing instruments, as a default or as an optional capability. The paper describes the geometric model involved in the direct georeferencing, considering scanners mounted either in vertical and in tilted position. Secondly, an analysis of errors affecting laser scanners measurement is proposed. The total error budget results from the propagation of errors due to intrinsic measurements and to the adopted georeferencing technique. Here errors connected to the instrument setup needed to get direct georeferencing are analized. Finally, a simulation finalized to define the achievable accuracy in 3D point measurement according to different sets of instrumental parameters is proposed. Furthermore, simulated data have been compared to a real case of data acquisition performed by means of both direct georeferencing and by the use of ground control points.

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated geometric correction of high-resolution pushbroom satellite data

Photogrammetric engineering and remote …, Jan 1, 2008

In this article, we present the use of the Automatic Ground control points Extraction technique (... more In this article, we present the use of the Automatic Ground control points Extraction technique (AGE) for increasing the automation in the geometric correction of high-resolution satellite imagery. The method is based on an image-to-image matching between the satellite data and an already geocoded image (i.e., a digital orthophoto). By using an adaptive least squares matching algorithm which implements a very robust outlier rejection technique, AGE can automatically measure many hundreds of topographic features (TFs) on the images, whose cartographic coordinates are derived from the geocoded image and elevations are extracted from an associated digital elevation model (DEM). The AGE technique has been tested for different high-resolution data: (a) 0.62-meter QuickBird panchromatic data (basic imagery processing level), (b) 2.5-meter SPOT-5/HRG panchromatic supermode data (standard 1B processing level), and (c) 1-meter Ikonos panchromatic data (standard Geo product processing level) collected in the Northern of Italy, both in flat (Torino Caselle test site) and mountain areas (Lecco test site). Regardless the relative image resolution between the satellite and the aerial data (1-meter) and regardless the processing level of the original satellite data, a similar TFs density has been obtained for both the QuickBird and the SPOT-5/HRG data (4.4 GCPs/km2 and 4.1 GCPs/km2) respectively, with a geometric accuracy for the GCPs extracted of 0.90 m for QuickBird and 3.90 m for SPOT-5/HRG. For the Ikonos imagery, AGE extracted a more dense set of GCPs (8.7 GCPs/km2) but with a lower accuracy (3.19 m). The TFs identified with AGE can be used as GCPs for the rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) computation and, therefore, for implementing a full automatic orthoimage generation procedure. By using the commercial off-the-shelf software PCI Geomatica® v.9.1, orthoimages have been generated for all datasets. The geometric accuracy was verified on a set of 30 manually measured independent check points (CPs) and assessed a precision of 4.99 m RMSE for QuickBird, 5.99 m RMSE for SPOT-5/HRG, and 8.65 m RMSE for Ikonos. The use of a non-conventional image orthorectification technique implementing a neural network GCPs regularization, tested for the SPOT-5/HRG data, showed the full potential of the AGE method, allowing to obtain a 3.83 m RMSE orthoprojection in a fully automated way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Satellite images geometric correction based on non-parametric algorithms and self-extracted GCPs

IGARSS Proceedings, Jan 1, 2004

The geometric correction of high resolution satellite images can be carried out through generic n... more The geometric correction of high resolution satellite images can be carried out through generic non-parametric models that relates image to terrain coordinates. Traditional approaches to image geocoding relies on the measurement of a sufficient number of GCPs in both the ground and the image reference systems. Non-parametric models require a large number of GCPs well distributed on the whole scene, but the GCP identification and collection is a widely time-consuming operation and not always a simple task. Authors have developed two procedures for geometric correction based respectively on the Rational Function Model (RFM) and on a new neural network approach (MLP, Multi Layer Perceptron), and a procedure for automatic Ground Control Points (GCPs) extraction (AGE, Automatic GCPs Extraction) by means of a multi-resolution Least Squares Matching technique. This paper concerns about a new orthorectification procedure based on the sequential application of AGE, MLP and RFM algorithms for georeferencing high resolution satellite images. Tests have been carried out on Eros-A1 satellite images, using as reference maps available aerial orthoimages at a map scale of 1:10,000. A Case study is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometric Modelling of a Large Dam by Terrestrial Laser Scanning

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined use of photogrammetric and computer vision techniques for fully automated and accurate 3D modeling of terrestrial objects

Proceedings of SPIE, Jan 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientation and 3D modelling from markerless terrestrial images: combining accuracy with automation

The Photogrammetric …, Jan 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic image-based crack deformation measurement

A. Grün, H. Kahmen.(ed. s), Optical, Jan 1, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A Solution for the General Case of the Three-Image Orientation

month, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Fusion of aerial and satellite imagery over the city of Venezia

… and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, …, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment and monitoring of a SFRC retaining structure: measurement issues (part 2)

year: 2008, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Crack measurement: Development, testing and applications of an automatic image-based algorithm

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote …, Jan 1, 2009

The paper presents an Image-based Method for Crack Analysis (IMCA) which is capable of processing... more The paper presents an Image-based Method for Crack Analysis (IMCA) which is capable of processing a sequence of digital imagery to perform a twofold task: (i) the extraction of crack borders and the evaluation of its width across the longitudinal profile; (ii) the measurement of crack ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation of True-Orthophotos with Lidar High Resolution Digital Surface Models

Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Monitoring and Assessment of Rockfall

Proc. of BEAR, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A GIS-Based SW Prototype for Emergency Preparedness Management Applied to a Real Case Study

Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2009

In the paper the development of a GIS-based software tool (EPM) supporting local civil protection... more In the paper the development of a GIS-based software tool (EPM) supporting local civil protection authorities in Emergency Preparedness and Management is presented. Technological accidents and natural hazards may generate heavy damages for the context where they happen, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the uncertainty of the length of energy distribution networks

Applied Geomatics

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[Research paper thumbnail of Photogrammetric survey of complex geometries with low-cost software: Application to the [] G1'temple in Myson, Vietnam](

Journal of Cultural Heritage, Jan 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Navigating on the past, as a bird flight, in the territorial scale of historical topographic maps. WMS on the “Corografie delle Province del Regno Lombardo- …

e-Perimetron, Jan 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Complete classification of raw LIDAR data and 3D reconstruction of buildings

Pattern Analysis & …, Jan 1, 2006

LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data are a primary data source for DTM (Digital Terrain Model... more LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data are a primary data source for DTM (Digital Terrain Model) generation and 3D city models. This paper presents a three-stage framework for a robust automatic classification of raw LIDAR data as buildings, ground and vegetation, followed by a reconstruction of 3D models of the buildings. In the first stage the raw data are filtered and interpolated over a grid. In the second stage, a region growing technique is used to segment the data in sets with a step edge along the region border. In the third stage a rule-based scheme is applied for the classification of the regions, using their geometric and topological relationships. Finally, polyhedral building models are reconstructed analysing the topology of building outlines, building roof slopes and eaves lines. Results obtained on datasets with different ground point density, gathered over the town of Pavia (Italy) with Toposys and Optech airborne laser scanning systems are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct georeferencing of TLS in surveying of complex sites

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug 22, 2005

The high powerfulness of TLS technique for quick 3D data acquisition is extending its use to many... more The high powerfulness of TLS technique for quick 3D data acquisition is extending its use to many fields. To further reduce the surveying time and to simplify all operational tasks, the TLS direct georeferencing may be a very suitable approach instead of the technique based on ground control points (targets). This chance is allowed by the most part of existing instruments, as a default or as an optional capability. The paper describes the geometric model involved in the direct georeferencing, considering scanners mounted either in vertical and in tilted position. Secondly, an analysis of errors affecting laser scanners measurement is proposed. The total error budget results from the propagation of errors due to intrinsic measurements and to the adopted georeferencing technique. Here errors connected to the instrument setup needed to get direct georeferencing are analized. Finally, a simulation finalized to define the achievable accuracy in 3D point measurement according to different sets of instrumental parameters is proposed. Furthermore, simulated data have been compared to a real case of data acquisition performed by means of both direct georeferencing and by the use of ground control points.

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated geometric correction of high-resolution pushbroom satellite data

Photogrammetric engineering and remote …, Jan 1, 2008

In this article, we present the use of the Automatic Ground control points Extraction technique (... more In this article, we present the use of the Automatic Ground control points Extraction technique (AGE) for increasing the automation in the geometric correction of high-resolution satellite imagery. The method is based on an image-to-image matching between the satellite data and an already geocoded image (i.e., a digital orthophoto). By using an adaptive least squares matching algorithm which implements a very robust outlier rejection technique, AGE can automatically measure many hundreds of topographic features (TFs) on the images, whose cartographic coordinates are derived from the geocoded image and elevations are extracted from an associated digital elevation model (DEM). The AGE technique has been tested for different high-resolution data: (a) 0.62-meter QuickBird panchromatic data (basic imagery processing level), (b) 2.5-meter SPOT-5/HRG panchromatic supermode data (standard 1B processing level), and (c) 1-meter Ikonos panchromatic data (standard Geo product processing level) collected in the Northern of Italy, both in flat (Torino Caselle test site) and mountain areas (Lecco test site). Regardless the relative image resolution between the satellite and the aerial data (1-meter) and regardless the processing level of the original satellite data, a similar TFs density has been obtained for both the QuickBird and the SPOT-5/HRG data (4.4 GCPs/km2 and 4.1 GCPs/km2) respectively, with a geometric accuracy for the GCPs extracted of 0.90 m for QuickBird and 3.90 m for SPOT-5/HRG. For the Ikonos imagery, AGE extracted a more dense set of GCPs (8.7 GCPs/km2) but with a lower accuracy (3.19 m). The TFs identified with AGE can be used as GCPs for the rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) computation and, therefore, for implementing a full automatic orthoimage generation procedure. By using the commercial off-the-shelf software PCI Geomatica® v.9.1, orthoimages have been generated for all datasets. The geometric accuracy was verified on a set of 30 manually measured independent check points (CPs) and assessed a precision of 4.99 m RMSE for QuickBird, 5.99 m RMSE for SPOT-5/HRG, and 8.65 m RMSE for Ikonos. The use of a non-conventional image orthorectification technique implementing a neural network GCPs regularization, tested for the SPOT-5/HRG data, showed the full potential of the AGE method, allowing to obtain a 3.83 m RMSE orthoprojection in a fully automated way.

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Research paper thumbnail of Satellite images geometric correction based on non-parametric algorithms and self-extracted GCPs

IGARSS Proceedings, Jan 1, 2004

The geometric correction of high resolution satellite images can be carried out through generic n... more The geometric correction of high resolution satellite images can be carried out through generic non-parametric models that relates image to terrain coordinates. Traditional approaches to image geocoding relies on the measurement of a sufficient number of GCPs in both the ground and the image reference systems. Non-parametric models require a large number of GCPs well distributed on the whole scene, but the GCP identification and collection is a widely time-consuming operation and not always a simple task. Authors have developed two procedures for geometric correction based respectively on the Rational Function Model (RFM) and on a new neural network approach (MLP, Multi Layer Perceptron), and a procedure for automatic Ground Control Points (GCPs) extraction (AGE, Automatic GCPs Extraction) by means of a multi-resolution Least Squares Matching technique. This paper concerns about a new orthorectification procedure based on the sequential application of AGE, MLP and RFM algorithms for georeferencing high resolution satellite images. Tests have been carried out on Eros-A1 satellite images, using as reference maps available aerial orthoimages at a map scale of 1:10,000. A Case study is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometric Modelling of a Large Dam by Terrestrial Laser Scanning

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined use of photogrammetric and computer vision techniques for fully automated and accurate 3D modeling of terrestrial objects

Proceedings of SPIE, Jan 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientation and 3D modelling from markerless terrestrial images: combining accuracy with automation

The Photogrammetric …, Jan 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Automatic image-based crack deformation measurement

A. Grün, H. Kahmen.(ed. s), Optical, Jan 1, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A Solution for the General Case of the Three-Image Orientation

month, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Fusion of aerial and satellite imagery over the city of Venezia

… and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, …, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment and monitoring of a SFRC retaining structure: measurement issues (part 2)

year: 2008, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Crack measurement: Development, testing and applications of an automatic image-based algorithm

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote …, Jan 1, 2009

The paper presents an Image-based Method for Crack Analysis (IMCA) which is capable of processing... more The paper presents an Image-based Method for Crack Analysis (IMCA) which is capable of processing a sequence of digital imagery to perform a twofold task: (i) the extraction of crack borders and the evaluation of its width across the longitudinal profile; (ii) the measurement of crack ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Generation of True-Orthophotos with Lidar High Resolution Digital Surface Models

Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Monitoring and Assessment of Rockfall

Proc. of BEAR, Jan 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A GIS-Based SW Prototype for Emergency Preparedness Management Applied to a Real Case Study

Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2009

In the paper the development of a GIS-based software tool (EPM) supporting local civil protection... more In the paper the development of a GIS-based software tool (EPM) supporting local civil protection authorities in Emergency Preparedness and Management is presented. Technological accidents and natural hazards may generate heavy damages for the context where they happen, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the uncertainty of the length of energy distribution networks

Applied Geomatics

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[Research paper thumbnail of Photogrammetric survey of complex geometries with low-cost software: Application to the [] G1'temple in Myson, Vietnam](

Journal of Cultural Heritage, Jan 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Navigating on the past, as a bird flight, in the territorial scale of historical topographic maps. WMS on the “Corografie delle Province del Regno Lombardo- …

e-Perimetron, Jan 1, 2010

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